Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Allen Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Ashtown Lord ??? Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Berry Christopher Carrickfin Kilkenny West Westmeath Berry Thomas Carrickfin Kilkenny West Westmeath Bigley Christopher Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Black Robert Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Black William Lisdachon Kilkenny West Westmeath Blagriff James Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Blagriff James Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Blagriff James Lisdachon Kilkenny West Westmeath Blakeney James Corr Kilkenny West Westmeath Blaney Anne Boardsland Kilkenny West Westmeath Blaney Anne Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Bligh Hon. Wm Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Bond Richard W. Lissoy Kilkenny West Westmeath Boyle Patrick Lisnascreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Briane Rev. William Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Brien Thomas Carrickfin Kilkenny West Westmeath Brown Edward Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Brown John Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Brown Michael Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Bryan Arthur Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Bryan Arthur Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Bryan Eliza Portaneena Kilkenny West Westmeath Bryan Martin Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Bryan Mary Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Bryan Michael Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Bryan Thomas Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Campbell Bridget Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Campbell Patrick Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Carthy Thomas Bleanphuttoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Carty Bernard Carrickfin Kilkenny West Westmeath Carty Michael Carrickfin Kilkenny West Westmeath Carty Michael Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Carty Thomas Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Carty William Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Casey Ellen Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Casey James Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Cassell Margaret Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Caughlan Anne Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Caulfield John Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Caulfield John, Jr. Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Caulfield Luke Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Caulfield Patrick Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Chaigneau Athur Dunn Farrannamoreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Cheevers Mary Anne Ballaghkeeran Little Kilkenny West Westmeath Clark James Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Clark James, Jr. Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Clark John Corr Kilkenny West Westmeath Clark Thomas Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Clark Thomas, Jr. Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Cleary Thaddeus Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Cline Michael Lowpark or Ballyboy Kilkenny West Westmeath Coffey Ellen Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Coffey John Farrannamoreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Coffey Owen Lissatunny Kilkenny West Westmeath Coffey Thomas Lissoy Kilkenny West Westmeath Coffey Thomas Lowpark or Ballyboy Kilkenny West Westmeath Coffey Timothy Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Coghlan James Ballynakill Kilkenny West Westmeath Collins Ellen Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Conlan Edward Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Conlan James Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Connell Darby Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Connell Darby Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Connell John Portaneena Kilkenny West Westmeath Connell Margaret Lissoy Kilkenny West Westmeath Connell Mary Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Connell Thomas Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Connerton John Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Connerton Joseph Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Connerton Matthew Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Connerton Thomas Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Connor Michael Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Connor Patrick Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Cooke Abraham Lisnascreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Core Sally Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick James Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick Mary Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick Matthew Lissatunny Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick Matthew Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick Michael Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick Michael Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick Patrick Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick Patrick Kilfaughny Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick Patrick Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick Richard Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick Sarah Lisnascreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Cormick William Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Corrigan Michael Kilfaughny Kilkenny West Westmeath Corrigan Peter Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Corrigan Peter Ballaghkeeran Little Kilkenny West Westmeath Costello Patrick Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Cowan Patrick Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Cowan Thomas Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Croffts Wm. George Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Crofts William George Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Cunniff Bridget Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Cunniff Thomas Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Cunningham Cath. Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Cunningham Connor Corr Kilkenny West Westmeath Cunningham Peter Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Cuppage Henry Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Cuppage John Caplahard Kilkenny West Westmeath Cuppage John Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Cuppage Richard Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Curly Catherine Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Curly James Lissatunny Kilkenny West Westmeath Curry Michael Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Cusack Anne Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Cusack Daniel Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Cusack Margaret Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Cusack Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Cusack Thomas Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Cusack William Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Daly James Kilfaughny Kilkenny West Westmeath Daly James Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Daly John Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Daly Thomas Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Daly Thomas Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Daly Thomas Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Daniel W. Henry Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Daniel W. Henry Bleanphuttoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Daniel W. Henry Lissoy Kilkenny West Westmeath Daniel William Henry Auburn Kilkenny West Westmeath Davis Eliza Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Davis Michael Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Delahunty Mary Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Delahunty Patrick Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Dennis John Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Devine William Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Dillon Christopher Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Dillon Dillon V. Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Dillon John Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Dillon Mary Anne Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Dillon Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Donellan James Lowpark or Ballyboy Kilkenny West Westmeath Donnelly John Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Donohoe Anne Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Donohoe Mary Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Donohoe Michael Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Doogane Michael Lisdachon Kilkenny West Westmeath Doolan John Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Doolan Michael Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Doolan Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Doolan William Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Dooner Michael Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Dougherty Catherine Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Downs Margaret Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Doyle Bridget Lurgan Kilkenny West Westmeath Doyle Catherine Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Doyle Garrett Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Doyle John Cartronkeel Kilkenny West Westmeath Doyle John Corr Kilkenny West Westmeath Doyle John Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Doyle John Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Duffy John Ballaghkeeran Little Kilkenny West Westmeath Duffy William Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Dungan Bartholomew Farrannamoreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Dungan John Bleanphuttoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Dungan John Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Dungan Michael Lissoy Kilkenny West Westmeath Dunigan Edward Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Dunigan Edward Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Dunigan Edward Portaneena Kilkenny West Westmeath Dunigan Patrick Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Dunn Thomas Corr Kilkenny West Westmeath Early Patrick Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Egan Hugh Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Elliot Andrew Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Elliot William Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Elliott Bridget Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Elliott Honor Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Elliott John Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Elliott John, Jr. Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Ennis Edward Lowpark or Ballyboy Kilkenny West Westmeath Ennis Edward Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Ennis John Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Ennis Patrick Ballynakill Kilkenny West Westmeath Ennis Patrick Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Ennis Patrick Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Evers Catherine Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Evers James Fortyacres Kilkenny West Westmeath Evers Patrick Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Fallon Mary Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Farrell James Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Farrell James Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Farrell John Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Farrell Lawrence Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Farrell Patrick Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Farrell William Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Feenan Patrick Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Feeney James Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Fenoran Michael Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Fensley Matthew Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Fetherston Edward Tullaghan Kilkenny West Westmeath Finn Mary Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Fitzpatrick John Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Fitzpatrick John Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Flanagan Bridget Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Flanagan Edward Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Flanagan Thomas Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Flanigan Nicholas Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Flattery John Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Fleming Edward Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Flynn Edward Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Flynn Ellen Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Flynn James Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Fox Catherine Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Fox Garrett Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Fox James Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Fox Patrick Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Fox Patrick Bleanphuttoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Fox Thomas Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Fox William Bleanphuttoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Ganley Mary Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Ganley Patrick Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Ganly Bridget Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Ganly Catherine Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Ganly Denis Boardsland Kilkenny West Westmeath Ganly Denis Tobernagauhoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Ganly Denis, Jr. Tobernagauhoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Ganly Thomas Ballynakill Kilkenny West Westmeath Ganly William Tobernagauhoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Gannon Thomas Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Gard Rebecca Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Gauly William Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Geoghegan Eliza Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Geoghegan Patrick Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Gill Bridget Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Gill Catherine Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Gill Edward Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Gill Margaret Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Gill Mary Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Gill Michael Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Gill Michael Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Gill Thomas Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Gilligan Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Gilligan Thomas Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Gillooly James Lissatunny Kilkenny West Westmeath Glennon Patrick Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Glennon Thomas Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Graham Francis Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Grennan James Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Grennan James Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Grennan John Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Growden Bridget Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Growden James Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Growden Michael Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Hackett Mary Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Hackett Thomas Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Hanafy Catherine Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Hanlon John Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Hanratty John Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Hanratty John Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Harford Lawrence Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Harvey William H. Lowpark or Ballyboy Kilkenny West Westmeath Hayden Thomas Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Heffernan Michael Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Hewitt Mary Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Hislan James Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Hislan Patrick Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Holmes Robert Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Hopkins James Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Hudson John Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Hughes Edward Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Hughes Henry Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Hughes William Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Igoe John Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Jackson William Caplahard Kilkenny West Westmeath Johnson Andrew Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Johnson John Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Jones William Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Kearney John Lissatunny Kilkenny West Westmeath Kearney Mary Portaneena Kilkenny West Westmeath Kearney Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Kearney Rev. John Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Kearney Thomas Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Keeffe Bernard Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Keegan Bryan Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Keegan James Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Keegan John Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Keegan John Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Keegan Margaret Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Keegan Michael Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Keegan Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Keegan Peter Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Keegan William Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Kelly John Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Kelly William Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Kennedy James Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Kenny Michael Lissatunny Kilkenny West Westmeath Kenny Michael Lowpark or Ballyboy Kilkenny West Westmeath Kerry ??? Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Kertland Archibald Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Kilduff James Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Kilduff Michael Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Killoughy Michael Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Killoughy Michael Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Kilmurry Ellen Ballaghkeeran Little Kilkenny West Westmeath Kilmurry Henry Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Kinahan James Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Kirby John Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Kirwan Charles Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Laffy Darby Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Laffy Darby Corr Kilkenny West Westmeath Lawler James Lisnascreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Ledwidge Patrick Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Lee James Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Lennon Patrick Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Leonard Patrick Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Leonard William Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Levey Michael Tullyhumphrys Kilkenny West Westmeath Loughlin Michael Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Loughlin Patrick Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Loughlin Thomas Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Lowe Robert Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Lowe Robert Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Lowry Patrick Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Luoge Anne Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Lyons Betty Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Macdonnell Eneas Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Madden Ellen Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Magill William Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Magill William Lissoy Kilkenny West Westmeath Magill William Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Mahon William Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Malone James Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Malone Thomas Tullyhogan Kilkenny West Westmeath Mann John Corr Kilkenny West Westmeath Manny Michael Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Manny Patrick Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Martin Bryan Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Martin Peter Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Maunsell Edward Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcalinn Bernard Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcalinn Thomas Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Mccann Esther Bleanphuttoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Mccann Michael Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Mccormick James Kilkenny Lanesborough Kilkenny West Westmeath Mccormick Thomas Kilkenny Lanesborough Kilkenny West Westmeath Mccormick William Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Mccue Mary Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcdaniel Richard Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcdaniel Timothy Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcgawly Anne Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcgrath John Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcgrath John Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcintyre John Lisnascreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Mckeown Mary Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcloughlin Bridget Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcloughlin Ellen Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcloughlin Frank Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcloughlin John Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcloughlin Michael Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcloughlin Michael Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Mcneil John Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Milady John Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Molloy John Boardsland Kilkenny West Westmeath Molloy John Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Molloy Patrick Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Molloy Thomas Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Montgomery Thomas Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Moran Bridget Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Moran Mary Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Moran Michael Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Moran Patrick Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Moran Patrick Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Morgan Owen Farrannamoreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Morrison John Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Mulvihill Mary Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Murphy John Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Murphy Mary Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Murphy William Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Daniel Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Denis Boardsland Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Denis Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Elizabeth Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Elizabeth Ballaghkeeran Little Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray James Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray James Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Lack Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Matthew Lisdachon Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Matthew Tobernagauhoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Owen Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Patrick Boardsland Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Patrick Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Patrick Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Patrick Lisdachon Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Patrick Lissoy Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Patrick Portaneena Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Thomas Boardsland Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Thomas Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Thomas Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Thomas Lisdachon Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Thomas, Jr. Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Murray Thomas, Jr. Lisdachon Kilkenny West Westmeath Murtagh Anne Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Murtagh James Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Murtagh James Bleanphuttoge Kilkenny West Westmeath Murtagh James Portaneena Kilkenny West Westmeath Murtagh John Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Murtagh Rose Portaneena Kilkenny West Westmeath Nally Bryan Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Nally James Lisnascreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Nally John Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Nally Julia Lisnascreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Nally Michael Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Nally Michael Lisnascreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Nally Rose Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Nally William Lisnascreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Nolan Joseph Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Nowlan Patrick Lissatunny Kilkenny West Westmeath Nowlan Patrick Lowpark or Ballyboy Kilkenny West Westmeath O'Hara Owen Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Parker Alice Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Parker John Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Parker Michael Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Parker Stephen Lisdachon Kilkenny West Westmeath Parker Stephen Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Parnell Hon. Henry Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Plant John Kilfaughny Kilkenny West Westmeath Plant Richard Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Plant Thomas Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Plant Thomas Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Plant William Kilfaughny Kilkenny West Westmeath Plant William Tullylanesborough Kilkenny West Westmeath Pridy Agnes Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Quest John Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Quest Patrick Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Quest Patrick Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Quigley Patrick Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Quin John Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Read Bartholomew Lisnascreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Read Catherine Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Read James Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Read John Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Read John, Jr. Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Read Michael Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Read Nicholas Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Reilly Anne Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Reilly George Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Reilly James Corr Kilkenny West Westmeath Reilly James Lissoy Kilkenny West Westmeath Reilly John Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Reilly John, Jr. Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Reilly Michael Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Reilly Patrick Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Reilly Thomas Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Reilly Thomas Lissoy Kilkenny West Westmeath Rickard Edward Tullylanesborough Kilkenny West Westmeath Rorke Edward Kilkenny Lanesborough Kilkenny West Westmeath Rorke James Magheracuirknagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Rorke John Kilkenny Lanesborough Kilkenny West Westmeath Rorke Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Roseman John Tonagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Rush Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Rush Patrick Corr Kilkenny West Westmeath Salmon Francis Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Salmon William Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Savage James Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Savage Patrick Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Savage William Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Savors George Farrannamoreen Kilkenny West Westmeath Scally James Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Scally James Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Seery Bryan Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Seery Gregory Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Seery Gregory Lurgan Kilkenny West Westmeath Seery John Lurgan Kilkenny West Westmeath Seery Thomas Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Seery Thomas Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Seery Thomas Lurgan Kilkenny West Westmeath Seery William Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Shanly William Ballynakill Kilkenny West Westmeath Shaw John Deerpark Kilkenny West Westmeath Sheil Edward Boardsland Kilkenny West Westmeath Sheil Edward Tullyhogan Kilkenny West Westmeath Sheil Ellen Boardsland Kilkenny West Westmeath Sheil Mary Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Sher Catherine Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Sloan John Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Smith Jane Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Smith Patrick Creevenamanagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Smyth John Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Smyth Thomas Littletown Kilkenny West Westmeath Spark Thomas Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Spollen James Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Spollen John Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath Spollen John Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Spollen Peter Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Spollen William Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Stanley Edward Bethlehem Kilkenny West Westmeath Stanley Edward Islands in Lough Ree, No. 1 Kilkenny West Westmeath Stanley Edward Islands in Lough Ree, No. 2 Kilkenny West Westmeath Stanley Edward Islands in Lough Ree, No. 3 Kilkenny West Westmeath Stanley Edward Islands in Lough Ree, No. 4 Kilkenny West Westmeath Stubbs Anne Ballaghkeeran Big. Kilkenny West Westmeath Stubbs Anne Ballaghkeeran Little Kilkenny West Westmeath Stubbs Anne Islands in Killenure Lough, No 3 Kilkenny West Westmeath Stubbs Anne Islands in Killenure Lough, No 4 Kilkenny West Westmeath Swords Francis Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Temple Gustavus H. Deerpark Kilkenny West Westmeath Temple Hon. R. T. H. Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Temple Hon. R. T. H. Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Temple Hon. R. T. H. Portaneena Kilkenny West Westmeath Temple Hon. R. T. H. Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Thomson William Lackan Kilkenny West Westmeath Tone William Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Tone William, Jr. Rath Kilkenny West Westmeath Tracey Michael Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Tracey William Ballynacliffy Kilkenny West Westmeath Walker Alick Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Walker Anne Kilkenny Abbey Kilkenny West Westmeath Walker George Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Walker George Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Walker Isaac Waterstown Kilkenny West Westmeath Walker Joseph Brittas Kilkenny West Westmeath Walker Judith Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Walker Robert Glassan Kilkenny West Westmeath Walker Robert Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath Walker Thomas Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Wall Anne Toberclare Kilkenny West Westmeath Walsh William Kilkenny West Kilkenny West Westmeath Ward James Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Ward Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath Ward Thomas Ballynakill Upper Kilkenny West Westmeath White Patrick Annagh Kilkenny West Westmeath York Julia Pearsonsbrook Kilkenny West Westmeath York Thomas Cartronkeel Kilkenny West Westmeath