Fáilte Romhat
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Archer Bunbury Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Barlow Arthur Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Barry Alice Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Barry Cornelius Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Barry James Chapel Kilmore Wexford Barry Nicholas Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford Barry Nicholas Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Barry Nicholas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Barry Patrick Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Barry Peter Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Barry Richard Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Barry Richard Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Barry Richard Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Barry Thomas Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Barry Thomas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Bates John Newtown Kilmore Wexford Bates Martin Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Bates Martin Grange Kilmore Wexford Bates Martin Newtown Kilmore Wexford Bates Paul Grange Kilmore Wexford Bates Paul Newtown Kilmore Wexford Blake Michael Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Blake Nicholas Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Bolger Edward Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Bolger George Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Boxwell Susan Lannagh Kilmore Wexford Boxwell Susan Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Boxwell Susan Small Island Kilmore Wexford Boyle Bridget Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Boyle John Newtown Kilmore Wexford Boyle Patrick Newtown Kilmore Wexford Browne Joseph Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Browne William Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Bryan Edward Chapel Kilmore Wexford Bryan Edward Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Bryan James Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Bryan John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Busher Peter Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Busher Thomas Newtown Kilmore Wexford Cahill Catherine Chapel Kilmore Wexford Cahill John Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Cahill John Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Cahill Walter Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Cardiff Francis Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Clarke James Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Clarke William Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Cleary William Chapel Kilmore Wexford Clooney Ellen Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Clooney Margaret Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Clooney Michael Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Clooney Michael Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Codd Margaret Beak Kilmore Wexford Codd Mary Beak Kilmore Wexford Coghlan Judith Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Cogley James Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Colfer John Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Colfer John Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Colfer Michael Lannagh Kilmore Wexford Colfer Michael Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Cooke Richard Ballyharty Kilmore Wexford Corish John Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Corish John Grange Kilmore Wexford Cousins Catherine Grange Kilmore Wexford Cousins James Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Cousins John Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Cousins John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Cousins Patrick Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Cousins Richard Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Cousins Richard Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Crosbie Thomas Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Cullen John Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Cullen Lawrence Chapel Kilmore Wexford Cullen Patrick Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Cullen William Chapel Kilmore Wexford Day John Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Deake Francis Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Deake James Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Deake James, Jr. Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Deake Richard Chapel Kilmore Wexford Deake Richard Grange Kilmore Wexford Deaker James Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Delany Thomas Chapel Kilmore Wexford Devereux Matthew Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Devereux Michael Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Devereux Philip Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Devereux William Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Dillon James Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Dillon John Newtown Kilmore Wexford Dillon Patrick Newtown Kilmore Wexford Doyle Edward Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Dulfield Richard Grange Kilmore Wexford Edwards Margaret Chapel Kilmore Wexford Edwards Mary Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Ennis Nicholas Lannagh Kilmore Wexford Farday Francis Grange Kilmore Wexford Farday Nicholas Newtown Kilmore Wexford Farday Patrick Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Flaherty John Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Flaherty Sulvester Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Flaherty Thomas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Flood Patrick Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Flynn William Grange Kilmore Wexford Foley Mary Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Foley Patrick Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Freeman Edward Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Furlong Bridget Chapel Kilmore Wexford Furlong Frances Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Furlong Francis Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Furlong James Ballyteige Burrow Kilmore Wexford Furlong James Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Furlong John Grange Kilmore Wexford Furlong John Newtown Kilmore Wexford Furlong John Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Furlong Patrick Ballyteige Burrow Kilmore Wexford Furlong Patrick Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Furlong Patrick Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Furlong Patrick Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Gaffney Rev. Richard Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Gough John Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Greene Samuel Ballyharty Kilmore Wexford Hagan Daniel Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Hanlon Andrew Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Hanlon James Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Hanlon William Chapel Kilmore Wexford Hanton Margaret Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Hanton Matthew Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Hanton Matthew Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Hanton Richard Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Harpur Anastasia Chapel Kilmore Wexford Harpur Anne Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Harpur John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Harpur Martin Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Harpur Martin Lannagh Kilmore Wexford Harpur Martin Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Harpur Michael Libgate Kilmore Wexford Harpur Nicholas Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford Harpur Nicholas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Harpur Patk Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Harpur Patrick Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Harpur Patrick Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Hayes Cecilia Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Hayes James Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Hayes Mary Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Hayes Michael Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Hayes Nicholas Chapel Kilmore Wexford Hayes Nicholas Lannagh Kilmore Wexford Hayes Patrick Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Hayes Simon Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Hore John Newtown Kilmore Wexford Howlin John Grange Kilmore Wexford Howlin Mary Grange Kilmore Wexford Howlin Nicholas Grange Kilmore Wexford Hughes Patrick Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Hughes Patrick Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Jordan Nicholas Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Joyce John Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Kavanagh Edward Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Keating James Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Keating James Lannagh Kilmore Wexford Keating Jas Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Keating Richard Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Keelin Richard Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Kehoe James Ballyteige Burrow Kilmore Wexford Kehoe Jas Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Kehoe Margaret Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Kehoe Margt Ballyteige Burrow Kilmore Wexford Kehoe Nicholas Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Kehoe Patrick Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Kehoe William Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Kelly Catherine Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Kelly James Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford Kelly James Knocknoran Kilmore Wexford Kelly Mary Anne Newtown Kilmore Wexford Kelly Nicholas Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Kelly Nicholas Grange Kilmore Wexford Kelly Nicholas Newtown Kilmore Wexford Kelly Patrick Newtown Kilmore Wexford Kelly Robert Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Kinsella Richard Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Lawler Anastasia Beak Kilmore Wexford Magrath John Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Martin Thomas Newtown Kilmore Wexford Mc Cabe Laurence Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Mc Coy Thomas Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Mc Elroy Thomas Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Mc Grath James Grange Kilmore Wexford Meadows Edward Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Meadows Edward Ballyteige Burrow Kilmore Wexford Meadows Edward Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Meyler Matthew Beak Kilmore Wexford Meyler Matthew Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Meyler Rev. Philip Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Monaghan Edward Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Monaghan James Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Monaghan Walter Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Monahan James Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Monahan Judith Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Moore James Grange Kilmore Wexford Moore James Libgate Kilmore Wexford Moore James Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Moore Thomas Newtown Kilmore Wexford Moran John Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Moran John Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Moran Nicholas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Moran Nicholas Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Morgan Henry Grange Kilmore Wexford Morgan Henry, Jr. Grange Kilmore Wexford Murphy Ellen Knocknoran Kilmore Wexford Murphy John Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Murphy John Chapel Kilmore Wexford Murphy Mary Chapel Kilmore Wexford Murphy Mary Grange Kilmore Wexford Murphy Matthew Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Murphy Michael Libgate Kilmore Wexford Murphy Moses Grange Kilmore Wexford Murphy Robert Grange Kilmore Wexford Murphy Robert Newtown Kilmore Wexford Murphy Thomas Libgate Kilmore Wexford Murphy Thomas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Neill James Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Neill Nicholas Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Neville John Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Ottley Thomas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Parle Anne Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Parle Ellen Saltee Island Little Kilmore Wexford Parle Francis Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Parle John Beak Kilmore Wexford Parle John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Parle John Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Parle John Saltee Island Great Kilmore Wexford Parle Richard Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Parle Richard Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Pender James Grange Kilmore Wexford Pender James Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Pierce Andrew Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Pierce Judith Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Pierce Mary Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Pierce William Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Power Anastasia Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Power Bartholomew Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Power James Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Power John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Power Mary Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Power Nicholas Chapel Kilmore Wexford Power Nicholas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Power Thomas Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Power Thomas Grange Kilmore Wexford Power Thomas Libgate Kilmore Wexford Power Thomas Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Power Thomas Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Power Walter Chapel Kilmore Wexford Power Walter Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Radford George Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Radford John Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Radford John, Jr. Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Rashford James Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Rashford James Ballyteige Burrow Kilmore Wexford Rashford James Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Rashford James Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Rashford John Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Rashford John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Rashford Judith Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Rashford Nicholas Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Rashford Nicholas Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Rashford Richard Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford Rashford Richard Grange Kilmore Wexford Rashford Richard Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Ray John Ballyharty Kilmore Wexford Ray John Knocknoran Kilmore Wexford Redmond John Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Redmond Michael Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Reilly Catherine Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford Reilly Patrick Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Reville John Grange Kilmore Wexford Reville Mary Chapel Kilmore Wexford Reville Nicholas Grange Kilmore Wexford Reville Nicholas Newtown Kilmore Wexford Reville Nicholas, Jr. Grange Kilmore Wexford Reville Patrick Chapel Kilmore Wexford Reville Peter Newtown Kilmore Wexford Reville Richard Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Roche Anastasia Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Roche John Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Roche Patrick Grange Kilmore Wexford Roche Walter Ballyseskin Kilmore Wexford Roggan Nicholas Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Roissiter William Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Ronan Bartholomew Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Ronan Mary Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford Ronan Thomas Sarshill Kilmore Wexford Rossiter John Libgate Kilmore Wexford Rossiter Mary Libgate Kilmore Wexford Rossiter Mary Newtown Kilmore Wexford Rossiter Matthew Newtown Kilmore Wexford Rossiter Patrick Newtown Kilmore Wexford Rossiter Peter Newtown Kilmore Wexford Rossiter Philip Grange Kilmore Wexford Rossiter Philip Libgate Kilmore Wexford Rossiter Walter Chapel Kilmore Wexford Rossiter Walter Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Rossiter William Grange Kilmore Wexford Rossiter William Newtown Kilmore Wexford Rowe John Ballybought Kilmore Wexford Rowe John Ballycross Kilmore Wexford Rowe John Castletown Kilmore Wexford Rowe John Pullingtown Kilmore Wexford Rowe Martin Grange Kilmore Wexford Rowe Nicholas Grange Kilmore Wexford Rowe Nicholas Newtown Kilmore Wexford Rowe Richard Grange Kilmore Wexford Rowe William Newtown Kilmore Wexford Scallan William Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Sharpe John Knocknoran Kilmore Wexford Sharpe John Pullingtown Kilmore Wexford Shea Patrick Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Sheridan Samuel Grange Kilmore Wexford Sinnott James Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Sinnott John Ballyharty Kilmore Wexford Sinnott John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Sinnott Laurence Knocknoran Kilmore Wexford Sinnott Nicholas Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Sinnott Peter Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Somers William Bastardstown Kilmore Wexford Stafford John Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford Stafford John Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Stafford John Grange Kilmore Wexford Stafford John Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Stafford John Newtown Kilmore Wexford Stafford John Rickardstown Kilmore Wexford Stafford Nicholas Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford Stafford Thomas Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford Stafford Thomas Knocknoran Kilmore Wexford Stafford Thomas Lannagh Kilmore Wexford Stafford Walter Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford Stafford Walter Chapel Kilmore Wexford Stafford Walter Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Stafford William Chapel Kilmore Wexford Stafford William Grange Kilmore Wexford Stafford William Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Staples Nicholas Newtown Kilmore Wexford Staples Richard Grange Kilmore Wexford Sutton Nicholas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Tierney James Newtown Kilmore Wexford Tierney Richard Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Vicary Michael Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Walsh Edward Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Walsh John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Walsh Patrick Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Walsh Richard Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Walsh Thomas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford Weekins John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Weekins Michael Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Weekins Patrick Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Whelan John Grange Kilmore Wexford White James Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford White John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford White Mark Castletown Kilmore Wexford White Patrick Newtown Kilmore Wexford White Richard Chapel Kilmore Wexford White Thomas Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford White Thomas Nemestown Kilmore Wexford White Thomas, Jr. Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford White Walter Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford White William Newtown Kilmore Wexford Whitty John Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Whitty Robert Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Whitty William Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Whitty William Crossfarloge Kilmore Wexford Whitty William, Jr. Ballyteige Kilmore Wexford Winters William Ballygrangans Kilmore Wexford