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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonleigh, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonleigh, County Wexford
Bailey Andrew Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Barron Sylvestor Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Blackney James Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Bolger Moses Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Bolger Moses Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Bolger Walter Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Breen David Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Breen Patrick Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Browne Patrick Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Bryan George Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Burke James Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Burke Michael Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Byrne James Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Byrne Moses Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Carthy Patrick Donard Clonleigh Wexford Connolly Ellen Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Connolly Patrick Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Cooney John Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Cullen John Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Cullen Margaret Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Curran Bridget Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Devereux Martin Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Doyle Bridget Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Doyle John Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Doyle John P. Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Doyle Morgan Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Doyle Myles Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Doyle Rev. Denis Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Doyle Rev. Denis Donard Clonleigh Wexford Doyle Thomas Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Doyle Thomas Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Doyle Thomas Donard Clonleigh Wexford Doyle Thomas, Jr. Donard Clonleigh Wexford Doyle William Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford English James Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Fenlon Hugh Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Fenlon Thomas Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Fitzhenry Mary Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Flood James Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Fortune Judith Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Freeman Mary Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Furlong Eleanor Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Furlong Luke Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Furlong Philip Donard Clonleigh Wexford Gaffney Adam Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Gaffney Adam, Jr. Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Gaffney Bridget Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Gaffney James A. Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Gafney Michael Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Kavanagh Lawrence Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Kavanagh Murtagh Donard Clonleigh Wexford Kavanagh Thomas Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Kealy Nicholas Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Keating John Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Keating John Donard Clonleigh Wexford Keating Margaret Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Kehoe Thadens Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Kehoe Timothy A. Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Kelly Michael Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Kelly Michale Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Kelly Patrick Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Kelly Patrick, Jr. Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Lett Thomas Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Magee John Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Magee John Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Magee Michael Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Molloy Michael Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Mullowney Bridget Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Mullowney William Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Murphy Bridget Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Murphy Laurence Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Murphy Patrick Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Murphy Thomas Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Murray Andrew Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Nowlan Bridget Donard Clonleigh Wexford Nowlan John Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Pendar Patrick Donard Clonleigh Wexford Prendergast Nicholas Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Reilly Bridget Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Reilly Lkuke Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Reilly Martin Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Reilly Mary Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Reilly Patrick Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Reilly Philip Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Reilly Terence Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Rochford Matthew Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Rourke Morgan Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Rourke Patrick Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Ryan Hannah Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Ryan Henry Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Ryan James Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Ryan Martin Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Ryan Mary Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Ryan William Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Shea Catherine Donard Clonleigh Wexford Sheehy Edward Clonleigh Clonleigh Wexford Shirley John Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Somers Stephen Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Townsend John Donard Clonleigh Wexford Walsh Anastasia Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Walsh Lawrence Donard Clonleigh Wexford Walsh Martin Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Walsh Mary Donard Clonleigh Wexford Walsh William Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Watters John Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Whelan Michael Ballygalvert Clonleigh Wexford Wickens Johanna Donard Clonleigh Wexford