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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Bunown, County Westmeath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Bunown, County Westmeath
Birmingham James Glassan Bunown Westmeath Blakeney Patrick Glassan Bunown Westmeath Bryan John Portlick Bunown Westmeath Burke John Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Byrne Andrew Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Byrne Peter Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Byrne Richard Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Carty Bernard Skeanaveane Bunown Westmeath Carty John Lissakillen North Bunown Westmeath Carty Patrick Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Carty William Glassan Bunown Westmeath Carty William Rooan Bunown Westmeath Casey James Garnagh Island, No. 41. Bunown Westmeath Casey James Island, No. 38 Bunown Westmeath Casey James Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Casey John Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Casey Patrick Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Castlemaine Lord ??? (Islands in Lough Ree) Bunown Westmeath Castlemaine Lord ??? Crow Island, No. 42. Bunown Westmeath Caulfield Catherine Portlick Bunown Westmeath Caulfield Rev. Thomas Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Chaigneau Arthur Dunne Bunown Bunown Westmeath Coghlan Christopher Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Coghlan Thomas Cribs Islands, No. 5, 6, 7, 8. Bunown Westmeath Coghlan Thomas Illan, Beg, Ledwith No. 3 Bunown Westmeath Coghlan Thomas Illan, More, Ledwith No. 4 Bunown Westmeath Coghlan Thomas Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Conlon Anne Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Conlon Edward Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Conlon Michael Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Conlon Patrick Lissakillen North Bunown Westmeath Conlon Patrick Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Conlon Thomas Lissakillen North Bunown Westmeath Conlon Thomas Rooan Bunown Westmeath Conlon William Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Connerton Michael Illanboy, Beg, No. 2 Bunown Westmeath Connerton Michael Illanboy, More, No. 1 Bunown Westmeath Connerton Michael Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Connerton Peter Portlick Bunown Westmeath Cormick James Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Cormick Mary Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Corrigan Matthew Glassan Bunown Westmeath Corrigan Patrick Killinure South Bunown Westmeath Cranwell James Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Cullen Patrick Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Cullen Thomas Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Cunningham James Garnagh Island, No. 41. Bunown Westmeath Cunningham Jane Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Cunningham John Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Cunningham Michael Glassan Bunown Westmeath Cunningham Patrick Garnagh Island, No. 41. Bunown Westmeath Cunningham Patrick Glassan Bunown Westmeath Cunningham Patrick Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Dalton Andrew Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Dalton Thomas Garnagh Island, No. 41. Bunown Westmeath Dalton Thomas Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Daniel Wm. Henry Lissakillen North Bunown Westmeath Davis Thomas Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Dolan Catherine Rooan Bunown Westmeath Duffy Edward Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Duncan John Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Dunigan Margaret Glassan Bunown Westmeath Dunigan Patrick Glassan Bunown Westmeath Dunigan Roger Glassan Bunown Westmeath Early Connor Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Early John Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Early Michael Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Early Thomas Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Fagan John Illanfadda, Beg, No. 9. Bunown Westmeath Fagan John Illanfadda, More, No 10. Bunown Westmeath Fagan John Island, No 11. Bunown Westmeath Fagan John Island, No 12. Bunown Westmeath Fagan John Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Fallon Dr. Edwd. J. Glassan Bunown Westmeath Farrell Bridget Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Farrell Catherine Ballinlough Bunown Westmeath Farrell Fergus Garnagh Island, No. 41. Bunown Westmeath Farrell Fergus Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Farrell James Glassan Bunown Westmeath Farrell James Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Farrell Margaret Glassan Bunown Westmeath Farrell Thomas Glassan Bunown Westmeath Feeney Margaret Glassan Bunown Westmeath Fenoran Michael Nim's Island Bunown Westmeath Finn James Portlick Bunown Westmeath Finn John Garnagh Island, No. 41. Bunown Westmeath Finn John Island, No. 38 Bunown Westmeath Finn John Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Galvin Peter Glassan Bunown Westmeath Ganly Thomas Portlick Bunown Westmeath Geraghty Patrick Lissakillen North Bunown Westmeath Geraghty Patrick Rooan Bunown Westmeath Hannagan Catherine Portlick Bunown Westmeath Hannan Christopher Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Harford Alice Rooan Bunown Westmeath Harford Lawrence Lissakillen North Bunown Westmeath Harford Michael Lissakillen North Bunown Westmeath Harford Michael, Jr. Lissakillen North Bunown Westmeath Healy James Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Hind Martin Glebe Bunown Westmeath Hinnegan James Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Hinnegan John Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Hogan Mary Glassan Bunown Westmeath Hogan William Glassan Bunown Westmeath Hopkins Patrick Glassan Bunown Westmeath Judge Thomas Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Kearney John Portlick Bunown Westmeath Keeffe Cecilia Inchmore Bunown Westmeath Keegan James Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Keegan John Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Keegan Matthew Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Keegan Patrick Portlick Bunown Westmeath Kelly Christian Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Kenna Thomas Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Kenny Bridget Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Killion Mary Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Killion William Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Killoughy Michael Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Killoughy Thomas Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Ledwidge Patrick Glassan Bunown Westmeath Magan Mp Wm. Henry Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Mahon Ross Bunown Bunown Westmeath Mahon Ross Island, No. 39 Bunown Westmeath Mahon Ross Killinure South Bunown Westmeath Manny Patrick Glassan Bunown Westmeath Maunsell Edward Ballinlough Bunown Westmeath Maunsell Edward Island, No. 40 Bunown Westmeath Maunsell Edward Killinure South Bunown Westmeath Mccann Bryan Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Mccann John Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Mccann Michael Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Mcdermott John Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Mcloughlin Frank Glassan Bunown Westmeath Moran Bridget Rooan Bunown Westmeath Moran James Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Moran Joseph Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Moran Owen Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Moran William Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Mulhall Matthew Lissakillen South Bunown Westmeath Mulveehill John Bunown Bunown Westmeath Mulvehy Patrick Glassan Bunown Westmeath Murphy Arthur Glassan Bunown Westmeath Murphy Julia Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Murray Honor Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Murray John Glassan Bunown Westmeath Murray Roger Glassan Bunown Westmeath Neal George Ballinlough Bunown Westmeath Neal James Ballinlough Bunown Westmeath Neal Thomas Ballinlough Bunown Westmeath Neal William Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Nolan Patrick Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Nolan Thomas Inchmore Bunown Westmeath Nolan Thomas Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Potts William T. Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Quigley John Inchmore Bunown Westmeath Quigley Michael Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Quigley Peter Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Quigley Thomas Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Read Frank Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Read John Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Read Patrick Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Roseman John Killeenmore Bunown Westmeath Ryan Patrick Glassan Bunown Westmeath Savoy Charles Glassan Bunown Westmeath Savoy George Glassan Bunown Westmeath Shanley William Glassan Bunown Westmeath Smith Christopher Portlick Bunown Westmeath Smith Edward Portlick Bunown Westmeath Smith William Portlick Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Bulrush Island, No. 32. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Crow Island, No. 23. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Fat-Head, No. 30 Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Green Island, No. 31. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Green Islands, Nos. 33, 34, 35. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Illanbeg, No. 19. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Illandavagh No. 15. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Illandavagh No. 16. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Illandavagh No. 17. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Illandavagh No. 18. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Illanfan No. 20. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Illanheelan, No. 21. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Island, No 13, & 14. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Island, No. 22 Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Islands, No. 24, 25, 26. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Islands, Nos. 28 & 29. Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Islands, Nos. 36 & 37 Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Portlick Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Whinning Bunown Westmeath Smyth Robert Whinningbeg Island No. 27. Bunown Westmeath Spollen John Glassan Bunown Westmeath Spollen Peter Glassan Bunown Westmeath Sproule Michael Glassan Bunown Westmeath Sproule Thomas Glassan Bunown Westmeath Taaffe Michael Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Temple Gustavus H. Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Temple Hon. R. T. H. Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Tiernan James Inchmore Bunown Westmeath Tiernan Michael Inchmore Bunown Westmeath Tiernan Thomas Inchmore Bunown Westmeath Walsh John Garnagh Island, No. 41. Bunown Westmeath Walsh John Killinure North Bunown Westmeath Westmeath Marquis ??? Inchmare Bunown Westmeath Westmeath Marquis ??? Inchmore Bunown Westmeath