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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rossmire, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rossmire, County Waterford
Ambrose Power John Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Ardagh Rev. Wm J. Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Armstrong Andrew Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Baldwin David Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Baldwin John Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Barron Baronet H. W. Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Barron Rd Thos, Esq. Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Barry Michael Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Barton Benjamin Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Barton Benjamin Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Bianconi Charles Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Boland Lorenzo Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Bolger Thomas Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Bowes Margaret Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Brazill Michael Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Brien Bartly Greenan Rossmire Waterford Brien John Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Brien John Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Brien Kate Greenan Rossmire Waterford Brien Maurice Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Broderick Maurice Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Browne Maurice Greenan Rossmire Waterford Browning Thos, Esq. Greenan Rossmire Waterford Buckley Patrick Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Burke William Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Burns Martin Carrignanonshagh Rossmire Waterford Butler Nicholas Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Butler Thomas Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Byrne James Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Byrne Patrick Carrignanonshagh Rossmire Waterford Cahill Michael Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Cahill Michael Newtown Rossmire Waterford Cantwell John Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Cantwell Michael Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Cantwell Pierce Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Cantwell Pierce Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Cantwell Richard Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Cantwell Thomas Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Cantwell Thomas Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Carney Edmond Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Carroll Daniel Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Carroll Edward Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Carroll Thomas Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Carty Michael Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Casey David Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Casey William Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Chambers John Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Chasty Mrs. Margaret Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Cleary James Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Cleary Thomas Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Coffey Maurice Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Coghlan John Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Coghlan John P., M.D. Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Coghlan John P., M.D. Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Coleman John Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Coleman John Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Coleman Michael Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Collins Anthony Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Commins Nicholas Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Commons Catherine Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Commons James Scrahan Rossmire Waterford Commons Patrick Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Condon David Greenan Rossmire Waterford Condon Patrick Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Connolly Thomas Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Connor Denis Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Connor Edward Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Connor Michael Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Connor Parick Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Connors Denis Newtown Rossmire Waterford Connors Thomas Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Cooney Richard Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Coppinger Timothy Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Crawford John Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Crotty Edmond Newtown Rossmire Waterford Crwford John Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Cullinan John Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Cullinane Patrick Scrahan Rossmire Waterford Cummins John Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Cummins John Scrahan Rossmire Waterford Cummins Kate Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Cunningham John Greenan Rossmire Waterford Cunningham John, Jr. Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Cunningham John, Sr. Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Cunningham Margaret Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Cunningham Patrick Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Curran Patrick Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Curran Thomas Whitestown Rossmire Waterford Curry John Ballyvadd Rossmire Waterford Daly Margaret Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Daly Pierce Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Darcy William Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Dea Catherine Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dea John Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Dea Mary Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Dea Michael Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Dee Edmond Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dee Edmond Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dee Edward Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dee Johanna Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dee William Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dillon Mary Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Donovan John Carrignanonshagh Rossmire Waterford Donovan Mary Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Donovan Patrick Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Donovan Thomas Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Dower John Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Dowlan Mary Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Doyle Honoria Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Doyle Walter Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Droghan Francis Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Droghan Thomas Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Duckett Anne Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Duggan Michael Greenan Rossmire Waterford Dunne Bridget Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dunne Catherine Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dunne Ellen Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Dunne Ellen Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dunne Martin Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dunne Thomas Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Dunphy Michael Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Dunphy William Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Elliott Richard Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Finn John Greenan Rossmire Waterford Finn Thomas Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Fitzgerald Edward Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Fitzgerald John Whitestown Rossmire Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Scrahan Rossmire Waterford Fitzgerald William Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Flaherty John Newtown Rossmire Waterford Flinn Pat, Jr. Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Flynn Brigit Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Flynn Catherine Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Flynn Margaret Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Flynn Richard Newtown Rossmire Waterford Foley John Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Foley Thomas Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Foley Thomas Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Galvin Michael Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Gleeson Margaret Greenan Rossmire Waterford Gleeson Matthew Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Gough Bridget Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Gough Maurice Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Gough Michael Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Gough Thomas Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Gough William Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Grace James Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Hagerty James Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Hally Nicholas Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Hanly James Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Hanly Michael Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Hanly Patrick, Jr. Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Hanly Patrick, Sr. Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Hanly Richard Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Hanrahan Constantine Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Hardtree Thomas Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Harne John Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Harney Maurice Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Harney Michael Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Harney Patrick Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Harney Thomas Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Harney Thomas Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Hassitt John Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Hayden Bridget Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Hayes Nicholas Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Hayes Thomas Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Hearn Pierce Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Hearne Eleanor Greenan Rossmire Waterford Hearne Martin Ballyvadd Rossmire Waterford Hearne Mary Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Hearne Mary Greenan Rossmire Waterford Heffernan John Newtown Rossmire Waterford Heffron David Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Heffron John Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Hennessy John Greenan Rossmire Waterford Heron David Scrahan Rossmire Waterford Hickey Martin Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Higgins David Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Higgins Michael Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Hill Joseph Ballyvadd Rossmire Waterford Hogan Bridget Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Hogan William Scrahan Rossmire Waterford Hughes Matthew Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Hunt Michael Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Jordan John Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Jordon Thomas Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Keane James Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Keane James Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Keane John Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Keane Michael Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Keating Patrick Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Keefe Martin Greenan Rossmire Waterford Keersey Patrick Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Keily Michael Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Kelly John Greenan Rossmire Waterford Kelly Thomas Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Kennedy Michael Greenan Rossmire Waterford Kennedy Patrick Greenan Rossmire Waterford Kennedy Richard Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Kennedy Thomas Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Keoghan Margaret Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Kiely Catherine Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Kiely John Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Kiely Michael Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Kiersey Michael Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Kiersey Patrick Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Kirby Michael Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Kirwan Bridget Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Kirwan Edward Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Lacy Margaret Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Landrigan Michael Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Landrigan Philip Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Landrigan Thomas Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Landy James Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Landy Patrick Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Lawler John Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Lenahan Margaret Greenan Rossmire Waterford Lyons Margaret Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Magner John Greenan Rossmire Waterford Mc Carthy Andrew Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Mc Carthy Denis Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Mc Donnell Patrick Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Catherine Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Edmond Greenan Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Eleanor Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath James Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath James Scrahan Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath John Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath John Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Margaret Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Mary Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Michael Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Michael Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Michael Greenan Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Michael Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Nancy Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Patrick Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Patrick Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Patrick, Jr. Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath Thomas Newtown Rossmire Waterford Mc Grath William Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Mooney James Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Mooney James Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Mooney John Greenan Rossmire Waterford Mooney Maurice Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Moore Stephen Whitestown Rossmire Waterford Morrissy David Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Morrissy David Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Morrissy Thomas Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Morrissy William Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Mountain Thomas Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Mulcahy Darby Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Mullowney Catherine Newtown Rossmire Waterford Mullowney James Ballyvadd Rossmire Waterford Mullowney James Greenan Rossmire Waterford Mullowney John Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Mullowney Mary Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Mullowney Thomas Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Mullowney Thomas Ballyvadd Rossmire Waterford Mulowney John Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Murphy David Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Murray John Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Murray Michael Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Murray Patrick Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Murray Patrick Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Nagle Thomas Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Navan John Greenan Rossmire Waterford Neale James Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Norris Michael Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Norris Patrick Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Norris Patrick, Jr. Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Norris Patrick, Sr. Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Nowlan John Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Nowlan John Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Nugent Edmond Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Nugent Edward Newtown Rossmire Waterford Nugent Edward Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Nugent John Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Nugent Maurice Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Nugent Thomas Greenan Rossmire Waterford O'Neill Patrick Shanakill Rossmire Waterford O'Shea John P. Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Organ Margaret Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Power Alice Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Power Alice Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Power Bridget Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Power Catherine Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Power Catherine Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Power David Greenan Rossmire Waterford Power David Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Power David Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Power Geoffrey Greenan Rossmire Waterford Power James Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Power John Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Power John Greenan Rossmire Waterford Power John Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Power John Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Power John Luke Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Power John, Jr. Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Power John, Sr. Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Power Margaret Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Power Margaret Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Power Maurice Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Power Maurice Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Power Michael Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Power Michael Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Power Nicholas Ballyvadd Rossmire Waterford Power Nicholas Scrahan Rossmire Waterford Power Owen Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Power Patrick Ballyvadd Rossmire Waterford Power Patrick Greenan Rossmire Waterford Power Patrick Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Power Patrick Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Power Patrick, Jr. Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Power Patrick, Sr. Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Power Richard Greenan Rossmire Waterford Power Robert Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Power Thomas Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Power Thomas Greenan Rossmire Waterford Power Walter Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Power William Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Power William Greenan Rossmire Waterford Power William Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Pyne James Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Pyne Thomas Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Quinlan Martin Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Quinlan Patrick Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Redmond Mary Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Roarke Mathias Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Ronan Daniel Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Rourke Martin Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Russell Thomas Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Ryan Celia Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Ryan John Greenan Rossmire Waterford Ryan Laurence Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Ryan Patrick Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Ryan Thomas Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Shanahan James Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Shanahan John Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Shanahan Michael Scrahan Rossmire Waterford Shanahan Thomas Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Shanahan Thomas Scrahan Rossmire Waterford Shannahan James Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Shannahan John Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Sharmhan Thomas Graiguenageeha Rossmire Waterford Sheehan Michael Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Slattery John Newtown Rossmire Waterford Slattery Laurence Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Slattery Mary Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Sullivan Mary Greenan Rossmire Waterford Sullivan William Greenan Rossmire Waterford Treahy Thomas Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Veale Catherine Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Veale John Newtown Rossmire Waterford Veale Laurence Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Veale Patrick Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Veale Robert Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Veale Thomas Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Wall Maurice Newtown Rossmire Waterford Wall Richard Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Walsh Catherine Greenan Rossmire Waterford Walsh Edward Newtown Rossmire Waterford Walsh John Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Walsh John Greenan Rossmire Waterford Walsh John Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Walsh John Kilmoylin Rossmire Waterford Walsh Michael Carrignanonshagh Rossmire Waterford Walsh Patrick Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Walsh Richard Whitestown Rossmire Waterford Walsh Thomas Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Walsh Thomas Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Walsh Thomas Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Waterford Marquis ??? Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Whelan David Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Whelan James Carriegeen Rossmire Waterford Whelan John Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Whelan John Shanakill Rossmire Waterford Whelan Kate Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Whelan Matthew Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Whelan Morgan Robertstown Rossmire Waterford Whelan Patk Newtown Rossmire Waterford Whelan Patrick Greenan Rossmire Waterford Whelan Patrick Kilmacthomas Town of Kilmacthomas Rossmire Waterford Whelan Richard Parkeennaglogh Rossmire Waterford Whelan Thomas Ballyshonock Rossmire Waterford Whelan William Ballyhussa Rossmire Waterford Whitty John Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford Whitty Richard Ballybrack Rossmire Waterford