Fáilte Romhat

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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Taghmon, County Westmeath
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Taghmon, County Westmeath
Allen Bridget Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Allen John Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Barden Edward Sheefin Taghmon Westmeath Bateman Mary Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Bell Thomas Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Bermingham Rev. Thomas Sheefin Taghmon Westmeath Bohun Anne Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Bohun John Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Bohun William Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Boyhan James Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Boyhan Matthew Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Brogan Bartholomew Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Brougham Mary Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Butler Richard Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Byer William Glebe Taghmon Westmeath Cahill James Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Cahill Laurence Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Cahill Redmond Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Casserly Patrick Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Cassidy James Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Charter William Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Cody Richard Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Anne Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Anne Sheefin Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Anne Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Christopher Downs Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Christopher Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Christopher Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Mary Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Patrick Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Coffey Patrick Sheefin Taghmon Westmeath Coghlan Mary Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Connolly William Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Connor Edward Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Connor Patrick Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Cormick James Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Cox Christopher Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Daly Garrett Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Daly James Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Daly John Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Daly John Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Daly Lauerence Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Daly Mary Sheefin Taghmon Westmeath Daly Patrick Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Darcy Patrick Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Dolan Geoffrey Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Doolan Christopher Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Doyne Anne Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Doyne Bridget Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Duffy Bridget Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Duffy John Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Duffy Patrick Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Elford John Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Fagan Bartholomew Knockdrin Taghmon Westmeath Fagan Bernard Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Fagan Christopher Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Fagan Thomas Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Fagan William Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Fannon James Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Fitzsimons Catherine Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Fitzsimons Ellen Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Flood Catherine Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Flood Nicholas Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Gaffney James Downs Taghmon Westmeath Gaffney James Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Gaffney Mary Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Gibbons John Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Glynn Bryan Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Glynn Michael Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Green James Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Gurney Michael Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Hickey Rev. Noah S. Glebe Taghmon Westmeath Higgins Ellen Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Higgins Michael Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Hope Margaret Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Hope Michael Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Hope Thomas Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Hussey James Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Kearney John Downs Taghmon Westmeath Kearney Michael Downs Taghmon Westmeath Keegan Bridget Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Kelly Anne Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Kelly Bridget Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Keogh Michael Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Kerr John Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Kerr Rebecca Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Kerr Thomas Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Kerr Thomas Sheefin Taghmon Westmeath Kerr Thomas Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Kiernan Anne Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Kiernan Judith Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Kilduff John Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Kilduff Peter Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Kilmurray Patrick Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Lawler Esther Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Lennon James Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Lennon Mary Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Levinge Sir Richard Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Levinge Sir Richard Knockdrin Taghmon Westmeath Levinge Sir Richard Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Levinge Sir Richard Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Lovely Michael Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Magrath Elizabeth Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Magrath Matthew Sheefin Taghmon Westmeath Mc Grath James Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Mc Grath James, Jr. Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Mc Keon Nicholas Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Mc Keown Anne Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Mc Loughlin Nicholas Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Mc Loughlin Patrick Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Mc Loughlin Patrick Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Mc Loughlin Patrick Sheefin Taghmon Westmeath Mcdermott Mary Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Mitchel Thomas Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Mitchell Thomas Knockdrin Taghmon Westmeath Moore John Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Muldoan Jane Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Mullen Matthew Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Mulligan Catherine Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Mulligan John Downs Taghmon Westmeath Mulligan John Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Mulligan Matthew Downs Taghmon Westmeath Mulvany William Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Murphy James Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Murphy James Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Murphy Margaret Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Murphy Patrick Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Murphy William Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Murray James Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Neal Michael Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath Nolan James Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Nugent James Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Nugent Margaret Foxburrow Taghmon Westmeath Nugent Michael Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Rafferty Matthew Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Rafferty Matthew Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Reilly Edward Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Reilly Mary Downs Taghmon Westmeath Reilly Peter Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Rowan Lucinda Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Scally John Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Scally John Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Smith Thomas Rathcorbally Taghmon Westmeath Stafford Patrick Monkstown Taghmon Westmeath Tormy John Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Tormy Patrick Farrancallin Taghmon Westmeath Walker Catherine Toberaquill Taghmon Westmeath Ward James Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Ward John Taghmon Taghmon Westmeath Wilson William Knockatee Taghmon Westmeath