Fáilte Romhat
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Ardagh Rev. Wm. Kilcanavee Mothel Waterford Baldwin David, Jr. Joanstown Mothel Waterford Baldwin David, Sr. Joanstown Mothel Waterford Baldwin Edward Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Baldwin Patrick Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Baldwin Patrick, Jr. Curraghduff Mothel Waterford Baldwin Patrick, Sr. Curraghduff Mothel Waterford Baldwin Thomas Curraghduff Mothel Waterford Baldwin William Killerguile Mothel Waterford Baldwin William Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Barron William, Esq. Commons Mothel Waterford Barron William, Esq. Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Boland Edward Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Boland Maurice Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Bolton Rev. Henry Curraghduff Mothel Waterford Bolton Rev. Henry Joanstown Mothel Waterford Brennan Thomas Clonea Mothel Waterford Brien Daniel Clonea Mothel Waterford Brien Darby Ballyhest Mothel Waterford Brien Darby Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Brien Nicholas Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Brien Patrick Ballyknock Mothel Waterford Brien Patrick Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Brien Patrick Feddans Mothel Waterford Brien Patrick Monminane Mothel Waterford Burke James Joanstown Mothel Waterford Burke Michael Joanstown Mothel Waterford Butler John Ross Mothel Waterford Butler Michael Ross Mothel Waterford Butler Nicholas Ross Mothel Waterford Butler Patrick Ross Mothel Waterford Butler Patrick Whitestown West. Mothel Waterford Butler Patrick, Jr. Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Butler Patrick, Sr. Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Butler Richard Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Butler Thomas Killerguile Mothel Waterford Cahill Bartholomew Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Cahill Johanna Clonea Mothel Waterford Cahill Mary Killerguile Mothel Waterford Cahill Patrick Ballynevin Mothel Waterford Cahill Thomas Clonea Mothel Waterford Callaghan John Clonea Mothel Waterford Callaghan Margaret Fallagh Mothel Waterford Callaghan Patrick Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Callaghan Timothy Feddans Mothel Waterford Cantwell Catherine Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Cantwell Richard Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Cantwell Richard Coolnalingady Mothel Waterford Cantwell Thomas Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Carberry Eleanor Joanstown Mothel Waterford Carberry James Coolroe Mothel Waterford Carberry John Coolroe Mothel Waterford Carberry John, Jr. Joanstown Mothel Waterford Carberry John, Sr. Joanstown Mothel Waterford Carberry Michael Joanstown Mothel Waterford Carberry Thomas Joanstown Mothel Waterford Carberry Thomas Kilcanavee Mothel Waterford Carberry Thomas Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Carroll Bridget Ballynevin Mothel Waterford Casey Darby Monminane Mothel Waterford Casey Michael Ballyknock Mothel Waterford Casey Michael Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Cavanagh Owen Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Coffey Michael Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Coleman John Joanstown Mothel Waterford Coleman Margaret Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Coleman Mary Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Coleman Thomas Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Commons John Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Commons Thomas Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Condon Rev. John Feddans Mothel Waterford Connell Catherine Kilcanavee Mothel Waterford Connell Margaret Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Connell Patrick Killerguile Mothel Waterford Connell William Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Connell William Killerguile Mothel Waterford Connolly Anastasia Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Connolly Edward Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Connolly John Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Connolly Thomas Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Connolly Thomas Feddans Mothel Waterford Connors John Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Connors Walter Killerguile Mothel Waterford Connors William Killerguile Mothel Waterford Corbett Maurice Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Corcoran Edward Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Cormack Johanna Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Cormack Johanna Glenstown Mothel Waterford Costelloe Alice Clonea Mothel Waterford Costelloe John Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Coughlan Michael Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Coughlan Patrick Ross Mothel Waterford Crotty Daniel Monminane Mothel Waterford Crotty Denis Clonea Mothel Waterford Cullinan Edward Feddans Mothel Waterford Cullinan James Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Cullinan John Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Cullinan John Mothel Mothel Waterford Cullinan Martin Commons Mothel Waterford Cullinan Menry Commons Mothel Waterford Cullinan Philip Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Cullinan Philip Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Cullinan Philip Knockaturnory Mothel Waterford Cullinan Philip Ross Mothel Waterford Cullinane Henry Coolnalingady Mothel Waterford Cullinane Martin Coolnalingady Mothel Waterford Curry James Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Curry John Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Daly Patrick Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Daly William Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Daly William Curraghduff Mothel Waterford Daniel Mary Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Daniel Maurice Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Day Thomas Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Dee Maurice Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Delany Thomas Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Donnell Bridget Knockaturnory Mothel Waterford Dooley John Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Dooley Thomas Ballyknock Mothel Waterford Dower James Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Dower Patrick Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Doyle John Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Driscoll John Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Droghan John Feddans Mothel Waterford Droghan Patrick Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Droghan Thomas Feddans Mothel Waterford Dunne Daniel Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Dunne Patrick Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Dwyer William Kilclooney Mothel Waterford English Andrew Clonea Mothel Waterford English John Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford English Martin Feddans Mothel Waterford Fahey Patrick Knockaturnory Mothel Waterford Farrell Patrick Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Finn Thomas Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Ballygarret Mothel Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Commons Mothel Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Fitzgerald Richard Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Fitzgerald William Commons Mothel Waterford Fitzgerald William Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Fitzgerld Patrick Ballinab Mothel Waterford Flaherty Edward Ross Mothel Waterford Flaherty John Killerguile Mothel Waterford Flaherty Martin Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Flaherty Martin Ross Mothel Waterford Flaherty Thomas Ross Mothel Waterford Flaherty William Ross Mothel Waterford Fleming Edward Clonea Mothel Waterford Fleming Walter Ballyneal Mothel Waterford Flinn David Fallagh Mothel Waterford Flinn Martin Killerguile Mothel Waterford Flinn Mary Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Flinn Michael Curraghphilipeen Mothel Waterford Flinn William Killerguile Mothel Waterford Flynn James Clonea Mothel Waterford Flynn John Ross Mothel Waterford Flynn Martin Clonea Mothel Waterford Flynn Patrick Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Flynn Thomas Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Foley Daniel Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Foley James Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Foley John Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Foley Patrick Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Foley Thomas Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Foley William Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Foran James Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Foran Mary Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Foran Michael Clonea Mothel Waterford Foran Patrick Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Galvin Alice Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Galvin James Joanstown Mothel Waterford Galvin John Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Galvin John Clonea Mothel Waterford Galvin Martin Joanstown Mothel Waterford Galvin Pierce Joanstown Mothel Waterford Galvin Thomas Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Garrett Patrick Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Garvey Darby Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Garvey Morty Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Geary Edmund Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Godfrey Thomas Ballyhest Mothel Waterford Gorman Andrew Killerguile Mothel Waterford Gorman John Mothel Mothel Waterford Grady David Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Grady John Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Grainey Daniel Killerguile Mothel Waterford Gray Thomas Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Gray Thomas Clonea Mothel Waterford Hahesy Edward Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Halfpenny David Clonea Mothel Waterford Halfpenny Martin Feddans Mothel Waterford Hally Catherine Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Hanrahan Thomas Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Harney John Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Harney Margaret Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Harris James Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Harris John Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Harris Patrick Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Hassett John Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Hassett John Knockaturnory Mothel Waterford Hayes David Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Hayes Maurice Kilcanavee Mothel Waterford Hayes Patrick Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Hearne Anthony Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Hearne Maurice Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Hearne Michael Joanstown Mothel Waterford Hearne Thomas Commons Mothel Waterford Hearne Thomas Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Hearne Thomas, Esq. Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Hearne William Mothel Mothel Waterford Heffernan John Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Heneberry Michael Ballynevin Mothel Waterford Heresy Honoria Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Hill Rev. William Mothel Mothel Waterford Hoaky Thomas Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Hogan John Feddans Mothel Waterford Hogan Michael Feddans Mothel Waterford Holly James Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Holly James Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Holly James Whitestown West. Mothel Waterford Hookey William Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Hoolahan John Knockaturnory Mothel Waterford Houlahan James Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Houlahan John Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Houlahan Michael Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Houlahan Patrick Feddans Mothel Waterford Hunt William Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Hunt William Kilcanavee Mothel Waterford Joy James Whitestown West. Mothel Waterford Kane Catherine Ross Mothel Waterford Kane Martin Feddans Mothel Waterford Kane Michael Ballinab Mothel Waterford Kane Patrick Ballinab Mothel Waterford Kane Patrick Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Kane Patrick Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Kearney David Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Kearney Martin Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Kearney Michael Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Kearney Patrick Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Kearney Patrick Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Keating John Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Keating John Killerguile Mothel Waterford Keating Nicholas Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Keating Thomas Mothel Mothel Waterford Keeffe John Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Kennedy John Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Kennedy Thomas Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Keogh Michael Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Kiely Catherine Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Kirby James Knockaturnory Mothel Waterford Kirby John Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Kirwan Andrew Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Kirwan Andrew Kilcanavee Mothel Waterford Kirwan Andrew Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Kirwan John Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Kirwan John Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Kirwan John Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Kirwan John Whitestown West. Mothel Waterford Larkin John Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Lee Edward Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Lonergan Catherine Feddans Mothel Waterford Lonergan Catherine Ross Mothel Waterford Lonergan James Ross Mothel Waterford Lonergan Margaret Feddans Mothel Waterford Lynch James Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Magrath James Joanstown Mothel Waterford Magrath John Joanstown Mothel Waterford Magrath Maurice Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Magrath Patrick, Jr. Joanstown Mothel Waterford Magrath Patrick, Sr. Joanstown Mothel Waterford Mahony John Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Mahony Thomas Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Mangan James Clonea Mothel Waterford Mantwell Michael Ross Mothel Waterford Maunsell John Coolnahorna Mothel Waterford Maunsell Maurice Monminane Mothel Waterford Mc Carthy Denis Mothel Mothel Waterford Meagher John Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Meara Catherine Joanstown Mothel Waterford Meara John Ross Mothel Waterford Melican Martin Curraghphilipeen Mothel Waterford Melican Mary Curraghphilipeen Mothel Waterford Minigan John Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Moloney Johanna Feddans Mothel Waterford Mooney James Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Mooney James Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Mooney John Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Mooney Martin Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Mooney Mary Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Mooney Patrick Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Moore Bridget Joanstown Mothel Waterford Moore George Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Moore James Ballynevin Mothel Waterford Moore William Ballyneal Mothel Waterford Moore William Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Morrissey James Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Morrissy Patrick Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Mullins Patrick Killerguile Mothel Waterford Mullins Thomas Ross Mothel Waterford Mullins William, Jr. Ross Mothel Waterford Mullins William, Sr. Ross Mothel Waterford Murphy James Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Murphy Martin Feddans Mothel Waterford Murray James Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Murray Patrick Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Murray Patrick Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Neil John Clonea Mothel Waterford Norris Bridget Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Norris John Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Nowlan James Clonea Mothel Waterford Nowlan John Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Nowlan Patrick Clonea Mothel Waterford Nugent Catherine Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Nugent Darby Ballinab Mothel Waterford Nugent Darby Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Nugent James Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Nugent John Ballinab Mothel Waterford Nugent John Feddans Mothel Waterford Nugent John Ross Mothel Waterford Nugent Michael Killerguile Mothel Waterford Nugent Patrick Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Nugent Patrick Curraghduff Mothel Waterford Nugent Patrick Joanstown Mothel Waterford Phelan John Feddans Mothel Waterford Philips James Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Power Bridget Glenstown Mothel Waterford Power Bridget Knockaturnory Mothel Waterford Power Catherine Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Power David Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Power David Commons Mothel Waterford Power David Coolnalingady Mothel Waterford Power David Curraghduff Mothel Waterford Power Edmond Kilcanavee Mothel Waterford Power Edmund Clonea Mothel Waterford Power Edward Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Power Geoffry Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Power James Ballyknock Mothel Waterford Power James Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Power John Clonea Mothel Waterford Power John Clonmoyle Mothel Waterford Power John Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Power John Monminane Mothel Waterford Power John Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Power John Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Power John Ross Mothel Waterford Power Mary Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Power Maurice Feddans Mothel Waterford Power Maurice Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Power Michael Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Power Michael, Jr. Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Power Nicholas Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Power Patrick Ballinab Mothel Waterford Power Patrick Monminane Mothel Waterford Power Patrick Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Power Patrick Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Power Pierce Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Power Robert Feddans Mothel Waterford Power Robert Killerguile Mothel Waterford Power Thomas Ballyknock Mothel Waterford Power Thomas Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Power Thomas Glenstown Mothel Waterford Power Thomas Mothel Mothel Waterford Power William Clonmoyle Mothel Waterford Power William Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Prendergast John Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Prendergast Patrick Clonmoyle Mothel Waterford Purcell John Killerguile Mothel Waterford Quigley Francis Ballynevin Mothel Waterford Quinlan Edmond Whitestown West. Mothel Waterford Quinlan Eleanor Ballyneal Mothel Waterford Quinlan Patrick Clonmoyle Mothel Waterford Quinn James Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Ready James Joanstown Mothel Waterford Ready James Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Regan James Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Rockett James Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Roe John Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Rourke John Munsburrow Mothel Waterford Rowe Bridget Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Rowe Bridget Clonmoyle Mothel Waterford Rowe Eleanor Clonmoyle Mothel Waterford Rowe Laurence Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Rowe Michael Clonmoyle Mothel Waterford Ryan Denis Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Ryan Denis Feddans Mothel Waterford Ryan James Mothel Mothel Waterford Ryan Johanna Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Ryan John Joanstown Mothel Waterford Ryan John Kilcanavee Mothel Waterford Ryan Judith Clonea Mothel Waterford Ryan Judith Killerguile Mothel Waterford Ryan Michael Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Ryan Michael Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Ryan Patrick Mothel Mothel Waterford Sausse Michael Coolroe Mothel Waterford Shanahan David Whitestown West. Mothel Waterford Shanahan Mary Whitestown West. Mothel Waterford Shanahan Michael Clonea Mothel Waterford Shanahan William Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Shanahan William Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Shanahan Wm. Ballyneal Mothel Waterford Sheehan Edmond Mothel Mothel Waterford Sheehan John Killerguile Mothel Waterford Sheehan John Mothel Mothel Waterford Sheehan Mary Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Sheehan Thomas Killerguile Mothel Waterford Sullivan Denis Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Sullivan William Joanstown Mothel Waterford Thompson James Kilclooney Mothel Waterford Tobin Patrick Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Veale Anne Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Wall James Curraghduff Mothel Waterford Wall James Joanstown Mothel Waterford Walsh Andrew Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Walsh Anne Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Walsh Bridget Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Walsh Bridget Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Walsh John Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Walsh John Joanstown Mothel Waterford Walsh John Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Walsh John Matthew Clonea Mothel Waterford Walsh Julia Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Walsh Martin Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Walsh Mary Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Walsh Mary Clonea Mothel Waterford Walsh Matthew Joanstown Mothel Waterford Walsh Michael Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Walsh Michael Knockaturnory Mothel Waterford Walsh Patrick Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Walsh Patrick Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Walsh Patrick Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Walsh Patrick Feddans Mothel Waterford Walsh Patrick Knockaturnory Mothel Waterford Walsh Patrick Ross Mothel Waterford Walsh Robert Ballygarret Mothel Waterford Walsh Robert Bishopstown Mothel Waterford Walsh Robert Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Walsh Thomas Ballyneal Mothel Waterford Walsh Thomas Curraghphilipeen Mothel Waterford Walsh Thomas Glenstown Mothel Waterford Walsh William Knockaturnory Mothel Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Ballyneal Mothel Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Oldgrange Mothel Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Whitestown East. Mothel Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Whitestown West. Mothel Waterford Whelan James Ross Mothel Waterford Whelan Johanna Clonea Mothel Waterford Whelan Judith Clonea Mothel Waterford Whelan Margaret Ballythomas, Village of Rathgormuck Mothel Waterford Whelan Mary Glennaphuca Mothel Waterford Whelan Mary Ross Mothel Waterford Whelan Patrick Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Whelan Peter Monminane Mothel Waterford Whelan Philip Ballydurn Mothel Waterford Whelan Pierce Bridgetown Mothel Waterford Whelan Richard Feddans Mothel Waterford Whelan Thomas Ballynacurra Mothel Waterford Wilson Henry Ballynevin Mothel Waterford