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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathconnell, County Westmeath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Rathconnell, County Westmeath
Adams Francis Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Adams Francis Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Allen Andrew Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Allen Patrick Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Allen Thomas Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Aughey Robert Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Balfour Blayney Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Balfour Blayney T. Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Balfour Blayney T., Jr. Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Balfour Blayney T., Jr. Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Barden Anne Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Barden Nicholas Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Bawn John Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Bawn Margaret Tevrin Rathconnell Westmeath Berry James W. M. Ballynagall Rathconnell Westmeath Berry James W. M. Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Boyan James Brittas Rathconnell Westmeath Boyan James Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Boyd George A. Loughagar Beg Rathconnell Westmeath Boyhan Andrew Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Boyhan Richard Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Boyle James Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Branigan Christopher Cooksborough Rathconnell Westmeath Brien Edward Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Brien Jane Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Brown James Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Brown John Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Brown Simon Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Bryan Peter Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Bryan Richard Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Bryan Richard Mountrobbert Rathconnell Westmeath Byrne Michael Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Byrne Philip Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Cage Rev. R. W. Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Cahill Christopher Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Cahill Thomas Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Callaghan James Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Carey John Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Carey John Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Carney Michael Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Carroll Anne Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Carroll Bryan Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Carroll Ellen Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Carroll Esther Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Carroll Lawrence Loughagar Beg Rathconnell Westmeath Carroll Thomas Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Carroll William Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Carty Bridget Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Carty Judith Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Carty Lawrence Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Casey Edward Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Casey Patrick Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Cassidy Thomas Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Clarke Margaret Cloghanumera Rathconnell Westmeath Clarke Margaret Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Clarke Margaret Mountrobbert Rathconnell Westmeath Clarke Maurice Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Clary Laurence Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Cleary James Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Cleary James Balrath West Rathconnell Westmeath Cleary James Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Cleary Maurice Mountrobbert Rathconnell Westmeath Clinton Mary Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Clinton Mary Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Cody Richard Knockdrin Rathconnell Westmeath Coffey Anne Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Coffey Marcella Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Coffey Patrick Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Coghlan Edward Clonsheever Rathconnell Westmeath Coghlan Edward Curraghbrack Rathconnell Westmeath Coghlan John Brittas Rathconnell Westmeath Coghlan John Curraghbrack Rathconnell Westmeath Collins Cecilia Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Collins John Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Collins Thomas Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Connell Christopher Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Connolly James Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Connolly Michael Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Connolly Patrick Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Connor Anne Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Connor Elizabeth Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Connor John Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Connor Matthew Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Connor Michael Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Connor Michael Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Connor Patrick Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Connor Walter Balrath North Rathconnell Westmeath Connor Walter Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Cooke Adolphus Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Cooke Adolphus Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Cooke Adolphus Cooksborough Rathconnell Westmeath Cooke Adolphus Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Cooke Adolphus Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Cooke Adolphus Mountrobbert Rathconnell Westmeath Cooke Michael Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Cooke Michael Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Cooney Francis Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Corcoran Denis Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Core Mary Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Corr Margaret Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Corr Thomas Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Corrigan Catherine Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Coyne Christopher Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Coyne Christopher Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Cramer Nicholas Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Creagh Anne Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Creagh Richard Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Cribban John Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Cribbon John Mountrobbert Rathconnell Westmeath Cribbon John, Jr. Mountrobbert Rathconnell Westmeath Crinion Thomas Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Crofton Ellen Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Croghan James Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Croghan James Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Crolly James Clonsheever Rathconnell Westmeath Croly Bridget Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Croly Bridget, Jr. Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Croly John Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Croly Michael Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Croly Michael Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Croly Patrick Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Croly Thomas Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Crumb James Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Culligan Christopher Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Culligan Christopher Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Culligan Christopher Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Cummins Isabella Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Cunningham Christopher Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Curran Thomas Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Daly Esther Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Daly Francis Clonsheever Rathconnell Westmeath Daly Thomas Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Darcy John Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Darcy Michael Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Darcy Patrick Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Dickson John Cooksborough Rathconnell Westmeath Dignam James Clonsheever Rathconnell Westmeath Dillon Honora Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Dinan Margaret Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Dodd William Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Donnellan Patrick Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Donohoe Andrew Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Donohoe Bernard Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Doolan Ellen Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Doolan John Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Doolan Matthew Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Doolan Philip Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Dowling John Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Doyle James Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Doyle Patrick Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Doyle Thomas Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Drum Margaret Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Dunne John Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Dunne John Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Dunne Michael Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Dunne Thomas Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Dunne Thomas Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Ennis John Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Ennis Michael Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Ennis Thomas Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Evans John Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Fagan Christopher Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Fagan Garrett Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Fagan Garrett Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Fagan Hugh Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Fagan James Tevrin Rathconnell Westmeath Fagan John Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Fagan Nicholas Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Fagan Patrick Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Farley Catherine Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Farrell Marcella Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Farrell Thomas Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Ferguson Isaiah Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Flanagan Christopher Curraghbrack Rathconnell Westmeath Flanagan Edward Curraghbrack Rathconnell Westmeath Flanagan Thomas Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Flannagan John Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Flood Margaret Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Flynn Bryan Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Flynn John Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Flynn Mary Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Flynn Michael Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Ford Patrick Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Ford Thomas Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Fox William Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Frazier William Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Frazier William, Jr. Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Gallagher Elizabeth Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Gallagher Matthew Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Garry James Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Garvey Patrick Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Gaugheran Bridget Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Gavan Ralph Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Gaynor James Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Gaynor Martin Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Gaynor Matthew Clondalever Rathconnell Westmeath Gaynor Thomas Cooksborough Rathconnell Westmeath Gaynor William Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Gaynor William Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Gaynor William, Jr. Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Gaynor William, Jr. Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Geoghegan Andrew Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Geraghty Laurence Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Gibbons Michael Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Gillivan Patrick Brittas Rathconnell Westmeath Glennon Andrew Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Glennon Christopher Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Glennon Edward Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Glennon James Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Glennon John Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Glynn Anne Cooksborough Rathconnell Westmeath Glynn James Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Glynn Michael Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Glynn William Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Glynnen Mary Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Good Bernard Moneylea Rathconnell Westmeath Gowran Mary Mountrobbert Rathconnell Westmeath Gowran Patrick Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Graham Henry Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Grimes James Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Grimes William Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Grogan Patrick Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Guiness James Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Hanlon Anne Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Hanly John Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Hanly John Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Harris William Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Hetherstone Patrick Mountrobbert Rathconnell Westmeath Hetherstone Thomas Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Hope Catherine Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Hughes James Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Hughes Thomas Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Hulton Michael Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Hynes John Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Hynes Mary Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Hynes Matthew Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Hynes Robert Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Hynes Thomas Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Jones Patrick Tevrin Rathconnell Westmeath Jordan Thomas Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Kearnon Michael Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Keegan James Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Keenan Elizabeth Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Keenan James Cooksborough Rathconnell Westmeath Keenan John Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Keenan Michael Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Keenan William Loughagar Beg Rathconnell Westmeath Keeran Peter Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Keery James Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Keery Matthew Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Keery Nicholas Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Kelaghan Michael Cooksborough Rathconnell Westmeath Kelaghan Michael Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Kellett Thomas Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Kelly Abigail Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Kelly Edward Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Kelly Jane Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Kelly Michael Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Kelly Patrick Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Kennedy Anne Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Kenny Lawrence Clondalever Rathconnell Westmeath Kenny Nicholas Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Kenny Nicholas Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Kiernan Patrick Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Kiernan Thomas Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Kinally Charles Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath L Estrange Bridget Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Lamb James Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Lamb John Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Lanigan Catherine Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Lanighan James Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Law Thomas Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Leonard John Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Levey James Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Levinge Baronet Richard Clonsheever Rathconnell Westmeath Levinge Baronet Richard Curraghbrack Rathconnell Westmeath Levinge Baronet Richard Drinmore Rathconnell Westmeath Levinge Sir Richard Brittas Rathconnell Westmeath Levinge Sir Richard Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Levinge Sir Richard Knockdrin Rathconnell Westmeath Levinge Sir Richard Moneylea Rathconnell Westmeath Levy Lawrence Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Levy Matthew Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Levy Michael Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Levy Patrick Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Lovely Michael Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Lovely Thaddeus Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Mackens James Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Maguire Matthew Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Mahody Michael Loughagar Beg Rathconnell Westmeath Maley John Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Malone Matthew Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Malone Thomas Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Mangan James Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Mangan Owen Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Mangan Thomas Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Martin Patrick Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Masterson Catherine Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Maxwell Alexander Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Maxwell Alexander Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath May Thomas Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Cabe Bridget Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Cabe Michael Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Cabe Michael Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Donnell Michael Clondalever Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Enearney Patrick Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Grath Michael Tevrin Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Grath Peter Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Keogh Anne Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Keogh Mary Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Keogh Michael Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Keogh Thomas Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Keon Andrew Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Keon Ellen Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Keon Patrick Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Keon Patrick Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Keon Peter Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Mc Nally James Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Mee Mary Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Mercer Thomas Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Merlaghan Thomas Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Merlahan Elizabeth Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Merlihan Patrick Clondalever Rathconnell Westmeath Middleton William, M.D. Clonsheever Rathconnell Westmeath Mitchell John Moneylea Rathconnell Westmeath Mitchell Rep. Francis Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Mitchell Rep. Francis Brittas Rathconnell Westmeath Mitchell Rep. Francis Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Mitchell Thomas Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Mitchell William Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Mitchell William Brittas Rathconnell Westmeath Mitchell William Curraghbrack Rathconnell Westmeath Mitchell William Drinmore Rathconnell Westmeath Monaghan John Curraghbrack Rathconnell Westmeath Monaghan Patrick Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Montfort Rep. Georgian Clondalever Rathconnell Westmeath Mooney Anne Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Mooney Ellen Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Mooney Peter Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Mooney Peter Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Mooney Thomas Brittas Rathconnell Westmeath Moore Richard Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Moran Michael Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Muldoon Anne Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Mullen James Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Mullen Michael Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Mulligan Catherine Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Mulligan Mary Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Mulligan Michael Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Mulligan Thomas Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Mulligan Thomas Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Mulligan William Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Murphy Christopher Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Murphy Joseph Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Murphy Patrick Aghadaugh Rathconnell Westmeath Murray Eliza Clondalever Rathconnell Westmeath Murray Elizabeth Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Murray Elizabeth Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Murray James Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Murray Judith Brittas Rathconnell Westmeath Murray Maurice Brittas Rathconnell Westmeath Murray Pat Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Murray Patrick Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Murray Patrick Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Murray Richard Ballycor Rathconnell Westmeath Murray Thomas Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Murtagh Mary Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Murtagh Michael Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Nally John Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Nally Matthew Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Nally Michael Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Nally Patrick Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Neal Patrick Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Nolan Patrick Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Nooney Christopher Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Nooney James Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Nooney Mary Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath North Thomas Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Nugent Capt. John J. Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Nugent Patrick Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Nulty Patrick Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Oxburgh Robert Clondalever Rathconnell Westmeath Parlin James Balrath North Rathconnell Westmeath Plunkett Richard Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Poynten John Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Purdon Augustus Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Purdon Rodney Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Purdon Rodney Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Rally Catherine Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Ready Thomas Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Reilly Edward Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Reilly John Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Richard Balrath North Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Richard Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Richard W. Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Richard W. Balrath West Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Richard W. Edmonstown Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Richard W. Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Richard W. Jeffrystown Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Richard W. Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Richard, Jr. Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Samuel Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell Samuel A. Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell William Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Reynell William Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Roberts Laurence Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Roberts Lawrence Balrath East Rathconnell Westmeath Robinson Mary Clonlost Rathconnell Westmeath Rogers Richard Cartron Rathconnell Westmeath Ronaldson Susan Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Ronan Christopher Clondalever Rathconnell Westmeath Ronan Michael Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Ronan Michael Fennor Rathconnell Westmeath Rynd James Crosserdree Rathconnell Westmeath Rynd John Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Scally Daniel Reynella Rathconnell Westmeath Scally Patrick Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Shanley Dominick Macetown Rathconnell Westmeath Shannon Christopher Mountrobbert Rathconnell Westmeath Shannon Martin Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Shaw Esther Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Shaw Lawrence Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Shaw Lawrence Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Shaw Matthew Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Shaw Michael Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Shaw Morris Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Shaw Patrick Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Sheridan Anne Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Smith Bernard Killynan (Cooke) Rathconnell Westmeath Smith James Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Smith Owen Mountrobbert Rathconnell Westmeath Smith Thomas Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Smith William Edward Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Talbot Richard Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Talbot Thomas Loughagar Beg Rathconnell Westmeath Talbot Thomas Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Taylor William Clonkill Rathconnell Westmeath Toole Michael Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Toole Patrick Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Tuite James Clonsheever Rathconnell Westmeath W. Cage Rev. Rob. Reunella Rathconnell Westmeath Walders James Rathconnell Rathconnell Westmeath Walsh Edward Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath Walsh Thomas Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Warren John Loughagarmore Rathconnell Westmeath Whelaghan John Balreagh Rathconnell Westmeath Whelaghan Michael Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath White Daniel Clonickilvant Rathconnell Westmeath Winter Samuel Killynan (Pratt) Rathconnell Westmeath Wray James Curraghmore Rathconnell Westmeath