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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Coolstuff, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Coolstuff, County Wexford
Beatty Edward Cools Coolstuff Wexford Bowes Thomas Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Brady Edward Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Breen John Growtown Lower Coolstuff Wexford Breen Thomas Ballintlea Coolstuff Wexford Breen Thomas Growtown Lower Coolstuff Wexford Breen William Garradreen Coolstuff Wexford Brennan John Ballintarton Coolstuff Wexford Brennan Thomas Cools Coolstuff Wexford Brennan Thomas Garradreen Coolstuff Wexford Brennan Thomas Growtown Upper Coolstuff Wexford Brennan William Garradreen Coolstuff Wexford Busher Thomas Harvetstown Coolstuff Wexford Chandler Thomas Growtown Upper Coolstuff Wexford Clarke Thomas Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Cleary James Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Codd John Aughnagan Coolstuff Wexford Codd Nicholas Ballintarton Coolstuff Wexford Cogley Denis Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Cogley Thomas Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Coil George Growtown Lower Coolstuff Wexford Coll James Furlongstown Coolstuff Wexford Connors Moses Ballyhust Coolstuff Wexford Corish Catherine Harvetstown Coolstuff Wexford Corish James Harvetstown Coolstuff Wexford Cotton John Furlongstown Coolstuff Wexford Cullimore George Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Cullimore George Yolegrew Coolstuff Wexford Doyle Andrew Growtown Lower Coolstuff Wexford Doyle Catherine Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Doyle Daniel Garradreen Coolstuff Wexford Doyle Henry Knockbroad Coolstuff Wexford Doyle Henry Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Doyle James Coolstuff Coolstuff Wexford Doyle James Knockbroad Coolstuff Wexford Doyle John Aughnagan Coolstuff Wexford Doyle Myles Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Duigan Patrick Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Fanning James Knockbroad Coolstuff Wexford Fenlan Michael Garradreen Coolstuff Wexford Fenlan Michael Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Fitzpatrick Mary Furlongstown Coolstuff Wexford Fortune Matthew Furlongstown Coolstuff Wexford French Martin Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford French Mary Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford French Mary Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Furlong Catherine Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Furlong James Growtown Upper Coolstuff Wexford Furlong John Knockbroad Coolstuff Wexford Furlong Michael Growtown Lower Coolstuff Wexford Furlong Michael Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Furlong Patrick Furlongstown Coolstuff Wexford Hawkshaw Travers R. Ballintarton Coolstuff Wexford Hayes Laurence Aughnagan Coolstuff Wexford Hayes Margaret Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Hore Catherine Ballintlea Coolstuff Wexford Hore Margaret Ballintlea Coolstuff Wexford Hore Walter Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Hore Walter Aughnagan Coolstuff Wexford Jeffers Sheppard Growtown Upper Coolstuff Wexford Kearns Edward Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Kearns Michael Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Keating Ellen Growtown Upper Coolstuff Wexford Kehoe James Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Kelly Catherine Harvetstown Coolstuff Wexford Lambert Thomas Growtown Lower Coolstuff Wexford Leary James Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Leary Myles Ballyhine Coolstuff Wexford Leary Myles Growtown Lower Coolstuff Wexford Merryman Edward Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Miscal Sylvester Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Murphy Edward Furlongstown Coolstuff Wexford Murphy Moses Growtown Upper Coolstuff Wexford Murphy William Coolstuff Coolstuff Wexford Murphy William Growtown Lower Coolstuff Wexford Murray John Growtown Upper Coolstuff Wexford Parle John Garradreen Coolstuff Wexford Poole Mary Growtown Lower Coolstuff Wexford Radwell Edward Growtown Upper Coolstuff Wexford Redmond George Ballyhust Coolstuff Wexford Redmond James Ballyhust Coolstuff Wexford Redmond John Ballyhust Coolstuff Wexford Richards James Garradreen Coolstuff Wexford Richards James Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Richards Rev. George Coolstuff Coolstuff Wexford Roche Philip Ballyhine Coolstuff Wexford Ronayne Andrew Coolstuff Coolstuff Wexford Ryan Joseph Growtown Lower Coolstuff Wexford Ryan Martin Tomcool Coolstuff Wexford Scaly Richard Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Sinnott James Ballyhust Coolstuff Wexford Sinnott Nicholas Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Sinnott Robert Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Somers Patrick Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Sparrow William Growtown Upper Coolstuff Wexford Stafford Eliza Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Stafford Michael Siginshaggard Coolstuff Wexford Stafford Patrick Aughnagan Coolstuff Wexford Walsh John Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Walsh Michael Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Whelan Joseph Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Whelan Robert Aughfad Coolstuff Wexford Whelan William Growtown Upper Coolstuff Wexford White Laurence Youngstown Coolstuff Wexford Winter Walter Yolegrew Coolstuff Wexford