Fáilte Romhat
The site is back online but there are issues with some search pages and the gallery. I am working on correcting these.
Barden Christopher Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Barden Thomas Blackmiles Stonehall Westmeath Brougham Esther Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Carty Patrick Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Casey Ellen Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Casey Michael Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Cleary James Galmoylestown Upper Stonehall Westmeath Condon Hugh Knockbody Stonehall Westmeath Connell Edward Martinstown Stonehall Westmeath Connell Patrick Martinstown Stonehall Westmeath Cormick Patrick Knockbody Stonehall Westmeath Curran Anne Galmoylestown Upper Stonehall Westmeath Curran John Galmoylestown Upper Stonehall Westmeath Daly Anne Galmoylestown Lower Stonehall Westmeath Daly Christopher Knockbody Stonehall Westmeath Daly Edward Knockbody Stonehall Westmeath Daly Edward Monintown Stonehall Westmeath Daly Thomas Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Daly William Knockbody Stonehall Westmeath Dermody John Knockbody Stonehall Westmeath Dolan Francis Multyfarnham or Fearbranagh Stonehall Westmeath Donegan Andrew Galmoylestown Lower Stonehall Westmeath Donegan Andrew Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Duffy James Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Duffy Thomas Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Fagan Patrick Martinstown Stonehall Westmeath Fitzsimons Patrick Martinstown Stonehall Westmeath Flood William Galmoylestown Lower Stonehall Westmeath Flood William Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Gaynor Thomas Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Geraghty Bridget Galmoylestown Upper Stonehall Westmeath Gibson George Larkinstown Stonehall Westmeath Gibson George Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Gibson John Blackmiles Stonehall Westmeath Gibson John Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Gibson Thomas Larkinstown Stonehall Westmeath Glynn Mary Blackmiles Stonehall Westmeath Gorman Connor Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Higgins Farrell Blackmiles Stonehall Westmeath Higgins Patrick Knockbody Stonehall Westmeath Kane Peter Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Kerr John Martinstown Stonehall Westmeath Kerr Rebecca Martinstown Stonehall Westmeath Kerr Thomas Martinstown Stonehall Westmeath Kilduff Mary Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Kilduff Thomas Killintown Stonehall Westmeath Lestrange Andrew Galmoylestown Lower Stonehall Westmeath Lestrange Andrew Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Lestrange Patrick Galmoylestown Lower Stonehall Westmeath Lestrange Patrick Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Levinge William Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Logan Walter Galmoylestown Upper Stonehall Westmeath Logan Walter Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Lynch Edward Knockbody Stonehall Westmeath Macken Thomas Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Magennis Michael Knockbody Stonehall Westmeath Mahon Edward Larkinstown Stonehall Westmeath Mc Donnell Patrick Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Mc Gawley Owen Martinstown Stonehall Westmeath Mc Grath Catherine Martinstown Stonehall Westmeath Moran Jane Multyfarnham or Fearbranagh Stonehall Westmeath Mulvey James Larkinstown Stonehall Westmeath Murphy Anne Galmoylestown Lower Stonehall Westmeath Nangle John Multyfarnham or Fearbranagh Stonehall Westmeath Nangle John H. Killintown Stonehall Westmeath Nugent Bridget Killintown Stonehall Westmeath O'Beirne James Killintown Stonehall Westmeath Owen Christopher Galmoylestown Lower Stonehall Westmeath Owen James Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Quinn Andrew Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Reilly Mary Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Reilly Thomas Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Seery Patrick Knockbody Stonehall Westmeath Taaffe William Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Tait Michael Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Termy John Martinstown Stonehall Westmeath Tilson John Blackmiles Stonehall Westmeath Tormy Edward Galmoylestown Lower Stonehall Westmeath Tormy Hugh Galmoylestown Lower Stonehall Westmeath Tormy Hugh Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Troy Mary Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Wade James Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Wade Michael Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Wade Patrick Garrysallagh Stonehall Westmeath Wray John Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath Wray Rev. Jackson Stonehall Stonehall Westmeath