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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kilgorman, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Kilgorman, County Wexford
Beakey James Kilpatrick Kilgorman Wexford Beaky James Hollyfort Kilgorman Wexford Beauman Matthew F. Clonough Kilgorman Wexford Beauman Matthew F. Hydepark Kilgorman Wexford Beauman Matthew F. Kilbegnet Kilgorman Wexford Beauman Matthew F. Kilgorman Kilgorman Wexford Beauman Matthew F. Monalug Kilgorman Wexford Boland Isabella Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Bolger James Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Borbidge John Ahare Kilgorman Wexford Brazil Bridget Whitepark Kilgorman Wexford Brennan Patrick Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Browne James Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Bryan George Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Bryan George Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Bryan John Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Bryan John Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Bryan Laurence Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Bryan Matthew Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Bryan Patrick Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Bryan William Ballynacree Kilgorman Wexford Bryan Winnifred Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Butler Edward Ashwood Lower Kilgorman Wexford Byrne Elizabeth Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Byrne Ellen Ballynacree Kilgorman Wexford Byrne James Ballynacree Kilgorman Wexford Byrne John Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Byrne John Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Byrne John Monagarrow Little Kilgorman Wexford Byrne Judith Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Byrne Michael Ballynacree Kilgorman Wexford Byrne Michael Castletown Kilgorman Wexford Byrne Michael Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Byrne Michael Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Byrne Patrick Barroge Kilgorman Wexford Byrne Patrick Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Byrne Patrick Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Byrne William Killowen Lower Kilgorman Wexford Cardiff George Ballynacree Kilgorman Wexford Cardiff George Castletown Kilgorman Wexford Carty Bryan Clonecribbin Kilgorman Wexford Caulfield Mary Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Condron John Ahare Kilgorman Wexford Conneran John Killybegs Kilgorman Wexford Conneran Laurence Monagarrow Upper Kilgorman Wexford Conneran Michael Macoyle Lower Kilgorman Wexford Conneran Samuel Castletown Kilgorman Wexford Conneran Sarah Killybegs Kilgorman Wexford Conneran Sarah Macoyle Lower Kilgorman Wexford Conneran Sarah Macoyle Upper Kilgorman Wexford Connors Darby Monagarrow Little Kilgorman Wexford Cosker Roger Ballymacky Kilgorman Wexford Costello Andrew Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Costello James Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Costello Nicholas Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Coughlan John Castletown Kilgorman Wexford Coughlan William Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Culbert Thomas Whitepark Kilgorman Wexford Cuthbert Stephen Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Darcy Anne Killybegs Kilgorman Wexford Darey William Macoyle Lower Kilgorman Wexford Darlington Frances Macoyle Lower Kilgorman Wexford Darlington William Clonecribbin Kilgorman Wexford Darlington William Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Davis John Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Dillon Patrick Coolroe Great Kilgorman Wexford Dillon Patrick Coolroe Little Kilgorman Wexford Donnelly John Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Donnelly Lawrence Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Dowdall Henry Clonough Kilgorman Wexford Dowdall Henry Monalug Kilgorman Wexford Doyle Laurence Monagarrow Upper Kilgorman Wexford Doyle Michael Ahare Kilgorman Wexford Dunne James Tincuragh Kilgorman Wexford Dunne Patrick Tincuragh Kilgorman Wexford Dunne Thomas Ashwood Lower Kilgorman Wexford Dunne William Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Farrell Richard Killowen Lower Kilgorman Wexford Farrell Richard Killowen Upper Kilgorman Wexford Farrell Richard Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Farrell William Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Farrell William Monagarrow Upper Kilgorman Wexford Fitzwilliam Denis Killowen Lower Kilgorman Wexford Fogarty Charles Clonough Kilgorman Wexford Fogarty Charles Coolroe Great Kilgorman Wexford Fogarty Charles Coolroe Little Kilgorman Wexford Fogarty Owen Coolroe Great Kilgorman Wexford Fogarty Owen Coolroe Little Kilgorman Wexford Ford Catherine Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Gethings William Macoyle Upper Kilgorman Wexford Gilbert Joseph Ahare Kilgorman Wexford Goland John Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Gregory John Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Hackett John Coolroe Great Kilgorman Wexford Hall Daniel Ballynacree Kilgorman Wexford Hall Jane Ahare Kilgorman Wexford Hall Jane Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Hall Jane Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Hall Jane Tincuragh Kilgorman Wexford Hall Thomas Kilbegnet Kilgorman Wexford Hall Thomas Killowen Lower Kilgorman Wexford Hall William Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Hanlon Lewis Ballynacree Kilgorman Wexford Hanlon Lewis Castletown Kilgorman Wexford Hepenstall Charles Ashwood Lower Kilgorman Wexford Hepenstall George Ashwood Lower Kilgorman Wexford Hepenstall James Ashwood Lower Kilgorman Wexford Hepenstall James, Jr. Ashwood Lower Kilgorman Wexford Heppenstall James Ashwood Upper Kilgorman Wexford Higginbotham Richard Coolroe Great Kilgorman Wexford Higginbotham Richard Coolroe Little Kilgorman Wexford Higgins James Monagarrow Little Kilgorman Wexford Higgins Patrick Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Higgins Thomas Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Hughes Mary Castletown Kilgorman Wexford Hughes Patrick Castletown Kilgorman Wexford Jordan Frances Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Jordan Thomas Ahare Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh Catherine Killybegs Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh James Ahare Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh James Monagarrow Little Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh James Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh John Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh John Killybegs Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh John Monagarrow Little Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh John Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh Margaret Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh Michael Monagarrow Little Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh Michael Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh William Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Kavanagh William Monagarrow Upper Kilgorman Wexford Kavangh Denis Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Kearns John Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Keogh William Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Kierfort Sarah Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Kinch John Clonough Kilgorman Wexford Kinsella Denis Kilgorman Kilgorman Wexford Kinsella Denis Macoyle Upper Kilgorman Wexford Kinsella Marianne Kilgorman Kilgorman Wexford Kinsella Martin Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Lawless John Clonecribbin Kilgorman Wexford Lawless Martin Macoyle Lower Kilgorman Wexford Lee Thomas Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Leonard James Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Leonard Patrick Kilpatrick Kilgorman Wexford Loughlin Daniel Castletown Kilgorman Wexford Loughlin Daniel Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Loughlin Daniel Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Maguire Hugh Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Manifold Catherine Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Manifold Ellen Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Manifold John Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Manifold Matthew Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Manifold William Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Mc Donnell Paul Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Mc Donnell Thomas Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Mc Donnell Thomas Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Mc Guinness John Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Mc Namara Ellen Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Mills Richard Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Moore Nicholas Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Murphy Alexander Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Murphy Daniel Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Murphy John Castletown Kilgorman Wexford Murphy Patrick Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Naughter Charles Monagarrow Lower Kilgorman Wexford Needham Richard Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Nicholson Richard Killowen Upper Kilgorman Wexford Nowlan Denis Macoyle Lower Kilgorman Wexford Nowlan Patrick Macoyle Upper Kilgorman Wexford Nowlan Thomas Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Proctor Catherine Clones Lower Kilgorman Wexford Redmond Edward Ballynacree Kilgorman Wexford Redmond Mary Kilpatrick Kilgorman Wexford Reilly Andrew Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Reilly Andrew Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Reilly Barhtolomew Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Reilly Bartholomew Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Reilly James Barroge Kilgorman Wexford Reilly James Clonecribbin Kilgorman Wexford Roche Catherine Macoyle Lower Kilgorman Wexford Roe John Ahare Kilgorman Wexford Rogers Edward Clones Middle Kilgorman Wexford Saville Robert Ashwood Upper Kilgorman Wexford Sharpe Robert Ashwood Lower Kilgorman Wexford Sharpe Robert Ashwood Upper Kilgorman Wexford Sharpe William Ashwood Lower Kilgorman Wexford Sharpe William Coolroe Little Kilgorman Wexford Shaughnessy William Clonough Kilgorman Wexford Shortall James Monagarrow Upper Kilgorman Wexford Shortall John Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Smith William Clones Upper Kilgorman Wexford Sommers Michael Monalug Kilgorman Wexford Sommers William Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Stephens William Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Thackaberry Nathaniel Killowen Lower Kilgorman Wexford Tracey Bridget Kilpatrick Kilgorman Wexford Tracey Rose Kilpatrick Kilgorman Wexford Tracey William Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Tracey William Kilpatrick Kilgorman Wexford Tracey Wm Kilpatrick Kilgorman Wexford Treacy John Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford Wadhup Richard Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Warden Denis Kilmichael Kilgorman Wexford Waters John Cloneranny Kilgorman Wexford White James Killybegs Kilgorman Wexford Whitmore Samuel Macoyle Lower Kilgorman Wexford Whittmore Samuel Macoyle Upper Kilgorman Wexford Woodburn John Ballyellin Kilgorman Wexford Woodroffe Henry P. Killowen Upper Kilgorman Wexford