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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonmore, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Clonmore, County Wexford
Alcock Harry Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Alcock Harry Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Alcock Harry Bree Clonmore Wexford Alcock Harry Carrig Clonmore Wexford Alcock Harry Carrigmacoge Clonmore Wexford Alcock Harry Craane Clonmore Wexford Alcock Harry Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Alcock Harry Wilton Clonmore Wexford Alcock Henry Coolteige Clonmore Wexford Alcock Henry Kilgibbon Clonmore Wexford Alcock Henry Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Barron James Bree Clonmore Wexford Barron Philip Bree Clonmore Wexford Beatty David Reddina Clonmore Wexford Bent John Park Clonmore Wexford Boggin Catherine Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Boggin Mary Park Clonmore Wexford Bolger James Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Bolger John Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Bolger John Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Bolger Myles Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Bolger Patrick Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Bowe James Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Bowe William Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Breen Bartholomew Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Breen Edward Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Breen John Kilcarbry Clonmore Wexford Breen Martin Bree Clonmore Wexford Breen William Wilton Clonmore Wexford Brennan Patrick Reddina Clonmore Wexford Brien Catherine Loughgerald Clonmore Wexford Brien Cornelius Craane Clonmore Wexford Brien Corneluis Bree Clonmore Wexford Brien Denis Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Brien Lucy Park Clonmore Wexford Brien Mary Bree Clonmore Wexford Brien Patrick Bree Clonmore Wexford Byrne Edward Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Byrne Mary Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Byrne Moses Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Carr James Coolteige Clonmore Wexford Carr Matthew Park Clonmore Wexford Carroll Elizabeth Coolteige Clonmore Wexford Carty Eleanor Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Carty John Bree Clonmore Wexford Carty Matthew Bree Clonmore Wexford Carty Matthew Carrig Clonmore Wexford Carty Matthew Park Clonmore Wexford Clooney Patrick Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Codd John Garr Clonmore Wexford Codd Thomas Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Cogley Michael Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Cogley Michael Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Colford Alice Craane Clonmore Wexford Compton Ralph Kilgibbon Clonmore Wexford Connolly James Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Connolly John Reddina Clonmore Wexford Connor Elizabeth Tinnakilla Clonmore Wexford Connor John Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Connor John Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Connor John Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Connor John Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Connor Owen Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Connor Patrick Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Connor Patrick Reddina Clonmore Wexford Connors Alice Ballybrittas Clonmore Wexford Connors Alice Sparrowsland Clonmore Wexford Conor Alice Bree Clonmore Wexford Cosgrave John Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Cosgrave Michael Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Cowman John Bree Clonmore Wexford Cowman John Carrig Clonmore Wexford Cowman John Collteige Clonmore Wexford Cowman John Craane Clonmore Wexford Cox Simon Reddina Clonmore Wexford Crean Anne Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Cullen Peter Park Clonmore Wexford Davis Francis Loughgerald Clonmore Wexford Davis Mary Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Dempsey Thomas Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Devereux Edward Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Devereux Rev. Philip Bree Clonmore Wexford Devereux Rev. Philip Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Doogan Mary Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Doran Owen Kilcarbry Clonmore Wexford Doran Owen Loughgerald Clonmore Wexford Doyle Edward Coolteige Clonmore Wexford Doyle James Clough Clonmore Wexford Doyle James Reddina Clonmore Wexford Doyle John Sparrowsland Clonmore Wexford Doyle Mary Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Doyle Moses Reddina Clonmore Wexford Doyle Patrick Reddina Clonmore Wexford Doyle Peter Carrigmacoge Clonmore Wexford Doyle Peter Craane Clonmore Wexford Doyle Thomas Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Doyle Thomas Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Fenlon Patrick Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Flood Patrick Knocknagross Clonmore Wexford Foley Andrew Bree Clonmore Wexford Foley James Borrmount Clonmore Wexford French James Borrmount Clonmore Wexford French James Loughgerald Clonmore Wexford French James Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Furlong James Stonepark Clonmore Wexford Furlong Michael Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Furlong Patrick Coolteige Clonmore Wexford Furlong Patrick Stonepark Clonmore Wexford Furlong Richard Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Furlong Richard Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Furlong Richard Stonepark Clonmore Wexford Furlong Richard, Jr. Stonepark Clonmore Wexford Furlong William Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Greene James Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Greene Margaret Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Greene William Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Hanrahan Patrick Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Hennessy Laurence Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Hennessy Matthew Coolteige Clonmore Wexford Hinton Rev. Nicholas Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Hinton Thomas Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Hogan James Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Hogan John Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Hogan Mary Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Hourahan James Park Clonmore Wexford Howlan Judith Park Clonmore Wexford Jordan James Stonepark Clonmore Wexford Jordan Moses Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Jordan Patrick Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Keating Anastasia Bree Clonmore Wexford Keating James Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Kehoe John Bree Clonmore Wexford Kehoe Michael Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Kehoe Michael Sparrowsland Clonmore Wexford Kehoe Thomas Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Kehoe William Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Kehoe Winifred Bree Clonmore Wexford Kelly John Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Kelly Maryanne Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Kelly Matthew Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Kelly Matthew Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Kelly Moses Bree Clonmore Wexford Kelly Patrick Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Kennedy Edward Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Kenny Anne Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Kenny Frederick Bree Clonmore Wexford Kenny John Bree Clonmore Wexford Kenny John Coolteige Clonmore Wexford Kenny John Park Clonmore Wexford Kenny Michael Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Kenny Patrick Bree Clonmore Wexford Kenny Thomas Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Kinchela Mary Bree Clonmore Wexford Kirwan Anastasia Bree Clonmore Wexford Kirwan Daniel Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Kirwan Daniel Bree Clonmore Wexford Kirwan Ellen Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Kirwan Peter Bree Clonmore Wexford Lacy Anastasia Ballybockley Clonmore Wexford Lacy Anastasia Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Lacy Anastasia Coolteige Clonmore Wexford Lacy Anastasia Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Lacy Anne Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Lacy Anne Bree Clonmore Wexford Lacy Anne Knocknagross Clonmore Wexford Lacy Francis Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Lacy Judith Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Lacy Patrick Reddina Clonmore Wexford Lacy Pierce Garr Clonmore Wexford Lacy Pierie Tinnakilla Clonmore Wexford Larkin James Garr Clonmore Wexford Leary Bridget Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Leary Jeremiah Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Lett William Kilgibbon Clonmore Wexford Maddock Bridget Carrig Clonmore Wexford Maddock Bridget Craane Clonmore Wexford Maddock Margaret Bree Clonmore Wexford Mara John Reddina Clonmore Wexford Martin Stephen Reddina Clonmore Wexford Martin Walsingham Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Martin William Craane Clonmore Wexford Mc Donnell Joseph Kilcarbry Clonmore Wexford Miskilla Cormack Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Moore Peter Bree Clonmore Wexford Morrissy Bridget Knocknagross Clonmore Wexford Morrissy John Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Morrissy John Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Morrissy Thomas Bree Clonmore Wexford Mullet Eleanor Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Mullet Elleanor Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Mullet Mary Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Murphy Anne Bree Clonmore Wexford Murphy James Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Murphy James Knocknagross Clonmore Wexford Murphy John Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Murphy John Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Murphy John Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Murphy Mary Bree Clonmore Wexford Murphy Mary Carrig Clonmore Wexford Murphy Mary Craane Clonmore Wexford Murphy Philip Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Murphy Philip Park Clonmore Wexford Murray John Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Neill Margaret Reddina Clonmore Wexford Ogle Rev. Charles D. Ballybuckley Clonmore Wexford Parle Bridget Tinnakilla Clonmore Wexford Power James Bree Clonmore Wexford Power James Park Clonmore Wexford Power Mary Bree Clonmore Wexford Quigley John Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Quigley Martin Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Quigley Mary Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Quigley Michael Bree Clonmore Wexford Quigley Michael Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Quigley Patrick Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Redmond Hugh Park Clonmore Wexford Redmond John Garr Clonmore Wexford Richards John Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Robinson William Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Robinson William Knocknagross Clonmore Wexford Roche Peter Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Roche Peter Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Roe William Knocknagross Clonmore Wexford Roney John Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Roney John Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Rushford William Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Shea Patrick Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Simpson John Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Sinnott James Bree Clonmore Wexford Sinnott James Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Sinnott John Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Sinnott John Garr Clonmore Wexford Sinnott Thomas Garr Clonmore Wexford Sinnott Walter Bree Clonmore Wexford Sinnott Walter Park Clonmore Wexford Sinnott Walter Sparrowsland Clonmore Wexford Smithson William Loughgerald Clonmore Wexford Stafford John Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Stafford Martin Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Stafford Michael Bridgetown Clonmore Wexford Stafford William Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Stoneham Patrick Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Stoneham Timothy Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford Styles John Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Sutton Thomas King's Island Clonmore Wexford Sweeny William Bree Clonmore Wexford Tobin Eleanor Bree Clonmore Wexford Tracey Martin Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Tyrrell John Coolteige Clonmore Wexford Wafer Judith Knockduff Clonmore Wexford Walsh Catherine Bree Clonmore Wexford Walsh Eliza Bree Clonmore Wexford Walsh James Bree Clonmore Wexford Walsh Patrick Craane Clonmore Wexford Walsh Philip Ballinavary Clonmore Wexford Walsh Philip Clonmore Clonmore Wexford Ward John Borrmount Clonmore Wexford Whelan George Dunanore Clonmore Wexford Whelan Martin Knocknagross Clonmore Wexford Whelan Michael Sparrowsland Clonmore Wexford Whelan Patrick Bree Clonmore Wexford Whelan Thomas Ballyeland Clonmore Wexford White David Tinnakilla Clonmore Wexford Whitney Thomas Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Whitty Andrew Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Whitty Thomas Mackmine Clonmore Wexford Wickham John Bree Clonmore Wexford