Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Conry, County Westmeath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Conry, County Westmeath
Brabazon James Togherstown Conry Westmeath Brabazon William Togherstown Conry Westmeath Brophill Lauerence Lockardstown Conry Westmeath Burke Mary Carn Conry Westmeath Burke Michael Togherstown Conry Westmeath Burns John Gneevestown Conry Westmeath Burns John Halistown Conry Westmeath Casey Andrew Togherstown Conry Westmeath Coghlan James Clonownmore Conry Westmeath Colgan Mark Carn Conry Westmeath Connell James Carn Conry Westmeath Cormack Ellen Aghabrack Conry Westmeath Cormack John Aghabrack Conry Westmeath Cushly Edward Carn Conry Westmeath Daly Patrick Carn Conry Westmeath Daly Thomas Clonyrina Conry Westmeath Dillon Thomas Lockardstown Conry Westmeath Dillon William Halistown Conry Westmeath Dillon William Thos. Togherstown Conry Westmeath Duffy Patrick Carn Conry Westmeath Dunne Michael Togherstown Conry Westmeath Eliffe Patrick Clonyrina Conry Westmeath Ennis John Carn Conry Westmeath Fay John Mweelra Conry Westmeath Fay John Ushnagh Hill Conry Westmeath Fay Lawerence Togherstown Conry Westmeath Finn Michael Carn Conry Westmeath Fitzgerald Richard Clonownmore Conry Westmeath Geoghegan Andrew Halistown Conry Westmeath Geoghegan James Gneevestown Conry Westmeath Geoghegan Matthew Clonyrina Conry Westmeath Geoghegan Matthew Jamestown Conry Westmeath Glennon Francis Togherstown Conry Westmeath Glennon Mary Kellybrook Conry Westmeath Glennon William Kellybrook Conry Westmeath Grace John Aghabrack Conry Westmeath Grace John Jamestown Conry Westmeath Kelly John Halistown Conry Westmeath Kelly John H. Mweelra Conry Westmeath Kelly John H. Rathnew Conry Westmeath Kelly John H. Ushnagh Hill Conry Westmeath Kelly Thomas Carn Conry Westmeath Kelly Thomas Halistown Conry Westmeath Kenniffe John Halistown Conry Westmeath Killen John Ushnagh Hill Conry Westmeath Killon John Halistown Conry Westmeath Langan Michael Lockardstown Conry Westmeath Largy Mary Clonyrina Conry Westmeath Lestrange John Gneevestown Conry Westmeath Lestrange William Adamstown Conry Westmeath Longworth John Lockardstown Conry Westmeath Longworth John Ushnagh Hill Conry Westmeath Lynan John Jamestown Conry Westmeath Magan Wm. H. Halistown Conry Westmeath Mc Grath James Carn Conry Westmeath Moffat James Togherstown Conry Westmeath Moran Denis Carn Conry Westmeath Murphy James Clonyrina Conry Westmeath Murphy Patrick Clonyrina Conry Westmeath Murray Patrick Carn Conry Westmeath Nally John Carn Conry Westmeath Nugent Gilbert Jamestown Conry Westmeath Nugent John Jamestown Conry Westmeath Petit Thomas Jamestown Conry Westmeath Reynolds Bernard Lockardstown Conry Westmeath Scally Bryan Carn Conry Westmeath Scally Christopher Togherstown Conry Westmeath Scally Edward Clonyrina Conry Westmeath Scally James Adamstown Conry Westmeath Scally John Carn Conry Westmeath Scally Mary Carn Conry Westmeath Scally Michael Togherstown Conry Westmeath Scally Patrick Carn Conry Westmeath Scally Thomas Clonyrina Conry Westmeath Scott Patrick Carn Conry Westmeath Scott Thomas Rathnew Conry Westmeath Seery Silvester Jamestown Conry Westmeath Seery Thomas Carn Conry Westmeath Seery Thomas Lockardstown Conry Westmeath Shanahan John Gneevestown Conry Westmeath Shanahan Loughlin Gneevestown Conry Westmeath Sheerin James Aghabrack Conry Westmeath Sheerin James Clonyrina Conry Westmeath Tyreel James Halistown Conry Westmeath