Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Adams Francis Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Adams William Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Aliff James Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Allen Christopher Balleagny Mullingar Westmeath Allen Garrett Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Allen James Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Allen James Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Allen John Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Allen Margaret Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Allen Margaret Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Allen Thomas Ballynaclin Mullingar Westmeath Allen Thomas Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Allen Thomas Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Allen Thomas Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Allen Thomas Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Allen Thomas Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Allen Thomas Russellstown Mullingar Westmeath Anderson William Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Anson Martin Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Anson Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Arthur Michael Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Ashton William Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Atkins Benjamin Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Austen Eliza Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Bannon John Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Barber Mary Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Barlow Robert Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Barlow Robert, M.D. Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Barrett David Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Barry Bridget Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Barry John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Barry Michael Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Barry Patrick Plodstown Mullingar Westmeath Barry Peter Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Beatty James Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Beatty Robert Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Beaty Mary Mullingar Church Street Mullingar Westmeath Bedford Richard Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Behan Mary Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Bell Andrew Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Bell Andrew Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Bennett Matthew Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Bennett Matthew Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Bern James Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Bianconi Charles Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Bianconi Charles Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Boggs James Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Boland John Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Bollasty Patrick Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Booth William Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Boyan James Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Boyan John Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Boyan John Mullingar Connaught Lane Mullingar Westmeath Boyan Lawrence Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Boyan Mary Balgarrett Mullingar Westmeath Boyan Matthew Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Boyan Pierce Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Boylan Patrick Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Boyle James Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Boyle James Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Boyle Thomas Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Bracken Michael Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Bradley William Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Brady Francis Kilpatrick Mullingar Westmeath Brady Matthew Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Brady Matthew Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Brady Patrick Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Brannan Michael Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Brannon John Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Brennan Edward Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Brennan James Baltrasna Mullingar Westmeath Brennan John Baltrasna Mullingar Westmeath Brennan Thomas Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Brennan Timothy Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Brennan William Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Briarty Patrick Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Brien Patrick Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Brien Rebecca Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Briggs William Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Briggs William Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Brock Aungier Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Brock Aungier Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Brock Aungier Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Brock Aungier Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Brogan Christopher Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Brogan James Boardstown Mullingar Westmeath Brooke Richard Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Brophy George Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Brophy John Windtown Mullingar Westmeath Brown Bridget Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Brown John Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Brown Ralph Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Bryan Patrick Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Bryan Thomas Baltrasna Mullingar Westmeath Bryan Thomas Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Bryan Thomas Mullingar Off Main Street Moll Mullingar Westmeath Buckley James Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Buckley James Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Burke John Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Burke Mary Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Burke Peter Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Burn Bridget Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Burn James Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Burn John Slanestown Mullingar Westmeath Burn Michael Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Burn Patrick Rathgowan or Farranshock Mullingar Westmeath Burn William Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Burne Mary Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Burne Patrick Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Burne Thomas Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Burns Eliza Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Burns James Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Burns William Mullingar Brewery Lane Mullingar Westmeath Butler Rep. John E. Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Byrne James Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Byrne John Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Byrne John Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Byrne Matthew Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Byrne Michael Baltrasna Mullingar Westmeath Byrne Michael Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Byrne Michael Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Byrne Patrick Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Byrne Patrick Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Byrne Terence Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Byrne Terence Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Byrne Thomas Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Byrne William Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Caffrey Eliza Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Caffrey James Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Cahery Patrick Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Cahill Catherine Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Cahill Fergus Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Cahill John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Cahill Martin Boardstown Mullingar Westmeath Cahill Martin Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Cahill Martin Plodstown Mullingar Westmeath Cahill Mary Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Cahill Patrick Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Cahill Thomas Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Callaghan Jane Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Callaghan Patrick Robinstown (Tyrrell) Mullingar Westmeath Callaghan Thomas Robinstown (Tyrrell) Mullingar Westmeath Calligan Edward Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Campbell Michael Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Canigan James Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Canton Christopher Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Canton Elizabeth Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Canton Michael Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Canton Peter Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Canton Richard Baltrasna Mullingar Westmeath Canton William Robinstown Mullingar Westmeath Cantwell ??? Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Cantwell Rev. John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Carberry James Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Carberry Michael Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Carey Dorah Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Carey John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Carey John Mullingar Off Main Street Moll Mullingar Westmeath Carey Patrick Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Carey Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Carey Patrick Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Carley Brien Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Carney Catherine Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Carney John Clownstown Mullingar Westmeath Carney John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Carney John Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Carney Mary Mullingar Back of The Town Car Mullingar Westmeath Carney Peter Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Carney Thomas Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Carrigee Jane Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Carroll John Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Carroll John Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Carroll Thomas Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Carroll Thomas Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Carry Patrick Plodstown Mullingar Westmeath Carter James Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Carter James Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Carter James Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Carthy Owen Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Carton Lawrence Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Carty John Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Carty Owen Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Carty Patrick Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Casey Michael Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Casey Michael Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Casey Patrick Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Casey Thomas Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Casey William Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Casey William Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Casey William Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Casey William Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Casey William Mullingar Back of The Town Car Mullingar Westmeath Cassery James Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Cassidy John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Cassidy John Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Cassidy Margaret Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Cassidy Matthew Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Cassidy Patrick Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Cassidy Patrick Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Cassidy Thomas Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Caulfield Thomas Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Cavagan Patrick Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Charles Matthew Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Christie Robert Balleagny Mullingar Westmeath Christie Robert Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Clarke Charles Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Clarke John Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Clarke Margaret Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Clarke Michael Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Clarke Peter Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Clarke Peter Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Clarke Rep. Richard Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Cleary Anne Windtown Mullingar Westmeath Cleary Catherine Ballynaclin Mullingar Westmeath Cleary James, Jr. Ballagh Mullingar Westmeath Cleary Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Clogher William Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Cloonan Laurence Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Coddington Bridget Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Coffey Edward Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Coffey Edward Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Coffey James Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Coffey John Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Coffey John Mullingar Off Harbour Street M Mullingar Westmeath Coffey Mary Anne Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Coffey Michael Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Coffey Owen Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Coffey Owen Ballynaclin Mullingar Westmeath Coffey Owen Belmount,Curristown Mullingar Westmeath Cogan Joseph Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Coghlan Margaret Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Cole Thomas Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Coleman Catherine Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Coleman Michael Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Colgan Anne Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Colligan Edward Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Colligan John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Collins Edward Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Collins Thomas Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Coloe Anne Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Coloe Daniel Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Coloe Mary Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Comiskey John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Comiskey Maria Mullingar Connaught Lane Mullingar Westmeath Comiskey Maria Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Commisky John Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Condron Peter Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Condry Francis Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Connell Andrew Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Connell James Ballynaclin Mullingar Westmeath Connell James Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Connell John Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Connell John Robinstown Mullingar Westmeath Connell Lawrence Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Connell Martin Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Connell Martin Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Connell Matthew Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Connell Matthew Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Connell Michael Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Connell Patrick Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Connellan Brien Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Connellan James Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Connolly Elizabeth Ballynaclin Mullingar Westmeath Connolly Elizabeth Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Connolly Joseph Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Connolly Patrick Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Connor Charles Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Connor James Slanestown Mullingar Westmeath Connor John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Connor John Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Connor Patrick Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Connor William Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Connors Matthew Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Connors Michael Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Connors Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Conoughton Sarah Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Conrey Thomas Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Conroy Bridget Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Conroy Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Cooke Owen Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Cooke Patrick Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Cooke Thomas Ballyglass Mullingar Westmeath Cooney William Robinstown Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Catherine Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Christopher Boardstown Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Christopher Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Christopher Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Cormack John Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Joseph Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Matthew Mullingar Off Main Street Moll Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Michael Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Michael Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Patrick Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Cormack Thomas Boardstown Mullingar Westmeath Cormick Anne Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Cormick Bridget Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Cormick Hugh Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Cormick John Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Cormick Peter Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Cormick Thomas Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Corrigan John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Corrigan Thomas Mullingar Back of The Town Car Mullingar Westmeath Cosgrave William Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Costelloe John Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Costelloe Michael Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Costelloe Patrick Farranfolliot Mullingar Westmeath Costelloe Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Cowan Christopher Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Cowan James Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Cowan Margaret Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Cowan Thomas Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Cowen Michael Mullingar Back of The Town Dib Mullingar Westmeath Cowley Patrick Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Cowper Anne Marlinstown Bog Mullingar Westmeath Cowper Anne Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Cox Michael Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Cox Peter Keoltown Mullingar Westmeath Cox Richard Mullingar Off Harbour Str. Mar Mullingar Westmeath Cox Thomas Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Crawley Christopher Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Creeve Denis Mullingar Brewery Lane Mullingar Westmeath Creve John Mullingar Off Harbour Str. Mar Mullingar Westmeath Cribbam Peter Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Cribben William Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Cribbins Peter Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Crinion James Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Criven Catherine Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Croghan Hugh Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Croghan James Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Croghan John Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Croghan Nicholas Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Croly Christopher Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Crosbie Nicholas Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Crosby John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Crosby John Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Crowley John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Crowley Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Crum Christopher Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Crum James Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Crum Thomas Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Culligan John Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Culligan Mary Robinstown Mullingar Westmeath Culligan Richard Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Cully Matthew Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Cully Richard Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Cummins Richard Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Cunningham Christopher Marlinstown Bog Mullingar Westmeath Cunningham John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Cunningham Mary Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Cunningham Mary, Jr. Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Cunningham Michael Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Curran Thomas Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Curran Thomas Rathgowan or Farranshock Mullingar Westmeath Cuttle Thomas Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Dalton Eliza Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Dalton John Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Dalton John Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Dalton Laurence Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Dalton Mary Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Dalton Richard Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Dalton Richard Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Dalton Thomas Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Daly Andrew Balleagny Mullingar Westmeath Daly Anne Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Daly Bridget Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Daly Christopher Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Daly Ellen Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Daly George Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Daly Hugh Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Daly Hugh Kilpatrick Mullingar Westmeath Daly James Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Daly James Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Daly James Robinstown (Tyrrell) Mullingar Westmeath Daly John Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Daly Margaret Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Daly Matthew Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Daly Thomas Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Darcy Christopher Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Darcy John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Darcy John Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath De Blaquiere John Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath De Blaquiere John Lough Owell (Church Island No,Islands Mullingar Westmeath De Blaquiere John Lough Owell (Island No 5),Islands Mullingar Westmeath De Blaquiere John Lough Owell (Island No 6),Islands Mullingar Westmeath De Blaquiere John Lough Owell (Lady's Island No,Islands Mullingar Westmeath De Blaquiere John Lough Owell (Lockhouse Island,Islands Mullingar Westmeath De Blaquiere John Lough Owell (Srudarra Island N,Islands Mullingar Westmeath Delany Bernard W. Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Delany Charlotte Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Dent Anne Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Dent Bridget Mullingar Fair Green Mullingar Westmeath Dent John Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Dermody Patrick Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Deverell Richard Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Devine Peter Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Dibbs John, Sr. Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Dibbs Margaret Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Dibbs Margaret Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Dignam Jane Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Dignam Matthew Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Dignam Michael Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Dignam Patrick Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Dignam Thomas Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Dillon Michael Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Dillon Richard Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Dillon Thomas Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Dineen Patrick Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Dinneen Michael Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Dinneen Michael Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Dinnegan Michael Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Dinnigan Michael Robinstown (Tyrrell) Mullingar Westmeath Dixon Patrick Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Doherty Bridget Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Doherty Christopher Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Doherty Geo Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Doherty George Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Doherty James Mullingar Connaught Lane Mullingar Westmeath Dolan Bryan Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Dolan Daniel Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Dolan Daniel Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Dolan Daniel Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Dolan Michael Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Dolan Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Donlan Owen Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Donlan Patrick Mullingar Off Harbour Str. Mar Mullingar Westmeath Donnegan Mary Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Donnell John Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Donnellan Edward Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Donnellan John Hopestown Mullingar Westmeath Donnelly Rose Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Donnelly Terence Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Donohoe Bartholomew Ardivaghan Mullingar Westmeath Donohoe James Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Donohoe John Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Donohoe Michael Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Donohoe Patrick Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Donohue Timothy Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Donovan Cornelius Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Doolan Bernard Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Doolan James Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Dooly Bernard Brottonstown Mullingar Westmeath Dooner Michael Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Dooner Michael Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Dooner Michael Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Dowd Richard Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Dowd William Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Dowdall Patrick Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Dowdall Thomas Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Dowling Patrick Mullingar Brewery Lane Mullingar Westmeath Downes Joseph Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Downs Joseph Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Doyle Bryan Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Doyle Catherine Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Doyle Christopher Cartronganny Mullingar Westmeath Doyle John Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Dromgoole Patrick Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Catherine Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Edward Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Henry Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Duffy James Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Duffy John Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Duffy John Grange North Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Luke Mullingar Off Main Str. Meetin Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Michael Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Nicholas Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Patrick Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Thomas Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Thomas Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Duffy Thomas Mullingar Meeting House Lane Mullingar Westmeath Duigan Charles Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Dunbar Anthony Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Dunigan James Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Dunigan John Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Christopher Mullingar Fair Green Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Edward Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Edward Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Francis Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Dunne George Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Dunne James Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Mary Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Mary Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Nicholas Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Patrick Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Peter Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Thomas Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Dunne Thomas Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Early Patrick Mullingar Fair Green Mullingar Westmeath Edwards Peter Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Egan Bridget Slanestown Mullingar Westmeath Egan Ellen Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Egan James Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Egan Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Egan Patrick Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Eliffe Patrick Stokestown Mullingar Westmeath Elliot William Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Ennis Eliza Mullingar Back of The Town Car Mullingar Westmeath Ennis Patrick Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Eurell Anne Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Eurell John Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Eurell Laurence Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Eustace Patrick Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Evers James Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Fabb James Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Fagan Bryan Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Fagan Charles Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Fagan Mary Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Fagan Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Fagan Peter Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Fannin Catherine Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Catherine Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Catherine Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Eliza Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Mary Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Patrick Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Patrick Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Patrick Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Patrick Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Patrick Mullingar Petitswood Road Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Patrick Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Patrick Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Peter Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Peter Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Farrell Thomas Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Faulkner Samuel Clownstown Mullingar Westmeath Fay Hugh Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Fay Mary Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Fay Patrick Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Fealey Peter Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Feely Peter Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Fennan Patrick Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Ferguson Joseph, M.D. Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Ferley John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Fetherston Godfrey Plodstown Mullingar Westmeath Fetherston H. Godfrey Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Field John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Fielding Anne Mullingar Ballinderry Road Mullingar Westmeath Fielding Benjamin Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Fielding Benjamin Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Fielding Benjamin Mullingar Off Harbour Street M Mullingar Westmeath Fielding Benjamin Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Fielding Mary Anne Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Fielding William Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Fielding William F. Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Finigan Joseph Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Fiolding ??? Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Fitzgerald Bedilia Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Fitzgerald Simeon Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Fitzgerald Simon Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Fitzgerald Simon Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Fitzgerald Simon Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Fitzpatrick Denis Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Fitzsimon Michael Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Flanagan Catherine Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Flanagan John Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Fleming Catherine Ballynaclin Mullingar Westmeath Fleming Catherine Boardstown Mullingar Westmeath Fleming Christopher Brockagh Mullingar Westmeath Flood Bridget Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Flood James Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Flood Thomas Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Flood William Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Flynn James Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Flynn Judith Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Flynn Luke Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Ford Michael Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Fox John Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Fox Owen Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Fox William Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Foylan Eliza Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Freal James Mullingar Church Street Mullingar Westmeath Fury John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Fury Michael Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Gaffney James Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Gaffney Matthew Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Gaffney Michael Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Gaffney Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Gaffney Patrick Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Gaffney Patrick Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Gaffney Peter Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Gaffney Philip Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Gallagher John Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Gallagher John Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Gallagher Laurence Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Gallagher Lawrence Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Gallagher Margaret Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Gallagher Michael Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Gallagher Michael Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Gallagher Michael Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Gallagher Patrick Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Gallagher Thomas Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Gannon Catherine Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Gannon John Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Garland Elizabeth Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Garland James Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Garland Michael Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Garland Thomas Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Garry James Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Garry Mary Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Garry Michael Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Garry Patrick Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Garry Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Garry Thomas Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Garvey James Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Gavagan Judith Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Gavagan Michael Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Gavan Bryan Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Gavan Bryan Mullingar Petitswood Road Mullingar Westmeath Gavan John Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Gavan Thomas Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Gavican Anne Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Gavican Catherine Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Gay Ellen Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Gay John Newtown Mullingar Westmeath Gay Michael Rathgowan or Farranshock Mullingar Westmeath Gaynor Edward Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Gaynor James Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Gaynor Mary Baltrasna Mullingar Westmeath Gaynor Thomas Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Gaynor Walter Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Gent James Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Geoghegan Andrew Balleagny Mullingar Westmeath Geoghegan James Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Geoghegan John Balleagny Mullingar Westmeath Geoghegan Rev. E. Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Geoghegan William Sarsanstown Mullingar Westmeath Geraghty James Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Geraghty Marcella Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Geraghty Patrick Clownstown Mullingar Westmeath Geraghty Thomas Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Geraghty William Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Gerety Thomas Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Gibbons John Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Gibney Bridget Mullingar Off Harbour Str. Mar Mullingar Westmeath Gibson Christopher Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Gibson Christopher Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Gibson Christopher Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Gibson Mary Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Gibson Rev. Alexander Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Gill Catherine Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Gill Michael Mullingar Back of The Town Car Mullingar Westmeath Gilligan Michael Ballyglass Mullingar Westmeath Gillivan Richard Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Gilmer Henry Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Gilmore Henry Ballyglass Mullingar Westmeath Gilmore Henry Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Glennon Anne Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Glennon Bridget Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Glennon Christopher Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Glennon Christopher Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Glennon Edward Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Glennon James Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Glennon Mary Brottonstown Mullingar Westmeath Glennon Michael Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Glennon Patrick Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Goodbody Jonathan Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Gordon Edward Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Gordon William Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Gorman Richard Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Gough John Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Grace Martin Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Graham John Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Granard ??? Commons Mullingar Westmeath Granard ??? Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Granard ??? Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Granard ??? Srahenry Mullingar Westmeath Gray John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Green Patrick Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Greene Bridget Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Greene John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Greene John Mullingar Church Street Mullingar Westmeath Greene John D. Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Greene John D. Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Greene Lawrence Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Greene William Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Greer Eliza Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Grehan James Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Grimes James Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Grimes James Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Grimes John Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Grimes Peter Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Grogan Patrick Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Grogan Richard Mullingar Petitswood Road Mullingar Westmeath Grogan Richard Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Grogan Sylvester Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Groghan John Robinstown Mullingar Westmeath Gunning Abigail Mullingar Off Harbour Str. Mar Mullingar Westmeath Gunning Thomas Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Hafford James Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Hafford John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Hagerty Catherine Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Hagerty Catherine Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Hagerty Eliza Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Haig William Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Haig William Belmount,Curristown Mullingar Westmeath Ham Joseph Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Ham Maurice Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Hammond John Mullingar Church Street Mullingar Westmeath Hammond Robert Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Hand Anne Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Hand Anne Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Hanley Michael Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Hanly James Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Hanly James Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Hanly Michael Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Hannan Thomas Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Hannon John Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Harford Eliza Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Harford John Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Harford John Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Harford Simon Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Harkins Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Hart Thomas Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Harton David Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Healy Patrick Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Heaney Christopher Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Heany Christopher Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Heavery John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Heavy Esther Stokestown Mullingar Westmeath Hedewin John Mullingar Back of The Town Dib Mullingar Westmeath Hegarty John Slanestown Mullingar Westmeath Helion Thomas Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Henley Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Hennefy Edward Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Hetherson Patrick Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Hevey Garrett Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Hickey Owen Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Hickey Owen Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Hickey Owen Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Higgins Brien Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Higgins John Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Higgins Thomas Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Hill William Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Hixon William Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Hixon William Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Hogan John Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Hoolaghan John Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Hoolahan James Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Hoolahan Michael Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Hoolahan Thomas Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Hope Bartholomew Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Hope Bartholomew Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Hope James Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Hope James Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Hope John Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Hope Michael Mullingar Fair Green Mullingar Westmeath Hope Thomas Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Horan James Boardstown Mullingar Westmeath Horan Michael Boardstown Mullingar Westmeath Horan Thomas Boardstown Mullingar Westmeath Howe Robert Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Hughes Andrew Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Hughes Catherine Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Hughes Christopher Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Hughes James Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Hughes Michael Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Hughes Michael Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Hughes Thomas Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Hyland Thomas Mullingar Connaught Lane Mullingar Westmeath Hynes James Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Jackson Anne Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Jennings Owen Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Johnston William Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Jones Bridget Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Jordan John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Kane Bridget Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Kane Eleanor Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Kane John Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Kane John Keoltown Mullingar Westmeath Kane John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Kane John Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Kane Michael Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Kane Michael Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Kane Patrick Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Kane Patrick Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Kane Thomas Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Kane William Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Kearney Catherine Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Keeffe Michael Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Keeffe Peter Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Keegan Denis Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Keegan James Tullaghan Mullingar Westmeath Keegan John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Keegan John Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Keegan Patrick Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Keegan Philip Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Keena Andrew Mullingar Brewery Lane Mullingar Westmeath Keena Ellen Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Keena Ellen Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Keena James Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Keena Laurence Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Keena Laurence Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Keena Lawrence Mullingar Ballinderry Road Mullingar Westmeath Keena Michael Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Keena Michael Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Keena Patrick Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Keena Philip Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Keena Thomas Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Keena William Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Keenan Bridget Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Keeraun John Mullingar Off Harbour Street M Mullingar Westmeath Keeraun Thomas Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Keernan Catherine Hopestown Mullingar Westmeath Keernan Michael Hopestown Mullingar Westmeath Kelahan Patrick Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Anne Mullingar Back of The Town Car Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Bridget Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Christopher Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Christopher Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Dillon Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Ellen Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Kelly James Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Kelly James Mullingar Back of The Town Car Mullingar Westmeath Kelly John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly John Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Kelly John Robinstown (Tyrrell) Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Julia Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Mary Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Michael Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Michael Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Michael Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Michael Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Owen Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Owen Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Owen Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Patrick Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Peter Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Peter Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Rep. William Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Thomas Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Kelly Thomas Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Kennedy James Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Kenney Patrick Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Anne Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Brien Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Brien Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Kenny John Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Kenny John Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Michael Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Michael Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Michael Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Michael Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Michael Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Nicholas Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Patrick Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Kenny Richard Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Keogh Andrew Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Keoghan Denis Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Kernan Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Kerrigan Bernard Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Kerrigan Bernard Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Kerrigan Laurence Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Kerrigan Mary Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Kerrigan Matthew Slanestown Mullingar Westmeath Kerrigan Michael Stokestown Mullingar Westmeath Kerrigan Thomas Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Kiernan Catherine Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Kiernan James Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Kiernan Michael Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Kilduff Owen Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Killeen Mary Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Killeen Michael Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Killeen Owen Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Killian Joseph Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Killion James Ballina Mullingar Westmeath King Anne Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Kinniff Martin Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Kirby Thomas Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Kunniff Martin Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Kyle John Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath L Estrange Anne Ballynaclin Mullingar Westmeath Lacey Andrew Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Lacey Andrew Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Lacey Bernard Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Lacey Bridget Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Lacey Catherine Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Lacey Patrick Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Lacey Patrick Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Lacy Andrew Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Laney James Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Langan John Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Langan John Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Langan Murtagh Balgarrett Mullingar Westmeath Langan Patrick Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Langwood David Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Langwood Thomas Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Larkin Thomas Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Lavey Anne Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Lavey Christina Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Lavey Christopher Clondardis Mullingar Westmeath Lavey Christopher Slanestown Mullingar Westmeath Lavey John Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Lavey Michael Slanestown Mullingar Westmeath Lavey Patrick Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Lavey Thomas Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Leary Matthew Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Leary Thomas Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Leckey John Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Ledwith James Baltrasna Mullingar Westmeath Lee Anne Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Lee Catherine Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Lee Patrick Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Lee Thomas Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Lee Thomas Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Lee Warren Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Lee Warren Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Lee Warren Mullingar Brewery Lane Mullingar Westmeath Lee Warren Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Leeson Benjamin Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Lennon James Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Leonard James Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Leonard John Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Leonard Thomas Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Lester John Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Lester William Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Lestrange Patrick Tullaghan Mullingar Westmeath Levinge Baronet Richard Knockdrin Mullingar Westmeath Levinge Baronet Richard Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Levinge Charles William Farranistick Mullingar Westmeath Levinge Charles William Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Levinge Chas. William Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Levinge Godfrey Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Levinge James Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Levinge John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Levinge Mark A. Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Levins Anne Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Lewis Patrick Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Loder James Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Lodge William Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Loran Michael Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Loughnan Joseph Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Loughy Philip Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Lovely James Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Low Thomas Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Lynch Christopher Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Lynch Edward Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Lynch James Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Lynch James Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Lynch James Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Lynch John Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Lynch Matthew Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Lynch Michael Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Lynch Patrick Mullingar Brewery Lane Mullingar Westmeath Lynch Thomas Ballyglass Mullingar Westmeath Lynch Thomas Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Lynn Edward Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Lynn Edward Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Lynn James Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Lyons Archibald M. Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Lyons Charles Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Lyons John C. Cartron Mullingar Westmeath Lyons John C. Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Lyons John C. Sarsanstown Mullingar Westmeath Lyons John Charles Hopestown Mullingar Westmeath Lyons John Charles Keoltown Mullingar Westmeath Lyons John Charles Ladestown Mullingar Westmeath Lyons John Charles Lough Ennell (Lyons Island No,Islands Mullingar Westmeath Lyons Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Macklin Daniel Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Madden Julia Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Magrath Owen Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Maguire Elizabeth Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Maguire James Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Maher Catherine Mullingar Connaught Lane Mullingar Westmeath Maher Colm Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Maher Denis Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Maher Denis, Jr. Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Maher Ellen Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Maher Jane Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Maher John Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Maher John Mullingar Connaught Lane Mullingar Westmeath Maher Mary Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Maher Matthew Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Mahon Mort Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Mahon Mort Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Mahon Teresa Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Mahony Patrick Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Malady Daniel Newtown Mullingar Westmeath Malone Catherine Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Malone James Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Malone Michael Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Malone Thomas Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Mangan Denis Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Mangan James Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Mangan John Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Mangan Michael Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Manion John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Manning Bernard Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Mannion Michael Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Mannion Patrick Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Manny James Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Manny Sarah Clownstown Mullingar Westmeath Manse Thomas Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Marian Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Martin Bernard Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Martin Bernard Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Martin Eugene Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Martin Mary Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Martin Rep. Mary Robinstown (Tyrrell) Mullingar Westmeath Martin Thomas Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Martin Thomas Robinstown (Tyrrell) Mullingar Westmeath Martin William Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Masterson John Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Maxton Ellen Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Maxton Ellen Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cabe John Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cabe Michael Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cann John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Mc Carthy Timothy Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cormack Edward Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cormack Joseph Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cormack Joseph Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cormack Mary Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cormack Mary Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cormick Elizabeth Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cormick John Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cormick Marcella Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cormick Michael Balgarrett Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cormick William Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Mc Corry James Windtown Mullingar Westmeath Mc Coy Daniel Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Mc Cutchin Anne Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Mc Dermott James Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Mc Dermott John Brottonstown Mullingar Westmeath Mc Dermott Patrick Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Donnell James Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Donnell John Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Evoy Mary Windtown Mullingar Westmeath Mc Garry Charles Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Mc Garry Thomas Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Ginn Thomas Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Mc Ginn Thomas Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Glinn Judith Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Grath Andrew Baltrasna Mullingar Westmeath Mc Grath James Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Mc Grath Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Mc Grath Thomas Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Hedon William Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Mc Keogh Mary Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Mc Keon Thomas Kilpatrick Mullingar Westmeath Mc Keown Hugh Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Mc Keown John Stokestown Mullingar Westmeath Mc Kernan Catherine Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Larney John Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin Edward Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin Edward Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin George Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin James Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin James Mullingar Off Main Str. Meetin Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin Jas. Wm. Ballyglass Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin Laurence Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin Patrick Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin Thomas Keoltown Mullingar Westmeath Mc Loughlin Thomas Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Mc Mahon Patrick Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Manus Patrick Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Mc Manus Philip Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Mc Nally James Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Mc Namara James Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Mcdermot John Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Mealy Mary Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Mee Bridget Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Mee Denis Plodstown Mullingar Westmeath Mee John Clownstown Mullingar Westmeath Mee Michael Plodstown Mullingar Westmeath Meehan William Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Meighan John Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Mentin Christopher Kilpatrick Mullingar Westmeath Middleton John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Middleton William Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Middleton William Robinstown Mullingar Westmeath Middleton William, M.D. Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Middleton William, M.D. Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Middleton William, M.D. Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Middleton Berry Js. W. Brockagh Mullingar Westmeath Mills Catherine Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Mitchell Mary Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Mitchell Stewart Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Mitchell Stewart Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Mitchell Stewart Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Mitchell Stewart Robinstown Mullingar Westmeath Moffatt Bernard Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Molloy Alice Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Molloy Alice Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Molloy Bridget Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Molloy Bridget Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Molloy Christopher Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Molloy Edward Mullingar Off Main Street Moll Mullingar Westmeath Molloy James Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Molloy James Springfield or Spittlefield Mullingar Westmeath Moloney John Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Molony Peter Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Monaghan Garrett Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Monaghan Michael Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Mooney William Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Moore Charles Mullingar Fair Green Mullingar Westmeath Moore John Mullingar Back of The Town Car Mullingar Westmeath Moore Patrick Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Moran Andrew Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Moran Daniel Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Moran Hugh Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Moran Hugh Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Moran James Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Moran John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Moran John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Moran Margaret Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Moran Michael Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Moran Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Moran Peter Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Moran Richard Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Morgan John Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Morgan Tuite Hugh Balleagny Mullingar Westmeath Morris Patrick Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Morrison James Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Moses Joseph Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Moynahan John Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Mulally Bridget Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Muldarry John Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Muldoon John Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Muldoon Michael Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Mulhannon Edward Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Mulhannon Thomas Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Mulholland Henry Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Mullen John Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Mullen Lawrence Newtown Mullingar Westmeath Mullen Michael Hopestown Mullingar Westmeath Mullen Patrick Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Mullhearn Michael Mullingar Fair Green Mullingar Westmeath Mullhern Hugh Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Mulligan Bridget Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Mulligan Simon Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Mulligan Thomas Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Mulligan Thomas Robinstown Mullingar Westmeath Mulligan Thomas Robinstown (Tyrrell) Mullingar Westmeath Mulready Bridget Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Mulready Brien Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Mulready Mary Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Mulready Mary Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Mulready Thomas Mullingar Brewery Lane Mullingar Westmeath Mulready William Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Murphy Bernard Mullingar Fair Green Mullingar Westmeath Murphy Catherine Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Murphy James Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Murphy James Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Murphy John Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Murphy Michael Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Murphy Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Murray Andrew Mullingar Fair Green Mullingar Westmeath Murray Bernard Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Murray Bryan Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Murray Catherine Hopestown Mullingar Westmeath Murray Christian Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Murray Daniel Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Murray Daniel Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Murray Edward Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Murray Edward Mullingar Church Street Mullingar Westmeath Murray Edward Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Murray Esther Brottonstown Little Mullingar Westmeath Murray Esther Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Murray James Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Murray James Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Murray James Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Murray James Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Murray James Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Murray John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Murray John Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Murray Mary Balllina Mullingar Westmeath Murray Mathias Brottonstown Little Mullingar Westmeath Murray Matthew Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Murray Matthew Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Murray Matthew Slanestown Mullingar Westmeath Murray Matthias Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Murray Michael Mullingar Petitswood Road Mullingar Westmeath Murray Patrick Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Murray Peter Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Murray Peter Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Murray Richard Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Murray Sarah Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Murray Thomas Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Murray William Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Murtagh Bridget Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Murtagh John Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Murtagh William Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Nally Brien Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Nally Edward Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Nally James Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Nally Patrick Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Nally Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Nally William Brockagh Mullingar Westmeath Neal Anne Ballyglass Mullingar Westmeath Neal Michael Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Neal Thomas Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Neal Thomas Windtown Mullingar Westmeath Nesbit Patrick Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Nesbitt Patrick Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Nesbitt Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Nesbitt Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Nesbitt Patrick Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Newman Bridget Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Newman William Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Nolan Christopher Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Nolan Elizabeth Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Nolan James Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Nolan John Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Nolan Judith Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Nolan Michael Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Nolan Patrick Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Nolan Peter Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Nolan William Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Nolan William Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Nooney Patrick Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Noony Patrick Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Norman Michael Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Norton Thomas Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Norton Thomas Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Nowlan Charles Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Nowlan Christopher Belmount,Curristown Mullingar Westmeath Nowlan James Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Nowlan Mary Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Nowlan Thomas Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Nugent Peter Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Nugent Thomas Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Nugent Thomas Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath O'Brien Mary Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath O'Brien Philip Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath O'Donnell Judith Plodstown Mullingar Westmeath O'Donnell Julia Plodstown Mullingar Westmeath O'Donnell Rosanna Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Odlum John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Odlum John Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Odlum John Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Osbourne William Toler Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Owens James Balleagny Mullingar Westmeath Padden Thomas Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Palum John Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Parker Margaret Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Payne Samuel Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Penden William Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Phelan Catherine Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Pigott Thomas Mullingar Brewery Lane Mullingar Westmeath Pillsworth Francis Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Pillsworth J. Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Pine Edward Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Powers Andrew Mullingar Priests Well Lane Mullingar Westmeath Poynton Richard Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Prior Patrick Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Purdon James Mullingar Back of The Town Dib Mullingar Westmeath Purdon John Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Purdon John Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Quinlan Martin Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Quinn John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Quinn Joseph Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Quinn Mary Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Rafferty James Ballynaclin Mullingar Westmeath Raleigh Simon Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Rawnon Andrew Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Ready James Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Ready Marcella Mullingar Brewery Lane Mullingar Westmeath Ready Margaret Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Reddy Edward Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Reeves George Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Bernard Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Daniel Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Garrett Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Reilly James Kilpatrick Mullingar Westmeath Reilly John Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Reilly John Belmount,Curristown Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Margaret Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Michael Robinstown Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Patrick Hopestown Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Patrick Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Philip Mullingar Spout Lane Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Simeon Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Simon Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Reilly Simon Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Reilly William Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Reni William Mullingar Petitswood Road Mullingar Westmeath Reynolds Bernard Keoltown Mullingar Westmeath Reynolds James Ardivaghan Mullingar Westmeath Reynolds James Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Reynolds John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Reynolds Owen Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Reynolds Thomas Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Reynolds Thomas Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Reynolds Thomas Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Rickard Bernard Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Rickard Catherine Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Rickard Esther Balgarrett Mullingar Westmeath Rickard John Ballina Mullingar Westmeath Rickard Mary Balgarrett Mullingar Westmeath Robinson John Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Roche William Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Rogers Henry Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Rogers Hugh Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Rogers Philip Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Rogerson Denis Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Ronan James Keoltown Mullingar Westmeath Ronan Michael Hopestown Mullingar Westmeath Rooney Christopher Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Rooney James Ardivaghan Mullingar Westmeath Rooney James Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Rooney James Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Rooney Mary Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Ross Christopher Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Ross Eliza Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Ross Matthew Mullingar Back of The Town Dib Mullingar Westmeath Ross Michael Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Russell Bartholomew Rathgowan or Farranshock Mullingar Westmeath Russell Bridget Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Russell Francis Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Russell John Rathgowan or Farranshock Mullingar Westmeath Russell Nicholas Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Russell Patrick Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Russell Peter Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Russell Thomas Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Russell Thomas Rathgowan or Farranshock Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Edward Baltrasna Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Edward Cartronganny Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Eliza Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Ryan James Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Ryan John Walshestown North Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Judith Cartronganny Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Michael Cartronganny Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Michael Clownstown Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Michael Windtown Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Owen Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Richard Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Richard Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Richard Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Ryan Simon Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Salmon Bidilia Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Salmon Didilia Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Salmon Mary Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Savage Patrick Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Scahal Anne Clongawny Mullingar Westmeath Scahall James Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Scally Mary Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Scally Patrick Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Scally Patrick Newtown Mullingar Westmeath Scally Peter Marlinstown Bog Mullingar Westmeath Scott Bridget Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Seary Anne Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Seary Edward Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Seary Mary Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Seary Matthew Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Seary Mrs. ??? Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Seery Patrick Stokestown Mullingar Westmeath Seery Patrick Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Seery Thomas Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Seery Thomas Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Seery Thomas Stokestown Mullingar Westmeath Seery Thomas Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Seery Thomas, Jr. Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Shane John Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Sharry Thomas Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Shaughnessy Michael Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Shaw Maurice Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Shaw Michael Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Shea Anne Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Shea Catherine Mullingar Brewery Lane Mullingar Westmeath Shea Mary Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Sheeerwan John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Sheehan Timothy Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Sheehy Michael Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Sheeran John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Sheridan Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Sheridan Thomas Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Sherlock Henry Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Sherlock Joseph Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Siggins Jane Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Skelly James Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Skelly Michael Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Skelly Peter Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Skelly Terence Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Skelly Thomas Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Skiller Judith Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Slaven William Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Slavin Anthony Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Slavin James Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Slavin Patrick Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Slavin Thomas Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Smallhorn James Newtown Mullingar Westmeath Smith Bryan Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Smith Catherine Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Smith John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Smith John Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Smith Mary Anne Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Smith Michael Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Smith Owen Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Smith Patrick Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Smith Peter Ardmore Mullingar Westmeath Smith Peter Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Smith Peter Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Smith Philip Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Smyth Francis P. Clownstown Mullingar Westmeath Smyth Francis P. Russellstown Little Mullingar Westmeath Spelman Patrick Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Spence Thomas Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Sproule Henry Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Staunton Ellen Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Stokes Gabriel, M.D. Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Stretch Michael Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Sullivan Mary Clonmore Mullingar Westmeath Sutton William Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Swift John Keoltown Mullingar Westmeath Taaffe Christopher Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Taaffe John Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Taaffe Mary Balleagny Mullingar Westmeath Talbot Mrs. ??? Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Talt Matthew Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Talt Matthew Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Taylor William Brockagh Mullingar Westmeath Thompson John Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Thompson Joseph Glascarn Mullingar Westmeath Tierney Anne Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Tighe Michael Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Tilson Thomas Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Tilson Thomas Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Tilson Thomas Robinstown Mullingar Westmeath Tracey William Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Treadle John Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Tuite Edward Slanestown Mullingar Westmeath Tuite Edward Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Tuite James Commons Mullingar Westmeath Tuite James Culleen Beg Mullingar Westmeath Tuite James Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Tuite James Mullingar Fair Green Mullingar Westmeath Tuite James Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Tuite James Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Tuite John Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Tuite John Slanestown Mullingar Westmeath Tuite John Springfield or Spittlefield Mullingar Westmeath Tuite John Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Tuite Mary Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Tuite Nicholas Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Tuite Thomas Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Tuite Thomas Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Tuite Thomas Newtown Mullingar Westmeath Tuite Thomas Springfield or Spittlefield Mullingar Westmeath Tyreel James Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Tyrell James Ardmore Mullingar Westmeath Tyrrell Edward Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Tyrrell James Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Tyrrell Joseph Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Tyrrell Mary Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Tyrrell Matthew Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Tyrrell Michael Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Tyrrell Thomas Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Tyrrell Thomas Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Urell Patrick Stokestown Mullingar Westmeath Vance William Mullingar Church Street Mullingar Westmeath Vaux Lord ??? Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath Velding Mary Brockagh Mullingar Westmeath Wade Elizabeth Ballynaclin Mullingar Westmeath Wade Laurence Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Walders Anne Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Walders John Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Walker George Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Walker William Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Wall Henry Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Wall John Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Wall Patrick Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Wall Patrick Mullingar Linen Street Mullingar Westmeath Wallace Christopher Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Wallace James Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Bernard Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Catherine Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Christopher Culleen More Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Edward Mullingar Harbour Street Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Henry Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Hill J. M. Charlestown,Balnamona Mullingar Westmeath Walsh John Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Maurice Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Michael Grange South Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Michael Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Michael Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Michael Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Paul Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Paul Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Peter Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Peter Mullingar Off Harbour Str. Mar Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Thomas Bellview Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Thomas Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Thomas Mullingar New Street Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Thomas Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Walsh Thomas Springfield or Spittlefield Mullingar Westmeath Ward Catherine Mullingar Off Harbour Str. Mar Mullingar Westmeath Ward Ellen Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Ward James Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Ward John Tuitestown Mullingar Westmeath Ward Kieran Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Ward Mary Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Ward Maurice Plodstown Mullingar Westmeath Ward Michael Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Ward Michael Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Ward Patrick Quarry Mullingar Westmeath Ward Thomas Rathcolman Mullingar Westmeath Warden John Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Waters Richard Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Watson Benjamin Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Watson Benjamin Boardstown Mullingar Westmeath Watson Benjamin Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Watson Benjamin Mullingar Main Street Mullingar Westmeath Watson Benjamin Plodstown Mullingar Westmeath Watson John Marlinstown Mullingar Westmeath Weir Elizabeth Tullaghan Mullingar Westmeath Weir John Tullaghan Mullingar Westmeath Weir Patrick Tullaghan Mullingar Westmeath Weldon James Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Weldon Patrick Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Whaley John Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Whaley Theresa Petitswood Mullingar Westmeath Whealy William Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Wheelahan James Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Wheelahan John Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Wheelehan Bridget Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Wheeler Bridget Mullingar Church Lane Mullingar Westmeath Wheeler Peter Mullingar Blackhall Lane Mullingar Westmeath Whelaghan Christopher Baltrasna Mullingar Westmeath Whelaghan John Ballinderry Mullingar Westmeath Whelan Maria Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath Whelehan Christopher Cartronganny Mullingar Westmeath Whelehan Christopher Russellstown Mullingar Westmeath Whelehan John Mullingar Goal Street Mullingar Westmeath White Agnes Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath White John Mullingar Off Harbour Str. Mar Mullingar Westmeath White Richard Hanstown Mullingar Westmeath White Walter Mullingar Back of The Town Mullingar Westmeath Whittaker John Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Williams William Mullingar Dirty Lane Mullingar Westmeath Willis Thomas Mullingar Bridge Street Mullingar Westmeath Wilson John Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Wilson Thomas Mullingar Cabbage Street Mullingar Westmeath Wise Alice Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Wise Michael Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Wise Patrick Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Wise Thomas Drumloose Mullingar Westmeath Wood Laurence Ballynaclin Mullingar Westmeath Woods Bridget Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Woods John Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Woods Mary Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Woods Matthew Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Woods Michael Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Woods Patrick Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Woods Timothy Mullingar Mullingar Westmeath Woods Timothy Strattonstown Mullingar Westmeath Woods William Mullingar Canal Street Mullingar Westmeath Woodward Rev. Thos Mullingar Ballinderry Road Mullingar Westmeath Wray James Ballagh Mullingar Westmeath Wray James Springfield or Spittlefield Mullingar Westmeath Wright William Mullingar Barrack Street Mullingar Westmeath Wyer Andrew Habsborough Mullingar Westmeath Wyer James Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath Wyer John Irishtown Mullingar Westmeath Wyer John Walshestown South Mullingar Westmeath