Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Marys Athlone, County Westmeath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Marys Athlone, County Westmeath
Allen Mary Ankersbower St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Allen Mary Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Ashe James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Atkins William Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Bailey Joseph Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Banco James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Bannon Patrick Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Banum Elizabeth Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Barrett Patrick Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Barry Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Begg James Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Berry Laurence Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Berry Rev. Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Bianconi Charles Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Biggins Edward Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Boland Morgan Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Bradbury John Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brady Andrew Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brazill Matthew Athlone Court, River Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brennan Anne Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brennan Anne Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brennan Anne Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brennan James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brennan John Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brennan John Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brennan Mary Athlone Court, Paradise Row St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Broderick Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brophy Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brophy Thomas Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brown John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Browne Edward Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Brunker Thomas Athlone Court, Paradise Row St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Bryan James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Bryan Patrick Athlone Court, Lucas Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Buchannon Maria Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Burchall Peter Athlone Court, The Bawn St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Burgess Thomas Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Burgess Thomas Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Burns Hugh Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Burns Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Burns Peter Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Burns William Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Byrne Peter Athlone Castlemaine St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Byrne Peter Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Campbell Patrick Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cantwell John Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cantwell Robert Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Carbery Andrew Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Carroll Martin Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Carter Edmund Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Carty Mary Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Casey James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Castlemaine Lord ??? Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Claffy Francis Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Claffy Thomas Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Clakstone Mary Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Clancy James Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Clarke Simon Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Clarke Simon Athlone Court, The Bawn St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Clarke Thomas Athlone Court, Dublin Gate Str St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cluff John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Coffey Sylvester Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Colclough Patrick Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Collins Mary Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Collins Mary Athlone Hatter's-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Collins Mary Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Condon John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Connell Patrick Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Connolly James Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Connolly John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Connor John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Connor Michael Athlone Feenarty's Row. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Connors Catherine Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Conroy Patrick Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Constable Joshua Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Conway Daniel Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cooke Margaret Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cooney John Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cowen John Athlone Court, The Strand St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Coyle Catherine Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Crinian John Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cuff James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cuffe Thomas Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cullen Honoria Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cullen James Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cullen Michael Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cullian Michael Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cummins John Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cunniff Michael Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cunningham James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cunningham John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cuppage Mary Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Cuppage Mary Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curley Bridget Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curley Elizabeth Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curley Hugh Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curley Owen Ankersbower St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curley Owen Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curley Patrick Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curley William Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curly Hugh Ankersbower St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curly Owen Ankersbower St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curo Edward Athlone Castlemaine St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Curry Francis Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dale James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Daly Jane Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Daly Michael Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Davis Martin Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Deane Thomas Athlone Castlemaine St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Delaney Bernard Wm. Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Devany James Athlone Court, Chapel Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Devine John Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Devine John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dignan Patrick Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dillon Charles H. Athlone Court, Malthouse Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dillon Henry A. Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dinan Michael Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Doherty James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dolan Margaret Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Donegan Michael Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Donnelly Ellen Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Donnelly Martin Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Donohoe James Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dooley John Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dowlan Patrick Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dowling William Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Downey Francis Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Doyle James Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Doyle Patrick Athlone Court, Dublin Gate Str St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dray William Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dubordieu Mrs. ??? Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Duck James Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Duffy James Athlone Court, The Strand St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Duffy Patrick Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Duffy Peter Athlone Court, Paradise Row St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Duffy William Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Duggan Thomas Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dundas Maj. Lorenzo Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dungan Thomas Athlone Court, River Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dunlan Anne Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Dunnon Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Egan James Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Egan Keenan Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Egan Mary Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Elliot James Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Elliott James Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath English Eliza Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath English Robert Athlone Court, Chapel Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath English Robert Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath English Robert Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath English Robert Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath English William Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fagan James Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fagan Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fahy Margaret Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fallon Edward Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fallon Francis Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fallon James Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fallon Luke Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fallon Malachy Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fallon Mary Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fallon Patrick Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Farrell Anne Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Farrell James Athlone Castlemaine St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Farrell John Ankersbower St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Farrell John Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Farrell Patrick Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Feenarty Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Feenarty Owen Athlone Feenarty's Row. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Feenerty Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fennell Rev. James P. Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fenoran Margaret Ankersbower St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Ferne Mary Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fetherston William Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Finneran Laurence Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fitzgerald Luke Athlone Court, Paradise Row St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fitzgerald Sarah Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fitzgerald Sarah Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fitzpatrick Mrs. ??? Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fitzsimons Ellen Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fleming George Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fletcher Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Flood Rose Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Flynn Eliza Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Flynn James Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Flynn James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Flynn Patrick Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Flynn Thomas Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Flynn Thomas Athlone Court, Dublin Gate Str St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Font Alfred Athlone Court, Dublin Gate Str St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Foster Samuel Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Fox Catherine Athlone Court, River Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Frazer Alexander Athlone Castlemaine St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Frene Patrick Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gaffy Cornelius Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gallagher Ellen Athlone Court, Chapel Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gallagher Ellen Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Galvin Patrick Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Ganley Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Ganly Patrick Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Garthy Arthur Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gaskill James Athlone Court, Chapel Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gately John Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gavican Thomas Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gaynor Luke Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Geoghegan George Athlone Court, River Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Geoghegan John Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Geoghegan Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Geoghegan Michael Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Geoghegan Patrick Athlone Court, Dublin Gate Str St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Geraghty Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gibbings John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gill Thomas Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gill Thomas Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gill Thomas Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gill Thomas Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gleeson Owen Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Glover James Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Goode George Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Goode Henry Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gordon Richard Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Grady Mary Athlone Court, Ballymahon Road St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Grady Patrick Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Graham John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gray Matilda Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Greene George Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gregan Margaret Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Gregan Michael Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Haire Jonathan Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Haire William Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Haire William Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Haire William Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hall Richard Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hand Luke Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Handcock Capt. Robt Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hanley Mary Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hanrey Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hansell Thomas Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hardyman Thomas Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Haughney Maria Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hay William Athlone Hatter's-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hay William Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hayden George Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Heaney William Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Henderson William Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hennessy James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Herbert Rev. James Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hetherington George Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hetherington George Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hickey William Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Higgins Catherine Athlone Castlemaine St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Higgins Catherine Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Higgins Michael Athlone Feenarty's Row. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hill Henry Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hilliard William Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hoare Francis Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Horne Catherine Athlone Court, Paradise Row St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Howard Mary Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Howe James Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hughes Bernard Athlone Court, Lucas Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hughes Francis Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hughes Francis Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hughes Francis Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hughes Francis Athlone Court, The Strand St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hughes Patrick Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hynds Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hynes James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hynes James Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Hynes Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Jameson William Ardnaglug St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Jameson William Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Johnings John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Jones William Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Joyce David Athlone Court, Chapel Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Joyce Patrick Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Joyce Rose Athlone Court, Chapel Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kavanagh Thomas Athlone Court, Malthouse Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kearney Anne Athlone Court, Malthouse Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kearney Francis Athlone Court, Dublin Gate Str St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kearney Francis Athlone Court, The Bawn St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kearney William Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keating James Athlone Castlemaine St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keeffe William Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keegan James Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keegan John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keegan Thomas Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keely Daniel Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keely John Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keely Patrick Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keenan Ellen Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keenan Michael Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Anne Athlone Court, Lucas Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Eliza Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Francis Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Joseph Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Laurence Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Laurence Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Laurence Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Laurence Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Mary Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Michael Athlone Court, Ballymahon Road St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Patrick Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Peter Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Stephen Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kelly Thomas Athlone Court, Paradise Row St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kennan Denis Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kennedy Denis Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kennedy Hugh Athlone Court, Lucas Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kennedy John Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kennedy Patrick Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Keogh Daniel Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kilcommon Patrick Athlone Feenarty's Row. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kileen Thomas Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kilkenny Thomas Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kilmaine Mary Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kilroe Rev. Kieran Athlone Court, Ballymahon Road St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kilroy John Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kinlan Martin Athlone Court, Paradise Row St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kinsella James Athlone Court, The Bawn St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Kirwan Timothy Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Knight Henry Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lacey John Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Langan John Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Larkin Patrick Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Law John Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lawless James Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lawless Peter Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lawlor Patrick Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lawlor Patrick Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Leet William Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lennon Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lennon Richard Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lennon Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lennon Thomas Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Leonard William Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Levett Martin Athlone Court, The Bawn St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Little Patrick Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lloyd Col. ??? Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Locke John Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lodge Olivia Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Longworth Catherine Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Longworth John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Longworth John Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Longworth Robert Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Loughlin Thomas Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lynch James Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Lynn Mary Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mack William R. Athlone Bridge-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Madden John Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Maguire Ellen Athlone Court, Paradise Row St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Maher Patrick Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mahon Henry Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mahon William Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mahon William Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Malcolm Thomas Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Malone Denis Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Malone Patrick Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Malone Patrick Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Malone Thomas Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Malone Thomas Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mangan Lauerence Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mangan Thomas Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mannion Margaret Athlone Court, River Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Marchbank James Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Martin Catherine Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Martin James Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Martin James Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Martin John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Martin Michael Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mathewson Thomas Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Maxwell Patrick Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Clean John Athlone Court, The Bawn St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Cleane Anne Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Cormack Mrs. ??? Athlone Bridge-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Cormick Mary Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Donagh John Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Donnell John Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Donnell Patrick Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Gowan Michael Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Namara Michael Ankersbower St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Nulty James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Quade John Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mc Quinney Rev. James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mealy Peter Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Moffatt Rev. J. R. Athlone Court, The Bawn St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Moffatt Rev. James R. Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Moffatt Rev. Jas. Robt. Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mooney John Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mooney Margaret Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Moore John Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Moore Laurence Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Moore Margaret Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Moore William Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Moran Michael Athlone Court, Dublin Gate Str St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Moran Michael Athlone Court, The Bawn St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Moynan Thomas Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Muldoon John Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mulligan Michael Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Mulvy Bernard Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Murphy Anne Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Murphy Rose Athlone Court, Chapel Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Murphy Rose Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Murray Henry Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Murray Thomas Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Murtagh James Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Murtagh John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Naughton Michael Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Neligan William Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Neligan Wm. H., M.D. Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Norton John Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Norton Michael Athlone Bridge-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Norton Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Norton Michael Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Norton Michael Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Norton Patrick Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Norton Thomas Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Nowlan John Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Nowlan Miss ??? Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Nurney William Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath O'Brien John Athlone Court, Dublin Gate Str St. Marys Athlone Westmeath O'Brien John Athlone Court, The Bawn St. Marys Athlone Westmeath O'Brien William P. Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath O'Callaghan Honoria Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath O'Connell Honoria Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath O'Donnell John Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath O'Loughlin William Athlone Court, The Bawn St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Oakely Mary Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Payne William Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Peake Samuel Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Pell John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Percy Asdell Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Percy Asdell Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Pilkington Joseph Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Potts Harriet Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Potts William Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Quigley Anne Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Quigley Bridget Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Quinn John Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Reilly Anne Athlone Court, Chapel Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Reilly Bridget Athlone Court, Chapel Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Reilly Bridget Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Reilly James Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Reilly Michael Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Reilly Patrick Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Reilly William Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Reynolds James Athlone Ankersbower-Rd. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Rigney William Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Rinn Patrick Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Robins John Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Robins Joseph Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Robinson Edmund Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Robinson Samuel Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Roper James Athlone Court, Lucas Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Rorke John Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Rorke Samuel Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Rourke Patrick Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Ruth William Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Ryan Margaret Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Ryan Michael Ankersbower St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Ryan Michael Athlone Castlemaine St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Salisbury Samuel Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Scully Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Seery Anne Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Shaughnessy Peter Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Shea James Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Sheehan Bryan Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Sheridan Francis Athlone Castlemaine St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Sheridan Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Skally John Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Skally William Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Slaven John Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Smith Edward Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Smith Michael Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Smith Robert Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Smith Thomas Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Smith William Athlone Court, Strand Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Stanford Isabella Athlone Court, Friary Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Staunton Anne Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Stokes John Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Stokes John Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Stokes John Athlone Victoria-Place St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Suitor James Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Swaine James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Sweeney Matthew Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Sweeny James Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Sweeny Margaret Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Sweeny Mary Athlone St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Sweeny Owen Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Sweeny Rose Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Tiernan Thomas Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Tighe Laurence Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Toole Bernard Athlone Court, Mardyke Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Torpy John Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Tracy Mary Athlone Court, Tangier Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Tully William Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Turley Bernard Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Turner Christopher Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Turner John Athlone Court, Paradise Row St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Veredon Anne Athlone Castlemaine St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Vicars Edward Athlone Brideswell St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Walker Elizabeth Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Walsh Honoria Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Walsh John Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Walsh Judith Athlone Feenarty's Row. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Walsh Michael Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Walsh Thomas Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Walsh Thomas Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Walsh Thomas Athlone North Gate-St. St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Walton James Athlone Court, Devenish-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Waters Hugh Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Whelahan Thomas Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Whelan James Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath White John Athlone Court, Malthouse Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Williams Edward Athlone Court, Scotch Parade St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Williams Edward Athlone Hatter's-Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Wilson William Athlone Court, Irishtown St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Woods Edward Athlone Court, Church Street St. Marys Athlone Westmeath Woods Edward Athlone Court, Lloyds Lane St. Marys Athlone Westmeath