Fáilte Romhat
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Barker Reuben Arragorteen Killenagh Wexford Bass Thomas Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Bolton Henry Bobehovel Killenagh Wexford Bolton Henry Raheenmore Killenagh Wexford Bolton Henry Raheenpark Killenagh Wexford Buchanan Samuel Raheenbeg Killenagh Wexford Byrne John Raheen Killenagh Wexford Byrne Myles Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Byrne Myles, Jr. Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Byrne Patrick Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Byrne Patrick Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Byrne Thaddens Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Carters Rev. James Raheenmoor Killenagh Wexford Carty Catherine Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Carty Timothy Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Connor Martin Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Connor Patrick Bobehovel Killenagh Wexford Creane Michael Ballywalter More Killenagh Wexford Creane Murtagh Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Crowe Philip Bobehovel Killenagh Wexford Cullen Eneas Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Cullen Myles Raheenbeg Killenagh Wexford Dempsey Robert Raheenbeg Killenagh Wexford Doyle Charles Brickpark Killenagh Wexford Doyle Patrick Garnakill Killenagh Wexford Doyle William Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Doyne Charles Ballywalter Killenagh Wexford Doyne Robert S. Arragorteen Killenagh Wexford Doyne Robert S. Raheenmoor Killenagh Wexford Duffy Joseph Raheenmoor Killenagh Wexford Duggan John Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Dunn George Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Esmonde John Bobehovel Killenagh Wexford Esmonde John Raheenpark Killenagh Wexford Fenlon William Garnakill Killenagh Wexford Finn Edward Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Fortune John Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Gahan John Garnakill Killenagh Wexford Gibson William Raheenbeg Killenagh Wexford Gillis George Ballywalter More Killenagh Wexford Gordan William Tomduff Killenagh Wexford Guiness Arthur Garnakill Killenagh Wexford Guinness Arthur Parknashoge Killenagh Wexford Holensworth Catherine Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Hollingsworth Thomas Ballywalter More Killenagh Wexford Hollingsworth William Ballywalter More Killenagh Wexford Hughes Robert Coolookbeg Killenagh Wexford Hughes Robert Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Hughes Robert Tomduff Killenagh Wexford Johnston George Ballywalter More Killenagh Wexford Jones John Coolookbeg Killenagh Wexford Jones John Tomduff Killenagh Wexford Kavanagh Patrick Ballinahorna Killenagh Wexford Kavanagh Peter Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Keane James Arragorteen Killenagh Wexford Kehoe James Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Kennedy William Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Kinsella Bridget Brickpark Killenagh Wexford Lawler Patrick Raheenmore Killenagh Wexford Lealis Edward Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Lealis John Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Lealis John Brickpark Killenagh Wexford Lealis Peter Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Lealis Richard Brickpark Killenagh Wexford Lealis Richard Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Leary Maurice Raheenbeg Killenagh Wexford Leslie Nicholas Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Madden Patrick Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Manis James Raheenmore Killenagh Wexford Martin Patrick Bobehovel Killenagh Wexford Meanis John Bobehovel Killenagh Wexford Miller John Ballywalter More Killenagh Wexford Morgan Hamilton K. G. Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Morlaunt Stephen Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Murphy James Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Murphy John Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Murphy William Ballywalter More Killenagh Wexford Naughton Catherine Raheenpark Killenagh Wexford Naughton James Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Naughton Patrick Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Neill Edwardd Raheenbeg Killenagh Wexford O'Brien John Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Patrick James Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Patrick James Raheen Killenagh Wexford Patrick John Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Patrick Nicholas Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Pender Denis Ballywalter More Killenagh Wexford Porter Benjamin Raheenpark Killenagh Wexford Potter Benjamin Raheenbeg Killenagh Wexford Quinn Anne Raheenmoor Killenagh Wexford Quinn Judith Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Quirk Margaret Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Redmond Catherine Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Redmond Francis Ballywalter More Killenagh Wexford Redmond Francis Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Redmond George Brickpark Killenagh Wexford Redmond Jas Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Redmond John Raheenmoor Killenagh Wexford Redmond Martin Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Redmond Michael Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Redmond Patrick Brickpark Killenagh Wexford Richards John Ballinahorna Killenagh Wexford Robinson John Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Roche James Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Sinnott John Raheen Killenagh Wexford Sommers Margaret Tomduff Killenagh Wexford Stacey John Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Taylor William Ballywalter More Killenagh Wexford Thackaberry Robert Coolookmore Killenagh Wexford Tyndall Anthony Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Wafer Bridget Killenagh Killenagh Wexford Wafer Stephen Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford West Peter Ballywalter Beg Killenagh Wexford Weybram William Raheen Killenagh Wexford Weybrant William Raheenmoor Killenagh Wexford