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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Trinity Within, County Waterford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Trinity Within, County Waterford
Allen Philip Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Allen Samuel The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Ambrose Charles, Esq. Coffee House Lane Trinity Within Waterford Ambrose Joseph, Esq. Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Ardagh Wm M., Esq. Coffee House Lane Trinity Within Waterford Ardagh Wm M., Esq. French Church Street Trinity Within Waterford Ardagh Wm M., Esq. Paul's Square Trinity Within Waterford Arundel John Palace Lane Trinity Within Waterford Backas Thomas High Street Trinity Within Waterford Barnes Thomas The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Barrett Nicholas Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Boyle George The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Breen Patrick Cook Lane Trinity Within Waterford Bridget Mrs. ??? Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Burke Thomas High Street Trinity Within Waterford Butler Susanna The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Caffry Margaret Peter Street Trinity Within Waterford Callaghan Ellen Cook Lane Trinity Within Waterford Campion Edward The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Carew Thomas, Esq. High Street Trinity Within Waterford Carr John Coffee House Lane Trinity Within Waterford Caule Andrew Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Chambers Rep. William Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Clarke William, Esq. Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Cody Pierce Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Coffey Thomas Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Coghlan James Quay Lane Trinity Within Waterford Coghlan John French Church Street Trinity Within Waterford Colgan George Wm The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Collins Benjamin, Esq. Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Comerford Patrick Arundel Lane Trinity Within Waterford Condell James W. Colbeck Street Trinity Within Waterford Connor Edward Chapel Lane Trinity Within Waterford Connor George W. The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Connors Ellen Milk Lane Trinity Within Waterford Conway Patrick Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Cooke Mary Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Cox Pierce The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Croake John Coffee House Lane Trinity Within Waterford Cullen Maurice Milk Lane Trinity Within Waterford Daly Robert Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Dawson Francis The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Delandre Bartholomew, Esq. Peter Street Trinity Within Waterford Delany Michael Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Denny Abraham The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Devereux Mary Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Dickenson James The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Dillon Richard The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Dobbyn Michael, Esq. High Street Trinity Within Waterford Dowling Mrs. Mary Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Dowling Patrick High Street Trinity Within Waterford Doyle Martin The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Duggan Michael Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Dunne Andrew High Street Trinity Within Waterford Edwards William, Esq. Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Ellott John, Esq. Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Ellott John, Esq. Peter Street Trinity Within Waterford Ellott Messers Colbeck Street Trinity Within Waterford Eustace John Trinity Lane Trinity Within Waterford Evens James Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Fanning Patrick The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Farell Mrs. Barbara French Church Street Trinity Within Waterford Fitzgribbon William The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Fleming Lawrence Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Flynn Margaret The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Flynn Matthew Milk Lane Trinity Within Waterford Foran ??? Chapel Lane Trinity Within Waterford Foran Sarah High Street Trinity Within Waterford Forde John High Street Trinity Within Waterford Fortune Gregory Black Friar's Street Trinity Within Waterford Foster Mrs. Mary Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Froste Mrs. Martha The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Fry Margaret The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Gallway Henry, Esq. High Street Trinity Within Waterford Glanville David The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Glanville George The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Gowan John The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Graham Benjamin, Esq. Paul's Square Trinity Within Waterford Graham Benjamin, Esq. The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Green Mary High Street Trinity Within Waterford Hamilton Otho Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Hammett Rep. Alex, Esq. The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Haughton John Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Hayes William, Esq. Quay Lane Trinity Within Waterford Hearne Thomas Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Heary Thomas Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Henderson Richard The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Henderson Richard, Esq. Quay Lane Trinity Within Waterford Higgins Michael Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Hoare Edward Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Hoare John Trinity Lane Trinity Within Waterford Horn Matthew French Church Street Trinity Within Waterford Howard Francis T. The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Hughes Mary Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Hunt Ambrose, Esq. High Street Trinity Within Waterford Hunt Philip Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Jeffers Christopher Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Jones Charles The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Jones Rev. T. The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Keane Rep. James Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Kearney William Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Keeffe David Peter Street Trinity Within Waterford Keily William The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Kelly James Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Kelly Thomas French Church Street Trinity Within Waterford Kenny Richard High Street Trinity Within Waterford Kent James, Esq. Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Kerr John Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Kier Anne The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Kirwan Thomas Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Kizby William The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Knox Edward Peter Street Trinity Within Waterford Laffin Robert The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Lahy James Peter Street Trinity Within Waterford Lassy Henry Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Leany James Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Long Stephen Cook Lane Trinity Within Waterford Mathews Rev. John The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Mc Auliff Peter The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Mc Carthy Patrick High Street Trinity Within Waterford Mc Cormick Thomas Arundel Lane Trinity Within Waterford Mc Court Arthur The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Mc Grath Denis The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Mc Grath Mary The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Mc Grath Rodolphus Arundel Lane Trinity Within Waterford Mc Kenna Thomas Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Mc Lindan John The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Meagher Miss Bridget The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Merrick Mary French Church Street Trinity Within Waterford Mills Thomas The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Morris Richard High Street Trinity Within Waterford Mortmer Nathaniel The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Mosely James The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Mullowney Jno Trinity Lane Trinity Within Waterford Mullowney John Milk Lane Trinity Within Waterford Murphy John Cook Lane Trinity Within Waterford Murphy Ml Chapel Lane Trinity Within Waterford Nagle Mrs. Mary Jane Peter Street Trinity Within Waterford Nash John The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Newport Messers Colbeck Street Trinity Within Waterford O'Brien Jeremiah Quay Lane Trinity Within Waterford O'Brien Jeremiah, Esq. The Quay Trinity Within Waterford O'Brien John Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford O'Gorman Terence Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford O'Keeffe John The Quay Trinity Within Waterford O'Neill Lawrence Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford O'Reilly Nicholas Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford O'Reilly Nicholas French Church Street Trinity Within Waterford O'Shea Michael The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Palmer James Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Palmer James Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Palmer James G., Esq. The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Parker Thomas Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Peniston Mrs. Catherine The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Phelan John High Street Trinity Within Waterford Phelan Patrick Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Phelan Patrick High Street Trinity Within Waterford Phelan Stephen The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Phelan Sylvester Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Phelan Sylvester High Street Trinity Within Waterford Phelan Thomas Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Phelan Thomas High Street Trinity Within Waterford Phelan Thomas Milk Lane Trinity Within Waterford Pope Henry, Esq. Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Power Edmund T., Esq. Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Power John Arundel Square Trinity Within Waterford Power John Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Power John High Street Trinity Within Waterford Power John, Esq. The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Power Michael Black Friar's Street Trinity Within Waterford Power Mrs. Anne Milk Lane Trinity Within Waterford Power Thomas Black Friar's Street Trinity Within Waterford Price Miss Margaret Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Price Miss Margaret Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Quinn John High Street Trinity Within Waterford Ready Richard High Street Trinity Within Waterford Redge Thomas The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Roberts Capt. T. Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Roberts Michael, Esq. Colbeck Street Trinity Within Waterford Ryan Cornelius Conduit Lane Trinity Within Waterford Scanlan Catherine Cook Lane Trinity Within Waterford Scanlan James Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Scott John Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Shaw Christopher Peter Street Trinity Within Waterford Sheedy John Arundel Lane Trinity Within Waterford Sheehan Rev. John Henrietta Street Trinity Within Waterford Sherlock Alex, Esq. Chapel Lane Trinity Within Waterford Smith Michael Cook Lane Trinity Within Waterford Smith Richard Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Smith Thomas D. Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Stafford Richard Milk Lane Trinity Within Waterford Stone Matthew High Street Trinity Within Waterford Suffle John Broad Street Trinity Within Waterford Supple James The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Thompson Catherine The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Thompson William Black Friar's Street Trinity Within Waterford Thompson William High Street Trinity Within Waterford Thornton James The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Thornton William High Street Trinity Within Waterford Tobin John High Street Trinity Within Waterford Walsh Edward Black Friar's Street Trinity Within Waterford Walsh Elizabeth Cathedral Square Trinity Within Waterford Walsh John The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Walsh Mary Arundel Lane Trinity Within Waterford Whelan Michael Cook Lane Trinity Within Waterford White Henry The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Williams Anne Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Williams David The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Wilson Tobias Bailey's New Street Trinity Within Waterford Wilson Tobias The Quay Trinity Within Waterford Young Catherine High Street Trinity Within Waterford