Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ayers Patrick High Street St. Olaves Waterford Browne Robert Apartments Place St. Olaves Waterford Bryan John Cook Lane St. Olaves Waterford Burroughs Jno B., Esq. Apartments Place St. Olaves Waterford Casey Maurice High Street St. Olaves Waterford Cheevers Elizabeth Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Crawford John High Street St. Olaves Waterford Croker William Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Cuddihy Rev. Patrick Apartments Place St. Olaves Waterford Cuddihy Rev. Patrick Colbeck Street St. Olaves Waterford De Courcy John Olaves Lane St. Olaves Waterford Denny Abraham, Esq. Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Dobbyn Michael, Esq. Lady Lane St. Olaves Waterford Donovan Edw High Street St. Olaves Waterford Dowling Patrick High Street St. Olaves Waterford Doyle Alexander Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Fitzgerald Mrs. Elizabeth High Street St. Olaves Waterford Freeman Laughlin High Street St. Olaves Waterford Freeman Laughlin Keysers Lane St. Olaves Waterford Gailwey Henry, Esq. High Street St. Olaves Waterford Graham Benjamin, Esq. Keysers Lane St. Olaves Waterford Griffith Henry High Street St. Olaves Waterford Hassard Wm H., Esq. Lady Lane St. Olaves Waterford Hennessy John Lady Lane St. Olaves Waterford Hook John High Street St. Olaves Waterford Hoolahan Ellen High Street St. Olaves Waterford Jemison Thomas Olaves Lane St. Olaves Waterford Jones Samuel Lady Lane St. Olaves Waterford Keeffe William High Street St. Olaves Waterford Keir James High Street St. Olaves Waterford King William Quay Lane St. Olaves Waterford Lumley James Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Mackesy Thos, Esq. Lady Lane St. Olaves Waterford May Lady ??? High Street St. Olaves Waterford Mc Cance Rev. William Lady Lane St. Olaves Waterford Morris Wall Sir Benjamin Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Munns John Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Murray Lawrence Cook Lane St. Olaves Waterford Napier Sir Wm Apartments Place St. Olaves Waterford Nevins Richard Apartments Place St. Olaves Waterford Nowlan Thomas Cook Lane St. Olaves Waterford O'Neill Mary Colbeck Street St. Olaves Waterford Peare James D. Quay Lane St. Olaves Waterford Phelan Johanna High Street St. Olaves Waterford Phelan Michael Quay Lane St. Olaves Waterford Phelan Michl Quay Lane St. Olaves Waterford Pounds James Keysers Lane St. Olaves Waterford Power John Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Price Miss Margaret Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Purcell Thos High Street St. Olaves Waterford Rogers Walter Colbeck Street St. Olaves Waterford Russell Miss Mary Apartments Place St. Olaves Waterford Smith Mary High Street St. Olaves Waterford Sprigg George, Esq. Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Stanners William Cook Lane St. Olaves Waterford Tandy Rep. Chas, Esq. Colbeck Street St. Olaves Waterford Thorpy Michael High Street St. Olaves Waterford Walsh Miss Eliza Lady Lane St. Olaves Waterford Walsh Patrick High Street St. Olaves Waterford Walsh Patrick Peter Street St. Olaves Waterford Webber Mrs. Martha High Street St. Olaves Waterford Westwater Margaret Lady Lane St. Olaves Waterford Whitney Henry, Esq. High Street St. Olaves Waterford Wilson Eliza Lady Lane St. Olaves Waterford Wilson Thos M., Esq. High Street St. Olaves Waterford