Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Armstrong John H. Clongowley Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Armstrong John H. Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Bastick John Clongowley Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Bonny John Gawny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Bracken Thomas Cloonymurrikin Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Brassel Anne Ballinlaban Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Brazel Edward Kilgaroan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Brennan James Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Brennan Joseph Cloolalough Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Brennan Matthias Donore Demesne Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Brennan Patrick Ardballymore Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Brennan Patrick Syonan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Brennan Patrick Teermore Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Briscoe Michael Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Burke Patrick Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Campbell Daniel Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Campbell John Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Campbell Mary Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Campbell Patrick Ballynamullen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Carbery Catherine Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Carbery Patrick Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Carbery Thomas Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Carey Thomas Cloolalough Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Carroll Bridget Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Carroll John Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Casey Daniel Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Casey Edward Ballinlaban Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Casey Ellen Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Casey Matthias Killeenycal Laghan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Clarke James Cloonymurrikin Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Clarke Thomas Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Clavin James Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Clavin James Ballynamullen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Clavin James Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Clavin James Teermore Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Clavin Loughlin Correagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Clavin Loughlin Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Coghlan Thomas Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Coldron John Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Coldron Patrick Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Colgan Marcus Ballinlaban Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Colgan Marcus Ballyhattan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Colgan Marcus Coolfin Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Colgan Marcus Donore Demesne Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Colgan Marcus Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Colgan Marcus Kilnagalliagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Colgan Marcus Skeheen (Nagle) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Colgan Michael Ballinlaban Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Colgan Patrick Skeheen (Nagle) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Colgan Rose Skeheen (Nagle) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Commons Martin Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Commons Martin Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Commons Patrick Killeenycal Laghan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Condron Patrick Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Conlan James Killeagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Conlan James Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Connaughton Thomas Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Connell James Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Connelly John Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Connor Michael Gawny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Convey Edward Correagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Convey Edward Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Conway Edward Kilgaroan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Conway John Kilgaroan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Conway Patrick Kilgaroan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Cormack Peter Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Costello Patrick Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Costelloe Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Crea Michael Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Creevy David Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Creevy John Spittaltown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Cronelly John Correagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Cuffe William Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Cunniff James Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Cunniff Peter Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Cunningham Andrew Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dalton Elizabeth Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dalton Esther Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dalton James Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Daly Catherine Skeheen (Nagle) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Daly Michael Clongowley Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Daly Patrick Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Daly Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Daly Peter Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dempsey Patrick Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dempsy John Ardballymore Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dickson Capt. James H. Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dillon James Gneevekeel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dillon John Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dillon Patrick Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dillon Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Doolan Margaret Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dooly Patrick Clongowley Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Dooly Patrick Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Duffy James Ballyhattan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Eagan Christopher Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Emmet John Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Ennis Richard Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fallon Bridget Skeheen (Nagle) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fallon John Spittaltown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fallon Margaret Syonan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Farrell Bryan Killeenycal Laghan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Farrell John Gawny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Farrell John Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Ferguson Thomas Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fetherston H. Wm. Creeve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fetherston H. Wm. Killeagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Finn Patrick Gawny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fleming Edward Skeheen (Nagle) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fleming George Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fleming Martin Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Flynn Honoria Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Flynn Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fox Hugh Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fox Hugh Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Fox Sarah Gneevekeel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Gaffney Dorothea Teermore Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Gaffney Patrick Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Galvan Michael Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Gannon Bryan Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Gannon John Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Gannon Richard Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Garland Henry Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Garland Thomas Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Gaynor Michael Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Geoghegan John Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Geoghegan John Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Geoghegan Joseph Gneevekeel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Glynn Thomas Cloolalough Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Gorry Michael Cappaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Gray Joseph Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Grehan Peter Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Grennon Daniel Syonan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Grennon Hugh Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hacket Andrew Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hackett Joseph Cloolalough Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hallian Matthew Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hallian Matthew Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hallion Christopher Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hallion James Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hallion John Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hallion Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Handibo James Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Handibo Peter Ballynamullen Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Handibo Peter Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Handibo Peter Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Handibo Thomas Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hanlon Andrew Correagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hanlon Patrick Kilgaroan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hannigan Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Harrington John Ballard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Harrington John Spittaltown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Harrington William Spittaltown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Heron Elizabeth Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Higgins Margaret Correagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Holmes Robert Clongowley Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Holmes Robert Kilgaroan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Holmes Robert Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Hourigan Peter Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Johnson Alicia Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Johnson James Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kealy John Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Keane David Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Keane David Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Keeffe Martin Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Keeffe Patrick Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Keegan Edward Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Keegan Mary Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Keegan Patrick Correagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Keeran Thomas Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kelly John Cloolalough Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kelly John Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kelly John Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kelly Marcus Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kelly Marcus Templemacateer Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kelly Martin Killeenycal Laghan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kelly Martin Templemacateer Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kelly Michael Killeenycal Laghan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kelly Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kelly William Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kenehan James Syonan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kenehan Walter Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kilmurry Eugene Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kilmurry Eugene Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kilmurry Eugene Gneevekeel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kilmurry John Gneevekeel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kilmurry Laurence Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kilmurry Laurence Gneevekeel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kilmurry Lawrence Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Kilmurry William Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath King Bridget Creeve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lalor Sylvester Ballard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lalor Sylvester Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lalor Sylvester Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Langan James Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Langan Michael Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lestrange Patrick Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Logan Bernard Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Looram John Gawny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Looram Michael Cloolalough Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Looram Patrick Cloolalough Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lynagh Bridget Kilpatrick Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lynagh Henry Kilpatrick Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lynagh Mary Kilpatrick Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lynam Malachy Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lynam Malachy Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lynam Patrick Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lynam Patrick Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Lynam Patrick Kilpatrick Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Maguinness Patrick Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mahon Patrick Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mahon Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mahon Thomas Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mangan Patrick Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mangan Thomas Brackagh Castle Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Martin Thomas Killeagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Martin Thomas Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mc Cormack Bridget Donore Demesne Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mc Coy John Donore Demesne Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mc Donagh Matthew Ardballymore Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mc Donagh Michael Ardballymore Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mc Grath John Killeenycal Laghan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mc Guiness Thomas Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mc Guinness John Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mc Manus Ellen Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mc Owen Michael Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Melinn Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Michaels William Ardballymore Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Michaels William Kilgaroan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Molloy John Syonan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Monaghan Patrick Kilgaroan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mooney Michael Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mooney Thomas Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Moore Peter Cloolalough Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Moran Thomas Lissavra, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Moran William Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Moynahan Cornelius Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Mulden Patrick Ballyhattan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Murphy Thomas Killeagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Murray Matthew Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Murray Michael Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Murray Patrick Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Nally Patrick Killeenycal Laghan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Neill Martin Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Noonan John Ballinlaban Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Nowlan Charles Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Nowlan David Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Nowlan William Killeenycal Laghan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath O'Hara Martin Cloolalough Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath O'Reilly Richard P., M.D. Ballard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath O'Reilly Richard P., M.D. Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath O'Reilly Richard P., M.D. Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Palmer John Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Peate John Kilgaroan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Pettit Garrett Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Pettit Garrett Kilpatrick Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Pettit Garrett Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Pettit John Gneevekeel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Pettit John Kilpatrick Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Pettit John, Jr. Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Pettit John, Jr. Kilpatrick Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Potts Mary Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Quinlan John Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Quinn Bartholomew Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Quinn John Ballinlaban Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Quinn John Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Quinn Luke Kilnagalliagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Rack Michael Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Reilly James Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Roan Jeremiah Lismoyny Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Roan Patrick Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Robins Michael Cloonymurrikin Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Rohan Alexander Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Ronayne Joseph Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Ronayne Patrick Kilnagalliagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Ronayne Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Ryan William Moycashel Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Scally Catherine Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Scally Daniel Spittaltown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Scally Edward Lissavra, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Scally Patrick Spittaltown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Scally Thomas Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Scally Thomas Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Seally Thomas Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Shanahan Bridget Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Shanahan Denis Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Shanahan James Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Sheerin Thomas Donore Demesne Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Sheil William Ardnurcher Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Sheil William Spittaltown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Sheil William Teermore Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Smyth Francis Lissavra, Little Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Smyth James Monaduff Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Smyth Patrick Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Somers Thomas Bunanagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Stewart Arthur Kilbeg Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Stones Daniel Ardballymore Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Stones Daniel Correagh Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Tone John Killeenycal Laghan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Tone John Lissavra, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Tracy Daniel Kilnalug Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Tracy Elizabeth Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Tracy John Ballinlaban Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Trodden Edward Killard Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Tyrrell Bridget Lissavra, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Tyrrell Luke Lissavra, Big Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Walsh Bridget Syonan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Walsh Thomas Corgarve Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Walsh Thomas Syonan Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Ward Patrick Streamstown Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Woods James Cloghanaskaw Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath Young John Skeheen (Evans) Ardnurcher or Horseleap Westmeath