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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killegney, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Killegney, County Wexford
Ahearin Thomas Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Barnes Thomas Killegney Killegney Wexford Beham James Tominearly Killegney Wexford Bolger James Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Bowe Anastasia Tominearly Killegney Wexford Bowe Johanna Tominearly Killegney Wexford Bowe Moses Tominearly Killegney Wexford Breen William Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Bridges Rev. Henry B. Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Brien John Coolnacon Killegney Wexford Brien William Tominearly Killegney Wexford Bryan Andrew Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Bryan Patrick Pollpeasty Killegney Wexford Butler John Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Carew Lord ??? Castleboro Demesne Killegney Wexford Carew Lord ??? Coolaught Killegney Wexford Carew Lord ??? Coolnacon Killegney Wexford Carew Lord ??? Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Carew Lord ??? Tominearly Killegney Wexford Carow Lord ??? Ballyboro Killegney Wexford Carty John Pollpeasty Killegney Wexford Claney Edward Coolnacon Killegney Wexford Claney James Coolnacon Killegney Wexford Clooney James Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Clooney Johanna Tominearly Killegney Wexford Colleton Martin Knockstown Killegney Wexford Colleton Martin Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Commins Denis Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Commins Matthew Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Commons Patrick Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Condon Mary Pollpeasty Killegney Wexford Connick Walter Knockstown Killegney Wexford Cooke James Knockstown Killegney Wexford Cooke James Pollpeasty Killegney Wexford Cooney Bernard Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Cooney Jeremiah Killegney Killegney Wexford Cooney Nicholas Killegney Killegney Wexford Cullen Anne Tominearly Killegney Wexford Cullen Bryan Knockstown Killegney Wexford Cullen Denis Killegney Killegney Wexford Cullen James Killegney Killegney Wexford Cullen John Killegney Killegney Wexford Cullen Michael Knockstown Killegney Wexford Cullen Patrick Tominearly Killegney Wexford Cullen Philip Killegney Killegney Wexford Cullen Thomas Tominearly Killegney Wexford Cullen Timothy Knockstown Killegney Wexford Cullen Timothy Tominearly Killegney Wexford Curran Martin Coolaught Killegney Wexford Curran Mary Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Dagney Patrick Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Devereux Thomas Killegney Killegney Wexford Dillon Michael Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Dillon Michael Killegney Killegney Wexford Dillon Michael Knockstown Killegney Wexford Dillon Patrick Knockstown Killegney Wexford Doran John Tominearly Killegney Wexford Downes Sylvester Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Doyle Andrew Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Doyle Bartholomew Killegney Killegney Wexford Doyle Bridget Forestwood Killegney Wexford Doyle Elizabeth Tominearly Killegney Wexford Doyle James Killegney Killegney Wexford Doyle Mary Killegney Killegney Wexford Doyle Michael Coolaught Killegney Wexford Doyle Patrick Ballyboro Killegney Wexford Doyle Peter Killegney Killegney Wexford Doyle Sylvester Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Doyle Thomas Tominearly Killegney Wexford Dunn Bridget Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Dunn Johannna Ballyboro Killegney Wexford Dunn John Pollpeasty Killegney Wexford Dunn Mary Ballyboro Killegney Wexford Dunn Michael Ballyboro Killegney Wexford Elders Alexander Pollpeasty Killegney Wexford Evoy Lawrence Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Fareweather Charles Coolaught Killegney Wexford Fareweather Charles Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Farrell Martin Killegney Killegney Wexford Fenlon Catherine Killegney Killegney Wexford Fitzhenry Nicholas Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Foley Elizabeth Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Foley Thomas Killegney Killegney Wexford Fortune Nicholas Knockstown Killegney Wexford Freeman James Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Furlong Catherine Pollpeasty Killegney Wexford Furlong Edward Tominearly Killegney Wexford Furlong James Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Furlong John Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Furlong Michael, Jr. Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Furlong Nicholas Forestwood Killegney Wexford Furlong Nicholas Knockstown Killegney Wexford Furlong Nicholas, Jr. Forestwood Killegney Wexford Gallagher Patrick Killegney Killegney Wexford Gladney Sarah Castleboro Demesne Killegney Wexford Gladney Sarah Coolaught Killegney Wexford Greene Walter, Jr. Coolaught Killegney Wexford Hackett Anne Killegney Killegney Wexford Hand Henry Killegney Killegney Wexford Hannon Patrick Killegney Killegney Wexford Hannon Thomas Coolnacon Killegney Wexford Hanrick Bridget Killegney Killegney Wexford Hanrick Bridget Pollpeasty Killegney Wexford Harrison John Ballyboro Killegney Wexford Jones John Killegney Killegney Wexford Kavanagh Bryan Knockstown Killegney Wexford Kavanagh Richard Killegney Killegney Wexford Keating Thomas Killegney Killegney Wexford Kehoe John Killegney Killegney Wexford Kehoe Margaret Killegney Killegney Wexford Kehoe Patrick Killegney Killegney Wexford Kehoe Peter Killegney Killegney Wexford Kelly Edward Killegney Killegney Wexford Kelly James Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Kelly John Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Kelly John Pollpeasty Killegney Wexford Kelly Margaret Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Kelly Mary Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Kelly Morgan Tominearly Killegney Wexford Kelly Myles Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Kelly Myles Tominearly Killegney Wexford Kelly Patrick Killegney Killegney Wexford Keogh David Coolnacon Killegney Wexford Keogh Michael Killegney Killegney Wexford Keogh Michael Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Keogh Patrick Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Keogh Peter Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Keogh Thomas Ballyboro Killegney Wexford Keogh Thomas Tominearly Killegney Wexford Lambert Patrick Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Leary Anne Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Leary Anthony Tominearly Killegney Wexford Leary Mary Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Leary Mary Killegney Killegney Wexford Leary Michael Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Leary Patrick Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Leary Thomas Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Maddock John Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Magrath Andrew Tominearly Killegney Wexford Magrath John Tominearly Killegney Wexford Maguire James Tominearly Killegney Wexford Marshall Matthew Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Mc Evoy Elizabeth Killegney Killegney Wexford Mc Evoy Lawrence Forestwood Killegney Wexford Merna John Killegney Killegney Wexford Moore Catherine Killegney Killegney Wexford Moran John Coolnacon Killegney Wexford Mullowney James Killegney Killegney Wexford Murphy Catherine Coolnacon Killegney Wexford Murphy Catherine Forestwood Killegney Wexford Murphy Edward Forestwood Killegney Wexford Murphy Edward Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Murphy Mary Coolnacon Killegney Wexford Murphy Patrick Forestwood Killegney Wexford Murphy Patrick Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Murphy Patrick Knockstown Killegney Wexford Murphy Patrick Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Murphy Patrick Tominearly Killegney Wexford Murphy Patrick, Jr. Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Murphy Thomas Coolnacon Killegney Wexford Murphy William Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Murray Michael Coolaught Killegney Wexford Neville Patrick Ballyboro Killegney Wexford Neville Patrick Coolaught Killegney Wexford Newport John Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Nolan Matthew Killegney Killegney Wexford O'Farrell Martin Killegney Killegney Wexford Parle Ellen Forestwood Killegney Wexford Power Alexander Killegney Killegney Wexford Power William Knockstown Killegney Wexford Power William Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Quigley Catherine Tominearly Killegney Wexford Quigley Thomas Killegney Killegney Wexford Redmond Margaret Ballyboro Killegney Wexford Redmond Margaret Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Redmond Patrick Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Reilly Andrew Killegney Killegney Wexford Robinson John Tominearly Killegney Wexford Roche James Coolaught Killegney Wexford Roche John Tominearly Killegney Wexford Roche Moses Killegney Killegney Wexford Rochford Catherine Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Rochford Denis Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Rochford James Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Rochford Mary Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Rochford Michael Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Rochford Thomas Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Roe John Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Roe Thomas Killegney Killegney Wexford Ryan Mary Tominearly Killegney Wexford Shea Joseph Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Sheehan Catherine Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Sheehan Michael Pollpeasty Killegney Wexford Sheil Ellen Killegney Killegney Wexford Somers Thomas Tominearly Killegney Wexford Thorpe Patrick Coolaught Killegney Wexford Tobin Martin Tominearly Killegney Wexford Tobin Thomas Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Tobin Thomas Tominearly Killegney Wexford Walsh Richard Tominearly Killegney Wexford Whelan Anne Tominearly Killegney Wexford Whelan Ellen Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Whelan Moses Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Whitty Mark Forestwood Killegney Wexford Whitty Mark Rathturtin Killegney Wexford Whitty Patrick Ballyboro Killegney Wexford Wicken James Coolaught Killegney Wexford Wicken Martin Forestwood Killegney Wexford Williams Joseph Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford Williams Thomas Forrestalstown Killegney Wexford