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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Donaghmore, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Donaghmore, County Wexford
Armstrong Rev. Thomas Raheenlusk Donaghmore Wexford Beahan James Newtown Donaghmore Wexford Bolger Anne Clonevin Donaghmore Wexford Bolger James Raheenlusk Donaghmore Wexford Bolger James Stable Donaghmore Wexford Bolger Michael Stable Donaghmore Wexford Bolger Moses Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Bolger Owen Stable Donaghmore Wexford Bolger Philip Fodagh Donaghmore Wexford Bolger Philip Stable Donaghmore Wexford Bolger Philip Templederry Donaghmore Wexford Breen Cecilia Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Breen Patrick Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Brownrigg Robert Bruce Donaghmore Wexford Brownrigg Robert Tingar Donaghmore Wexford Bryan Andrew Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Bryan James Glascarrig South Donaghmore Wexford Bryan James Kilannaduff Donaghmore Wexford Bryan Mary Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Bryan Patrick Glascarrig South Donaghmore Wexford Burgess Brien Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Burgess Hugh Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Burgess James Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Burgess Mary Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Burgess Michael Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Burkitt James Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Burkitt John Tingar Donaghmore Wexford Burkitt Thomas H. Seaview Donaghmore Wexford Burkitt Thomas H. Stable Donaghmore Wexford Butler Catherine Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Butler Pierce Crandaniel Donaghmore Wexford Butler Thomas Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Byrne Mary Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Byrne William Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Byrne William Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Byrne William Cookstown Donaghmore Wexford Cardiff John Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Cardiff Lawrence Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Carr Mary Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Cartan Mary Ballinoulart Donaghmore Wexford Carty Daniel Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Carty Denis Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Carty John Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Carty Michael Glascarrig North Donaghmore Wexford Connor James Templederry Donaghmore Wexford Connor Matthew Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Connor Moses Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Connor Myles Peppards Castle Donaghmore Wexford Connor Patrick Newtown Donaghmore Wexford Connor Thomas Newtown Donaghmore Wexford Connors Andrew Ballinoulart Donaghmore Wexford Connors Eliza Seaview Donaghmore Wexford Connors Garrett Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Connors James Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Connors James, Jr. Shrule Donaghmore Wexford Connors James, Sr. Shrule Donaghmore Wexford Connors John Clonevin Donaghmore Wexford Connors John Shrule Donaghmore Wexford Connors Martin Ballinoulart Donaghmore Wexford Connors Myles Clonganny Donaghmore Wexford Connors Patrick Clonganny Donaghmore Wexford Connors Patrick Shrule Donaghmore Wexford Connors Peter Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Connors Peter Bog and Warren Donaghmore Wexford Connors Thomas Ballinoulart Donaghmore Wexford Connors William Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Conor Thomas Oldtown Donaghmore Wexford Cowell George Cullentra Donaghmore Wexford Cowman Patrick Clonevin Donaghmore Wexford Cowman Walter Clonevin Donaghmore Wexford Creery Rose Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Crofton Patrick Stable Donaghmore Wexford Crosbie John Askingarran Lower Donaghmore Wexford Cullen Eliza Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Cullen Michael Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Cullen Patrick Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Cullen Patrick Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Cullen Rev. James Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Cullen Rev. James Glascarrig South Donaghmore Wexford Cullen Simon Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Cuscaden William H. Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Dempsey George Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Dempsey Patrick Seaview Donaghmore Wexford Devereux Robert Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Doran Anne Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Dotle Patrick Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Anthony Mangan Upper Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Catherine Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Doyle David Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Denis Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Eleanor Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Luke Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Moses Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Patrick Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Patrick Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Patrick Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Thomas Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Doyle Wiliam Seaview Donaghmore Wexford Doyle William Seaview Donaghmore Wexford Earl Charles Peppards Castle Donaghmore Wexford Ennis Patrick Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Ennis Thomas Glascarrig South Donaghmore Wexford Fisher Andrew Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Fitzsimons Brien Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Fitzsimons James Askingarran Lower Donaghmore Wexford Fitzsimons James Askingarran Upper Donaghmore Wexford Fitzsimons John Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Fitzsimons Redmond Askingarran Upper Donaghmore Wexford Fitzsimons Terence Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Fleming William Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Flemming William Parkannesley Upper Donaghmore Wexford Fortune James Clonevin Donaghmore Wexford Fortune John Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Gehan Daniel Glascarrig South Donaghmore Wexford Gehan Henry Stable Donaghmore Wexford George John Cahore Donaghmore Wexford George John Clonevin Donaghmore Wexford George John Donaghmore Donaghmore Wexford George John Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford George John Tomnamuck Donaghmore Wexford George John Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Guiness Arthur Parkannesley Upper Donaghmore Wexford Hall Mary Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Hamilton James Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Hamilton Michael Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Hanly James Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Hanly John Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Hanly Patrick Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Hanna Frances Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Hicks Anne Askingarran Upper Donaghmore Wexford Hicks Gregory Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Hicks James Askingarran Upper Donaghmore Wexford Hicks John Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Hicks Richard Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Higgins James Mangan Upper Donaghmore Wexford Higgins Mary Mangan Upper Donaghmore Wexford Higgins Thaddens Mangan Upper Donaghmore Wexford Hughes Michael Cooperstown Donaghmore Wexford Hughes Peter Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Hughes Peter Mangan Upper Donaghmore Wexford Humphries John Glascarrig South Donaghmore Wexford Humphries William Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford James James Fodagh Donaghmore Wexford Jeffers John Seaview Donaghmore Wexford Johnston John Glascarrig South Donaghmore Wexford Johnston John Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Kavanagh Andrew Glascarrig South Donaghmore Wexford Kavanagh Andrew Stable Donaghmore Wexford Kavanagh Matthew Clonevin Donaghmore Wexford Kavanagh Patrick Shrule Donaghmore Wexford Kavanagh Patrick Templederry Donaghmore Wexford Keane Catherine Askingarran Upper Donaghmore Wexford Keane Catherine Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Keane John Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Keane Philip Askingarran Upper Donaghmore Wexford Kehoe James Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Kehoe John Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Kelly Patrick Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Kenny Patrick Mangan Upper Donaghmore Wexford Kenny Thomas Glascarrig North Donaghmore Wexford Keogh Matthew Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Kilfoy Martin Glascarrig North Donaghmore Wexford Kinchella Mary Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Kinchella Michael Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Kinsella James Ballinavunnia Donaghmore Wexford Kinsella John Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Kinsella Myles Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Kinsella Sarah Ballinoulart Donaghmore Wexford Kirwan Charles Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Kirwan Daniel Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Lacy Bryan Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Lacy Catherine Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Lacy Martin Clonevin Donaghmore Wexford Lacy Patrick Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Lacy Pierce Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Lacy Walter Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Lacy Walter Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Lancaster Henry Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Lawler James Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Lawler Mary Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Lawless Daniel Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Lawless Martin Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Lawless Myles Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Lawless Thomas Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Lealis John Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Lealis Mary Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Lealis Robert Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Lealis Robert Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Lealis Robert Tingar Donaghmore Wexford Leary Andrew Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Leary Denis Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Leary James Raheenlusk Donaghmore Wexford Leary Mary Askingarran Lower Donaghmore Wexford Leary Michael Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Leary Myles Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Lett Mary Peppards Castle Donaghmore Wexford Little Catherine Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Loughrin Catherine Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Madden Patrick Clonevin Donaghmore Wexford Magrath Michael Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Mahon Peter Parkannesley Upper Donaghmore Wexford Mc Creery Anne Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Mc Creery James Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Mc Creery Mary Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Mc Creery Matthew Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Mc Grath Patrick Cookstown Donaghmore Wexford Mc Grath William Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Mc Grath William Cookstown Donaghmore Wexford Mc Loughlin Bridget Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Middleton James Seaview Donaghmore Wexford Minnion William Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Mitten James Cookstown Donaghmore Wexford Mitten James Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Mitten Margaret Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Mitten Thomas Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Mittens James Cookstown Donaghmore Wexford Murphy Catherine Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Murphy Catherine Clonevin Donaghmore Wexford Murphy Edward Ballinoulart Donaghmore Wexford Murphy Edward Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Murphy James Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Murphy James Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Murphy Martin Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Murphy Mary Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Murphy Michael Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Murphy Michael Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Murphy Nicholas Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Murphy Timothy Cullentra Donaghmore Wexford Murray Lawrence Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Naughton Moses Stable Donaghmore Wexford Naughton Myles Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Nowlan James Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Nowlan Michael Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford O'Neill Patrick Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Patrick John Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Pounden John C. Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Pounden John C. Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Pounden William Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Anne Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Bartholomew Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Barthw Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Bryan Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Darby Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Denis Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Denis Parkannesley Upper Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Denis Torduff Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Edmund Ballinoulart Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Edward Ballinoulart Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Garrett Askingarran Upper Donaghmore Wexford Redmond James Gerry Donaghmore Wexford Redmond James Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Redmond James Peppards Castle Donaghmore Wexford Redmond James Tingar Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Luke Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Marcus Cookstown Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Martin Bruce Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Martn Tingar Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Mary Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Mary Shrule Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Michael Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Michael Cookstown Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Michael Raheenlusk Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Michael, Jr. Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Michael, Jr. Parkannesley Upper Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Michael, Sr. Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Michael, Sr. Parkannesley Upper Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Philip Glascarrig South Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Thomas Ballinagam Upper Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Thomas Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Thomas Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Redmond Timothy Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Redmond William Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Redmond William Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Redmond William Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Regan John Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Reilly James Tingar Donaghmore Wexford Roche Andrew Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Roche John Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Roche John Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Ryan Catherine Raheenlusk Donaghmore Wexford Ryan Denis Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Ryan James Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Ryan William Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Ryan William A. Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Saunders Thomas Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Singleton Henry Tomnamuck Donaghmore Wexford Sinnott John Ballywater Upper Donaghmore Wexford Sinnott John Seaview Donaghmore Wexford Sinnott Margaret Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Sinnott Mary Newtown Donaghmore Wexford Sinnott William Glascarrig North Donaghmore Wexford Smith James Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Smith James Ballywater Lower Donaghmore Wexford Smith James Bog and Warren Donaghmore Wexford Smith John Bog and Warren Donaghmore Wexford Smith Luke Gerry Donaghmore Wexford Smith Luke Glascarrig South Donaghmore Wexford Smith Luke Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Smith Myles Ballinagam Lower Donaghmore Wexford Stafford Eliza Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Symes Robert Cooperstown Donaghmore Wexford Thompson Charles Newtown Donaghmore Wexford Tomkin Richard Askingarran Lower Donaghmore Wexford Wafer Andrew Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Wafer Catherine Parkannesley Lower Donaghmore Wexford Wafer Francis Ballinoulart Donaghmore Wexford Wafer James Cookstown Donaghmore Wexford Wafer Marcus Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Wafer Mary Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford Wafer Matthew Monmore Donaghmore Wexford Wafer Moses Ballinoulart Donaghmore Wexford Wafer Patrick Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Waller Rev. Benjamin Parkannesley Upper Donaghmore Wexford Waller Rev. Benjamin Stable Donaghmore Wexford Walsh James Ballygarrett Donaghmore Wexford Ware Thomas Parkannesley Upper Donaghmore Wexford Whitcroft John Kilannaduff Donaghmore Wexford White Patrick Cullentra Donaghmore Wexford White Richard Kilmichael Donaghmore Wexford White Thomas Peppards Castle Donaghmore Wexford Whitecraft John Ballinavunnia Donaghmore Wexford Whitty Arthur Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Whitty Michael Ballygarrett Little Donaghmore Wexford Whitty Moses Cahore Donaghmore Wexford Wybrants William Mangan Lower Donaghmore Wexford