Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Ahern John Rathcogue Piercetown Westmeath Bannon Anne Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Bannon Timothy Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Benett Samuel Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Bollasty Christopher Aghnabohy Piercetown Westmeath Bollasty James Glebe Piercetown Westmeath Bond Thomas Aghnabohy Piercetown Westmeath Bryan Mary Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Burn James Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Burn John Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Carroll James Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Cassidy Michael Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Clark Patrick Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Conlan William Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Conry Thomas Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Cormack Bridget Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Cormack Catherine Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Cormack Hugh Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Cormack James Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Cormack John Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Cormack John Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Cormack Michael Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Cormack Thomas Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Cormack Thomas Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Cormack Thomas Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Cowan Garrett Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Cowhen Owen Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Crinican Owen Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Crinican Thomas Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Daly Thomas Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Delamere Nicholas Piercetown Piercetown Westmeath Delamere Thomas Piercetown Piercetown Westmeath Digby Benjamin Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Digby Benjamin Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Dogherty Daniel Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Dolan Peter Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Dowd Catherine Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Downes Patrick Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Duffy John Relick (Longworth) Piercetown Westmeath Dunne Thomas Fiveacres Piercetown Westmeath Evers Patrick Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Evers Thomas Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Fay James Rathcogue Piercetown Westmeath Fay William Rathcogue Piercetown Westmeath Feeley Catherine Rathcogue Piercetown Westmeath Ferley Michael Curraghboy Piercetown Westmeath Flattery Hugh Rathcogue Piercetown Westmeath Ford William Curraghboy Piercetown Westmeath Gaffney Bridget Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Gaffney Patrick Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Garrahan James Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Garrahan Michael Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Geraghty James Aghnabohy Piercetown Westmeath Hannon Patrick Aghnabohy Piercetown Westmeath Headnan Thomas Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Hedwin Margaret Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Hedwin Thomas Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Hickey James Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Hickey James Williamstown New Piercetown Westmeath Higgins James Rath (Malone) Piercetown Westmeath Higgins James Rathcogue Piercetown Westmeath Higgins John Relick (Longworth) Piercetown Westmeath Higgins John Relick (Malone) Piercetown Westmeath Hillhouse John Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Hogan Laurence Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Hughes Andrew Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Kearney Denis Relick (Longworth) Piercetown Westmeath Keena Owen Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Keena Patrick Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Keenan Mary Aghnabohy Piercetown Westmeath Kelly Mary Williamstown New Piercetown Westmeath Kelly Patrick Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Kelly Thomas Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Kelly William Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Kenney Thomas Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Kenny Anne Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Kenny Catherine Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Lestrange John Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Lewey Margaret Fiveacres Piercetown Westmeath Leyden William Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Lynch Edward Piercetown Piercetown Westmeath Lyons Bridget Relick (Longworth) Piercetown Westmeath Martin Patrick Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Mc Loughlin John Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Meares John D. Curraghboy Piercetown Westmeath Mee John Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Miller Robert Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Molloy Thomas Rathcogue Piercetown Westmeath Mullally Daniel Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Mulphy John Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Mulphy Patrick Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Mulvany Bernard Piercetown Piercetown Westmeath Murray Matthew Curraghboy Piercetown Westmeath Murray Matthew Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Murray Peter Piercetown Piercetown Westmeath Murtagh Bernard Aghnabohy Piercetown Westmeath Murtagh Thomas Fiveacres Piercetown Westmeath Murtagh Thomas Malthousepark Piercetown Westmeath Nally Thomas Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Nugent Christopher Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Nugent James Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Nugent John Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath O'Beirne Edward Williamstown Piercetown Westmeath O'Beirne Jason Williamstown Piercetown Westmeath Rooney Thomas Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Scally Laurence Williamstown New Piercetown Westmeath Scally Patrick Piercetown Piercetown Westmeath Scally Thomas Piercetown Piercetown Westmeath Shaw Robert Kilphierish Piercetown Westmeath Shollen Bryan Piercetown Piercetown Westmeath Smith Thomas Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Sullivan John Rathcogue Piercetown Westmeath Sullivan Patrick Williamstown New Piercetown Westmeath Tuite Hugh M. Ballymaglavy Piercetown Westmeath Walsh Thomas Fiveacres Piercetown Westmeath Ward Michael Curraghboy Piercetown Westmeath Ward Michael Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Warde Mary Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Warde William Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Wynne John Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath Wynne Patrick Ballincurra Piercetown Westmeath Wynne Thomas Kilgawny Piercetown Westmeath