Fáilte Romhat

The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.


Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Stephens Without, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Stephens Without, County Waterford
Addington Thomas Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Baker John Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Barron William Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Beane Patrick Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Bennett Michael Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Brassil William Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Broderick Margaret Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Bryan Peter Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Bryan Richard Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Canty Patrick Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Carberry William Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Carroll Patrick Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Cashen John Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Clarke James Poolberry St. Stephens Without Waterford Collins John Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Collins Thomas Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Condon William Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Cooney Thomas Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Cox Barbara Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Cox Pierce Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Daly James Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Delandre Bartholomew, Esq. Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Donovan Edward Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Doolan John Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Dooly John Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Doran Catherine Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Doran John Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Doran Patrick Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Downey James Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Duffy Elizabeth Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Finnelly Patrick Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Forristal Lawrence Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Gammel Thomas Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Grant Michael Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Handrigan Thomas Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Hanrahan James Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Harney John Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Herliby James Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Kane John Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Keeffe Patrick Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Keely Martin Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Keily Thomas Poolberry St. Stephens Without Waterford Kennedy Hen Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Kennedy Henry Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Kennedy John Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Kierwan Patrick Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Lannigan James Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Lee James Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Leyne Ambrose Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Lonregan Lawrence Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Lyons Francis Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Maher Edward Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford May John Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Mc Carhy Thomas Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Mc Cormick John Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Mc Laughlin William Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Mc Leane Bridget Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Mulroony William Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Murphy Jas Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Murphy Patrick Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Murphy Patrick Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Murphy Philip Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Murphy Thomas Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Murray Michael Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Neill James Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Phelan William Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Power Luke Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Power Michael Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Power Nicholas Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Reddy James Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Regan Patrick Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Roach John Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Ruins ??? Johnstown (West Side) St. Stephens Without Waterford Savage Michael Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Sheehan Patrick Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Wade Alice Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Wallace James Miller's March St. Stephens Without Waterford Walsh Patrick Tramore Old Road St. Stephens Without Waterford Walsh Richard Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Whelan Patrick Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford Whitty Anne Priorsknock St. Stephens Without Waterford