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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Johns Without, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Johns Without, County Waterford
Abel Miss Jane Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Alcock Mrs. Ellen Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Allen Bridget Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Allen Richard, Esq. Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Allen Richard, Esq. Newtown, Dunmore Road St. Johns Without Waterford Allen Samuel Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Anderson Mrs. Jane Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Ardagh Smith, Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Aylward Edward Newtown, George Quay &, Scotch Pill St. Johns Without Waterford Babbleston George Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Baker Thomas Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Baldwin Michael Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Barron George, Esq. Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Barron Mrs. Mary Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Barron Pierce, Esq. Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Beesly Thomas Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Bell ??? Newtown, Dunmore Road St. Johns Without Waterford Bell William, Esq. Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Bennett Mrs. Sarah Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Beresford Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Bergin Patrick Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Blaine William, Esq. Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Blake Nadrew Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Blayne William Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Bogan John, Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Brassel James Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Brennan Edward Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Brennan John Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Brett Patrick Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Brien John Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Brien Nicholas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Brooks James Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Browne Edward Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Browne John Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Browne Joseph, Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Browne Thomas Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Browne William Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Brownrigg Mrs. Eliza Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Brownrigg Mrs. Mary Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Brunetti Ms. ??? Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Bryan Cornelius Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Bryan Kieran Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Bryan Nicholas Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Budd William Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Bulger John Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Bunbury James Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Burke Thomas Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Burkitt Francis, Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Butler John Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Butler Michael Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Butler Michael Manor, Hennessy's Road St. Johns Without Waterford Butler Thomas Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Campbell James Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Campion Simon Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Cannon James Manor, Castle Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Cannon Thomas Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Canty Lawrence Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Canty Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Canty Patrick Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Canty Richard Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Canty Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Carberry Michael Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Carey Mary Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Carey William Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Carroll James Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Carroll Michael Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Carroll Patrick Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Carroll Thomas Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Carroll Thomas Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Casey John Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Casey Michael Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Chambers John Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Cherrt Robert W., Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Cherry Henry, Esq. Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Christopher Patrick Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Clampett Joseph Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Clampett Joseph Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Clampett Robert Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Clarke John Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Clarke Patrick Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Clarke Patrick Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Clarke Thomas Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Clarke William Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Coffey Patrick Newtown, Canada Street St. Johns Without Waterford Coghlan Michael Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Coghlane John Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Cole Christ B., Esq. Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Coleman Thomas Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Collier Charles Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Collins Joseph Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Collins Thomas Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Condell James W., Esq. Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Condon John Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Condon Mary Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Connelly Honoria Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Connelly Patrick Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Connelly Robert Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Connery Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Connolly Lawrence Priorsknock St. Johns Without Waterford Connolly Owen Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Connor Mary Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Connor Thomas Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Connors Johanna Manor, Hennessy's Road St. Johns Without Waterford Connors Thomas Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Cooke Rev. John Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Cooper Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Corcoran Mary Manor, Hennessy's Road St. Johns Without Waterford Corcoran Nicholas Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Corcoran Patrick Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Corcoran Patrick Newtown Crosleys Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Corcoran William Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Cotes Mary Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Cotham George, Esq. Newtown, Dunmore Road St. Johns Without Waterford Coughlan Rev. Nicholas Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Coulston Mrs. Eliza Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Courtney Edward, Esq. Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Courtney George, Esq. Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Courtney George, Esq. Newtown, Canada Street St. Johns Without Waterford Courtney George, Esq. Newtown, George Quay &, Scotch Pill St. Johns Without Waterford Courtney George, Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Creig William Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Crowe Mary Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Crowe Samuel Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Crowley Kate Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Cuddihy Rev. ??? Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Cullen John Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Cullimore Michael Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Cummins Edward Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Cummins Patrick Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Curran ??? Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Curran John Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Cusack Nicholas Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Cutt Richard Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Cutt William Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Daly James Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Daly Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Daniel Michael Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Davis Henry, Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Davis Thomas Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford De La Vega Joseph Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Dee Johanna Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Delahunty Walter Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Delandre Vernon, Esq. Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Delany James Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Delany Thomas Manor, Brown's Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Dempsey John Newtown Crosleys Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Denn Mrs. Catherine Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Denn Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Derency Miss Frances Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Devereux James Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Dillon Michael Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Dobbyn James, Esq. Cove St. Johns Without Waterford Dodds David Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Dolan Joseph Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Donkin John Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Donovan James Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Donovan Jeremiah Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Donovan Mary Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Donovan Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Doody Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Doolan Peter Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Dooley Dermot Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Dooley Patrick Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Dooley Patrick Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Dormer John Newtown, Adelphi Terrace St. Johns Without Waterford Downey William Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Doyle Capt. William Newtown, Newtown House St. Johns Without Waterford Doyle John Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Doyle Patrick Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Drohan Edward Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Duffy Patrick Newtown Crosleys Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Duggan Edmund Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Duncan Edmund Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Dunford John Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Dunphy Bridget Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Dunphy Honoria Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Dunphy John Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Dunphy Walter Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Dunphy William Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Dunphy William Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Durant Peter Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Dwyer Mrs. Ellen Priorsknock St. Johns Without Waterford Edwards Eaton Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Ellard Thomas Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Elliott Edward, Esq. Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Elliott John Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford English Capt. ??? Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford English Michael Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Fahy Andrew Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Fahy Andrew Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Fahy Richard Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Farrell James Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Farrell Mrs. Bridget Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Farrell Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Farrell Patrick Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Fennelly John Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Fennessy Richard Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Feore Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Fitzgerald Eleanor Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Fitzpatrick James Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Fitzpatrick Patrick Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Flahaven Lawrence Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Flanagan Daniel Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Flanagan James Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Flanagan Johanna Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Flanagan John Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Flanagan Mary Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Flanagan Maurice Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Fleming Johanna Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Fleming Philip Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Flynn Anastasia Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Flynn Edmund Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Flynn John Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Flynn John Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Flynn Michael Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Flynn Michael Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Flynn Michael Newtown, George Quay &, Scotch Pill St. Johns Without Waterford Flynn Thomas Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Flynn Thomas Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Foley Edmund Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Foley Edward Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Foley Richard Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Foran Catherine Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Foran John Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Foran Michael Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Foran Rev. ??? Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Forrest Thomas Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Forristal John Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Forristal John Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Fowler Edmund Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Fowler John Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Fowler Michael Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Frances Mrs. Eliza Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Frazer Geo Alex, Esq. Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Freeman Joseph Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford French Andrew Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Frizzell Patrick Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Furlong Michael Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Furnace John Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Gainford Jane Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Gamble John Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Gaul James Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Geary Daniel Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Gibson George, Esq. Cove St. Johns Without Waterford Glindon Michael Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Goouch Robert Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Goouch Robert Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Gough Thomas Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Gough William Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Grady Richard Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Grady Thomas Grange Lower, Crubeen Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Graham Charles, Esq. Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Graham John Newtown, George Quay &, Scotch Pill St. Johns Without Waterford Grant William Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Granville John Newtown, Canada Street St. Johns Without Waterford Greene Martin Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Griffin Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Griffith Denis Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Grimes John Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Grimes Philip Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Grimes Thomas, Jr. Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Grimes Thomas, Sr. Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Grogan Bridget Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Grubb Mrs. Anne Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Gun Capt. John Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Hally Michael Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Hannigan Patrick Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Harper Moses Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Harpur Matthew Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Harpur Moses Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Harpur Moses Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Harpur Thomas Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Harris Rep. John, Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Harris Thomas, Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Hartford Dr. George Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Hartry John Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Hartry John Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Harvey Thomas S., Esq. Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Hassard Mrs. Eliza Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Hatterson Thomas Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Hayes Edmund Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Hayes Ellen Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Hayes Patrick Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Hayes Roger Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Hayes Thomas Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Haywood John Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Healy Patrick Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Hearn John Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Hearne Milliam, Esq. Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Hennessy John Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Hennessy Mrs. ??? Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Hennessy Patrick Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Hennessy William Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Heron William Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Hickey Daniel Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Hill James Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Hill William, Esq. Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Hobson Mrs. ??? Newtown, Canada Street St. Johns Without Waterford Hobson Rev. Richard Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Hodge John Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Hogan James Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Holsen Michael Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Hoskin Richard, Esq. Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Howard Eleanor Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Howlet Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Howlett Thomas Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Hughes John Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Hunt Edmond Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Hunt Edward Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Hunt Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Hunt Thomas Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Hunt Thomas Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Hutchenson Mrs. Jane Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Jackson Anthony Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Jackson John Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Jacob Joseph Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Jacob Joshua, Esq. Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Jacob Mrs. Maria Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Jeffers Thomas Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Jones John Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Jones Samuel Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Jones William Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Jordon Miss Elizabeth Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Kavanagh John Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Kavanagh John Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Kean Thomas Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Keane James Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Keane James Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Keane James Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Keane John Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Keane Lawrence Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Keane Michael Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Keane Nicholas Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Keeffe Patrick Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Keely Patrick Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Kehoe Christopher Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Kehoe Mrs. Frances Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Keily Margaret Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Kelly Bridget Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Kelly Daniel Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Kelly Mary Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Kelly Michael Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Kelly Patrick Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Kelly Thomas Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Kelly William Manor, Hennessy's Road St. Johns Without Waterford Kenna Michael Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Kennedy Anne Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Kennedy Catherine Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Kennedy Mary Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Kennedy William Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Kenny Richard Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford King James Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Kirby Patrick Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Kirwan Edmund Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Kirwan Edmund Grange Lower, Crubeen Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Kirwan Mary Manor, Hennessy's Road St. Johns Without Waterford Knox Nicholas Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Lamb Arthur, Esq. Newtown, Newtown Ville St. Johns Without Waterford Lamphiere Capt. P. C. Cove St. Johns Without Waterford Lanigan Thomas Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Lannan Michael Newtown, Canada Street St. Johns Without Waterford Lapham Joseph D., Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Leake Edmund Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Leake James Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Leary John Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Leary Timothy Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Lecky Mrs. Mary Anne Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Lee James Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Lee Mrs. Sarah Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Lennon George Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Lewis Richard Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Lewis Westenra Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Lloyd William, Esq. Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Locke Robert Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Londrigan Walter Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Loughlin Michael Grange Lower, Crubeen Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Lynch Catherine Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Mackaboy John Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Mackey James Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Mackey James Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Mackey James Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Mackey Michael Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Madigan Bridget Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Magrath Joseph Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Magrath Michael Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Magrath Michael Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Maguire Thomas Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Maher Edward Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Maher Edward Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Maher John Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Maher Moses Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Maher William Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Mahony Patrick Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Malcomson John, Esq. Newtown, Adelphi Terrace St. Johns Without Waterford Mandell Honoria Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Mandeville Honoria Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Mangan Mary Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Maybyston George Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Carthy Denis Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Clelland John, Esq. Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Evoy Anne Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Evoy John Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Grath Edward Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Grath James Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Grath Michael Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Grath Mrs. Mary Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Grath Newamn Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Grath Richard Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Grath Thomas Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Grath Thomas Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Grath Thomas Priorsknock St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Lean Elizabeth Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Lean James Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Lean Miss Eliza Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Namara James Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Mc Queen Mrs. Mary Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Meara William Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Meehan Thomas Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Millar George Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Mooney Maurice Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Moore James Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Moran David Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Moran George Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Moran James Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Moran John Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Moran Richard Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Morgan Thomas Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Morris Mrs. Anne Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Morris William, Esq. Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Morris William, Esq. Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Morrison Jane Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Morrissy David Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Morrissy John Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Morrissy Mary Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Morrissy Philip Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Mountain John Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Mulcahy Bartholemew Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Mullally John Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Mullowney Denis Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Murphy Dorah Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Murphy Edward Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Murphy Ellen Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Murphy James Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Murphy James Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Murphy James Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Murphy Judith Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Murphy Miss Elizabeth Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Murphy Moses Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Murphy Patrick Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Murray Ellen Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Murray Martin Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Myler John Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Neale Anne Manor, Castle Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Neill John Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Neill Michael Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Neville Thomas Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Newport Capt. Simon Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Newport Capt. Simon Newtown, Suir Ville St. Johns Without Waterford Newport Charles, Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Newport John, Esq. Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Newport Mrs. Ellen Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Nicholas James Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Nicholson Francis Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford O'Brien Daniel Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford O'Brien Denis Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford O'Brien Dr. ??? Manor St. Johns Without Waterford O'Brien Miss Margaret Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford O'Brien Nicholas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford O'Brien William Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford O'Reilly Terence, Esq. Newtown, George Quay &, Scotch Pill St. Johns Without Waterford O'Reilly Terence, Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Palmer Mrs. Hannah Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Palmer Sarah Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Parrell John Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Parrell Patrick Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Peate William, Esq. Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Peete William, Esq. Newtown, Rock Ville St. Johns Without Waterford Penitentiary ??? Priorsknock St. Johns Without Waterford Penrose Geo R., Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Penrose Jacob, Esq. Newtown, Adelphi Terrace St. Johns Without Waterford Perrin Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Phelan Edward Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Phelan Geoffry Newtown, Marble Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Phelan James Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Phelan John Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Phelan John Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Phelan Mary Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Phelan Patrick Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Phelan William Manor, Bath Street St. Johns Without Waterford Pimrose George Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Pope George, Esq. Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Pope Thomas, Esq. Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Pope William Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Power Alice Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Power Anne Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Power Bridget Manor, Castle Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Power Bridget Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Power David Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Power Edmond Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Power Edmund Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Power Edmund Thomas, Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Power Edward Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Power Edward Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Power Ellen Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Power James Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Power Johanna Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Power John Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Power John Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Power John Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Power John Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Power Joseph Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Power Margaret Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Power Martin Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Power Maurice Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Power Maurice Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Power Michael Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Power Michael Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Power Mrs. ??? Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Power Mrs. Anastasia Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Power Mrs. Anne Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Power Mrs. Anne Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Power Mrs. Johanna Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Power Nicholas Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Power Patrick Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Power Patrick Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Power Thomas Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Power Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Power Thomas Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Power Thomas Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Power William Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Price Eliza Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Price William, Esq. Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Proudfoot Richard Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Pugh Samuel, Esq. Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Purcell Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Quann William Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Quann William Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Quann William Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Queene John, Esq. Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Quilty John Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Quilty Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Quinlan John Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Quinn Richard Newtown, Canada Street St. Johns Without Waterford Quinn Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Quinn Thomas Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Quirk James Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Raher John Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Read William Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Reade Thomas Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Rees Thomas Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Regan Patrick Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Reilly Martin Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Reilly Parick Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Reilly Patrick Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Reynet Wm F., Esq. Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Reynett James H., Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Reynett Wm F., Esq. Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Rice John Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Richard Capt. Edmund Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Richardson Elizabeth Manor, Hennessy's Road St. Johns Without Waterford Ridgeway Henry, Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Ridgeway Mrs. Sarah Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Roach James Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Roach Michael Newtown Crosleys Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Roach Richard Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Roberts Edward Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Roberts Edward, Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Roberts Michael, Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Roberts William Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Robinson William Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Roche John Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Roche Lawrence Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Roche William Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Rogers Congreve, Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Ross James Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Rourke John Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Ruins ??? Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Russell Michael Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Russell Patrick Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Russell Peter Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Ryan Edward Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Ryan James Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Ryan John Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Ryan Mary Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Ryan Mary Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Ryan Nicholas Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Ryan Patrick Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Ryan Rev. John Manor, Hennessy's Road St. Johns Without Waterford Ryland Rev. Richard Newtown, Newtown Ville St. Johns Without Waterford Scannell Daniel Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Sclanders David Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Scott John, Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Scroder Jacob, Esq. Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Scrothers William Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Scrudder Jacob Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Shallow Richard Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Shea John Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Shea John Newtown, Canada Street St. Johns Without Waterford Shea Patrick Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Shea Patrick Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Shean John Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Shean Michael Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Sheehan Martin Priorsknock St. Johns Without Waterford Shemandine Hannah Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Sheppard Thos, Esq. Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Sims George Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Sims George, Esq. Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Skelton James Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Sloane George Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Smith Mrs. Mary Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Smith William Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Spencer T. C. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Stafford James Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Stafford Martin Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Stafford Martin Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Stafford Mary Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Stannars Matthew Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Stephens Thomas W., Esq. Newtown, William Street St. Johns Without Waterford Stokesberry James Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Stokesbury Robert Grange Lower, John's Hill St. Johns Without Waterford Strang Michael Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Strangman Joshua John, Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Strangman Thomas H., Esq. Newtown, Dunmore Road St. Johns Without Waterford Strong Nicholas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Sullivan James Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Sullivan Jeremiah Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Sullivan Jeremiah Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Sullivan John Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Sullivan Mary Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Sullivan Michael Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Sullivan Owen Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Sullivan Thomas Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Sullivan Timothy Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Supple James Newtown, Canada Street St. Johns Without Waterford Sweeny Honoria Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Sweeny Honoria Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Symes George, Esq. Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Talbot James Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Teate George Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Tehan John Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Thompson William Priorsknock St. Johns Without Waterford Thornberry Henry Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Thornberry William Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Thornton William Newtown South Parade St. Johns Without Waterford Tighvie Mrs. Mary Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Tobin James Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Tobin Mary Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Tobin Michael Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Tobin Patrick Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Tobin Thomas Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Todd Mary Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Toole Catherine Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Toole Maurice Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Toole Michael Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Toole Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Vallance Miss Mary Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Veale John Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Veale Patrick Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Wall Rev. Patrick Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Wallace Miss Elizabeth Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Wallas Capt. ??? Newtown Johns Hill East Side St. Johns Without Waterford Walpole James, Esq. Newtown Gas House Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Bridget Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Catherine Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Edmund Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh James Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh John Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh John Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh John C. Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Mary Grange Lower, Tramore Old Road St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Michael Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Michael Newtown Lower Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Michael Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Patrick Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Patrick Newtown Wilkins Street St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Richard Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Robert Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Simon Manor, Hennessy's Road St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh William Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh William Newtown Roches Street St. Johns Without Waterford Walsh William Newtown Water Street St. Johns Without Waterford Waring Joseph Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Wells Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Westcott Mrs. Anne Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Daniel Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Edward Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan John Manor St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Joseph Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Mary Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Michael Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Patrick Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Philip Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Richard Cove St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Richard Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Richard Grange Upper St. Johns Without Waterford Whelan Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford White Albert Priorsknock St. Johns Without Waterford White Anastasia Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford White James Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford White James Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford White Miss Mary Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford White Peter Manor, Henry Street St. Johns Without Waterford White Richard Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford White Thomas, Esq. Newtown, Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford White Walter, Esq. Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Whitney Henry, Esq. Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Whitney Henry, Esq. Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Whittle Thomas Grange Lower St. Johns Without Waterford Whittle William Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Whitty Martin Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Wickens James Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Wilson Mrs. Bridget Newtown St. Johns Without Waterford Wilson Mrs. Bridget Newtown Upper Newtown Road St. Johns Without Waterford Winnery Richard Newtown Johnstown St. Johns Without Waterford Woods Catherine Manor, Castle Street St. Johns Without Waterford Wynne Rev. Arthur Newtown, Dunmore Road St. Johns Without Waterford Wyse Andrew Ballycourdra St. Johns Without Waterford Wyse Ellen Ballytruckle St. Johns Without Waterford Wyse John Manor, Mendicity Lane St. Johns Without Waterford Wyse Thomas Manor, Manor Street St. Johns Without Waterford Wyse Thomas, Esq. Manor St. Johns Without Waterford