Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ahearn John Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Ahearn William Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Barry Laurence Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Behan William Curraghduff Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill Bridget Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill Edmond Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill Edmond Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill Ellen Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill Ellen Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill James Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill James Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill John Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill John Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill Mary Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill Patrick Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill Patrick Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill Richard Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Brazill Thomas Poulavone Rathgormuck Waterford Brien James Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Brien John Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Brien Timothy Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Burke Geoffry Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Burke Thomas Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Burke William Aughmore Rathgormuck Waterford Butler Dominick Boolabeg Rathgormuck Waterford Butler Mary Boolabeg Rathgormuck Waterford Butler Mary Kilballyquilty Rathgormuck Waterford Butler Michael Kilballyquilty Rathgormuck Waterford Carroll Michael Carrowleigh Rathgormuck Waterford Carty Thomas Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Clancy Mary Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Clancy Thomas Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Cleary Catherine Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Cleary James Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Cleary William Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Cofey Thomas Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Coffey James Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Coffey James Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Coffey Thomas Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Coghlan Patrick Boolabeg Rathgormuck Waterford Coleman Thomas Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Connell John, Jr. Kilballyquilty Rathgormuck Waterford Connell John, Sr. Kilballyquilty Rathgormuck Waterford Connelly John Poulavone Rathgormuck Waterford Connelly Thomas Park Rathgormuck Waterford Connolly Edmond Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Connolly Edward Carrowleigh Rathgormuck Waterford Connolly John Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Connolly Margaret Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Connolly Maurice Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Connolly Michl Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Connolly Patrick Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Connolly William Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Connolly Wm Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Connors James Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Connors John Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Connors John Poulavone Rathgormuck Waterford Connors Thomas Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Crotty Daniel Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Cullianan Bridget Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Cullianan John Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Cullinan Bridget Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Cullinan Patrick Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Cullinan Philip Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Cullinan Robert Clondonnell Rathgormuck Waterford Curry James Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Curry Patrick Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Curry Thomas Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Curry Thomas Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Daughten Nicholas Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Davis Patrick Poulavone Rathgormuck Waterford Dee Martin Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Dee Michael Poulavone Rathgormuck Waterford Dee William Park Rathgormuck Waterford Donovan Martin Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Doyle John Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Droghan Catherine Ballingarra Rathgormuck Waterford Droghan Edward Knockhouse Rathgormuck Waterford Droghan Thomas Knockhouse Rathgormuck Waterford Dwyer Michael Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Fahey William Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Fahy Patrick Knockanaffrin Rathgormuck Waterford Fahy Thomas Knockanaffrin Rathgormuck Waterford Finn Anne Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Finn Catherine Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Fitzgerald Nicholas Ballynafina Rathgormuck Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Ballynafina Rathgormuck Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Ballynafina Rathgormuck Waterford Fitzpatrick John Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Foley James Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Foley James Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Foley John Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Foley Michael Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Foley William Poulavone Rathgormuck Waterford Gowry Honoria Carrowleigh Rathgormuck Waterford Grady James Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Grady John Carrowleigh Rathgormuck Waterford Grady John Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Grady John Knockacreha Rathgormuck Waterford Grady Mary Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Grady Thomas Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Greene James Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Guiry Thomas Knockanaffrin Rathgormuck Waterford Hahessy Michael Park Rathgormuck Waterford Hahesy James Aughmore Rathgormuck Waterford Hahesy Michael Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Hahesy Patrick Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Hahesy Thomas, Jr. Ballingarra Rathgormuck Waterford Hahesy Thos, Sr. Ballingarra Rathgormuck Waterford Hahesy Wiliam Kilballyquilty Rathgormuck Waterford Hahesy William Ballingarra Rathgormuck Waterford Halfpenny Andrew Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Halfpenny John Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Hally James Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Halpin John, Jr. Curraheen Rathgormuck Waterford Halpin John, Sr. Curraheen Rathgormuck Waterford Halpin Patrick Curraheen Rathgormuck Waterford Halpin William Curraheen Rathgormuck Waterford Hanlon Michael Knockalafalla Rathgormuck Waterford Harney James Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harney James, Jr. Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harney James, Sr. Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harney James, Sr. Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harney John, Jr. Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harney John, Jr. Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harney John, Sr. Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harney John, Sr. Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harney Michael Knockacreha Rathgormuck Waterford Harney Patrick Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Harney Thomas Carrowleigh Rathgormuck Waterford Harney Thomas Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harney Thomas Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harney William Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Harrow Patrick Carrowleigh Rathgormuck Waterford Hayes Margaret Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Hayes Patrick Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Hayes Patrick Knockalafalla Rathgormuck Waterford Hearne Catherine Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Hearne John Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Hearne John, Esq. Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Hearne Mary Knockhouse Rathgormuck Waterford Hearne Patrick Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Heneberry James Curraheen Rathgormuck Waterford Henebery David Clondonnell Rathgormuck Waterford Henebery Mary Clondonnell Rathgormuck Waterford Hickey Bridget Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Higgins John Knockhouse Rathgormuck Waterford Higgins Joseph Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Hogan John Poulavone Rathgormuck Waterford Hogan Nicholas Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Hogan Patrick Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Hogan Thomas Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Hoolahan Johanna Park Rathgormuck Waterford Hoolahan John Curraheen Rathgormuck Waterford Keefe Martin Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Keeffe Martin Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Keeffe Martin Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Keily Mary Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Kelly Edmond Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Kelly Patrick Carrowclough Rathgormuck Waterford Kelly Patrick Poulavone Rathgormuck Waterford Kelly Thomas Ballycullane Rathgormuck Waterford Kennedy Michael Curraheen Rathgormuck Waterford Kennedy Richard Carrowleigh Rathgormuck Waterford Kiely Bridget Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Kiely John Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Kiely Michael Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Kiely Thomas Kilballyquilty Rathgormuck Waterford Kilmartin Catherine Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Kilmartin Thomas Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Kirwan Catherine Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Labarte Rep. Richard, Esq. Knockanaffrin Rathgormuck Waterford Londergan James Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Lonergan Michael Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Lonnergan Denis Carrowleigh Rathgormuck Waterford Lynch Michael Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Lyons Honoria Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Lyons John Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Magrath Bridget Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Maher Edmond Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Maher John Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Maher Richard Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Maher Thomas Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Maher William Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Mahony James Knockhouse Rathgormuck Waterford Mansfield Walter H., Esq. Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Mara John Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Mc Grath Bridget Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Mc Grath James Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Meany Thomas Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Molony John Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Moore James Clondonnell Rathgormuck Waterford Morrissey Mary Knockalafalla Rathgormuck Waterford Morrissy Bridget Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Morrissy Patrick Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Morrissy Thomas Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Mulcahy Catherine Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Murphy John Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Murray John Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Norris Laurence Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Norris Martin Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Norris Patrick Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Nugent Darby Knockacreha Rathgormuck Waterford Nugent James Knockacreha Rathgormuck Waterford Nugent John Knockacreha Rathgormuck Waterford O'Donnell Andrew Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Osborne Ralph B., Esq. Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Power Anthony Carrowclough Rathgormuck Waterford Power David Ballycullane Rathgormuck Waterford Power David Knockalafalla Rathgormuck Waterford Power Edmond Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power Edmond, Jr. Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power Edmond, Sr. Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power Edward Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Power Eleanor Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Power James Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power James Clondonnell Rathgormuck Waterford Power James Kilballyquilty Rathgormuck Waterford Power John Boolabeg Rathgormuck Waterford Power John Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power John Clondonnell Rathgormuck Waterford Power John Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Power John Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Power John Kilballyquilty Rathgormuck Waterford Power John Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Power John, Esq. Poulavone Rathgormuck Waterford Power Margaret Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Power Mary Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power Mary Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Power Maurice Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Power Maurice, Jr. Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Power Maurice, Sr. Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Power Michael Aughmore Rathgormuck Waterford Power Michael Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power Michael Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Power Michael, Jr. Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Power Michael, Sr. Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Power Nicholas Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power Nicholas Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Power Patrick Boolabeg Rathgormuck Waterford Power Patrick Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Power Patrick Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Power Patrick Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Power Patrick, Jr. Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power Patrick, Sr. Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power Paul Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Power Richard Park Rathgormuck Waterford Power Thomas Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Power Walter Knockacreha Rathgormuck Waterford Power William Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Power William Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Power William, Jr. Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Prout William Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Quinlan Eleanor Boolabeg Rathgormuck Waterford Quinlan John Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Quinlan Lrnce Curraheen Rathgormuck Waterford Quinlan Martin Boolabeg Rathgormuck Waterford Quinlan Patrick Curraheen Rathgormuck Waterford Quinlan William Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Roche John Carrowleigh Rathgormuck Waterford Roe Mary Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Rowe Margaret Boolabeg Rathgormuck Waterford Ryan John Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Ryan Margaret Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Ryan Michael Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Ryan Michael Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Ryan Michael Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Ryan Patrick Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Sausse Simon Poulavone Rathgormuck Waterford Skeahan John Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Skehan James Curraghduff Rathgormuck Waterford Skehan James Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Skehan John Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Skehan John Curraghduff Rathgormuck Waterford Skehan John Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Slattery Margaret Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Slattery Nicholas Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Stephens Robert S. Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Terry Thomas Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Terry Thomas Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Tobin Ellen Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Tobin Patrick Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Toole William Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Torpy Maurice Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Torpy Richard Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Torpy Simon Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Tracy James Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Tunny Bridget Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Tunny Ellen Kilbrack Rathgormuck Waterford Tunny James Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Wall James Knockanaffrin Rathgormuck Waterford Wall John Knockanaffrin Rathgormuck Waterford Wall Mary Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Wall Michael Knockanaffrin Rathgormuck Waterford Wall Patrick Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Wall Thomas Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Wall Thomas Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Wall Thomas Knockanaffrin Rathgormuck Waterford Wall Walter Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Wall Walter Glennanore Village of Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Wall Walter, Jr. Knockanaffrin Rathgormuck Waterford Wall Walter, Sr. Knockanaffrin Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh David Parkbeg Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh Edmond Parkbeg Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh James Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh James Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh John Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh Mary Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh Maurice Carrowclough Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh Michael Ballynafina Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh Patrick Ballynafina Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh Patrick Knockhouse Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh Thomas Knockalafalla Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh Thomas Monadiha Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh Thomas Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh William Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Walsh William Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Ballynafina Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan James Carrowleigh Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan James Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan John Shanakill Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Maurice Carrigeen Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Maurice Clondonnell Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Michael Clondonnell Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Nicholas Ballynafina Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Patk Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Patrick Carrowleigh Village of Rathgormuck Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Patrick Curraheen Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Patrick Glenpatrick Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Patrick Graigavalla Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Thomas Boolacloghagh Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Thomas Clondonnell Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan Thomas Glennanore Rathgormuck Waterford Whelan William Curraghkilly Rathgormuck Waterford Wterford Marquis ??? Boolabeg Rathgormuck Waterford