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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killoteran, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killoteran, County Waterford
Anderson James, Esq. Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Bryan Edward Lismore Killoteran Waterford Bryan Michael Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Butler Pierce Carrickphierish Killoteran Waterford Cahill Thomas Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Callaghan Ellen Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Carey William Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Carroll Owen Carrickphierish Killoteran Waterford Carroll William Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Caulfield Michael Ballynamona Killoteran Waterford Caulfield Michael Carrickphierish Killoteran Waterford Christmas William, Esq. Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Congreve John, Esq. Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Connor Daniel Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Connor Pat Knockhouse Lower Killoteran Waterford Corcoran James Bawndaw Killoteran Waterford Corcoran John Skibbereen Killoteran Waterford Dee James Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Delahunty James Lismore Killoteran Waterford Delahunty James, Esq. Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Doody Edmund Knockhouse Lower Killoteran Waterford Doyle Mary Woodstown Killoteran Waterford Eyleworth William Bawndaw Killoteran Waterford Fanning Edmund Bawndaw Killoteran Waterford Fanning Edward Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Feehan John Ballynamona Killoteran Waterford Fennely Richard Bawndaw Killoteran Waterford Finn Philip Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Fitzgerald Bridget Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Fitzgerald James Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Fitzgerald Mary Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Fitzgerald Richard Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Flynn Richard Bawndaw Killoteran Waterford Fogarty Thomas Bawndaw Killoteran Waterford Foley Michael Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Gaul Michael Knockhouse Lower Killoteran Waterford Gaule John Knockhouse Lower Contd Killoteran Waterford Gaule Michael Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Gaule Michael Lismore Killoteran Waterford Gough James Bawndaw Killoteran Waterford Gough Philip Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Greene Francis Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Hayes John Skibbereen Killoteran Waterford Hayes Martin Ballynamona Killoteran Waterford Hearne Catherine Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Henry Paul Carrickphierish Killoteran Waterford Henry Paul Knockhouse Lower Killoteran Waterford Johnston Martin Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Kearney James, Esq. Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Kearney James, Esq. Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Kearney John Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Kearney William Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Kelly Mary Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Kent George, Esq. Ballynamona Killoteran Waterford Kirby James Bawndaw Killoteran Waterford Kirby James Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Landers Martin Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Maddock William Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Mangan Johanna Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Mc Donnell Richard Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Mc Grath John Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Mc Guire Pierce Woodstown Killoteran Waterford Mcv Grath John Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Moloney Michael Skibbereen Killoteran Waterford Moran James Knockhouse Lower Contd Killoteran Waterford Morrissy David Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Mullins James Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Murphy John Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Murphy Michael Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Murphy Nicholas Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford O'Grady Francis Knockhouse Lower Contd Killoteran Waterford O'Grady Francis Lismore Killoteran Waterford Phelan James Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Phelan Robert Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Pierce Simon Skibbereen Killoteran Waterford Pope Henry, Esq. Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Power ??? Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Power James Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Power James, Esq. Woodstown Killoteran Waterford Power John Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Power Michael Bawndaw Killoteran Waterford Power Michael Carrickphierish Killoteran Waterford Power Michael Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Power Patrick Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Power Thomas Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Ronayne Denis Knockhouse Lower Contd Killoteran Waterford Ryan Andrew Knockhouse Lower Contd Killoteran Waterford Scully William, Esq. Woodstown Killoteran Waterford Spencer Richard Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Spencer Richard Woodstown Killoteran Waterford Stack James Gracedieu West Killoteran Waterford Strangeman John, Esq. Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Strangeman John, Esq. Woodstown Killoteran Waterford Strangeman Samuel Lismore Killoteran Waterford Sullivan Jeremiah Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Sullivan Richard Knockhouse Lower Killoteran Waterford Sullivan Thomas Knockhouse Lower Killoteran Waterford Sullivan William, Esq. Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Thompson Thomas Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Todd Mrs. Anne Gracedieu East Killoteran Waterford Usher Lee ??? Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Wallace James Knockhouse Lower Killoteran Waterford Walsh Maurice Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford Walsh Michael Killoteran Killoteran Waterford Walsh William Knockhouse Lower Contd Killoteran Waterford Walsh William Knockhouse Upper Killoteran Waterford White Samuel Skibbereen Killoteran Waterford Wyse John Lismore Killoteran Waterford