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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Carnagh, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Carnagh, County Wexford
Bennett William Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Brennan James Carnagh Carnagh Wexford Brennan James Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Brien Patrick Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Byrne Catherine Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Byrne James Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Byrne Patrick Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Carthy John Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Carthy Thomas Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Corrish Patrick Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Cullen Thomas Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Dowling Simon Carnagh Carnagh Wexford Doyle Daniel Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Doyle Patrick Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Finn Michael Carnagh Carnagh Wexford Fitzgerald Edward Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Fitzgerald John Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Fitzgerald Mary Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Fitzgerlad William Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Furlong James Carnagh Carnagh Wexford Furlong Luke Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Kent Richard Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Kent Samuel Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Lacy Catherine Carnagh Carnagh Wexford Lacy Catherine Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Lacy James Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Lambert Henry Carnagh Carnagh Wexford Lambert Henry Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Lambert Maria Carnagh Carnagh Wexford Lennon N. John Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Madden William Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Mc Clarney Matthew Carnagh Carnagh Wexford Mernagh James Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Monahan Patrick Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Monahan Patrick, Jr. Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Monahan Simon Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Murphy Darby Carnagh Carnagh Wexford Murphy James Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford Murphy Michael Carnagh Carnagh Wexford Murphy Peter Cushenstown Carnagh Wexford