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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ardcandrisk, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Ardcandrisk, County Wexford
Barrett Mary Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Beatty Edward Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Brien Moses Muchwood Ardcandrisk Wexford Carley Joseph Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Claney James Ballyeaton Ardcandrisk Wexford Connors Michael Ballynaglogh Ardcandrisk Wexford Connors Patrick Ballyeaton Ardcandrisk Wexford Cowman Michael Muchwood Ardcandrisk Wexford Cowman Nicholas Ballymichael Ardcandrisk Wexford Cowman Nicholas Knockataylor Ardcandrisk Wexford Cowman Nicholas Muchwood Ardcandrisk Wexford Cowman Philip Ballymichael Ardcandrisk Wexford Cullen Stephen Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Cullen William Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Devereux William Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Doyle John Ballynaglogh Ardcandrisk Wexford Ennis John Ballymichael Ardcandrisk Wexford Furlong John Ballyvalloge Ardcandrisk Wexford Furlong Nicholas Bolgerstown Ardcandrisk Wexford Goode John Muchwood Ardcandrisk Wexford Hore Herbert F. Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Jeffares Sheppard Bolgerstown Ardcandrisk Wexford Kehoe James Ballyvalloge Ardcandrisk Wexford Kehoe James Bolgerstown Ardcandrisk Wexford Kehoe James Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Kehoe Michael Ballyvalloge Ardcandrisk Wexford Kehoe Michael Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Kehoe Michael, Jr. Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Maddock Marcella Ballyvalloge Ardcandrisk Wexford Maddock Rep. John Ballyeaton Ardcandrisk Wexford Maddock Richard Ballyvalloge Ardcandrisk Wexford Mc Cleane Matthew Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Mc Namara John Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Mc Namara Patrick Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Murphy Matthew Ballynaglogh Ardcandrisk Wexford Nagle James Bolgerstown Ardcandrisk Wexford Rickman William C. Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Ryan Pierce Ballyvalloge Ardcandrisk Wexford Simmons John Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Sinnott William Ballymichael Ardcandrisk Wexford Stamp James Muchwood Ardcandrisk Wexford Tierney Lawrence Polehore Ardcandrisk Wexford Walsh John Bolgerstown Ardcandrisk Wexford Whelan Joseph Ballynaglogh Ardcandrisk Wexford Wynne Maryanne Ardcandrisk Ardcandrisk Wexford