Fáilte Romhat
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Barron Thomas Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Barron Thomas Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Beahan Thomas Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Bennett Mary Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Bergin Peter Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Bergin William Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Bowes Thomas Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Boyle Margaret Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Brady Edward Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Brady Edward Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Breen John Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Breen John Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Breen Patrick Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Breen Peter Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Brennan Michael Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Brennan Patrick Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Brien Joseph Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Brien Paul Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Browne Nicholas Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Bryan William Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Buchanan William Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Buchannan William Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Burke Thomas Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Butler John Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Byrne Patrick Glenroe Clongeen Wexford Carroll Edmund Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Carroll Eleanor Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Carroll James Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Carroll Martin Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Carroll Martin Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Carroll Michael Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Carty John Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Carty Martin Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Carty Martin Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Casey Maurice Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Caule Patrick Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Caulfield John Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Cogley John Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Collins Joseph Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Collins Thomas Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Comerford William Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Connick Andrew Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Connick Michael Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Connick Simon Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Connor Andrew Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Cooper Henry Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Cooper John Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Cosgrave Edward Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Cosgrave Mary Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Cousins Richard Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Crosbie Eleanor Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Crosbie Lawrence Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Cullen James Glenroe Clongeen Wexford Cullen James Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Cullen John Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Cullen Matthew Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Cullen Matthew Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Cullen Michael Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Cullen Patrick Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Cullen Thomas Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Cullen William Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Dea Patrick Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Deane Joseph Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Delany Anne Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Delany James Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Delany Lawrence Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Delany Matthew Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Delany Michael Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Delany Owen Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Dillon Michael Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Donnelly Anastasia Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Donnelly John Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Donovan Henry Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Donovan Parick Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Doran Edward Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Doran Francis Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Doran James Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Doran William Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Doyle Bridget Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Doyle Edward Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Doyle James Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Doyle James Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Doyle James, Jr. Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Doyle John Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Doyle Judith Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Doyle Lawrence Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Doyle Michael Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Doyle William Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Duggan John Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Dunne Jeremiah Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Dunne Jeremiah Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Dwyer Eleanor Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Dwyer Thomas Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Ellard Peter Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Evoy Jeremiah Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Evoy Michael Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Evoy Patrick Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Evoy Richard Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Fardy Anthony Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Fardy Bryan Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Fardy James Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Fardy John Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Fardy Matthew Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Fardy William Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Farrell James Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Farrell Timothy Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Fielding Mary Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Finn Mary Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Fitzhenry John Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Foley Henry Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Foley Michael Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Foley Thomas Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Forrestal Thomas Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Freany James Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Furlong James Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Furlong John Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Furlong John Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Furlong Mary Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Furlong Matthew Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Furlong Michael Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Furlong Michael Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Furlong Michael Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Furlong Thomas Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Furlong Thomas Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Furlong William Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Furlong William Leegane Clongeen Wexford Fury Lawrence Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Grannell Patrick Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Groves Thomas Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Hall John Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Hanlon Richard Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Harper Anastasia Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Hayes Andrew Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Hayes John Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Hayes Richard Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Hoare John Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Hoare Mary Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Jones Martin Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Jones Mary Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Jordan Michael Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Jordan Michael Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Keating John Leegane Clongeen Wexford Keating Patrick Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Keating Paul Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Keating William Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Keeffe John Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Keeffe Patrick Glenroe Clongeen Wexford Kehoe Bridget Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Kehoe Bridget Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Kehoe John Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Kehoe Thomas Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Kelly Patrick Leegane Clongeen Wexford Kelly Patrick Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Kelly Thomas Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Kerwan John Fary Clongeen Wexford Kinsella John Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Kinsella John Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Kinsella Thomas Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Kinshella Stephken Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Lacy William Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Lacy William Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Lacy William Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Leary Mary Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Leigh Francis A. Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Leigh Francis A. Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Lennan William Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Lewis Thomas Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Long Martin Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Long Martin Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Magrath Andrew Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Magrath John Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Magrath Martin Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Magrath Philip Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Maher Thomas Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Marshall Rev. Patrick Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Martin Henry Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Mc Donnell John Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Mc Donnell Michael Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Mc Ellroy Patrick Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Megrath Thomas Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Merrin John Glenroe Clongeen Wexford Middleton William Leegane Clongeen Wexford Molloy Catherine Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Molloy Patrick Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Monaghan Patrick Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Moore Nicholas Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Moran William Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Moran William Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Mullins Martin Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Mullins Martin Glenroe Clongeen Wexford Mullins Martin Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Murphy James Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Murphy Luke Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Murphy Michael Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Murphy Patrick Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Murphy Patrick Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Murphy Patrick Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Murphy Thomas Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Murphy Thomas Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Neill Charles Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Neill Edmund Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Neill Edmund Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Neill John Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Neill John Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Neill Moses Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Neill William Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Neville Eleanor Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Neville Laurence Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Neville Lawrence Newcastle Clongeen Wexford O'Farrell Edward R. Fary Clongeen Wexford Parle Nicholas Garryrichard Clongeen Wexford Parle William Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Prendergast James Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Purcell James Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Quinn James Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Quinn James Glenroe Clongeen Wexford Rashford William Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Reddy Patrick Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Redmond Patrick Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Reville John Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Reville Patrick Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Rice Margaret Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Robinson John Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Robinson John Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Roche John Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Roche Margaret Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Roche Margaret Leegane Clongeen Wexford Roche Margaret Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Roche Patrick Leegane Clongeen Wexford Roche Thomas Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Roche Thomas Leegane Clongeen Wexford Roche Thomas Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Ronan Patrick Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Rose Patrick Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Rossiter John Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Rourke Judith Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Ryan Anthony Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Ryan Charles Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Sinnott Peter Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Sinnott Thomas Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Stafford Jasper Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Stafford Joseph Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Stafford Patrick Ballynamona Clongeen Wexford Stafford Patrick Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Staunton John Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Stauton Luke Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Todoin Nicholas Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Treacy James Bryanstown Clongeen Wexford Usher James Longgraigue Clongeen Wexford Walsh Daniel Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Walsh Lawrence Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Warren Catherine Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Warren John Clongeen Clongeen Wexford Warren John Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford Warren John Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Warren John Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Warren Michael Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Warren Michael Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Warren Peter Ballybrack Clongeen Wexford Warren Thomas Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Warren William Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Whelan James Glenroe Clongeen Wexford Whelan James Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Whelan John Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Whelan Nicholas Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Whelan Thomas Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Whelan William Kilbraney Clongeen Wexford White Patrick Newcastle Clongeen Wexford Whitty James Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford Whitty Michael Loughnageer Clongeen Wexford