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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Horetown, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Horetown, County Wexford
Aylward Mary Horetown North Horetown Wexford Banville John Horetown North Horetown Wexford Banville Patrick Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Banville Patrick Horetown North Horetown Wexford Banville Patrick Shanowle Horetown Wexford Banville Peter Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Banville Robert Horetown North Horetown Wexford Barry Peter Horetown North Horetown Wexford Beatty David Horetown North Horetown Wexford Beatty David Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Bent Thomas Deerpark Horetown Wexford Boels Bartholomew Horetown North Horetown Wexford Breen Moses Hopefield Horetown Wexford Brien Thomas Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Carew Lord ??? Horetown North Horetown Wexford Carroll James Shanowle Horetown Wexford Carthy Jaems Horetown North Horetown Wexford Carthy James Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Carthy James Horetown North Horetown Wexford Carthy Martin Horetown North Horetown Wexford Carthy Moses Hopefield Horetown Wexford Carthy Moses Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Codd Richard Shawstown Horetown Wexford Cogley John Deerpark Horetown Wexford Cogley Margaret Deerpark Horetown Wexford Colfer Thomas Haresmead Horetown Wexford Colleton Martin Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Comerton John Deerpark Horetown Wexford Comerton Mary Horetown North Horetown Wexford Comerton Matthew Horetown North Horetown Wexford Comerton Patrick Horetown South Horetown Wexford Connor James Shawstown Horetown Wexford Cooper Catherine Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Cooper Henry Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Cooper Henry, Jr. Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Cooper Samuel Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Cosgrave Cornelius Shanowle Horetown Wexford Cosgrave Mary Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Crosbie Nichlas Haresmead Horetown Wexford Crosbie Nicholas Horetown North Horetown Wexford Cullen John Horetown North Horetown Wexford Cullen Thomas Horetown North Horetown Wexford Cummins Edward Deerpark Horetown Wexford Dalton Edward Haresmead Horetown Wexford Dalton Edward Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Delany John Haresmead Horetown Wexford Delany Martin Shanowle Horetown Wexford Dillon Thomas Horetown North Horetown Wexford Donnelly Martin Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Donnelly Michael Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Donnelly William Shanowle Horetown Wexford Doyle Anastasia Horetown North Horetown Wexford Doyle Anastasia, Jr. Horetown North Horetown Wexford Doyle Martin Shanowle Horetown Wexford Dudley Robert Haresmead Horetown Wexford Duffy Thomas Shanowle Horetown Wexford Dunne John Shanowle Horetown Wexford Dwyer John Shawstown Horetown Wexford English John Horetown North Horetown Wexford Ennis Alice Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Evoy Catherine Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Evoy Thomas Deerpark Horetown Wexford Fannin James Horetown North Horetown Wexford Fardy James Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Fardy Thomas Haresmead Horetown Wexford Fenlon Margaret Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Fitzgerald Mary Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Fitzharris Matthew Deerpark Horetown Wexford Fitzhenry James Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Fitzhenry Patrick Horetown North Horetown Wexford Fleming Walter Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Foley James Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Furlong Gregory Shanowle Horetown Wexford Furlong James Shanowle Horetown Wexford Furlong John Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Furlong John Shanowle Horetown Wexford Furlong Mary Shawstown Horetown Wexford Furlong Peter Shanowle Horetown Wexford Goff Jane C. Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Goff Lydia M. Deerpark Horetown Wexford Goff Lydia M. Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Goff Lydia Mc. Hopefield Horetown Wexford Goff Strangman D. Horetown North Horetown Wexford Goff Strangman D. Horetown South Horetown Wexford Goff Strangman D. Shanowle Horetown Wexford Grannell John Hopefield Horetown Wexford Grimes Catherine Horetown North Horetown Wexford Hanlon Margaret Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Heatly John F. Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Heatly John F. Deerpark Horetown Wexford Hogan Eleanor Deerpark Horetown Wexford Hore Michael Horetown North Horetown Wexford Hore Thomas Horetown North Horetown Wexford Hore Thomas Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Howlin Luke Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Kavanagh James Shanowle Horetown Wexford Kavanagh John Hopefield Horetown Wexford Kavanagh Patrick Horetown North Horetown Wexford Keating Paul Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Kehoe Denis Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Kehoe Edward Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Kehoe John Shanowle Horetown Wexford Kehoe Patrick Horetown North Horetown Wexford Kehoe Simon Shanowle Horetown Wexford Kehoe Thomas Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Kehoe Thomas Shanowle Horetown Wexford Kelly John Hopefield Horetown Wexford Kelly John Shanowle Horetown Wexford Kelly Judith Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Kelly Martin Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Kelly Mary Shanowle Horetown Wexford Kelly Patrick Horetown North Horetown Wexford Kelly Walter Horetown North Horetown Wexford Kirwan Thomas Deerpark Horetown Wexford Lacy Mary Haresmead Horetown Wexford Lacy Mary Horetown North Horetown Wexford Larkin James Shawstown Horetown Wexford Larkin Jmaes, Jr. Shawstown Horetown Wexford Leary Mary Horetown North Horetown Wexford Leary Thomas Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Lyons James Cullenstown Horetown Wexford M Loughlin Michael Horetown North Horetown Wexford Mackey James Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Maguire Denis Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Martin Thomas Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Mc Grath Matthew Horetown North Horetown Wexford Middleton William Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Millea Martin Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Millea Martin Shanowle Horetown Wexford Molloy Clement Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Molloy Michael Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Monaghan John Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Monck Francis Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Morrissey John Hopefield Horetown Wexford Morrissey John Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Morrissey John, Jr. Hopefield Horetown Wexford Morrissey William Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Murphy James Horetown North Horetown Wexford Murphy Jeremiah Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Murphy Martin Horetown North Horetown Wexford Murphy Patrick Deerpark Horetown Wexford Murphy Rev. John J. Horetown North Horetown Wexford Murphy Richard Horetown North Horetown Wexford Myler Catherine Haresmead Horetown Wexford Myler Thomas Horetown North Horetown Wexford Neill John Horetown North Horetown Wexford O'Neill John Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Parle Patrick Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Peed Rev. James Horetown South Horetown Wexford Purcell Peter Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Purcell Richard Horetown South Horetown Wexford Purcell Richard Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Redmond James Shanowle Horetown Wexford Redmond John Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Redmond Michael Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Reilly Margaret Shanowle Horetown Wexford Reilly Philip Hopefield Horetown Wexford Reville Matthew Horetown North Horetown Wexford Richards John Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Ring Charles Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Roche John Shanowle Horetown Wexford Roche John Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Roche Mcihael, Jr. Deerpark Horetown Wexford Roche Michael Deerpark Horetown Wexford Roche Michael Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Roche Michael, Jr. Deerpark Horetown Wexford Roche Patrick Deerpark Horetown Wexford Rorke Thomas Horetown North Horetown Wexford Rushford Gregory Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Ryan James Horetown North Horetown Wexford Ryan John Haresmead Horetown Wexford Ryan Judith Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Ryan Moses Haresmead Horetown Wexford Ryan Thomas Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Shaw James Shawstown Horetown Wexford Shea Philip Horetown North Horetown Wexford Shea Philip Horetown South Horetown Wexford Sinnott Edward Hopefield Horetown Wexford Sinnott Edward Raheenduff Horetown Wexford Sinnott Edward Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Sinnott Nicholas Deerpark Horetown Wexford Sinnott Nicholas Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Stafford Nicholas Shanowle Horetown Wexford Stafford Patrick Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Staunton Robert Shanowle Horetown Wexford Stauton Thomas Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Sullivan Cornelius Horetown North Horetown Wexford Sullivan Nicholas Shanowle Horetown Wexford Sutton Sarah Horetown South Horetown Wexford Sutton William Haresmead Horetown Wexford Sweetman Mary Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Tottenham Charles J. Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Tynan William Cullenstown Horetown Wexford Walsh John Deerpark Horetown Wexford Warren David Shanowle Horetown Wexford Whitty John Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Whitty Valentine Tottenhamgreen Horetown Wexford Wickham Mary Horetown North Horetown Wexford