Fáilte Romhat
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Adams Patrick Garrynisk Castle-ellis Wexford Adams William Ballyhought Castle-ellis Wexford Atkin William Garryniskbeg Castle-ellis Wexford Atkin William Knockraun Castle-ellis Wexford Atkins Joseph Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Atkins Joseph Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Boardman Thomas Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Bolger Bridget Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Bolger Bridget Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Boxwell John Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Breen Anne Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Breen John Ballyknockan Castle-ellis Wexford Breen John Ballyroe Castle-ellis Wexford Breen John Garrynisk Castle-ellis Wexford Breen Mary Bolaboybeg Castle-ellis Wexford Breen Richard Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Breen Thomas Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Brennan Jonathan Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Brien John Castleellis Castle-ellis Wexford Brien Margaret Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Brien Martha Ballyhought Castle-ellis Wexford Brien Michael Ballyroebeg Castle-ellis Wexford Brien Myles Castleellis Castle-ellis Wexford Brien Patrick Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Bryan Elizabeth Ballynagore Castle-ellis Wexford Bryan Johanna Ballyroe (Nunn) Castle-ellis Wexford Bryan John Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Bryan Margaret Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Bryan Moses Ballina Castle-ellis Wexford Bryan Moses Ballyroe Castle-ellis Wexford Bryan Peter Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Burke William Bolaboybeg Castle-ellis Wexford Byran Mary Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Byrne Michael Knockraun Castle-ellis Wexford Byrne Sarah Ballybregagh Castle-ellis Wexford Cash James Ballina Castle-ellis Wexford Cleary Andrew Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Coghlan Nicholas Ballinra Castle-ellis Wexford Coghlan Stephen Ballinra Castle-ellis Wexford Commons James Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Conlon Patrick Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Connolly John Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Connor John Toberbeg Castle-ellis Wexford Connors Edward Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Connors Felix Ballyknockan Castle-ellis Wexford Connors Hugh Askabeg Castle-ellis Wexford Connors Patrick Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Connors Patrick Ballyroe Castle-ellis Wexford Connors Patrick Bolaboybeg Castle-ellis Wexford Connors Patrick Garryvadden Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Connors Patrick Knockraun Castle-ellis Wexford Cullen John Castleellis Castle-ellis Wexford Cullen Michael Ballinra Castle-ellis Wexford Cullen Paul Garryvadden Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Cullen Thomas Garryvadden Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Currie Martha Garryvadden Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Dempsey Edward Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Dempsey Edward Ballyroe (Nunn) Castle-ellis Wexford Dempsey John Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Dempsey Julia Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Dempsey Michael Bolaboybeg Castle-ellis Wexford Dempsey Owen Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Dempsey Sylvestor Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Dempsey Thomas Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Dempsey Thomas Ballyroebeg Castle-ellis Wexford Donahoe John Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Donnelly Peter Knockraun Castle-ellis Wexford Donohoe Catherine Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Donohoe Catherine Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Donohoe John Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Donohoe Thomas Ballybregagh Castle-ellis Wexford Donohoe Thomas Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Doran James Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Doran William Ballybregagh Castle-ellis Wexford Doyle Catherine Bolaboybeg Castle-ellis Wexford Doyle Martin Askabeg Castle-ellis Wexford Doyle Michael Askabeg Castle-ellis Wexford Doyle Michael Ballinra Castle-ellis Wexford Doyle Michael Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Doyle Michael Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Doyle Richard Askabeg Castle-ellis Wexford Doyle Richard Ballyknockan Castle-ellis Wexford Duff James Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Duffy James Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Dwyer Margaret Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Fitzgerald John Ballyhought Castle-ellis Wexford Fitzgerald John Mahanagh Castle-ellis Wexford Fitzgerald John Toberbeg Castle-ellis Wexford Fortune Robert Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Foxen John Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Foxen John Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Furlong Mark Ballyroe (Nunn) Castle-ellis Wexford Furlong Nicholas Newport Castle-ellis Wexford Furlong Walter Ballyroe (Nunn) Castle-ellis Wexford Guilfoyle Daniel Ballina Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Hamilton Henry Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Hamilton William Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Healy Patrick Garrynisk Castle-ellis Wexford Henry Owen Kilrahard Castle-ellis Wexford Herron Nicholas Ballinra Castle-ellis Wexford Howel Philip Riesk Castle-ellis Wexford Howell James Bolaboybeg Castle-ellis Wexford Howell James Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Howell John Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Howell John Balynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Howell Philip Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Howlin Peter Ballina Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Irvine Frances Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Kavanagh Catherine Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Kavanagh Jeremiah Bolaboybeg Castle-ellis Wexford Kavanagh Margaret Nreport Castle-ellis Wexford Kehoe Michael Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Kehoe Thomas Toberbeg Castle-ellis Wexford Kelly Laurence Ballynagore Castle-ellis Wexford Kelly Lawrence Courtclogh Castle-ellis Wexford Kelly Lawrence Knockanevin Castle-ellis Wexford Kelly Martin Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Kinsella Edward Ballyroe (Nunn) Castle-ellis Wexford Kinsella John Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Kinsella Lawrence Ballyroe (Nunn) Castle-ellis Wexford Kinsella Mary Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Kinsella Patrick Ballynagore Castle-ellis Wexford Kirwan Moses Garryniskbeg Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy Edward Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy Edward Garryvadden Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy Jeremiah Bolaboybeg Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy Jeremiah Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy John Askabeg Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy John Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy Joseph Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy Lawrence Ballyroe (Nunn) Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy Lawrence Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy Michael Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Lacy Philip Newport Castle-ellis Wexford Lambert Edmund Ballyknockan Castle-ellis Wexford Lambert James Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Lambert Patrick Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Leary Thomas Ballinra Castle-ellis Wexford Malone George Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Morris Philip Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Anastasia Ballyroe (Nunn) Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Bridget Garrynisk Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Bridget Mahanagh Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Bryan Ballyhought Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Catherine Kilrahard Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Denis Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Denis Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Dudley Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Edward Garryvaddenbeg Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Felix Slievnagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy James Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy James Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy John Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy John Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Margaret Garryvadden Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Martha Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Martin Ballynamona Beg Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Mary Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Michael Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Michael Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Michael Garryvaddenbeg Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Nicholas Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Patrick Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Patrick Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Patrick Slieknagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Patrick Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Peter Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Peter Ballyhought Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Peter Castleellis Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Sylvestor Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Thomas Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Thomas Ballyroebeg Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Thomas Newport Castle-ellis Wexford Murphy Thomas, Jr. Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Myden John Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Myden Thomas Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Myden Thomas Garryvadden Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Mydon Anne Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Mydon Patrick Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Nolan Margaret Ballyroe Castle-ellis Wexford Nowlan Michael Bolaboybeg Castle-ellis Wexford Nowlan Timothy Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Pender Lawrence Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Pender Lawrence Garrymore Castle-ellis Wexford Pender Michael Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Pender Michael Garrymore Castle-ellis Wexford Pender Nicholas Bolaboybeg Castle-ellis Wexford Pender Thomas Garrymore Castle-ellis Wexford Potts James Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Prendergast James Ballybregagh Castle-ellis Wexford Prendergast Lawrence Ballybregagh Castle-ellis Wexford Prendergast Moses Ballybregagh Castle-ellis Wexford Quinn Peter Garryvadden Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Quinn Thomas Garryvadden Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Quirk John Garryvadden Castle-ellis Wexford Quirk Philip Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Quirk Thomas Garryvadden Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Rath James Newport Castle-ellis Wexford Redmond Marianne Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Redmond Marianne Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Redmond Michael Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Redmond Patrick Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Redmond Patrick Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Reilly Charles Ballyknockan Castle-ellis Wexford Reilly James Ballyknockan Castle-ellis Wexford Reilly John Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Reilly Michael Ballyknockan Castle-ellis Wexford Reilly Patrick Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Reilly Thomas Ballyknockan Castle-ellis Wexford Rice Edward Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Rice Maud Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Rice Patrick Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Rice Patrick Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Rice William Ballinra Castle-ellis Wexford Roche Catherine Askabeg Castle-ellis Wexford Roche Edward Garrynisk Castle-ellis Wexford Roche Johanna Garrynisk Castle-ellis Wexford Roche Johanna Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Roche Michael Garrynisk Castle-ellis Wexford Roche Nicholas Garryvadden Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Roche Patrick Ballinra Castle-ellis Wexford Roche Patrick Ballybregagh Castle-ellis Wexford Roche Paul Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Ronan Thomas Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Roney Hugh Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Roney Mary Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Ryan James Askabeg Castle-ellis Wexford Ryan James Courtclogh Upper Castle-ellis Wexford Ryan Thomas Knockraun Castle-ellis Wexford Shell Timothy Garrynisk Castle-ellis Wexford Simmonds William Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Sinnett Martin Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Sinnott Catherine Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Sinnott Edward Courtclogh Lower Castle-ellis Wexford Sinnott Edward Newport Castle-ellis Wexford Sinnott Julia Kilrahard Castle-ellis Wexford Sinnott Nicholas Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Sinnott Oliver Mahanagh Castle-ellis Wexford Sinnott Peter Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Sommers James Ballyroe (Nunn) Castle-ellis Wexford Sparrow Samuel Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Stafford Margaret Ballyknockan Castle-ellis Wexford Stafford Martin Ballyknockan Castle-ellis Wexford Stephenson Rev. A. Castleellis Castle-ellis Wexford Sutton Lawrence Garrynisk Castle-ellis Wexford Sutton Lawrence Mahanagh Castle-ellis Wexford Sutton Simon Ballyroe Castle-ellis Wexford Tiernan Bridget Castleellis Castle-ellis Wexford Tobin John Ballynellard Castle-ellis Wexford Tumbleton Elizabeth Slievenagrane Castle-ellis Wexford Turner Edward Newport Castle-ellis Wexford Usher Bridget Ballynagore Castle-ellis Wexford Usher William Ballynagore Castle-ellis Wexford Watters Martin Kilrahard Castle-ellis Wexford Whelan Alicia Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Whelan Anastasia Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Whelan Catherine Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Whelan John Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Whelan Margaret Ballynamona Castle-ellis Wexford Whelan Patrick Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Whelan Timothy Askasilla Castle-ellis Wexford Whelan Timothy Ballyroebeg Castle-ellis Wexford