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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Inch, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Inch, County Wexford
Allen Jane Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Allen Michael Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Barry John Coolgreany Inch Wexford Beakey John Ballykilty Lower Inch Wexford Beakey John Ballykilty Upper Inch Wexford Beakey Patrick Ballykilty Upper Inch Wexford Bernice Peter Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Binbage John Inch Inch Wexford Black Edward Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Black James Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Black Rev. Gibson Bolabradda Inch Wexford Black Rev. Gibson Inch Inch Wexford Boland William Mullinderry Inch Wexford Bolger Denis Inch Inch Wexford Bowe Patrick Tinnarath Inch Wexford Breen James Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Brennan Thomas Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Broderick Catherine Coolboy Inch Wexford Bryan Michael Coolgreany Inch Wexford Butler Andrew Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Butler Bridget Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Butler Pierce Ballylarkin Inch Wexford Butler Robert Tinnarath Inch Wexford Byrne Arthur Glenoge Inch Wexford Byrne Bryan Knockgreany Inch Wexford Byrne Garrett Coolgreany Inch Wexford Byrne Garrett Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Byrne James Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Byrne James Knockgreany Inch Wexford Byrne John Coolgreany Inch Wexford Byrne John Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Byrne John Fortchester Upper Inch Wexford Byrne John Knockgreany Inch Wexford Byrne John Perrymount Inch Wexford Byrne Joseph Coolgreany Inch Wexford Byrne Joseph Perrymount Inch Wexford Byrne Margaret Killybegs Inch Wexford Byrne Patrick Inch Inch Wexford Byrne Patrick Killybegs Inch Wexford Byrne Sylvestor Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Byrnes James Coolgreany Inch Wexford Canavan Patrick Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Carey John Plattinstown Inch Wexford Carne James Coolgreany Inch Wexford Carr James Coolgreany Inch Wexford Carroll Margaret Coolgreany Inch Wexford Carty Bryan Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Carty James Ballyconlore Inch Wexford Carty Patrick Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Colfer James Tinnarath Inch Wexford Colfer Michael Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Condron John Killybegs Inch Wexford Conran John Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Conway John Knockgreany Inch Wexford Conway Samuel Coolgreany Inch Wexford Conway William Shirsheen Inch Wexford Cooke John Bolabradda Inch Wexford Cosgrave Charles Moneyribbin Inch Wexford Cosgrave James Askinch Upper Inch Wexford Crow Daniel Coolgreany Inch Wexford Cullen Matthew Tinnarath Inch Wexford Curry Patrick Kayle Inch Wexford Darcy Margaret Coolgreany Inch Wexford Darlington Francis Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Darlington Nathaniel Killybegs Inch Wexford Darlington William Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Delany Martin Coolboy Inch Wexford Delany Michael Coolboy Inch Wexford Delany Patrick Coolboy Inch Wexford Devlin Mary Killybegs Inch Wexford Dickenson James Killybegs Inch Wexford Dickson Benjamin Knockgreany Inch Wexford Dillon William Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Dixon James Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Dixon Patrick Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Donoghoe John Coolboy Inch Wexford Donohoe Thomas Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Dowdall Michael Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Downdall William Killybegs Inch Wexford Doyle John Ballyfad Inch Wexford Doyle John Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Doyle Mary Killybegs Inch Wexford Doyle Peter Ballylarkin Inch Wexford Doyle Sarah Tinnarath Inch Wexford Doyle Simon Coolboy Inch Wexford Doyle William Coolgreany Inch Wexford Dunne Mary Askinch Upper Inch Wexford Evoy James Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Evoy James Kayle Inch Wexford Evoy John Kayle Inch Wexford Evoy Joseph Kayle Inch Wexford Evoy Lawrence Kayle Inch Wexford Evoy Peter Kayle Inch Wexford Fannin James Knockbaun Inch Wexford Fanning James Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Fanning William Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Fardy Anastasia Coolboy Inch Wexford Fardy Anthony Tinnarath Inch Wexford Fardy James Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Fardy William Tinnarath Inch Wexford Farrell William Coolgreany Inch Wexford Fitwilliams John Moneyribbin Inch Wexford Fitzhenry Lawrence Coolboy Inch Wexford Fitzsimons Ellen Askinch Upper Inch Wexford Fitzwilliam Thomas Coolgreany Inch Wexford Fitzwilliams James Moneyribbin Inch Wexford Flannery Johanna Kayle Inch Wexford Ford James Coolgreany Inch Wexford Ford Rev. William B. Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Forde Catherine Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Forde Rev. William B. Ballyfad Inch Wexford Forde Rev. William B. Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Forde Rev. William B. Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Forde Rev. William B. Knockbaun Inch Wexford Forde Rev. William B. Newtown Lower Inch Wexford Forde Rev. William B. Newtown Upper Inch Wexford Forde Thomas Glenoge Inch Wexford Forrestal Thomas Kayle Inch Wexford Forrestal Thomas Tinnarath Inch Wexford Fowler Ellen Coolgreany Inch Wexford Fowler Ellen Knockgreany Inch Wexford Fowler Martin Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Francis Edward Coolboy Inch Wexford Furlong Bridget Kayle Inch Wexford Furlong Thomas Coolboy Inch Wexford Furlong William Tinnarath Inch Wexford Garvey Mary Monareagh Inch Wexford Garvey Owen Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Garvey Owen Fortchester Upper Inch Wexford Garvey Peter Coolgreany Inch Wexford Gethings Thomas Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Gethings Thomas Newtown Lower Inch Wexford Gilbert Joseph Askinch Lower Inch Wexford Gleeson Bridget Mullinderry Inch Wexford Greene John Ballyfad Inch Wexford Greene John Knockgreany Inch Wexford Greene Patrick Knockgreany Inch Wexford Grimes Simon Coolgreany Inch Wexford Hackett Robert Ballyfad Inch Wexford Hall William Ballylarkin Inch Wexford Hanlon John Coolboy Inch Wexford Hanlon Luke Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Hannigan James Ballykilty Lower Inch Wexford Hegan James Glenoge Inch Wexford Hegan Michael Ballykilty Lower Inch Wexford Hengins Elizabeth Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Hepenstal John Ballyellin Upper Inch Wexford Hepenstall Thomas Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Higginbotham Richard Ballyfad Inch Wexford Higginbotham Richard Ballykilty Lower Inch Wexford Higginbotham Richard Plattinstown Inch Wexford Higgins Patrick Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Hughes Anthony Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Hughes Anthony Fortchester Upper Inch Wexford Hughes James Coolgreany Inch Wexford Hughes James Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Hughes James Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Hughes James Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Hughes James Knockgreany Inch Wexford Hughes John Ballyellin Lower Inch Wexford Hughes William Fortchester Upper Inch Wexford Jackson Jane Ballyellin Lower Inch Wexford James Richard Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Jordan Michael Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Kavanagh James Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Kavanagh James Shirsheen Inch Wexford Kavanagh John Coolgreany Inch Wexford Kavanagh Michael Glenoge Inch Wexford Kavanagh Michael Killybegs Inch Wexford Kavanagh Michael Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Kavanagh Michael, Jr. Killybegs Inch Wexford Kavanagh Patrick Newtown Lower Inch Wexford Kavanagh Thomas Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Kearns Mark Knockgreany Inch Wexford Kearns Thomas Knockgreany Inch Wexford Keegan James Monature Inch Wexford Kehoe James Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Kehoe James Coolboy Inch Wexford Kehoe Luke Coolboy Inch Wexford Kehoe Mark Newtown Upper Inch Wexford Kehoe Thomas Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Kehoe Thomas Coolboy Inch Wexford Kelly Denis Coolgreany Inch Wexford Kelly Jane Ballylarkin Inch Wexford Kelly Luke Ballylarkin Inch Wexford Kelly Patrick Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Kennedy John Askinch Lower Inch Wexford Kennedy Margaret Askinch Upper Inch Wexford Kennedy Thomas Askinch Upper Inch Wexford Kennedy Thomas Glenoge Inch Wexford Kenny James Moneyribbin Inch Wexford Kenny Martin Coolgreany Inch Wexford Keogh Bridget Glenoge Inch Wexford Keogh Stephen Moneyribbin Inch Wexford Kerfoot Sarah Cronecribbin Inch Wexford Kinch Matthew Ballyellin Lower Inch Wexford Kinchela Andrew Ballyconlore Inch Wexford Kinchela Anne Askinch Upper Inch Wexford Kinchela Bridget Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Kinchela Elizabeth Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Kinchela Francis Askinch Lower Inch Wexford Kinchela John Askinch Lower Inch Wexford Kinchela Martin Ballyconlore Inch Wexford Kinchella John Newtown Lower Inch Wexford Kinchella John Newtown Upper Inch Wexford King Rev. Richard Coolboy Inch Wexford Kinsella Elizabeth Bolabradda Inch Wexford Kinsella Joseph Coolboy Inch Wexford Kinsella Martin Coolboy Inch Wexford Kinsella Patrick Coolboy Inch Wexford Lawless Martin Inch Inch Wexford Leslie Rev. Edward Kayle Inch Wexford Leslie Rev. Edward Tinnarath Inch Wexford Long Andrew Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Loughlan John Killybegs Inch Wexford Lynch James Coolboy Inch Wexford Manning Anthony Askinch Lower Inch Wexford Manning Anthony Newtown Lower Inch Wexford Martha John Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Mc Carty Patrick Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Mc Donnell Edward Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Mc Donnell Ellen Coolgreany Inch Wexford Mc Donnell John Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Mc Donnell Michael Coolgreany Inch Wexford Mc Donnell Michael Knockgreany Inch Wexford Mc Donnell Morgan Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Meran Eliza Coolgreany Inch Wexford Merrigan Mary Glenoge Inch Wexford Merryman Thomas Ballyellin Upper Inch Wexford Molloy James Tinnarath Inch Wexford Mooney John Newtown Upper Inch Wexford Moore John Coolgreany Inch Wexford Moore John Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Moore John Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Moore John Knockbaun Inch Wexford Moran Christopher Coolgreany Inch Wexford Moran Christopher Knockgreany Inch Wexford Moran Michael Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Morning John Coolgreany Inch Wexford Mulligan Julia Coolgreany Inch Wexford Mulligan Julia Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Murphy John Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Murphy John Monature Inch Wexford Murphy Luke Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Murray Hugh Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Murray James Askinch Lower Inch Wexford Murray James Coolgreany Inch Wexford Murray James Monareagh Inch Wexford Murray Joseph Coolgreany Inch Wexford Murray Joseph Monareagh Inch Wexford Murray Joseph Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Murray Laurence Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Murray William Coolgreany Inch Wexford Neill Anastasia Kayle Inch Wexford Neill John Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Neill Owen Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Neill Patrick Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Neill Thomas Ballykilty Lower Inch Wexford Nowlan Martin Coolboy Inch Wexford O'Grady George Ballykilty Lower Inch Wexford O'Grady George Plattinstown Inch Wexford O'Grady George Shirsheen Inch Wexford O'Rafferty Bernard Coolgreany Inch Wexford Oughton William Ballylarkin Inch Wexford Penrose Christopher Coolgreany Inch Wexford Penrose Christopher Knockgreany Inch Wexford Perrin James Monature Inch Wexford Phillips James Coolgreany Inch Wexford Phillips Mary Coolgreany Inch Wexford Quinn Patrick Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Rafferty Bernard Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Ready Patrick Tinnarath Inch Wexford Reany Mary Coolgreany Inch Wexford Redmond Anne Glenoge Inch Wexford Redmond George Killybegs Inch Wexford Redmond John Coolgreany Inch Wexford Redmond John Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Redmond Matthew Askinch Upper Inch Wexford Redmond Michael Gorteen Lower Inch Wexford Reville Nicholas Tinnarath Inch Wexford Reynolds Patrick Moneyribbin Inch Wexford Robinson John Ballyliamgow Inch Wexford Roche John Coolgreany Inch Wexford Roche Mary Coolboy Inch Wexford Rorke Michael Coolboy Inch Wexford Rossiter John Kayle Inch Wexford Rourke Martin Glenoge Inch Wexford Rourke Mary Coolgreany Inch Wexford Ryan James Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Ryan John Coolgreany Inch Wexford Ryan John Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Ryan Joseph Mullinderry Inch Wexford Ryan Martin Mullinderry Inch Wexford Ryan Martin Tinnarath Inch Wexford Ryan Michael Glenoge Inch Wexford Ryan Patrick Coolgreany Inch Wexford Ryan William Coolgreany Inch Wexford Ryan William Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Sherwood Maria Askinch Upper Inch Wexford Sinnott James Monature Inch Wexford Smith Thomas Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Smith William Coolboy Inch Wexford Somers James Coolgreany Inch Wexford Somers James Knockbaun Inch Wexford Stafford Jane Coolgreany Demesne Inch Wexford Stafford Lawrence Coolboy Inch Wexford Stafford Patrick Coolboy Inch Wexford Stafford Patrick Kayle Inch Wexford Sunderland Joseph Knockgreany Inch Wexford Sweeny James Coolboy Inch Wexford Toole Charles Shirsheen Inch Wexford Toole Michael Shirsheen Inch Wexford Toole Patrick Askinch Upper Inch Wexford Wadrick John Bolabradda Inch Wexford Wall Patrick Coolboy Inch Wexford Ward Bernard Ballylarkin Inch Wexford Ward Bernard Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Ward Daniel Monature Inch Wexford Ward John Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford Waters Mary Fortchester Lower Inch Wexford Watters Mary Coolgreany Inch Wexford Watters Peter Coolgreany Inch Wexford Whitmore Samuel Ballylarkin Inch Wexford Williams Patrick Scarnagh Lower Inch Wexford