Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Adams George, Esq. Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Adams George, Esq. Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Alcock Mrs. ??? Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Allen James Gibbethill Summerhill Trinity Without Waterford Andrews Michael Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Angel John Anne Street Trinity Without Waterford Angel Thomas Hanover Street Trinity Without Waterford Angel Thomas King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Angel Thomas The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Anthony Mark Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Anthony William King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Ardagh Michael, Esq. Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Ardlagh Robert, Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Arthur Martin Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Artillery ??? Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Arundel John Palace-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Askin John Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Aungier Ephron Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Aungier William Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Austin James Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Austin Mary Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Aylward Edmund The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Aylward Edward Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Aylward James Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Aylward John Asylum Lane Trinity Without Waterford Aylward John J., Esq. Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Aylward John J., Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Aylward Mary Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Aylward Michael Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Aylward Patrick Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Aylward Patrick Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Aylward Patrick New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Aylward William Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Baile Thomas Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Baldwin John Henry Street Trinity Without Waterford Baldwin Philip Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Baldwin Thomas Browley East (Nagle's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Baldwin Thomas Lisduggan Big, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Barden John Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Barden John Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Barden Patrick Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Bardin William Grant's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Barlow Michael Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Barlow Michael Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Barnes John Balteen Lane Trinity Without Waterford Barrett James Clashrea, Philip Street Trinity Without Waterford Barrett James Crosley's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Barrett Patrick Browley East (Nagle's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Barron Edward Browley East (Griffin's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Barron Edward N., Esq. Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Barron Edwd. N., Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Barron Mrs. Jane N. Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Barry James Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Barry Michael Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Barry Michael Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Barry Richard New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Barry Thomas Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Barton Joshua George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Basset Thomas Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Beauman Edward Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Bellord John The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Bellord Thomas Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Bellord Thomas The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Bennett Johanna Browley East (Nagle's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Bennison Mrs. Eliza Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Bianconi Charles The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Black Thomas Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Blackmore Mrs. Catherine Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Blake John, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Blake Thomas Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Boagan John Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Bolden Edmund Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Bolger John Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Bolger Richard Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Bourke Edward, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Boutcher Joseph Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Boutcher Jph Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Boyd Matthew Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Boyle James Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Boyle Thomas Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Branders John Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Brennan Alicia Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brennan Edmund Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Brennan James Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Brennan James Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Brennan John Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Brennan Margaret Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Brennan Michael Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Brennan Michael Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Brennan Pierce Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Brennan Richard The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Brennan Thomas Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Breton Mathew Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brett Geoffrey Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Brett James Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brett John Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brewders William Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Brian John Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Brien James May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brien James The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Brien John Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Brien Lawrence Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Brien Margaret Cashen's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brien Mary Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brien Michael Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Brien Patrick Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Brien Rev. Edward Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Brien Terence Newgate Street Trinity Without Waterford Brien Terence O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Britt Catherine Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Britt Catherine Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Broderick Thomas May-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brodrick John Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brodrick Thomas Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Brophy Mrs. Catherine Meeting House Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brophy Mrs. Catherine The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Brophy Patrick Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Brophy Thomas Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Brothers Henry Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Brown Mary Goats Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brown Ardagh Samuel, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Browne Anthony Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Browne Bridget Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Browne Edmund Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Browne James Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Browne John Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Browne Julia Longcourse Pump Lane Trinity Without Waterford Browne Mary Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Browne Matthew Pastimeknock Trinity Without Waterford Browne Maurice Henry Street Trinity Without Waterford Browne Patrick Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Browne Patrick Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Browne Philip Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Browne Thomas Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Brownrigg Henry, Esq. Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Brownrigg Henry, Esq. Meeting House Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brownrigg Henry, Esq. Sergeant's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Brownrigg Henry, Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Brushnahan Margaret Mall Lane Trinity Without Waterford Bryan Edward Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Bryan Ellen Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Bryan John Longcourse Well-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Bryan Michael Longcourse Well-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Bryan Mrs. ??? Wellington Street Trinity Without Waterford Bryan Peter Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Bryan Peter Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Bryan Timothy Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Buckley John Longcourse Kneef's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Buckley Patrick King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Budd James Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Buggy Patrick Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Bulger James Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Bulger Joseph Lisduggan Little, Boreenclough Trinity Without Waterford Bulger Michael Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Bunbury James H., Esq. Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Burke Denis The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Burke Edward, Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Burke John Longcourse Pump Lane Trinity Without Waterford Burke Matthew King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Burke Patrick King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Burke Patrick O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Burke Richard Thompson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Burke Thomas May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Burke Thomas Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Butler Edward Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Butler John Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Butler Margaret Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Butler Martin Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Butler Mary Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Butler Michael Gow S Lane Trinity Without Waterford Butler Pierce Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Butler William Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Byrne Catherine Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Byrne Daniel Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Byrne David Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Byrne Johanna Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Byrne Patrick Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Byrne Patrick Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Caddigan Anthony The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Cahill Michael Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Cahill Michael Fheelbarrow Lane Contd Trinity Without Waterford Cahill Michael Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cahill Patrick Francis Court Trinity Without Waterford Cahill Patrick Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Cahill Richard Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cahill Thomas Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Callaghan Honoria Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Callaghan John Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Callaghan John Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Callaghan Martin Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Campion James Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Campion Mrs. Mary Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Campion Mrs. Mary Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Cane John Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Cane Mary Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Cane Patrick Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Cane William Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Canning Catherine Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Canning P. C., Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Cantwell Edward Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cantwell Nicholas Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Canty Patrick Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Carberry John Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Carberry John Logloss Trinity Without Waterford Carberry Michael Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Carew James Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Carey John Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Carey John Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Carlton Conway, Esq. George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Carney Joseph Grant's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Carrick Peter George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Carroll Daniel Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Carroll James Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Carroll James O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Carroll James The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Carroll James Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Carroll Johanna Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Carroll John Back Lane Trinity Without Waterford Carroll John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Carroll John Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Carroll Joseph Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Carroll Michael Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Carroll Michael Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Carroll Owen, Esq. Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Carroll Owen, Esq. Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Carroll Philip Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Carroll Richard Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Carroll Thomas Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Carroll William Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Carroll William Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Carroll William, Esq. Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Carter Henry Longcourse, Hennessy's Road Trinity Without Waterford Carter Henry Pastimeknock Trinity Without Waterford Carthy John Logloss Trinity Without Waterford Carthy Timothy Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Carty John Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Casey Michael Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Casey Michael Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Cashen Henry Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cashen Honoria Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cashen John Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cashen Patrick Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cashin Alexander Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Cashin Mary Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Cashin Richard Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Caulfield Catherine Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Caulfield John Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Caulfield John May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Caulfield Michael Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Caulfield Michael Clashrea, Narrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Caulfield Michael Cleaboy Trinity Without Waterford Caulfield Paul Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Caulfield William Clashrea, Ballybricken Street Trinity Without Waterford Caulfield William Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Caulfield William Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Cavanagh James Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cavanagh Joseph Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Cavanagh Mary Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Cavat Dr. James Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Chaddock Robert Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Chambers Thomas Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Chambers William Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Cheevers Eliza Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Cherry Thomas R., Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Clancy Anne Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Clancy James Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Clare William A. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Clarke Thomas, Esq. Longcourse Convent Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Clarke William, Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Cleary John Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cleary Lawrence Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Cleary Peter Lisduggan Big, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Clibborn Edward, Esq. Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Clooney Michael Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Coady Mrs. Mary Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Cody John Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Cody Patrick Cashen's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Coffey John Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Coffey Walter Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Coghlan Michael The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Cole Christopher, Esq. Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Cole Mr. ??? Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Cole Mr. ??? Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Cole Mr. ??? Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Cole Mrs. ??? Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Coleman David Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Colfer Andrew Barron Strand Street Trinity Without Waterford Colfer Mary Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Collins James Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Collins James Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Collins John Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Collins Thomas Gow S Lane Trinity Without Waterford Colville Robert, Esq. Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Condell James W., Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Condon ??? Longcourse Newgate-Street Trinity Without Waterford Condon Alice Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Condon Edward Longcourse, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Condon Maurice Mall Lane Trinity Without Waterford Condon Maurice Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Condon Michael The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Condon Mrs. Elizabeth Pastimeknock Trinity Without Waterford Condon Thomas George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Condon William Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Condon William Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Conlan James Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Conlis Patrick Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Connell Maurice Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Connell Maurice Longcourse, Hennessy's Road Trinity Without Waterford Connell Thomas Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Connelly John Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Connelly Mary Browley East (Griffin's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Connelly Michael Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Conners Mrs. ??? Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Conners Patrick Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Connery Matthias Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Connolly Michael The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Connolly Nicholas Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Connolly Patrick Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Connolly Patrick Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Connolly William, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Connolly Wm, Esq. Bank Lane Trinity Without Waterford Connor Anastasia Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Connor John Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Connor Mary Anne Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Connor Peter Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Connor Thomas Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Connor Thomas Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Connor Thomas New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Connors Patrick Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Connors Thomas Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Connors Thomas Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Connory Thomas Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Conway Thomas Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Conway Thomas Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cooke Christopher Mall Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cooke Mary Goats Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cooke Richard, Esq. Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Cooke William Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Coombe John, Esq. Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Coombe John, Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Coonerty Michael Francis Court Trinity Without Waterford Cooney Anastatia Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Cooney Edward Catherine's Court Trinity Without Waterford Cooney John Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Cooper Mary Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Corbett Mary Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Corcoran James Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Corcoran John Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Corcoran Martin Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Cosgrave Patrick Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Costello Michael Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Costello William Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Coughlan Maurice Browley East (Nagle's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Courtney Edward, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Crawford John Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Croak William Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Crosby Thomas Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Crotty David Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Crotty Mary Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Crotty Maurice Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Crotty Mrs. Margaret The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Crotty Patrick Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Crowley Margaret Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Cuddihy Rev. Patrick Colbeck-Street Trinity Without Waterford Cuddihy Thomas Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Cuff James Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Cuffe Andrew Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Cuffe Patrick Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Cullen Jeremiah Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Cullen Johanna Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Cullen Johanna Cleaboy Trinity Without Waterford Cullen Johanna Ticor Trinity Without Waterford Cullen Margaret Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Cullin Miss Bridget Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Cummingham Thomas Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Cummins Edward The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Cummins James Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Cummins John Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Cummins Maurice Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cummins Michael Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cummins Thomas Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Cummins Thomas Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Cummmins Edmund Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Cunningham Bryan Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Cunningham James Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Cunningham Lawrence Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Cunningham Martin Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cunningham Patrick Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Curley William Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Currin Frances Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Curry Martin Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Curtis Edward King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Curtis Rep. Thos. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Cutt Michael Longcourse Well-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Cutt Walter Catherine's Court Trinity Without Waterford Dalton James Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dalton Matthew Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Dalton William Clashrea, Philip Street Trinity Without Waterford Daly Daniel Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Daly John Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Daly John Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Daly Mary Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Daly Robert The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Daly Thomas Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Daly Right Rev. Robt The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Daniel John May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Daniel Mrs. Margaret Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Darmody Catherine Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Darmody John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Dart Joseph Waterside Trinity Without Waterford Dart Mrs. Sophia The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Davis ??? Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Davis David Gibbethill Summerhill Trinity Without Waterford Davis Edward James's Street Trinity Without Waterford Davis Henry, Esq. Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Davis James Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Davis Mrs. Hannah The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Davis Thomas Francis Court Trinity Without Waterford Day Catherine Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Day John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Day John Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Day Michael Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford De Burgh John Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford De Burgh Mrs. Margaret Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Dea John Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Dea John Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Dedlie Messers The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Dee Catherine Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Dee John Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Dee William Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty Edmund Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty James Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty James Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty James, Esq. Bank Lane Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty James, Esq. Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty Lawrence Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty Mary Lisduggan Little, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty Matthew Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty Thomas Browley East (Griffin's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty Thomas Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty Thomas Clashrea, Philip Street Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty Thomas New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty Walter Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Delahunty William Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Delany Edward Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Delany John Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Delany Michael Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Dempsey Denis Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Denn Martin Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Denn Martin King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Dennesson John Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Denny Daniel, Esq. Anne Street Trinity Without Waterford Denny Henry, Esq. Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Denny Joseph, Esq. King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Devereux John The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Devereux Michael Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Digham John The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Dillon Anastasia Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Dillon Patrick Longcourse Kneef's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dillon Thomas Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Dobbin John Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Dobbin Michael Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dobbyn James Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Dobbyn James The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Dobbyn Lawrence, Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Dobbyn Michael Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Dobbyn Michael, Esq. Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Dobbyn Michael, Esq. Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Dobbyn Oliver Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dobbyn Thomas Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Dogherty Thomas May-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Doheny James O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Doherty James Queen's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Doherty Lawrence Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Doherty William Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Donnell Martin Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Donnelly Edmund Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Donnelly Patrick Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Donovan William Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Doody Nicholas Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Doolan James Bank Lane Trinity Without Waterford Doolan John Bank Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dooley John May-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dooley Rev. Timothy Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dooley William Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Doolin Edmund Clashrea, Ballybricken Street Trinity Without Waterford Dooly Thomas Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Dooly William Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Doran Peter Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Dowd Thomas Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Dower Timothy Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Dowling James May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dowling Timothy Asylum Lane Trinity Without Waterford Downes Henry, Esq. Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Downey John Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Downey Michael The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Doyle Cornelius Bruce's Hall Trinity Without Waterford Doyle James The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Doyle John Gough's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Doyle John Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Doyle Michael Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Doyle Michael Thompson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Doyle Michael Wellington Street Trinity Without Waterford Doyle Morgan Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Doyle Mrs. Catherine Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Doyle Owen Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Doyle Patrick Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Doyle Richard Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Draper Richard, Esq. Gibbethill Contd Trinity Without Waterford Dreaper Richard H., Esq. Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Dreaper William C., Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Driscoll John Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Droghan John Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Drohan John Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Drohan Patrick Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Drohan Thomas Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Duggan Bridget Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Duggan Catherine Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Duggan John Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Duggan Judith Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Duggan Michael Browley East (Nagle's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Duggan Michael Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Dunford Johanna Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Dunford John F., Esq. Gaffney's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dunford John F., Esq. George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Dunford Joseph Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Dunn Catherine Francis Court Trinity Without Waterford Dunn William The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Dunne Michael Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Dunne Wm. Henry Adelphi Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Dunphy John Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Dunphy Julia Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Dunphy Luke The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Dunphy Matthew Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Dunphy Thomas Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Dunphy Thomas Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Durand Michael Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Durney John May-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Durney Margaret Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Durney Matthew Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Durney Michael Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Durney Robert Longcourse Butcher's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Durong Patrick Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Dwyer Bartholomew Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Dwyer Ellen May-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dwyer Joseph Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dwyer Joseph Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Dwyer Michael Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Dwyer Patrick Longcourse Grady's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Dyce Mrs. ??? Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Edmonds John Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Edwards William Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Edwards William, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Elliott John Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford English Thomas Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Ennett Patrick Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Evoy Matthew Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Fanning Catherine Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Fanning Edward Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Fanning Martin Browley East (Nagle's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Fanning Thomas Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Farrell James Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Farrell John Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Farrell Mary Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Farrell Matthew Back Lane Trinity Without Waterford Farrell Matthew Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Farrell Michael Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Farrell Mrs. Mary Anne Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Farrell Patrick Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Farrell Peter Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Farrell Simon Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Faw John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Feehan John Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Feehan John Logloss Trinity Without Waterford Feehan John E., Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Feley James Longcourse Well-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Fennelly Margaret Bolton-Street Trinity Without Waterford Fennelly Thomas Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Fennessy Richard George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Fennessy Richard Sergeant's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Fewer John Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Fielding Philip Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Fillater Patrick Asylum Lane Trinity Without Waterford Finn Denis Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Finn James Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Fisher William The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Anne Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Denis Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald James Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald John Rathfadden Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Maurice Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Michael Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Miss Cath Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Nicholas Lisduggan Little, Boreenclough Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Patrick Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Richard Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Richard Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald Thomas Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald William Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Fitzgerald William Newgate Street Trinity Without Waterford Fitzhenry Samuel King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Fitzhenry Samuel King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Fitzpatrick Kearns Barron Strand Street Trinity Without Waterford Fitzpatrick William Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Flaherty Johns Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Flaherty Michael Longcourse Grady's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Flaherty Thomas Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Flaherty Thomas Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Flanagan John Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Flanagan Maurice Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Flanagan Miss ??? Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Flanagan Miss A. Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Flanagan Miss J. Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Flanaghan Maurice Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Flavelle James Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Flavin Denis Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Flavin Messers The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Fleming John Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Fleming William Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Andrew Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Bridget Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Catherine Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Catherine Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Flynn James Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Flynn James Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Flynn John Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Flynn John O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Flynn John Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Flynn John Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Margaret Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Mary Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Mary Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Mary New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Maurice Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Michael Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Michael Cleaboy Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Michael Rathfadden Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Michael Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Patrick Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Patrick Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Patrick Cleaboy Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Patrick Rathfadden Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Philip Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Rev. Martin Chapel-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Rev. Martin Cleaboy Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Rev. Martin Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Rev. Martin Logloss Trinity Without Waterford Flynn Rev. Martin Rathfadden Trinity Without Waterford Flynn William Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Fogarty Thomas Thompson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Fogarty Thomas, Esq. Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Fogarty Thomas, Esq. Gibbethill Dye House Lane Trinity Without Waterford Fogarty Thomas, Esq. Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Foley Catherine Clashrea, Philip Street Trinity Without Waterford Foley Ellen Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Foley James Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Foley James Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Foley John Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Foley John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Foley Mary Pastimeknock Trinity Without Waterford Foran David Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Foran Dr. ??? George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Foran Edward Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Foran James Lisduggan Big, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Foran John Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Foran Michael Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Foran Thomas Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Foran Walter Browley East (Griffin's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Forde John Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Foresyth Mary Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Forrestall Thomas Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Forrester Thomas Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Forristal Edward The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Forristal John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Fortune Arthur Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Frayne Matthew Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Frazer James Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Freeman John Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Furlong Anne Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Furlong James Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Furlong John Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Furlong John Gibbethill Summerhill Trinity Without Waterford Furlong John Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Furlong Patrick Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Galavan John May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Gallwey Henry, Esq. George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Gallwey Henry, Esq. Meeting House Lane Trinity Without Waterford Galway Mrs. Jane Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Gannon William Colbeck-Street Trinity Without Waterford Gatchell George Anne Street Trinity Without Waterford Gatchell George The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Gaul John Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Gaul Michael Murphy's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Gaul Michael Patrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Gaul Patrick Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Gaul William Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Gaule Edward Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Gaule John Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Gaule John Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Gaule Michael New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Gaynor John Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Geary Bridget Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Geary Cornelius Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Geary Patrick Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Geary Patrick Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Geary Patrick Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Gee Isaac Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Gibbs William Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Gibson George, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Gleeson Mrs. Honoria Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Goggin Edmund Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Goonch Robert King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Gordon Mary Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Gorman Honoria Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Gorman Joseph Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Gorman Mary Catherine's Court Trinity Without Waterford Gorman Michael Back Lane Trinity Without Waterford Gorman Patrick Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Gorman Patrick Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Gough Eleanor Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Gough James Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Gough Maurice Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Gough Richard Francis Street Trinity Without Waterford Grace James Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Grace John Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Grace Richard Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Grady James Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Grady James Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Grady James Cleaboy Trinity Without Waterford Grady James Lisduggan Little, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Graham Benj, Esq. Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Graham Benjamin, Esq. Gibbethill Dye House Lane Trinity Without Waterford Grandy Margaret King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Grannan John Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Grannan John Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Grannan John Longcourse, Hennessy's Road Trinity Without Waterford Grant Henry D., Esq. George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Grant James Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Grant John Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Grant Michael Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Grant Miss Catherine Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Grant Miss Catherine Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Grant Peter Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Grant Philip King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Grant Thomas Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Green Godfery Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Greene Francis Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Greene Mary Longcourse Pump Lane Trinity Without Waterford Griffin Daniel Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Griffin David Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Griffin Patrick Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Griffin Richard Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Griffin Robert Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Griffith Henry Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Griffith Henry Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Griffith John Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Grubb Thomas S., Esq. Bolton-Street Trinity Without Waterford Haberlin Elizabeth Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Haberlin James Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Haberlin James Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Haberlin Mary Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Hacket Michael The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Hackett Denis Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Hackett James Back Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hackett James Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Hackett Maurice Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Hackett Michael Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Hackett Nicholas New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hackett Patrick Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Hahesy William Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Hally Daniel Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Hally John Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Hally Mrs. Bridget Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Hamilton John Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Hancock Strangman Thomas, Esq. Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Handrahan William Clashrea, Ballybricken Street Trinity Without Waterford Hanlon Michael Colbeck-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hanly Edmund, Esq. George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Hannah Mrs. Max Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Hanrahan James Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hanrahan John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Hanrahan Margaret Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Harden William Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hardy Miss ??? Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hardy William Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Harney James Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Harney James Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Harney James Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Harney James Wellington Street Trinity Without Waterford Harney Maurice The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Harney Michael Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Harpur John Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Harrington Denis Barron Strand Street Trinity Without Waterford Harrington John Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Harrington Patrick Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Harrington Patrick Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Harrington Patrick Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Harris Richard, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Harris Samuel Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Harrison William Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Hart Mary Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Hartey Catherine Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Harty David Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Harty John Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Harvey E. George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Harvey Thomas S. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Harvey Thomas S., Esq. Meeting House Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hassard Exors. Francis, Esq. Crosley's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hassard William New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hassard William H., Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Hassett Patrick Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Hassett Patrick Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Hatchet James Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Haughton Christopher Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Hayden James Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Hayden John Pastimeknock Trinity Without Waterford Hayden Patrick Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Hayden Pierce Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Haydin John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Hayes John Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Hayes Margaret Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Hayes Michael Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Hayes Miss Maryanne, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Hayes Nicholas Henry Street Trinity Without Waterford Hayes Richard The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Hayes Richard, Esq. Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Hayes Roobert Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Hayes William Longcourse Butcher's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hayes William The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Hayton Patrick Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Head Michael Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Heaphy James Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Hearn John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Hearn Joseph The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Hearn Nicholas Longcourse Butcher's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hearn Nicohlas Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Hearn Patrick Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Hearn Thomas Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Hearn William Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Hearn William Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hearne Nicholas The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Hearne Patrick Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hearne Richard Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Hearne William Catherine's Court Trinity Without Waterford Heelan David Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Heelan James Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Heffernan Patrick Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Henderson Rich, Esq. Bolton-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hendrican Anastasia Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Hendrick Philip King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Hendrick William Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Heneberry Patrick Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Heneberry Thomas Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Henneberry Margaret Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Henneberry Michael Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Henneberry Thomas Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Henneberry Walter The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Hennessy Catherine Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hennessy John King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Henrick Philip King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Herbert Anastasia The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Hession John The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Hetherson James Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hetherston James Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Hetherston James Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Hickey James, Esq. Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hickey Michael Bruce's Hall Trinity Without Waterford Hickey Patrick Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Hickey Patrick Bruce's Hall Trinity Without Waterford Hickey Patrick Longcourse Butcher's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Higgins Thomas Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hill Thomas, Esq. Anne Street Trinity Without Waterford Hill Thomas, Esq. Fenrose Street Trinity Without Waterford Hill Thomas, Esq. Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Hill William George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Hill William The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Hingery Eleanor Francis Court Trinity Without Waterford Hinks Matthew Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hoban Michael Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Hoban Patrick Longcourse Kneef's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hoban Patrick The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Hoban Thomas Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hodges James O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Hogan Anne Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Hogan Catherine Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Hogan Eleanor Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hogan James Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hogan Mary Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Hogan Patrick Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Hogan Thomas Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Hogan William Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Holden John Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Hoolahan Walter King's Meadow Trinity Without Waterford Hornick William Francis Street Trinity Without Waterford Houlahan Patrick Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Howard Francis T. Chapel-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Howard Francis T. Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Howard Michael Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Howell George Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Howlett Bridget Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hudson Ellen Gow S Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hughes George Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Hughes John Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Hunt Bridget Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Hunt Catherine Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Hunt Eleanorr Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Hunt James Francis Court Trinity Without Waterford Hunt John Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Hunt Matthew Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Hunt Robert Murphy's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hunt William Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Hurley John Barron Strand Street Trinity Without Waterford Hurley Pierce Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Hurley Thomas Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Hurly John King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Hynds Catherine Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Hynds Thomas Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Ingram John O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Irish John Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Ivory Messers Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Ivory Morgan The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Jacob R. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Jacob Thomas W., Esq. Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Jacob Thomas W., Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Jacob W. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Jacob William B., Esq. Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Jacob Wm B., Esq. Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Jeffers Thomas Waterside Trinity Without Waterford Jeffers William Waterside Trinity Without Waterford Jephson Henry, Esq. Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Johnston William, Esq. Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Jones David Queen's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Jones John Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Jones William The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Joy Edward Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Joy William Sergeant's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kane Bridget Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Kavanagh Messers The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Kean Pierce Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Keane Eleanor Ticor Trinity Without Waterford Keane James Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Keane James Ticor Trinity Without Waterford Keane Jeremiah Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Keane Jeremiah Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Keane Johanna Cleaboy Trinity Without Waterford Keane John Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Keane John Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Keane Maurice Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Keane Michael Clashrea, Narrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Keane Michael Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Keane Pierce Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Keane William Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Kearney Anastasia Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kearney Chares Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kearney Henry Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Kearney Mary Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Kearney Mary Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Kearney Mrs. Mary The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Keating James, Esq. Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Keating Michael Wellington Street Trinity Without Waterford Kedisford Andrew Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Keefe James Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Keeffe Andrew The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Keeffe David O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Keeffe James Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Keeffe John Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Keeffe John Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Keeffe John Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Keeffe Mary Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Keeffe Patrick Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Keeffe Pierce Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Keeffe Richard Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Keegan Daniel Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Keelaghan Patrick Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Kehoe David The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Kehoe Edward Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Kehoe James Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Keily James Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Keily Michael Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Catherine Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Edward Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Henry Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Hentry Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Kelly James Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Kelly James George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Lawrence Malones Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Michael Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Michael Malones Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Patrick Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Patrick Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Patrick Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Peter Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Pierce Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Kelly Thomas Longcourse Well-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kelly William Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Kelly William Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Kenna Michael Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Kenna Patrick Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Kennedy Edmund Crosley's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kennedy Michael Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Kennedy Patrick Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Kennedy Roger Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Kennedy Thomas Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Kennedy William Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Kenny Andrew Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Kenny Edmund Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kenny Edward Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Kenny John, Esq. Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Kenny John, Esq. Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Kenny Laurence Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kenny Michael Gaffney's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kenny Patrick Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kenny William Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Kenny William Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Kenny William Goats Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kent George Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Kent James, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Kent Mrs. Mary The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Keogan Thomas Pastimeknock Trinity Without Waterford Keoghan Thomas Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Keohan Margaret Newgate Street Trinity Without Waterford Kerby James Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kerwick William The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Ketler Patrick Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Kiely Daniel Henry Street Trinity Without Waterford Kiely Edmund Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Kiely Thomas Henry Street Trinity Without Waterford Kierwick William Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Kinna Patrick Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Kinnea Thomas Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Kirby John Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kirby Margaret Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Kirby Michael Ticor Trinity Without Waterford Kirby Nicholas Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Kirby Nicholas Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Kirwan James Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Knight Anne Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Knox Catherine Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Knox Margaret Barron Strand Street Trinity Without Waterford Knox Martin Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Knox Michael Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Knox Richard Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Lacy Patrick Francis Street Trinity Without Waterford Laffan James Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Laffan Lawrence Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Landy John Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Landy Thomas May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Langan John Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Lanigan James Waterside Trinity Without Waterford Lanigan William May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Lannan Patrick Longcourse Well-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Lannen Patrick Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Lannigan Trevor T., Esq. Longcourse Convent Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Lannon Mrs. ??? Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Larkin David Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Larkin Edmund Malones Lane Trinity Without Waterford Larkin James Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Larkin Michael Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Larkin Patrick Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Larrissy James Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Lawless Anastasia Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Lawless John Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Lawless Patrick Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Lawless Philip, Esq. George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Lawson Miss ??? King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Leahan William Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Leahy Alexander Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Leahy Eleanor Queen's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Leahy Patrick Lisduggan Big, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Leake George Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Leamy Michael Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Leary James Longcourse Butcher's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Leary Robert Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Leckey Robert, Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Ledlie Messers George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Leeson Edmund Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Lenaghan John Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Lenchan William Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Lenehan Anne Balteen Lane Trinity Without Waterford Lenehan Thomas Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Lermon Patrick Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Lewis John Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Lindsay John Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Lindsey John Anne Street Trinity Without Waterford Linehan Anne Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Long Edmund Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Long John Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Long Richard Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Lonregan Patrick Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Luby Edmund Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Lunham Rep. John The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Lupton Mary Longcourse Kneef's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Lynagh Anastasia Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Lynagh John Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Lynberry John Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Lynch Edward George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Lynch John Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Lynch John Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Lynch Margaret Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Lynch Patrick Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Lynch William Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Lyons James Lisduggan Little, Boreenclough Trinity Without Waterford Lyons Richard Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford M'Daniel Michael Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford M'Hugh John Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Mack James Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Mackesy John, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Mackesy Joseph, Esq. Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Mackey Catherine Wellington Street Trinity Without Waterford Macneill John Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Maddigan Catherine Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Maddigan Eleanor Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Maddigan Robert Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Maddock James Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Magrath Catherine Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Magrath Mary King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Magrath Roger Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Magrath Thomas Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Magrath William Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Maher Catherine Gow S Lane Trinity Without Waterford Maher Edward Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Maher Johanna Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Maher John Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Maher John Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Maher Martin Gow S Lane Trinity Without Waterford Maher Michael Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Maher Patrick The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Maher Peter Francis Street Trinity Without Waterford Maher Thomas Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Maher William Bruce's Hall Trinity Without Waterford Mahon James Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mahon John King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Mahony Anne Newgate Street Trinity Without Waterford Mahony Daniel Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mahony Eleanor Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Mahony Johanna Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Mahony Peter Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Malone Elizabeth Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Manly Richard The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Manning Elizabeth Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Mara John Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Mara John Catherine's Court Trinity Without Waterford Mara John Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Mara John Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Mara Patrick Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Mara William Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Martin Richard Anne Street Trinity Without Waterford Mason Arthur The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Mason Arthur, Esq. Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Masterson Miss Susan Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Cann Thomas May-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mc Carthy Ellen Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Carthy Felix Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Mc Carthy Johanna Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Mc Carthy Mary Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Mc Carthy Thomas Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Carthy Thomas Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Mc Carthy Timothy Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Mc Clelland John, Esq. Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Cormack Catherine Queen's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Mc Cormack James King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Mc Cormack Margaret Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Cormack Thomas Queen's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Mc Coy James Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Creary John The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Mc Creery Jno The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Mc Dermott Francis New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell Anastasia Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell Edward Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell James Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell John Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell Lawrence Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell Maurice Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell Michael Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell Michael Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell Nicholas Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell Patrick Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell Thomas Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Mc Donnell Thomas Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mc Evoy Daniel Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Mc Evoy James Henry Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Evoy Matthew Queen's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Andrew Gibbethill Summerhill Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Bridget Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Daniel Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Honoria Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath John Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath John Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath John May-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Julia May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Lawrence Longcourse Well-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Michael Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Michael Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Newenham Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Patrick Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Richard Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath Thomas Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath William Waterside Trinity Without Waterford Mc Grath William Wellington Street Trinity Without Waterford Mc Lean Benjanin Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Mc Mahon John Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Mc Millen James George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Mc Nally Catherine Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mc Nally Edmund Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Meade John Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Meagher Thom., Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Meany Thomas Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Meara Michael Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Meeghan Edmund O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Meehan James Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Meighan James Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Merry Daniel Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Merry Edward Barron Strand Street Trinity Without Waterford Merry Stephen Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Merry Walter Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Mervin William Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Mevan Isaac Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Meyers Humphrey Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Mill Patrick Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Millett John Lisduggan Little, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Mills George Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Mills Mrs. Eliza Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Milward William, Esq. Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Milward William, Esq. Gibbethill Summerhill Trinity Without Waterford Molloy Michael Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Molloy Mrs. ??? King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Mooney John Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Moore Benjamin, Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Moore Edmund Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Moore Francis King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Moore James Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Moore Miss Susan Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Moore Mrs. Deborah The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Moore Owen Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Moore Stephen Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Moran John Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Moran John Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Moran Thomas Asylum Lane Trinity Without Waterford Morgan James Bank Lane Trinity Without Waterford Morissy Daniel Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Morissy Mary Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Morris David Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Morris James Clashrea, Narrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Morris Mrs. Sarah The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Morris William, Esq. Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Morris Wall Sir Benjamin The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Morrissey Daniel Longcourse Pump Lane Trinity Without Waterford Morrissey Johanna Longcourse Pump Lane Trinity Without Waterford Morrissy James Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Morrissy Jeremiah Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Morrissy John Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Morrissy John Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Morrissy John Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Morrissy Thomas Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Mortimer Michael, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Morton Colquhoun, Esq. Anne Street Trinity Without Waterford Morton Colquhoun, Esq. Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Moston Thomas The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Mountain Patrick Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Mulally John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Mulally John Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Mulally Philip Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Mulcahy Bartholomew Clashrea, Ballybricken Street Trinity Without Waterford Mulcahy John Longcourse Butcher's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mulcahy Patt May-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mullally Edward Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Mullally Jeremiah Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Mullally Jeremiah Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Mullally John Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mullally Richard Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Mullea James Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Mullea John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Mullea Robert Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Mullins John King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Mullowney Bridget Longcourse, Hennessy's Road Trinity Without Waterford Mullowney John New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Mullowney Lawrence Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Mullowney Matthew Lisduggan Little Trinity Without Waterford Mullowney Matthew Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Mullowney Robert Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Mullowny Edward Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Anne Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Anne Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Arthur Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Charles Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Edmund Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Murphy James Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Murphy James Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Murphy James Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Jeremiah Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Johanna Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John Gibbethill Summerhill Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John Longcourse Butcher's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Murphy John Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Lawrence Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Mary Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Mary Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Mary Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Matthew Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Michael Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Michael Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Michael Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Michael Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Miss Mary The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Patrick Bachelor's Walk Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Patrick Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Patrick Rathfadden Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Richard Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Richard Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Thomas Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Thomas Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Thomas Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Thomas Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Murphy Walter Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Murphy William Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Murphy William Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Murray Catherine Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Murray John Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Murray John Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Murray Nicholas Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Murray Thomas Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Murrowney William Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Murry James May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Myler Michael Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Nairn William The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Nash John Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Neill Anthony Asylum Lane Trinity Without Waterford Neill Catherine Gaffney's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Neill Denis Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Neill Edward Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Neill John Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Neill John Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Neill John Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Neill Joseph Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Neill Mary The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Neill Michael Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Neill Patrick Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Neill Thomas Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Neville Gregory Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Nevins Hugh N., Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Nevins Hugh, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Newman Alice Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Newport Charles, Esq. Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Newport Charles, Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Newport Barron Pierce, Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Nicholson Andrew Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Nolan Maurice Chapel-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Noonan Daniel Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Noonan James Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Noonan Thomas Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Normanton Michael Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Nowlan Elizabeth Browley East (Nagle's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Nowlan John Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Nowlan John Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Nowlan John Mall Lane Trinity Without Waterford Nowlan Mary Barron Strand Street Trinity Without Waterford Nowlan Michael Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Nowlan Richard Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Nugent William Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford O'Brien Honoria Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford O'Brien Jeremiah, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford O'Brien Patrick Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford O'Callaghan Mary Newgate Street Trinity Without Waterford O'Connor Thomas Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford O'Maley Denis O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford O'Meara Edmund Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford O'Meara William May Lane Trinity Without Waterford O'Neill Arthyr N. Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford O'Neill John Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford O'Neill John Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford O'Neill Lawrence Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford O'Neill Michael Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford O'Neill Patrick Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford O'Neill Richard Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford O'Neill Richard Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford O'Neill Richard Thomas Street Lower Trinity Without Waterford O'Neill Thomas Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford O'Reilly Nicholas Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Oakes John Gaffney's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Oonan Maurice Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Organ Michael Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Ormond Peter Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Oswell William Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Painter John Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Palmer Thomas Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Parsons Thomas, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Patten William Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Pavie James Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Pender John George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Peneston James Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Penrose Jacob, Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Penrose Jacob, Esq. Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Pezshaw Eugene Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Bartholomew Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Bridget Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Edmund Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Edmund Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Edmund King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Edmund Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Frances Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Phelan James Barron Strand Street Trinity Without Waterford Phelan James Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Phelan John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Phelan John Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Phelan John Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Phelan John King's Meadow Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Martin Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Matthew Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Matthew Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Matthew Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Michael Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Michael, Esq. George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Nicholas Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Patrick Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Patrick Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Patrick Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Patrick Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Patrick Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Patrick Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Patrick Thomas Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Richard Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Richard Francis Street Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Richard Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Sylvester Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Thomas Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Thomas Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Phelan Walter, Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Phelan William Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Phelan William Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Picket John Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Pilkington David King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Pons Rep. John Wm, Esq. Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Pope Rep. Alex., Esq. Adelphi Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Pope Rep. Alex., Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Pope Rep. Richard, Esq. Anne Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Andrew Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Anthony King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Bridget Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Power Bridget Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Catherine Lisduggan Big, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Power David Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Power David Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Power Edmund Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Power Edward Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Edward King's Meadow Trinity Without Waterford Power Edward Longcourse, Hennessy's Road Trinity Without Waterford Power Edward Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Power Eleanor Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Ellen Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Power Ellen Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Power Geoffrey Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Power Geoffry Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Power Geoffry Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Geoffry Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Power James Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Power James Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Power James Browley East (Nagle's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Power James Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Power James Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Power James Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power James Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Power James Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Power James Thomas Street Lower Trinity Without Waterford Power Johanna Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Power Johanna Clashrea, Narrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Johanna Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Johanna Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power John Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Power John Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Power John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Power John Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Power John Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Power John Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Power John Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Power John Francis Court Trinity Without Waterford Power John Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Power John Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Power John Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Power John Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Power John Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power John Longcourse, Hennessy's Road Trinity Without Waterford Power John Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Power John Thompson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power John, Esq. Asylum Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power John, Esq. Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power John, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Joseph Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Lawrence Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Power Luke Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Power Luke Waterside Trinity Without Waterford Power Margaret Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Power Margaret Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Power Margaret Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Power Margaret Gow S Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Margaret Longcourse Butcher's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Margaret Longcourse Well-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Margaret Mall Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Martin The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Power Mary Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Power Mary Lisduggan Little, Boreenclough Trinity Without Waterford Power Mary Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Matthew Pastimeknock Trinity Without Waterford Power Matthew The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Power Maurice Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael Logloss Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Power Michael Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Nicholas Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Power Patrick Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Power Patrick Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Patrick Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Patrick Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Patrick Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Patrick Gow S Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Patrick Logloss Trinity Without Waterford Power Patrick Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Patrick Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Patrick Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Power Peter Clashrea, Ballybricken Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Pierce Longcourse Grady's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Pierce Longcourse Pump Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Pierce Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Rep. John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Power Richard Lisduggan Big, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Richard Newgate Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Richard O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Browley East, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Gaffney's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Lisduggan Big, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Longcourse Grady's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas May-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Power Thomas Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power William Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Power William Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Power William Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power William James's Street Trinity Without Waterford Power William Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Power William Longcourse Pump Lane Trinity Without Waterford Power William Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Power William Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Powerrep John Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Prendergast Bridget Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Prendergast Geoffrey Lisduggan Little, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Prendergast Martin Bruce's Hall Trinity Without Waterford Prendergast Patrick Lisduggan Little, Boreenclough Trinity Without Waterford Prendergast Thomas Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Prescott William Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Price Miss Jane King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Prosser Mr. ??? Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Prossor Mr. ??? Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Prossor Mr. ??? Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Prossor Simon M., Esq. Gibbethill Summerhill Trinity Without Waterford Prossor Simon, Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Prossor Thomas, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Purcell James Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Purcell James The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Purcell John Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Purcell Walter James's Street Trinity Without Waterford Pyne James Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Pyne Miss Eliza Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Quan Michael Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Quilty Daniel Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Quilty Edward Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Quilty Edward Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Quilty James Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Quilty Thomas May-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Quin Daniel Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Quin William Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Quinlan Mary Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Quinlan Maurice Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Quinn John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Quinn John Browley East (Nagle's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Quinn John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Quinn Michael Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Quinn Michael Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Quinn Michael O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Quinn Richard Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Quinn Richard Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Quinn Stephen Asylum Lane Trinity Without Waterford Quinn Thomas Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Quirk Edmund Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Quirke David Gibbethill Summerhill Trinity Without Waterford Raher Mary Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Read Patrick Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Ready James Thomas Street Lower Trinity Without Waterford Reddy Daniel Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Reddy James Clashrea, Narrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Reddy John Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Reddy Michael Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Reddy William Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Redmond Corins, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Redmond James Lisduggan Big, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Redmond James The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Rees Thomas Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Regan John Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Regan Patrick Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Reid John King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Reid Patrick K., Esq. Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Reid Patrick K., Esq. Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Reide James Lisduggan Little, Boreenclough Trinity Without Waterford Reide John Gibbethill The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Reide Michael Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Reide Patrick K., Esq. Meeting House Lane Trinity Without Waterford Reide Patrick K., Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Reilly David Gow S Lane Trinity Without Waterford Reilly Edward Browley East (Nagle's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Reilly Edward Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Reilly Michael Gough's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Reilly Patrick The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Revell Richard Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Revill Michael Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Reville John Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Reville Patrick Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Richardson Joseph S., Esq. Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Richardson Joseph S., Esq. Gibbethill Dye House Lane Trinity Without Waterford Richardson Joseph S., Esq. Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Ridgeway Henry, Esq. George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Roache Patrick Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Roberts Edward, Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Roberts Michael, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Robertson Messers George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Robertson Messers The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Robins Mary Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Robinson Moses Bolton-Street Trinity Without Waterford Robinson Moses Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Roche Edmund Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Roche Henry Hanover Street Trinity Without Waterford Roche Henry King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Roche Jeremiah Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Roche John Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Roche John Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Roche Lawrence Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Roche Mrs. Margaret Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Roche Patrick Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Roche Patrick May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Roche Peter Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Rodgers Adam, Esq. Chapel-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Rogers Adam, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Rogers Martin Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Ronayne Pierce Mall Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ronayne Thomas Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Ross Mrs. Margaret Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Rourke Edmund Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Rourke John Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Rourke John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Rourke Mary Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Rourke Patrick Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Rowe James Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Ruins ??? Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ruins ??? Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ruins ??? Longcourse Butcher's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ruins ??? Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Ruins ??? Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Ruins ??? Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Russell Michael Doyle's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Andrew Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Andrew Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Andrew Rathfadden Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Andrew Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Bridget Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Bridget Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Charles Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Ellen Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Ellen Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Ryan James Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Ryan James Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Jeremiah Francis Street Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Johanna Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Ryan John Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Ryan John Clashrea, Narrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan John Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Ryan John Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan John Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Joseph Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Lawrence Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Luke Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Margaret Gow S Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Patrick Clashrea, Narrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Ryan Stephen Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sage William Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Sargeant Richd, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Sargent Richard, Esq. Mall Lane Trinity Without Waterford Saunders George Anne Street Trinity Without Waterford Scanlan Mrs. Bridget Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Scanlan Thomas Crosley's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Scholfield Henry New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Schollard David Grant's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Schollard David Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Scollard Thomas Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Scott John James's Street Trinity Without Waterford Scott John Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Scott William Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Scroder Jacob, Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Scully David Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Scurry Bridget Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Scurry James The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Scurry John Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Scurry Patrick Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Seplanders Robert Thompson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Serson William Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Shaddock Robert King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Shallow Catherine Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Shanaghan Mrs. Cath Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Shanahan James Ticor Trinity Without Waterford Shanahan William Newgate Street Trinity Without Waterford Sharpe Henry The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Sharpe Henry, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Sharpe Rep. Robert Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Sharpe Rep. Robert Waterside Trinity Without Waterford Shaughnessy Johanna Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Shea Bartholemew Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Shea Catherine Newport-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Shea Peter Thompson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Shea Thomas Longcourse Grady's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sheale William Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Shean Mrs. Bridget Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Shearan Anne Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Shearman Mrs. Hannah Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Shearman Thomas Thomas Hill Trinity Without Waterford Shearman William New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sheehan James Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sheehan James Longcourse Well-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sheehan John Goats Lane Trinity Without Waterford Short Thomas Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Short Thomas Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Simmonds Whyte J. Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Sinnott John Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Sinnott Samuel Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sinnott Thomas Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Slater Patrick Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Slattery Anne Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Slattery James Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Slattery John Clashrea, Ballybricken Street Trinity Without Waterford Slattrey James Francis Street Trinity Without Waterford Smith Alicia Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Smith Arthur, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Smith Mrs. Eliza Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Smith Mrs. Ruth Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Smith Robert H., Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Smith Thomas Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Smith Thomas The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Smith William Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Somers Joseph Hanover Street Trinity Without Waterford Sparrow John, Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Sparrow John, Esq. Waterside Trinity Without Waterford Sparrow Joseph Gaffney's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Spencer Martin Lisduggan Little Trinity Without Waterford Spencer Patrick Lisduggan Little Trinity Without Waterford Spencer Patrick Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Spillane Richard Longcourse Well-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sprigg George, Esq. Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford St. John Martin Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Stack Thomas Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Stafford Anastasia Longcourse Kneef's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Stafford Catherine Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Stafford Mary Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Stafford Mary Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Stafford Michael Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Stafford Mrs. Mary. Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Stars John Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Staunton William Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Stephens Lionel, Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Stewart James Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Stokesbury Robert Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Stone Eleanor Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Stone John Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Stone Patrick Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Strangman ??? Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Strangman Edward, Esq. Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Strangman Edward, Esq. Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Strangman Joseph, Esq. Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Strangman Joshua Wm, Esq. Gibbethill Mary Street Trinity Without Waterford Strangman Joshua Wm, Esq. Rathfadden Trinity Without Waterford Strangman Samuel, Esq. Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Strangman Ts H., Esq. Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Stratham John Lisduggan Little, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Daniel Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Denis Longcourse Butcher's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Elizabeth Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Francis Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Francis Queen's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Honoria Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Jeremiah Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan John Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Mary Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Mary Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Michael Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan Michael Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan William Longcourse Kneef's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sullivan William The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Sutherland William Anne Street Trinity Without Waterford Sutherland William Hanover Street Trinity Without Waterford Sutton Messers Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Swaine Patrick Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Sweeie Sarah Francis Street Trinity Without Waterford Sweeny John Graces Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sweeny Miss Tryphina Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Sweeny Mrs. Johanna Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Sweetman Roger George Street Little Trinity Without Waterford Symes George Waterside Trinity Without Waterford Symes George, Esq. Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Tabeteau Esq Rm Joseph Spring Garden Alley Trinity Without Waterford Tabuteau Joseph, Esq. The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Talbot John Browley East (Yellow Road) Trinity Without Waterford Teor Mary Malone's Alley Trinity Without Waterford Thomas Peter Rose-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Thompson Alexander Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Thompson Joseph Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Thompson Joseph Thompson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Thompson William Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Thompson William S., Esq. Gibbethill Summerhill Trinity Without Waterford Thompson William S., Esq. Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Thompson William, Esq. Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Thompson Wm S., Esq. Gibbethill Dye House Lane Trinity Without Waterford Thornberry Thos Catherine's Court Trinity Without Waterford Tobin Anne Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Tobin John Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Tobin Margaret O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Tobin Michael Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Tobin Michael Gibbethill Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Tobin Mrs. ??? Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Tobin Mrs. ??? Pastimeknock Trinity Without Waterford Tobin Patrick The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Tobin Richard Five-Alley Lane Trinity Without Waterford Tobin Thomas Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Tobin William Crosley's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Toole Felix Lisduggan Little, Boreenclough Trinity Without Waterford Toole John Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Toole John Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Toole Thomas Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Torpy Thomas Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Tracy Catherine Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Tracy Patrick Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Tracy Richard Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Travers Edmund Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Triggs Thomas Dobbynspark, Summerland Road Trinity Without Waterford Triphook William C., Esq. Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Tryphina Miss Tryphina Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Turner Philip Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Veale William Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Veile Patrick Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Veile William Morgan-Street Trinity Without Waterford Veill William Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Vietch Catherine Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Vietch Isaac Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Wade Eliza Beau Street Trinity Without Waterford Wade John Catherine's Court Trinity Without Waterford Wade John Francis Street Contd Trinity Without Waterford Wade Pierce Queen's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Wall Bridget Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Wall Daniel Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Wall H. Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Wall John King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Wall John H., Esq. Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Wall Mary Clashrea, Philip Street Trinity Without Waterford Wall Rev. Daniel Catherine-Street Trinity Without Waterford Wall Robert Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Wall Stephen Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Wall Thomas H., Esq. Bank Lane Trinity Without Waterford Wall W. Queen Street Trinity Without Waterford Wallace Philip Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Wallace Thomas Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Walls ??? Longcourse Brien's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walpole James, Esq. The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Walpore William The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Alice Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Anne Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Anne Miss Walshe's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Catherine Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Catherine Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Catherine Malones Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Catherine The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Charles Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Charles Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Edmund Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Edmund Beresford Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Edmund Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Edmund Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Edward Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Edward Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Eleanor Cleaboy Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Ellen Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Geoffry Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh James Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh James Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh James Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh James Clashrea Trinity Without Waterford Walsh James King's Meadow Trinity Without Waterford Walsh James O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh James Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Jihn May Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Johanna O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Asylum Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Browley East (Griffin's Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Buttermilk Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John George's Street Great Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Henry Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Jail-Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Lisduggan Little, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Longcourse Castle-Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Pastimeknock Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John The Quay Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford Walsh John Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Joseph Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Joseph Clashrea, Morgan Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Joseph Cleaboy Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Joseph Pastimeknock Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Joseph Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Joseph Wellington Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Lawrence Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Martin Mall Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Matthew Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Matthew Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Maurice Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Maurice Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Maurice Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Maurice King's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Michael Back Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Michael Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Michael Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Michael Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Mrs. Margaret Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Mrs. Margaret The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Nicholas Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Patrick Lisduggan Little, Boreenclough Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Patrick Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Patrick Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Patrick The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Patrick Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Peter Browley East (Barrack Street) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Peter Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Peter Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Peter Peters Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Philip Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Richard Dobbynspark, Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Richard Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Richard The Glen Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Richard, Esq. Chapel-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Richard, Esq. Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Richard, Esq. Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Richard, Esq. Logloss Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Simon Barron Strand Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Thomas Browley East (Newport-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Thomas Browley East (Rosley Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Thomas Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Thomas Longcourse, Blake's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Thomas Yellow-Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh Walter Gibbethill Gallows Road Trinity Without Waterford Walsh William Browley East (Doyle's-Lane) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh William Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Walsh William King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh William Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Walsh William Wellington Street Trinity Without Waterford Walters Thomas Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Waters John Lombard Street Trinity Without Waterford Waters Lawrence Browley East (Morrisson's Road) Trinity Without Waterford Waters Thomas Barker Street Trinity Without Waterford Waters Thomas Wheelbarrow Lane Trinity Without Waterford Watson Honoria Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Wedger Thomas Gough's Lane Trinity Without Waterford Wedger Thomas Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Weekes Mrs. Elizabeth Barron Strand Street Trinity Without Waterford Wells Anne Longcourse Grady's Lane Trinity Without Waterford West Joseph Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Whalley Robert King's Street Trinity Without Waterford Whelan Alice Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Whelan Edward Mayors Walk Trinity Without Waterford Whelan James Balteen Lane Trinity Without Waterford Whelan John Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford Whelan Malachy Gow's-Lane Trinity Without Waterford Whelan Maurice Longcourse Convent Hill Trinity Without Waterford Whelan Michael Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Whelan Michael Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford Whelan Michael The Mall Trinity Without Waterford Whelan Patrick Lisduggan Big, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford Whelan William Robinson's Lane Trinity Without Waterford White Albert Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford White Albert Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford White Albert, Esq. Gibbethill Bridge Street Trinity Without Waterford White George Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford White George Browley West, Borheenclough Trinity Without Waterford White George Hanover Street Trinity Without Waterford White George, Esq. Clashrea, Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford White George, Esq. Meeting House Lane Trinity Without Waterford White George, Esq. Thomas Street Upper Trinity Without Waterford White Henry, Esq. King's Street Trinity Without Waterford White Lawrence O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford White Martin O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford White Mary Francis Court Trinity Without Waterford White Michael Queen's Terrace Trinity Without Waterford White Mrs. Mary King's Street Trinity Without Waterford White Richard Mayor's-Walk Trinity Without Waterford White S. J. Hanover Street Trinity Without Waterford White Samuel, Esq. Gibbethill Trinity Without Waterford Whitmore James Green Lane Trinity Without Waterford Whittle Richard Longcourse, Hennessy's Road Trinity Without Waterford Whitty Michael Lisduggan Big Trinity Without Waterford Whitty Patrick Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Whitty Richard Longcourse, Hennessy's Road Trinity Without Waterford Whitty William Longcourse Barrack Street Trinity Without Waterford Wilson Patrick New Lane Trinity Without Waterford Wooldridge John Bachelor's Walk Trinity Without Waterford Wright William, Esq. Ballybricken-Green Trinity Without Waterford Wyse John Browley East Morrison's Road Trinity Without Waterford Wyse John O'Brien Street Trinity Without Waterford Wyse Thomas, Esq. Longcourse, Barrick Street Trinity Without Waterford Wyse Thomas, Esq. Longcourse, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Young Johanna Lisduggan Little, Cannon Street Trinity Without Waterford Young Thomas Browley East Yellow Road Trinity Without Waterford