Fáilte Romhat
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Blake John Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Blake Nicholas Coddstown Great Ballymore Wexford Blake Nicholas Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Blake Thomas Coddstown Great Ballymore Wexford Blake Thomas Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Boggan Clements Yoletown Ballymore Wexford Boggan Patrick Linziestown Ballymore Wexford Bolger Thomas Coddstown Great Ballymore Wexford Boxwell John Butlerstown Ballymore Wexford Browne John Garryhack Ballymore Wexford Bryan William Graheeroge Ballymore Wexford Burke John Coddstown Great Ballymore Wexford Busher Nicholas Littlebridge Ballymore Wexford Butler Christopher Crylough Ballymore Wexford Butler Thomas Ballyboher Ballymore Wexford Carroll John Crylough Ballymore Wexford Codd Eliza Coddstown Great Ballymore Wexford Codd Eliza Coddstown Little Ballymore Wexford Codd John Ballyregan Ballymore Wexford Codd Margaret Ballybeg Ballymore Wexford Colfer Patrick Ballybeg Ballymore Wexford Comgeen Nicholas Linziestown Ballymore Wexford Condon John Coddstown Great Ballymore Wexford Connick John Gibboghstown Ballymore Wexford Cooper Catherine Graheeroge Ballymore Wexford Corish Mary Ballyboher Ballymore Wexford Day John Garryhack Ballymore Wexford Devereux John Harveystown Ballymore Wexford Devereux Myles Yoletown Ballymore Wexford Devereux Thomas Ballyregan Ballymore Wexford Doyle Patrick Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Edmonds Jane Ballybeg Ballymore Wexford Farrell James Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Fennelly William Ballyboy Ballymore Wexford Fitzharris Catherine Ballybeg Ballymore Wexford Foley Lawrence Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Fortune Patrick Jonastown Ballymore Wexford Fortune William Grahormick Ballymore Wexford French Patrick Crylough Ballymore Wexford Furlong Joseph Linziestown Ballymore Wexford Furlong Nicholas Ballybeg Ballymore Wexford Furlong Stephen Coddstown Great Ballymore Wexford Gall Anthony Banoge Ballymore Wexford Gall Nicholas Ballybeg Ballymore Wexford Giffard Margaret Graheeroge Ballymore Wexford Harvey John Butlerstown Ballymore Wexford Harvey John Littlebridge Ballymore Wexford Hepburn Edward Banoge Ballymore Wexford Hore John Ballyboher Ballymore Wexford Hore Martin Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Howlett Andrew Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Jeffers William Ballyregan Ballymore Wexford Kavanagh Rev. Jas Yoletown Ballymore Wexford Kehoe Joseph Rathrolan Ballymore Wexford Lalor Loftus Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Lambert Catherine Ballyboy Ballymore Wexford Lambert William Grageelagh Ballymore Wexford Lett Benjamin Linziestown Ballymore Wexford Lett Benjamin Rathendam Ballymore Wexford Mc Grath Thomas Linziestown Ballymore Wexford Mc Namara James Harveystown Ballymore Wexford Millea Louisa Ballyregan Ballymore Wexford Molloy Luke Linziestown Ballymore Wexford Moyler John Linziestown Ballymore Wexford Murphy Francis Coddstown Great Ballymore Wexford Murphy John Coddstown Little Ballymore Wexford Murphy John Crylough Ballymore Wexford Murphy William Coddstown Little Ballymore Wexford Murphy William Crylough Ballymore Wexford Needham Richard Ballybeg Ballymore Wexford Neill Patrick Coddstown Great Ballymore Wexford Neill Thomas Greenfield Ballymore Wexford Nowlan James Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Nowlan Patrick Linziestown Ballymore Wexford Ousely Nicholas Yoletown Ballymore Wexford Parle John Ballyregan Ballymore Wexford Petit John Banoge Ballymore Wexford Pettit John Hilltown Ballymore Wexford Pettit John Newhouse Ballymore Wexford Pettit Margaret Grahormick Ballymore Wexford Rackard John Ballyboy Ballymore Wexford Richards John Churchtown Ballymore Wexford Roe Thomas Grageen Ballymore Wexford Roe Thomas Grageen Little Ballymore Wexford Ronan James Ballybeg Ballymore Wexford Rossiter Richard Banoge Ballymore Wexford Rossiter Walter Grahormick Ballymore Wexford Rossiter Walter Hilltown Ballymore Wexford Rossiter Walter Newhouse Ballymore Wexford Rossiter Walter Staplestown Ballymore Wexford Ryan John Grageelagh Ballymore Wexford Scully James Harveystown Ballymore Wexford Sinnott James Ballyboy Ballymore Wexford Sinnott James Ballyregan Ballymore Wexford Sinnott John Harveystown Ballymore Wexford Sinnott John Yoletown Ballymore Wexford Sinnott Margaret Ballybeg Ballymore Wexford Sinnott Margaret Linziestown Ballymore Wexford Stafford John Knockhowlin Ballymore Wexford Stafford William Ballyboher Ballymore Wexford Tanner Samuel Banoge Ballymore Wexford Tanner Samuel Graheeroge Ballymore Wexford Tanner Samuel Greenfield Ballymore Wexford Walsh Mary Grahormick Ballymore Wexford Walsh Patrick Ballyboy Ballymore Wexford White John Rathendam Ballymore Wexford Whitty Thomas Ballyregan Ballymore Wexford