Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ahern Ellen Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Ahern John Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Ahern Martin Kilcalf East Tallow Waterford Ahern Patrick Glennaglogh Tallow Waterford Ahern William Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Allen Friendly Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Allen Friendly Moanfune Tallow Waterford Ambrose John Townparks West Tallow Waterford Anthony Michael Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Anthony Michael Townparks East Tallow Waterford Arnold John Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Arnold John Loughnasollis, Upper Tallow Waterford Arnold John Townparks West Tallow Waterford Baker Leonard West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Baldwin Thomas Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Baldwin Thomas Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Barnett Edmond Townparks West Tallow Waterford Barnett Edmund West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Barnett John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Barnett Margaret Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Barnett Mary Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Barnett Patrick Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Barnett Richard Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Barnett Richard Townparks East Tallow Waterford Barnett Richard Townparks West Tallow Waterford Barnett Richard West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Barrett John Glennaglogh Tallow Waterford Barron Bridget Kilbeg Lower Tallow Waterford Barron Bridget Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Barron John Townparks East Tallow Waterford Barron William Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Beecher John Moanfune Tallow Waterford Beecher John Townparks West Tallow Waterford Beecher Michael Loughnatouse Tallow Waterford Bennett Joseph Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Bennett Robert Townparks West Tallow Waterford Blackburne William West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Bodkin Mrs. ??? Townparks East Tallow Waterford Bodkin Mrs. Mary Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Bossedy James Townparks West Tallow Waterford Bourne James Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Bourne James Loughnatouse Tallow Waterford Brett Johanna Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Brien Daniel Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Brien Daniel Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Brien Daniel Knockrour Tallow Waterford Brien Hannah Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Brien Henry Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Brien James Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Brien James Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Brien John Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Brien John Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Brien John Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Brien Margaret Loughnatouse Tallow Waterford Brien Patrick Loughnasollis, Upper Tallow Waterford Brien Thomas Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Brien William Ballinaha Tallow Waterford Brien William Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Brien William Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Broderick Michael Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Brown Michael West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Buckmaster Michael Kilbeg Lower Tallow Waterford Buckmaster Michael Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Buckmaster William Kilbeg Lower Tallow Waterford Buckmaster William Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Bull John Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Burke Thomas Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Burke William Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Burns James Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Burrowes Ambrose West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Butler Edmond Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Butler Edmund West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Butler Edward Moanfune Tallow Waterford Byran James West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Byrne David Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Cahill Patrick Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Cahill William Ballinaha Tallow Waterford Callaghan James Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Canavan David Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Cangley Thomas Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Cannon James Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Carey Maurice Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Carey Maurice Mill Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Carey Maurice Townparks West Tallow Waterford Carroll Catherine Hunthill Tallow Waterford Carroll David Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Carroll John Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Carroll John Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Carroll Mary Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Carroll Michael Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Carroll Owen Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Carroll Owen Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Carroll Patrick Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Carthy Thomas Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Carty Andrew Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Carty Bridget Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Carty Callaghan Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Carty Edmond Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Carty John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Carty John Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Carty Patrick Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Cashman Maurice Town of Tallow Barrack Lane Tallow Waterford Cashman William Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Clancy John Glennaglogh Tallow Waterford Clancy Michael Springfield Tallow Waterford Clancy Timothy West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Clancy William Parkgarriff Tallow Waterford Cleary James Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Cleary Thomas Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Coffey Thomas Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Coghlan Mary Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Coghlan Patrick West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Coghlan Richard Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Colbert Robert Loughnatouse Tallow Waterford Colebert John Glenaboy Tallow Waterford Colebert Patrick West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Coleman Jeremiah Glennaglogh Tallow Waterford Collins James Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Collins John Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Collins Margaret Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Collins Maurice Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Condon Maurice West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Condon Rev. Eugene Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Condon Rev. Eugene Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Condon Rev. Eugene Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Condon Rev. Eugene Townparks East Tallow Waterford Connell James Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Connell John Limekilnclose Tallow Waterford Connell John Townparks West Tallow Waterford Connell Maruice Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Connell Maurice Ballyhander Tallow Waterford Connell Michael Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Connell Patrick Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Connell Patrick Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Connolly Patrick Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Connor Margaret Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Connor Thomas West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Connors John Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Connors John Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Cottar Thomas Kilmore East Tallow Waterford Cotter Honora Town of Tallow Barrack Lane Tallow Waterford Coughlan James Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Coughlan John Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Coughlan Mary Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Cranitch John Townparks East Tallow Waterford Cranitch John Townparks West Tallow Waterford Cranitch John West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Crean Owen Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Crolly Michael, Jr. Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Croly Michael, Sr. Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Cuffe Honora Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Cuffe John Racecourse Tallow Waterford Cunningham John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Cunningham Michael Limekilnclose Tallow Waterford Cunningham Michael Townparks West Tallow Waterford Cunningham Michael West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Cunningham Nicholas Townparks West Tallow Waterford Cunningham Nicholas West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Cunningham Patrick Townparks West Tallow Waterford Cunningham William Town of Tallow Barrack Lane Tallow Waterford Cunningham William Townparks West Tallow Waterford Curley Bryan Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Curtayne James Moanfune Tallow Waterford Curtin James Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Curtin James Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Curtin Johanna Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Curtin Michael Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Dalton John Mill Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Daly Cornelius Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Davis Elizabeth Mill Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Delany James Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Devine Ellen Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Devine Ellen Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Devine Ellen Miss Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Devonshire ??? Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Devonshire ??? Limekilnclose Tallow Waterford Devonshire ??? Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Devonshire ??? Townparks East Tallow Waterford Devonshire ??? Townparks West Tallow Waterford Devonshire ??? West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Donovan Cornelius Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Donovan James Moanfune Tallow Waterford Donovan Michael Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Donovan William Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Doolan Michael Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Doolan Thomas West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Doolan William Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Dooley John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Dousy John Townparks West Tallow Waterford Doyle Honora Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Doyle Margaret Townparks West Tallow Waterford Driscoll Ellen West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Driscoll John Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Driscoll Mary Townparks West Tallow Waterford Drumey Robert Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Duggan Elizabeth Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Duggan Patrick Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Duggan William Knockrour Tallow Waterford Dunne David Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Dunne Edmond Moanfune Tallow Waterford Dunne John Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Dunne John Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Dunne Michael Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Dunne Michael Townparks East Tallow Waterford Ellsworth William Town of Tallow Barrack Lane Tallow Waterford Elvert Elizabeth Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford English Patrick Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Evans William Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Fahy Abigail Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Farrell Johanna West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Feehly John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Feehly Patrick Loughnasollis, Upper Tallow Waterford Fenton William West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Finn David Town of Tallow Barrack Lane Tallow Waterford Fitzgerald Bartholomew Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Fitzgerald Edmund Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Fitzgerald John Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Fitzgerald Richard Glenaboy Tallow Waterford Fitzgerald Richard Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Flynn Abigail Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Flynn Ellen Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Flynn John Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Flynn Maurice Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Flynn Michael Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Flynn Thomas Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Flynn Valentine Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Fogarty Ellen Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Fogarty Peter West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Foley Margaret Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Foley William Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Foott Charles G., M.D. Townparks West Tallow Waterford Foott Charles G., M.D. West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Ford John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Fowles Richard Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Geary Edward Townparks West Tallow Waterford Geary Margaret Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Geary Margaret Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Geary William Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Glaven Maurice Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Glavin Mary Hunthill Tallow Waterford Gorman David Moanfune Tallow Waterford Gorman John Parkgarriff Tallow Waterford Gorman Maurice Parkgarriff Tallow Waterford Gorman Michael Parkgarriff Tallow Waterford Grady Ellen Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Green Edward Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Griffen Richard West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Griffin Susan Town of Tallow Barrack Lane Tallow Waterford Griffin Thomas Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Gumbleton Richard, Esq. Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Gumbleton Richard, Esq. Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Hackett James West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hallahan John West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hallahan Michael West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hallahan Robert West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hallahan William West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Halligan John Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Halpin Thomas West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hammond Joseph Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hammond Joseph West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hanan Mary West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hanan Patrick Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Hanan William Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Hanan William, M.D. Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hanan William, M.D. Mill Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hanan William, M.D. Moanfune Tallow Waterford Hanan William, M.D. Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Hanan William, M.D. Townparks West Tallow Waterford Hanan Wm., M.D. Loughnasollis, Upper Tallow Waterford Handcock John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Handcock John West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Handcock Robert Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Hanly Daniel Moanfune Tallow Waterford Hannagan Daniel Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Hannon Christopher Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Hannon Christopher Townparks East Tallow Waterford Hannon Mary Moanfune Tallow Waterford Hannon Patrick Moanfune Tallow Waterford Harden Thomas Glenaboy Tallow Waterford Hayden Michael West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hayden Thomas Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Haydon Michael Townparks West Tallow Waterford Hayes David Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Hayes William Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Healy John Limekilnclose Tallow Waterford Healy William Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hennessy Elizabeth Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hickey John Kilcalf East Tallow Waterford Hickey John Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Hickey Patrick West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Higgins Anne Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Higgins Anne Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Higgins Bartholomew Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Higgins Mary Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hoare James Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Hogan John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hogan Michael Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Hogan Michael Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Hogan Patrick Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Horan Anne Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Howey John Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Huddy Francis Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hudson Rodger Townparks East Tallow Waterford Hudson Roger Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Hunt Mary Ballinaha Tallow Waterford Hurley Catherine West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Hurley Ellen Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Hurly Cornelius Knockrour Tallow Waterford Jackson Rev. John Mill Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Jackson Rev. John Townparks West Tallow Waterford Jackson Rev. John West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Jones George West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Jones Susan West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Joyce Catherine West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Joyce David West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Keating Michael Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Keating Thomas Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Keeffe John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Keeffe John Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Keeffe John Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Keeffe John Townparks West Tallow Waterford Keeffe Martin Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Keeffe Patrick Ballinaha Tallow Waterford Keeffe Patrick Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Keeffe Patrick Glenaboy Tallow Waterford Keeffe Patrick Kilbeg Lower Tallow Waterford Keeffe Patrick Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Keeffe Patrick Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Keily James Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Keily James West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Kelly Anne West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Kelly George Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Kelly Michael Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Kenny Mary Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Kerressy John Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Kerressy Patrick Kilcalf East Tallow Waterford Kerressy Patrick Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Kirby James Islands No 1 Tallow Waterford Kirby James Islands No 2 Tallow Waterford Kirby James Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Kirby Mary Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Kirby William Islands No 1 Tallow Waterford Kirby William Islands No 2 Tallow Waterford Kirby William Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Knight Samuel Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Knight Thomas Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Lambert Ellen Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Lane Patrick Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Leahane James Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Leahane Julia West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Leahane Michael Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Leahy Andrew West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Leahy Bridget Hunthill Tallow Waterford Leahy Henry West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Leahy James Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Leahy James Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Leahy Jeremiah Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Leahy Michael Hunthill Tallow Waterford Leahy Patrick Limekilnclose Tallow Waterford Leahy Philip Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Leary Patrick West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Lee Denis Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Lee John Townparks East Tallow Waterford Lee Michael Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Lee Richard West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Leonard John Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Leonard William Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Linneen Andrew Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Linneen Denis Hunthill Tallow Waterford Long Bridget Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Long Henry West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Long James West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Long John Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Long William Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Longan John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Loughlin John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Lynch Arthur Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Lynch Daniel Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Lynch Daniel Loughnatouse Tallow Waterford Lynch Daniel West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Lynch Margaret Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Lynch Patrick Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Lyons John Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Lyons William Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Mahoney Maurice Carrigroe Tallow Waterford Mahoney Michael Ballyhander Tallow Waterford Mahoney Patrick Parkgarriff Tallow Waterford Mahony James, Jr. Hunthill Tallow Waterford Mahony James, Sr. Hunthill Tallow Waterford Mahony John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Mahony William Hunthill Tallow Waterford Malone John Hunthill Tallow Waterford Malone Michael Ballinaha Tallow Waterford Malone Owen Ballinaha Tallow Waterford Malone Owen, Sr. Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Malone Patrick Ballinaha Tallow Waterford Mangan Anne Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Mangan James Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Mangan Michael Kilcalf East Tallow Waterford Mansfield Edmund Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Mansfield Matthew Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Martin John Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Mc Auliffe Jeremiah Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Mc Carthy Edmond Islands No 3 Tallow Waterford Mc Carthy Ellen Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Mc Carthy Johanna Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Mc Carthy Johanna Glennaglogh Tallow Waterford Mc Carthy John Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Mc Carthy Margaret Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Mc Carthy Michael Glennaglogh Tallow Waterford Mc Carthy Thomas Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Mc Donnell John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Mc Donnell John Moanfune Tallow Waterford Mc Donnell John Townparks East Tallow Waterford Mc Namara Maurice Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Mc Namara Robert Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Melsop Eliza Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Menzies Neil Townparks West Tallow Waterford Menzies Neil West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Meyers Margaret Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Miles John Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Morony Daniel Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Morrissy James Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Morrissy Jeremiah West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Morrissy Mary Glennaglogh Tallow Waterford Morrissy Michael Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Morrissy Patrick Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Mostyn Thomas L. Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Mullen Michael Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Mullen Patrick Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Mullins James Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Mullowney Thomas Glenaboy Tallow Waterford Murphy Honora Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Murphy John Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Murphy John Glennaglogh Tallow Waterford Murphy John Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Murphy John Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Murphy John Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Murphy John Moanfune Tallow Waterford Murphy John Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Murphy John Townparks East Tallow Waterford Murphy Mary Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Murphy Mary Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Murphy Michael Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Murphy Michael Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Murphy Thomas Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Murphy Thomas Loughnasollis, Upper Tallow Waterford Murphy Thomas Townparks West Tallow Waterford Murphy William Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Murphy William Kilmore East Tallow Waterford Murphy William Townparks West Tallow Waterford Murray Maurice Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Murray Thomas Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Murray William Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Murray William Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Nagle Mary Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Neil John Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Neil Michael Parkgarriff Tallow Waterford Neil Michael Townparks East Tallow Waterford Neill Margaret Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Neill Terence Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Neville Richard Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Noonan Mary Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Nugent Anne Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford O'Brien Catherine Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford O'Brien Thomas Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford O'Connell Catherine Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford O'Connell Catherine Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford O'Keeffe Mary West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford O'Keeffe Mrs. Mary Glenaboy Tallow Waterford O'Keeffe Mrs. Mary Limekilnclose Tallow Waterford O'Keeffe Mrs. Mary Townparks West Tallow Waterford O'Keeffe Thomas Townparks West Tallow Waterford O'Mahoney William, Esq. Townparks West Tallow Waterford O'Mahony Catherine West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford O'Mahony Michael Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford O'Mahony Patrick Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford O'Mahony William Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford O'Mahony William Mill Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford O'Mahony William Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford O'Mahony William Townparks East Tallow Waterford O'Mahony Wm. Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Ormond Bridget West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Ormond John Hunthill Tallow Waterford Packer Nicholas Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Parker Capt. Henry Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Parker Jeremiah Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Parker John Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Parker John Kilbeg Lower Tallow Waterford Parker John Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Parker William Glennaglogh Tallow Waterford Parker William Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Parker Wm. H. Loughnasollis, Lower Tallow Waterford Parker Wm. H. Loughnasollis, Upper Tallow Waterford Parker Wm. H., Esq. Racecourse Tallow Waterford Percival Rev. William Ballyhander Tallow Waterford Percival Rev. William Carrigroe Tallow Waterford Percival Rev. William Kilmore East Tallow Waterford Percival Rev. William Springfield Tallow Waterford Power Edward Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Power John Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Power John Townparks East Tallow Waterford Power John R. Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Power John R. Townparks East Tallow Waterford Power John R. Townparks West Tallow Waterford Power Owen Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Prendergast Thomas Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Pyne William Moanfune Tallow Waterford Quirk James Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Ravens John Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Ravens Simon Kilbeg Upper Tallow Waterford Ravins John Kilbeg Lower Tallow Waterford Reardon James Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Regan Ellen Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Regan John Ballyhander Tallow Waterford Rennick Henry Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Rennix Henry Moanfune Tallow Waterford Ring Margaret West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Ring William Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Riordan John Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Riordan Maurice Town of Tallow Barrack Lane Tallow Waterford Roach Mary Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Robinett Eliza Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Robinett John Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Robinett Robert Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Robinett Zora Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Roche John Kilbeg Lower Tallow Waterford Roche Mary Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Roche Valentine West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Ryan Anstice West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Ryan Mary Parkgarriff Tallow Waterford Sangster Robert West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Scannell John Knockrour Tallow Waterford Seaver James Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Seaward Ellen West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Shea Stephen Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Sheehan David West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Sheehan John Kilbeg Lower Tallow Waterford Shennick Bartholomew Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Slatery John Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Slattery Thomas Limekilnclose Tallow Waterford Slattery Thomas Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Slattery Thomas West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Smith Honora Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Smith John Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Smith Margaret West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Stapleton James Racecourse Tallow Waterford Stokes William Townparks East Tallow Waterford Sullivan John Townparks East Tallow Waterford Sullivan Margaret Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Sullivan Patrick Glennaglogh Tallow Waterford Sweeny Honoria Barrack Street,Town of Tallow Tallow Waterford Talbot James Loughnatouse Tallow Waterford Talbot James, Jr. Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Talbot James, Sr. Kilcalf West Tallow Waterford Talbot Richard Kilmore West Tallow Waterford Talbot Richard Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Talbot Richard Townparks West Tallow Waterford Talbot Richard West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Tally Thomas Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Tennent William West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Terry Robert Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Terry Robert Limekilnclose Tallow Waterford Terry Robert Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Tobin John Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Tobin Patrick Moanfune Tallow Waterford Toomy Denis West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Towell James Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Towell James Townparks East Tallow Waterford Towell John Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Towell William Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Vaughan John West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Veal Matthew Kilwinny Tallow Waterford Veidman Jane West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Veidman John West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Wall Daniel Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Wall James Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Wall Patrick Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Wallace William Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Walsh James Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Walsh Johanna Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Walsh John Hunthill Tallow Waterford Walsh John Parkdotia Tallow Waterford Walsh Michael Glenaboy Tallow Waterford Walsh Miss Jane Barrack Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Walsh Mrs. Honora Glenaboy Tallow Waterford Walsh Patrick Kilcalf Mountain Tallow Waterford Walsh Richard Townparks West Tallow Waterford Walsh Richard West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Walsh Robert Cockpit Lane,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Williams William Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Willis Stephen Tallowbridge St, Tallow Waterford Willis William West Street,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford Willoughby Richard Chapel-St, Bog Lan,(Tallow) Tallow Waterford