Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Anderson Lawrence Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Anthony Thomas Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Anthony Thomas Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Anthony Thomas Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Barnet Thomas Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Barron John Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Barron John Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Barry James Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Barry Michael Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Bateman Michael Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Bateman Michael Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Bennett Nathaniel Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Bowden Charles Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Brazier John Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Brazil Patrick Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Brien Catherine Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Brien Elizabeth Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Brien James Killinoorin Ringagonagh Waterford Brien John Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Brien Laurence Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Brien Mary Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Brien Maurice Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Brien Murtagh Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Brien Philip Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Brien William Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Browne Richard Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Browne William Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Bryne James Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Bryne Thomas Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Bumster Thomas Carrigeen Ringagonagh Waterford Burke John Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Burke Michael Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Byrne Daniel Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Byrne James Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Byrne Thomas Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Callaghan Mary Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Callihan Alice Shanacloon Ringagonagh Waterford Carew James Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Carew John, Jr. Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Carew John, Sr. Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Carew Michael Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Carew Nicholas Ballynacourty North Ringagonagh Waterford Carew Nicholas Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Carew Richard Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Carew Thomas Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Carew William Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Carty James Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Carty Mary Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Caston Edmund Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Christopher Catherine Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Clancy Michael Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Cleary John Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Cleary Michael Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Collins Daniel Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Condon James Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Condon John Shanacloon Ringagonagh Waterford Condon Mathias Readoty Ringagonagh Waterford Condon Matthew Ballyharrahan Ringagonagh Waterford Condon Michael Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Condon Michael Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Condon Patrick Ballyharrahan Ringagonagh Waterford Connell Maurice Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Connell Maurice Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Connell Michael Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Connell Michael Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Connell Michael Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Connell Michael Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Connelly James Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Connelly Patrick Leagh Ringagonagh Waterford Connolly James Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Connolly Maurice Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Connolly Michael Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Connors John Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Corbet Patrick, Jr. Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Corbet Patrick, Sr. Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Costen John Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Costen Mary Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Costin Martin Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Coston Johanna Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Coston Martin Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Coston Martin Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Coston Thomas Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Cotter Edward Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Crotty Mary Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Crowley Christopher Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Cuddy Bridget Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Cuddy James Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Cuddy Patrick Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Alicia Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Bridget Carrigeen Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Catherine Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Edmund Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Edmund Shanbally Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Edmund, Jr. Ballynacourty North Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Edmund, Sr. Ballynacourty North Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen John Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen John Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen John Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen John Killinoorin Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen John Shanbally Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Joseph Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Mary Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Maurice Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Michael Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Michael Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Michael Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Michl Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Patrick Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Curreen Richard Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Dalton Margaret Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Daly Declan Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Daly Honoria Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Daly Patrick Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Daly Thomas Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford De Decies Lord Stuart Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Dennchy Thomas, Esq. Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Donovan John Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Doolan Patrick Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Dower John Leagh Ringagonagh Waterford Downey William Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Draper Augustine Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Draper Augustus Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Drummer Mary Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Drummy Capt. John Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Drummy Capt. John Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Drummy Catherine Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Drummy Catherine Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Drummy John Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Drummy John Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Drummy Mary Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Drummy Thomas Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Eagan Patrick Ballyharrahan Ringagonagh Waterford Egan Patrick Readoty Ringagonagh Waterford Farrell James Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Felletor Maurice Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Finger Richard Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Finger William Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Finger William Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Fitzgerald Anthony, Esq. Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Fitzgerald Johanna Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Fitzgerald Laurence Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Fitzgerald Lawrence Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Fitzgerald Mary Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Fitzgerald Michael Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Killinoorin Ringagonagh Waterford Fitzgerald William Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Fleming Martin Leagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Flinn Mary Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Flynn Patrick Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Flynn William Shanbally Ringagonagh Waterford Foley John Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Foley John Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Foley John Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Foley Margaret Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Foley Michael Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Foley Patrick Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Foley Thomas Shanbally Ringagonagh Waterford Fowler John Ballyharrahan Ringagonagh Waterford Fowler John Readoty Ringagonagh Waterford Gallivan Joseph Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Graves James Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Graves James Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Graves Richard, M.D. Carrigeen Ringagonagh Waterford Graves Richard, M.D. Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Graves Richard, M.D. Moat Ringagonagh Waterford Graves Richard, M.D. Shanacloon Ringagonagh Waterford Graves Richard, M.D. Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Griffin Maurice Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Griffin Patrick Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Griffin Patrick Shanacloon Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Bridget Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Catherine Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Catherine Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Ellen Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Ellen Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Johanna Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hally John Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hally John, Jr. Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Mary Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Mary Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Michael Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Michael Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Patrick Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Patrick Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Patrick Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Thomas Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Hally Thomas Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hally William Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Hally William Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hally William, Sr. Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Hannigan John Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Hannigan Mary Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Harney James Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Harty Augustine Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Harty Ellen Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Harty James Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Harty John Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Harty John Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Harty John Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Harty Maurice Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Harty Maurice Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Harty William Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hayes Ellen Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Hayes John Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Hegarty Daniel Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Hely Eleanor Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Henessy Catherine Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Hickey John Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Hickey Maurice Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Hubbert John Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Hubbert Michael Shanacloon Ringagonagh Waterford Humphry Edmund Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Humphry John Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Humphry John Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Hurley John Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Hurley William Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Hyde Patrick Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Keane David Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Edmund, Jr. Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Edmund, Sr. Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Eleanor Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Keane James Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Keane John Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Keane John Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Keane John Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Keane John Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Margaret Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Margaret Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Margaret Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Mary Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Matthew Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Michael Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Patrick Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Patrick Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Thomas Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Keane Thomas Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Keating John Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Keeffe John Carrigeen Ringagonagh Waterford Keily Beverley Leagh Ringagonagh Waterford Keily Beverley Shanbally Ringagonagh Waterford Keily Beverly Leagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Keily James Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Keily James Leagh Ringagonagh Waterford Keily John Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Keily Michael Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Keily Michael Rathnameneenagh Ringagonagh Waterford Keily Patrick Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Keily Thomas, Sr. Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Kelly Bridget Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Kelly Thomas Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Kelly Thomas Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Kelly William Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Keneally Lawrence Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Kenna Patrick Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Kennedy James Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Kenny Patrick Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Kiely Matthew Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Landers James Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Leane John Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Lennane John Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Lennane Michael Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Lennane Patrick Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Lennane Thomas Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Lennane William Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford London James Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Maher Mary Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Maher Michael Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Maher Thomas Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Maher Thomas Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Maher Thomas, Jr. Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Mahony Daniel Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Mahony Daniel Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Mahony James Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Mahony John Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Mahony Patrick Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Mahony Thomas Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Mahony William Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Mahony William Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Mc Carthy John Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Mc Carthy Michael Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Mc Carthy Patrick Leagh Ringagonagh Waterford Mc Carthy Patrick Shanbally Ringagonagh Waterford Meade Elizabeth Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Meade Elizabeth Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Meade John Shanacloon Ringagonagh Waterford Meade Thomas Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Memon Patrick Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Morissy John Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Morrissy John Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Morrissy John Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Morrissy Nicholas Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Morrissy Thomas Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Mulcahy Jacob Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Mulcahy John Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Mulcahy John Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Mullins Rev. John Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Mullins Rev. John Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Mullins Rev. John Moat Ringagonagh Waterford Murphy Ellen Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Murray James Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Murray Michael Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Murray Michael Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Murray Michael Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Murray Patrick Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Murray Patrick Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Murray Patrick Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Murray Patrick Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Murray Thomas Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Murray Thomas Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Murray William Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Murray William Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Neil Jeremiah Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Neil John Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Neil John Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Neil John Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Nunan Honoria Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Nunan Honoria Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford O'Brien Mortimer Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Paul James Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Phelan Daniel Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Pigott Patrick Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Pigott Patrick Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Power Anne Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Power Anthony Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Power Denis Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Power Edmund Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Power Edmund Killinoorin Ringagonagh Waterford Power Edmund Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Power Honoria Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Power John Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Power John Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Power John Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Power John Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Power Mary Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Power Maurice Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Power Michael Shanacloon Ringagonagh Waterford Power Nicholas Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Power Nicholas Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Power Nicholas Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Power Nicholas Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Power Nicholas Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Power Patrick Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Power Patrick Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Power Richard Killinoorin Ringagonagh Waterford Power Richard Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Power Thomas Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Power William Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Power William Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Power William, Jr. Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Regan John Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Regan Michael Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Roche Bridget Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Roche David Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Roche Margaret Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Roche Mary Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Ronayne James Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Ronayne Mrs. Olivia Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Ronayne Robert Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Ronayne Robert P., Esq. Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Ronayne Uniacke, M.D. Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Ryan James Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Ryan Martin Killinoorin Ringagonagh Waterford Ryan Michael Killinoorin Ringagonagh Waterford Ryan Thomas Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Ryan Thomas Knockanpower Lower Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Sandford James Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Sandford James Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Sanford James Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Savage Michael Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Savage Michael Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Sheedy Mary Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Sheehan Nicholas Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Slattery Thomas Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Somers Margaret Leagh Ringagonagh Waterford Somers Thomas Leagh Ringagonagh Waterford Sullivan Daniel Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Sullivan Ellen Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Sullivan Patrick Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Sullivan Patrick Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Sullivan Patrick Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Sullivan Thomas Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Sweeny John Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Catherine Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Margaret Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Margaret Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Nicholas Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Nicholas Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Nichs Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Patk Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Patrick Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Patrick Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Patrick, Jr. Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Terry Patrick, Sr. Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Terry William Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Terry William Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Tobin James Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Tobin John Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Tobin John Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Tobin Mary Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Tobin Michael Ballyharrahan Ringagonagh Waterford Tobin Patrick Carrigeen Ringagonagh Waterford Tobin Patrick Shanakill Ringagonagh Waterford Tobin Richard Carrigeen Ringagonagh Waterford Tobin Thomas Gortnadiha Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Troy Edmund Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Troy Nicholas Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Troy Susan Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Troy Thomas Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Bartholemew Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Bartholemew Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Bartholemew Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Honoria Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh James Rathnameneenagh Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh John Ballynagaulbeg Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh John Gortnadiha Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh John Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Mary Shanacloon Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Mary Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Maurice Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Michael Ballynacourty South Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Michael Cunnigar Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Michael Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Nicholas Knockanpower Lower Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Patrick Helvick Contd Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Thomas Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Thomas Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Walsh Thos Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Bartholemew Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Bartholomew Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Bartholomew Mweelahorna Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Bartholw, Jr. Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Bartholw, Jr. Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Bartholw, Sr. Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Batholw, Jr. Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Edmund Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Edmund Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan James Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan James Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Jeremiah Tideway of R. B-Water (Barony Of Decies) Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Johanna Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Johanna Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan John Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan John Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan John Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Margaret Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Margaret Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Mary Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Mary Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Michael Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Patrick Helvick Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Philip Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Thomas Ballynagaulmore Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Thomas Ballynagaulmore Village of Ballynagaul Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Thomas Ballyreilly Ringagonagh Waterford Whelan Thomas Knockanpower Upper Ringagonagh Waterford