Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Bailey Andrew Coole Mayne Westmeath Ball John Carn Mayne Westmeath Barton George Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Bayly Thomas Derrya Mayne Westmeath Bolan Owen Monktown Mayne Westmeath Boyan Daniel Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Boyan Daniel Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Boyan Elizabeth Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Boyan Matthew Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Boyan Matthew Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Brady Samuel Carn Mayne Westmeath Brannan Ellen Coole Mayne Westmeath Brannan John Coole Mayne Westmeath Brennan John Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Byrne Elizabeth Coole Mayne Westmeath Canavan Edward Coole Mayne Westmeath Canavan Edward Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Canavan Patrick Coole Mayne Westmeath Canavan Patrick Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Carolan Judith Coole Mayne Westmeath Carroll James Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Carroll Philip Cloonteens Mayne Westmeath Casserly Daniel Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Casserly Elizabeth Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Casserly Owen Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Casserly Thomas Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Cassidy Bartholomew Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Cheevers John Coole Mayne Westmeath Clarke Peter Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Clinton John Mayne Mayne Westmeath Clinton Lawrence Nonsuch Mayne Westmeath Clinton Patrick Mayne Mayne Westmeath Clinton Patrick Shrubbywood Mayne Westmeath Clonan Peter Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Clonin Peter Coole Mayne Westmeath Coghlan Patrick Carn Mayne Westmeath Conaghty Catherine Fearmore Mayne Westmeath Conlan Catherine Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Connell James Monktown Mayne Westmeath Connolly Michael Monktown Mayne Westmeath Connor Patrick Cloonteens Mayne Westmeath Conran Thomas Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Cramer Hugh Carn Mayne Westmeath Cray Bernard Williamstown Mayne Westmeath Creighton Elizabeth Derrya Mayne Westmeath Crosby James Mayne Mayne Westmeath Crosby Mary Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Cruise James Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Culvin Mary Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Cunningham James Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Cunningham Michael Coole Mayne Westmeath Cunningham William Coole Mayne Westmeath Cunningham William Monktown Mayne Westmeath Dalton James Derrya Mayne Westmeath Dalton Patrick Derrya Mayne Westmeath Daly Jane Monktown Mayne Westmeath Darby Frances Derrya Mayne Westmeath Darley Frances Lispopple Mayne Westmeath De Burgh Hubert Carn Mayne Westmeath Dease Gerald Fearmore Mayne Westmeath Dease Gerald Turbotstown Mayne Westmeath Dermody Laurence Derrya Mayne Westmeath Dignam John Fearmore Mayne Westmeath Dignam John Monktown Mayne Westmeath Dignam John Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Dignan John Coole Mayne Westmeath Dimon James Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Doherty Laurence Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Doherty Patrick Williamstown Mayne Westmeath Dolan Matthew Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Dolan Thomas Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Donohue John Coole Mayne Westmeath Doonican William Cloonteens Mayne Westmeath Doonican William Pakenham Hall or Tullynally Mayne Westmeath Doyle Mary Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Duff Daniel Lispopple Mayne Westmeath Duffy Eliza Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Duffy Ellen Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Duffy Patrick Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Dunne Mary Derrya Mayne Westmeath Eames Rev. William Mayne Mayne Westmeath Egliston Maj. ??? Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Fagan Bryan Mayne Mayne Westmeath Fagan Christopher Mayne Mayne Westmeath Fagan Edward Derrya Mayne Westmeath Fagan Edward Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Fagan Esther Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Fagan James Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Fagan James Monktown Mayne Westmeath Fagan James Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Fagan James, Jr. Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Fagan John Mayne Mayne Westmeath Fagan John Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Fagan Margaret Mayne Mayne Westmeath Fagan Mary Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Fagan Matthew Mayne Mayne Westmeath Fagan Matthew, Jr. Mayne Mayne Westmeath Fagan Nicholas Coole Mayne Westmeath Fagan Patrick Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Fagan Patrick Coole Mayne Westmeath Fagan Patrick Mayne Mayne Westmeath Fagan Patrick, Jr. Mayne Mayne Westmeath Fagan Richard Mayne Mayne Westmeath Fagan William Coole Mayne Westmeath Falkner Talbot Coole Mayne Westmeath Farrell Hugh Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Farrell Joseph Williamstown Mayne Westmeath Farrell Peter Cloonteens Mayne Westmeath Feeny James Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Ferrelly Eizabeth Newtown Mayne Westmeath Ferrelly Elizabeth Newtown Mayne Westmeath Fetherston Michael Carn Mayne Westmeath Fitzsimon Mary Coole Mayne Westmeath Fitzsimons Andrew Carn Mayne Westmeath Fitzsimons Robert Williamstown Mayne Westmeath Flaherty Terence Carn Mayne Westmeath Flanagan John Fearmore Mayne Westmeath Flanagan Thomas Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Flood Michael Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Flood Patrick Mayne Mayne Westmeath Flynn James Fearmore Mayne Westmeath Flynn Mary Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Gaddy Mary Lispopple Mayne Westmeath Garden John Derrya Mayne Westmeath Gavican Mary Williamstown Mayne Westmeath Gaynor Francis Coole Mayne Westmeath Gaynor Margaret Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Gaynor Mary Newtown Mayne Westmeath Gaynor Thomas Lickny Mayne Westmeath Gaynor Thomas Monktown Mayne Westmeath Geherty Mary Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Gilmour John Derrya Mayne Westmeath Gilshinan James Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Gilshinan Nicholas Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Gilshinan Thomas Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Gilshinan William Coole Mayne Westmeath Gilshinan William, Jr. Coole Mayne Westmeath Gordon Francis Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Gorman Judith Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Gunning Michael Coole Mayne Westmeath Hanley Michael Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Hegerty John Monktown Mayne Westmeath Hevy Thomas Monktown Mayne Westmeath Holmes Charles Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Holmes Richard Carn Mayne Westmeath Hughes Mary Coole Mayne Westmeath Hughes Mary Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Hyland Michael Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Johnston John Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Kane Patrick Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Kean Mary Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Kearnan Matthew Mayne Mayne Westmeath Kelly John Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Kenny Judith Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Kenny Patrick Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Kerrican Matthew Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Kerrican Matthew Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Kerrigan Patrick Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Kiernan John Coole Mayne Westmeath Kiernan John Monktown Mayne Westmeath Kiernan Matthew Coole Mayne Westmeath Leavy Rev. John Coole Mayne Westmeath Leavy Rev. John Fearmore Mayne Westmeath Ledwith Maurice Nonsuch Mayne Westmeath Lee Patrick Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Longford ??? Carn Mayne Westmeath Longford ??? Cloonteens Mayne Westmeath Longford ??? Newtown Mayne Westmeath Longford ??? Nonsuch Mayne Westmeath Longford ??? Pakenham Hall or Tullynally Mayne Westmeath Longford ??? Portjack Mayne Westmeath Lynch Owen Monktown Mayne Westmeath Mahony Margaret Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Martin Boyan Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Martyn Patrick Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Mc Cabe Michael Mayne Mayne Westmeath Mc Cabe Owen Monktown Mayne Westmeath Mc Cawley Thomas Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Mc Cord John Coolure Demesne. Mayne Westmeath Mc Cord John Portjack Mayne Westmeath Mc Cord William Portjack Mayne Westmeath Mc Cormack Michael Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Mc Cormack William Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Mc Cormick James Coole Mayne Westmeath Mc Cormick Patrick Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Mc Cormick Richard Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Mc Donagh Christopher Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Mc Evoy James Mayne Mayne Westmeath Mc Evoy Michael Coole Mayne Westmeath Mc Evoy Michael Monktown Mayne Westmeath Mc Goveran Michael Monktown Mayne Westmeath Mc Governan John Monktown Mayne Westmeath Mc Grath John Coole Mayne Westmeath Mc Grath Lawrence Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Mc Grath Michael Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Mc Grath Patrick Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Mc Grath Thomas Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Mc Grath Thomas Coole Mayne Westmeath Mc Grath Thomas Mayne Mayne Westmeath Mc Grath Thomas Monktown Mayne Westmeath Mc Guinness John Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Mc Laughlin Michael Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Mc Tighe John Derrya Mayne Westmeath Meridith James Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Merity Bridget Monktown Mayne Westmeath Merrity James Derrya Mayne Westmeath Moore Francis Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Moore John Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Moran Nicholas Coole Mayne Westmeath Moran Nicholas Monktown Mayne Westmeath Moran Peter Coole Mayne Westmeath Morris James Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Mulligan James Nonsuch Mayne Westmeath Mulligan Patrick Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Mulryan Nicholas Coole Mayne Westmeath Mulvany Christopher Nonsuch Mayne Westmeath Mulvany John Monktown Mayne Westmeath Mulvany William Coole Mayne Westmeath Mulvany William Monktown Mayne Westmeath Mulvey James Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Mulvey Owen Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Murphy Christopher Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Murphy Owen Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Murphy William Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Murray Francis Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Murray Hugh Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Murray John Nonsuch Mayne Westmeath Murray Patrick Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Murtagh Charles Coole Mayne Westmeath Murtagh Edward Coole Mayne Westmeath Myles John Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Nally James Coole Mayne Westmeath Nally James Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Nangle John H. Williamstown Mayne Westmeath Newman Bartholomew Coole Mayne Westmeath Newman Bartholomew Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Newman John Simonstown Mayne Westmeath O'Neill Anne Coole Mayne Westmeath Pakenham Ellen Derrya Mayne Westmeath Pakenham John Carn Mayne Westmeath Pakenham Miss ??? Lispopple Mayne Westmeath Pakenham Sir Richard Coolure Demesne. Mayne Westmeath Pakenham Sir Richard Derrya Mayne Westmeath Pakenham Sir Richard Lispopple Mayne Westmeath Read Richard Cloonteens Mayne Westmeath Reil John Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Reil Nicholas Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Reilly Bridget Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Reilly John Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Reilly John Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Reilly Michael Coole Mayne Westmeath Reilly Thomas Castlepollard-Road. Mayne Westmeath Reynolds Richard Williamstown Mayne Westmeath Rice Margaret Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Rice Patrick Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Rider Simon Pakenham Hall or Tullynally Mayne Westmeath Riggs Thomas Carn Mayne Westmeath Riggs William Pakenham Hall or Tullynally Mayne Westmeath Robinson John Carn Mayne Westmeath Robinson John Turbotstown Mayne Westmeath Robinson Rep. James Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Roe Elizabeth Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Rooney Patrick Cloonteens Mayne Westmeath Roony John Cloonteens Mayne Westmeath Scott John Coole Mayne Westmeath Scott John Coolure Demesne. Mayne Westmeath Scott John Monktown Mayne Westmeath Scott John Portjack Mayne Westmeath Seery John Fearmore Mayne Westmeath Sheil Margaret Derrya Mayne Westmeath Sheridan Edward Coole Mayne Westmeath Sheridan Edward Monktown Mayne Westmeath Sheridan James Williamstown Mayne Westmeath Sheridan Matthew Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Sheridan Thomas Pakenham Hall or Tullynally Mayne Westmeath Shiridan Thomas Cloonteens Mayne Westmeath Smallan Mary Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Smith Bryan Monktown Mayne Westmeath Smith Capt. John Monktown Mayne Westmeath Smith Ellen Williamstown Mayne Westmeath Smith John Coole Mayne Westmeath Smith Rev. Thomas Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Smith Rev. Thomas Coole Mayne Westmeath Smith Rev. Thomas Lickny Mayne Westmeath Smith Rev. Thomas Mayne Mayne Westmeath Smith Rev. Thomas Monktown Mayne Westmeath Tilson Patrick Pakenham Hall or Tullynally Mayne Westmeath Tormy James Derrya Mayne Westmeath Tormy Patrick Derrya Mayne Westmeath Tuite John Ballinealoe Mayne Westmeath Verdon Bridget Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Walker James Simonstown Mayne Westmeath Wallace Anne Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Walsh James Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Walsh Mary Williamstown Mayne Westmeath Ward Anne Coole Mayne Westmeath Ward Hugh Village of Coole, Upper. Mayne Westmeath Ward Laurence Fearmore Mayne Westmeath White James Lickny Mayne Westmeath White Thomas Lickny Mayne Westmeath White Thomas Monktown Mayne Westmeath Widdis John Coole Mayne Westmeath Widdis John Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Woods James Coole Mayne Westmeath Woods James Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath Woods Robert Village of Coole, Main Street Mayne Westmeath