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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killulagh, County Westmeath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killulagh, County Westmeath
Bardon James Ballygillin Killulagh Westmeath Boyanna John Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Boyhan Michael Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Boyhan Thomas Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Brady Bernard Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Branagan Patrick Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Branaghan James Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Briscoe John Williamstown (Briscoe) Killulagh Westmeath Buckley Catherine Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Busby Elizabeth Gigginstown Killulagh Westmeath Busby Elizabeth Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Carey Catherine Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath Carroll Christopher Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Casey William Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Clarke John Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Cleary John Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath Connelly Michael Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Connelly Michael, Jr. Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Connor William Glackstown Killulagh Westmeath Cook James Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Cooke Adolphus Glackstown Killulagh Westmeath Cormick Patrick Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath Cosgrave Michael Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Crosbie Andrew Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Crowley Nicholas Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Curran Catherine Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Curran Catherine Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Curran Patrick Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath Curran Patrick Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Daly James Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Daly William Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Delmour Walter Gigginstown Killulagh Westmeath Donnelly Hugh Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath Donoghoe James Gigginstown Killulagh Westmeath Donoghoe Patrick Gigginstown Killulagh Westmeath Dowdall James Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Doyle Anne Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Doyle Christopher Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath Doyle John Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Doyle John Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Doyle Michael Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Duff James Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Duffy Elizabeth Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Dunne Jane Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Fagan John Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath Fagan William Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Farley John Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Farrell James Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Farrell Margaret Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Farrell Michael Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Ferherston Thos. J. Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Fetherson Richard Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Fetherson Richard Battstown Killulagh Westmeath Fetherson Thos. J. Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Fetherston Ricard Cartenstown Killulagh Westmeath Fetherston Richard Dryderstown Killulagh Westmeath Fetherston Richard Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Fetherston Thos. J. Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Fetherston H. Richard Killulagh Killulagh Westmeath Fetherston II Richard Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Fetherstone Richard Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Flynn James Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Fulham Laurence Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Gaffney Hugh Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Gaffney Hugh Stonestown Killulagh Westmeath Gaffney Michael Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Garrigan Michael Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Gavacan Michael Glackstown Killulagh Westmeath Gavan Anne Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Gavan Anne Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Gavan Terence Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Gavan Terence Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Gaynor James Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Gaynor William Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Gill Edward Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Gill Michael Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Golden Mary Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Hanley Ellen Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Hatchell William Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Hill Peter Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Hobson Elizabeth Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Hobson Elizabeth Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Hope Edward Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Hughes Catherine Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Hughes Michael Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Hughes Michael Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Johnson John Ballygillin Killulagh Westmeath Kane John Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Kearney Patrick J. Battstown Killulagh Westmeath Kearney Patrick J. Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Keegan Mary Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Keegan Michael Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Keleher Patrick Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Kelly Edward Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Kelly James Glackstown Killulagh Westmeath Kelly Michael Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Kelly Thomas Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Kenny Michael Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Keogan John Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Kiernan James Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Kilroy Judith Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath King Andrew Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath King Andrew Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath King Andrew Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath King Mary Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath King Mary Williamstown (Briscoe) Killulagh Westmeath Loran Catherine Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Lynch Daniel Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Lynch William Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Mackin John Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Maley Patrick Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Maunsell George W. Ballygillin Killulagh Westmeath Mc Cabe Edward Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Mc Cabe James Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Mc Cormick Denis Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Mc Grath Bryan Gigginstown Killulagh Westmeath Mc Grath Bryan Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Mc Grath Michael Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Merlehin Mary Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Monaghan Laurence Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Moran Mary Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Murray Matthew Cartenstown Killulagh Westmeath Murray Sarah Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Murtagh James Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Nead Julia Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Neil Christopher Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath Neil James Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Nolan John Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Nugent Capt. John Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Ogle Henry Dysart Killulagh Westmeath Pindar Richard Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Pindar Richard Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath Pinder Richard Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Plunkett Christopher Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Plunkett Christopher Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Plunkett John Ballynacor Killulagh Westmeath Plunkett John Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Plunkett Patrick Bracklin Killulagh Westmeath Plunkett Thomas Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Pointen John Mulchanstown Killulagh Westmeath Rawley James Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Ready James Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Reilly Bridget Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Reynolds Charles Ballygillin Killulagh Westmeath Reynolds Charles Williamstown (Briscoe) Killulagh Westmeath Reynolds Richard W. Gigginstown Killulagh Westmeath Robinson Michael Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Roynane Christopher Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Roynane Judith Cartenstown Killulagh Westmeath Salmon Thomas Gigginstown Killulagh Westmeath Salmon Thomas Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Scally Catherine Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Seery James Gigginstown Killulagh Westmeath Shanley Bridget Williamstown (Rochford) Killulagh Westmeath Simons James Cartenstown Killulagh Westmeath Smyth Thomas Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Sullivan Denis Gigginstown Killulagh Westmeath Swords John Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Tormey Edward Gigginstown Killulagh Westmeath Tormey Edward Glackstown Killulagh Westmeath Treacy Edward Hiskinstown Killulagh Westmeath Tuite Thomas Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath Walsh Edward Johnstown Killulagh Westmeath Ward Thomas Rickardstown Killulagh Westmeath