Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Lickoran, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Lickoran, County Waterford
Bowderan Thomas Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Brien Denis Dyrick Lickoran Waterford Brien Thomas Dyrick Lickoran Waterford Cahill Bridget Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Chearnley Richard, Esq. Lickoran Lickoran Waterford Chearnley Richard, Esq. Lisleagh Lickoran Waterford Christopher Patrick Lisleagh Lickoran Waterford Clarey Edmund Lickoran Lickoran Waterford Coghlan John Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Connors Thomas Farnane Lower Lickoran Waterford Corbett Patrick Broemountain Lickoran Waterford Corbett Patrick Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Dalton James Broemountain Lickoran Waterford Dalton James Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Dalton Patrick Broemountain Lickoran Waterford Dalton Patrick Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Daly Mary Broemountain Lickoran Waterford Daly Mary Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Downey Lawrence Lisleagh Lickoran Waterford Fitzgerald Mary Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Flynn John Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Hart Lawrence Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Hassett Mary Broemountain Lickoran Waterford Hickey Michael Lisleagh Lickoran Waterford Jackson Warren, Esq. Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Keefe John, Esq. Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Keeffe James Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Keeffe John, Esq. Broemountain Lickoran Waterford Keeffe John, Esq. Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Keeffe Patrick Broemountain Lickoran Waterford Keeffe Patrick Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Keily John Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Keily Patrick Dyrick Lickoran Waterford Keily Patrick Lisleagh Lickoran Waterford Keily Patrick Lisleaghmountain Lickoran Waterford Keily Patrick Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Kennedy Mary Broemountain Lickoran Waterford Kennedy Mary Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Kennely Mary Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Kennely Thomas Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Kennely Thomas Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Kennery Daniel Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Kenniry Daniel Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Kenniry Patrick Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Lennane James Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Londergan Mary Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Looby Darby Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Looby Darby Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Maher William Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Mc Grath Mary Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Mc Grath Michael Dyrick Lickoran Waterford Mergan John Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Morrissy Catherine Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Mulcahy Jeremiah Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Murphy Cornelius Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Murraay Mary Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Murray Bridget Farnane Lower Lickoran Waterford Murray James Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Murray Jeremiah Farnane Lower Lickoran Waterford Murray Martin Farnane Lower Lickoran Waterford Murray Thomas Farnane Lower Lickoran Waterford Murray Thomas Lickoran Lickoran Waterford Nugent Honoria Farnane Lower Lickoran Waterford Nugent Honoria Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Nugent Michael Lisleagh Lickoran Waterford Nugent Patrick Lisleagh Lickoran Waterford Nugent Patrick Lisleaghmountain Lickoran Waterford O'Brien Denis Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford O'Brien Michael Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Pigot Bridget Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Power Bridget Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Power John Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Power Michael Dyrick Lickoran Waterford Power Michael Lickoran Lickoran Waterford Power Michael Lickoran Mountain Lickoran Waterford Power Thomas Lickoran Mountain Lickoran Waterford Power Thomas Lisleagh Lickoran Waterford Power Thomas Lisleaghmountain Lickoran Waterford Prendergast Patrick Farnane Upper Lickoran Waterford Prendergast Patrick Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Rolens William Dyrick Lickoran Waterford Ryan James Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Shea Thomas Broemountain Lickoran Waterford Shea Thomas Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Slattery Thomas Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Sruffane Michael Broemountain Lickoran Waterford Tobin Bridget Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Tobin Mary Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Tobin Michael Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Tobin Patrick Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Tobin Richard Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Tobin Thomas Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Walsh Catherine Lyrattin Lickoran Waterford Walsh Geoffry Dyrick Lickoran Waterford Walsh Nicholas Farnane Lower Lickoran Waterford Walsh Patrick Farnane Lower Lickoran Waterford