Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Backas Robert, Esq. Butlerstown South Kilburne Waterford Barron Martin Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Barron Richard Lisduggan Kilburne Waterford Barron Thomas Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Barron Thomas Lisduggan Kilburne Waterford Boyd Daniel Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Boyd William Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Burke John Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Burke William Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Butler Michael Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Callaghan William Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Carberry John Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Carrol John Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Carroll Michael Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Carroll Patrick Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Casey Patrick Towergare Kilburne Waterford Christmas Wm, Esq. Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Clooney David Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Collins Patrick Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Commons Cornelius Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Connor Edward Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Connor Martin Orchardstown Kilburne Waterford Connor Thomas Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Cowley Mrs. ??? Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Cummins Richard Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Cummins Thomas Butlerstown South Kilburne Waterford Cusack Michael Butlerstown South Kilburne Waterford Dalton John Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Darey John Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Dobbin William Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Downey John Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Downey Robert Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Doyle Maurice Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Dunphy John Towergare Kilburne Waterford Dunphy Michael Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Farahan John Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Fleming Mary Towergare Kilburne Waterford Fleming Philip Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Fleming Philip Butlerstown South Kilburne Waterford Flynn Edmund Butlerstown South Kilburne Waterford Flynn James Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Flynn Joseph Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Flynn Michael Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Flynn Michael Towergare Kilburne Waterford Flynn Rev. Martin Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Flynn Rev. Martin Butlerstown South Kilburne Waterford Fortrestal James Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Foy Samuel Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Gleason John Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Grant John Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Grant Patrick Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Hackett Michael Towergare Kilburne Waterford Hartery Nicholas Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Hayes James Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Hayes James Towergare Kilburne Waterford Hayes John Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Hayes Nicholas Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Hearne Edmund Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Hearne Mrs. Anthony Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Hearne Nicholas Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Hearne Patrick Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Hickey Peter Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Honan John Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Houlahan William Towergare Kilburne Waterford Howley James Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Hunt Patrick Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Keary Nicholas Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Kelly Edmund Butlerstown South Kilburne Waterford Kelly Geoffrey Butlerstown South Kilburne Waterford Kelly Michael Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Kennedy Patrick Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Kirby David Towergare Kilburne Waterford Kirby Michael Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Lane Fox George, Esq. Towergare Kilburne Waterford Lenahan John Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Mc Grath Andrew Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Mc Grath John Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Mc Grath William Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Mc Keon Lawrence Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Mealam James Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Moore Philip Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Morrissy Walter Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Mullin Martin Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Murphy Patrick Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Murray Pierce Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Nevin Patrick Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Nolan John Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Noonan Mary Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Norris John Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford O'Brien Michael Knockeen Kilburne Waterford O'Brien Michael Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Phelan Anne Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Phelan Denis Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Phelan John Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Phelan Julia Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Phelan Matthew Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Phelan Patrick Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Phelan Patrick Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Phelan William Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Power Daniel Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Power David Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Power Edmund Thomas Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Power James Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Power James Towergare Kilburne Waterford Power John Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Power John Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Power John Butlerstown South Kilburne Waterford Power John Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Power Julia Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Power Maurice Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Power Michael Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Power Mrs. Johanna Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Power Mrs. Margaret Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Power Nicholas Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Power Nicholas Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Power Owen Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Power Patrick Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Power Patrick Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Power Patrick Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Power Robert Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Power Robert Lisduggan Kilburne Waterford Power Thomas Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Power Walter Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Power William Bawnfune Kilburne Waterford Power William Towergare Kilburne Waterford Prendergast Patrick Ballycashin Kilburne Waterford Raher Michael Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Sherlock Alex, Esq. Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Sherlock Alex, Esq. Orchardstown Kilburne Waterford Toole James Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Toole Patrick Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Usher Lee ??? Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Veale Geoffrey Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Walsh Edmund Munmahoge Kilburne Waterford Walsh Martin Towergare Kilburne Waterford Walsh Maurice Knockeen Kilburne Waterford Walsh Michael Butlerstown South Kilburne Waterford White John Butlerstown North Kilburne Waterford Woods Samuel Towergare Kilburne Waterford