Fáilte Romhat
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Armstrong Henry Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Atkins John Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Atkinson Edward Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Barry Rev. Richard Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Beahan Thomas Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford Bearney John Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Boggin Mary Curralane Kilrush Wexford Boggin Patrick Curralane Kilrush Wexford Bolger Anne Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Bolger Edward Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Bolger Edward Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Bolger James Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Bolger John Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Bolger Thomas Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Bolton Mary Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Bookey Francis Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Bookey James Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Bookey William Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Boyse Richard Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Braddell George Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Braddell Henry Knocknalour Kilrush Wexford Braddell John R. Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Breen Bridget Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Breen Edward Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Breen Edward Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Breen Joseph Lackendarragh Kilrush Wexford Breen Mary Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Brennan Mary Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Brien Bridget Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Brien Judith Ballyandrew Kilrush Wexford Browne George H. Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Browne George H. Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Browne George H. Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Browne Joseph D. Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Browne Margaret Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Brownrigg George Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Brownrigg James Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Bryan Margaret Curralane Oldtown Kilrush Wexford Bryne Luke Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Butler Michael Borris Kilrush Wexford Butler Nathaniel Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Byrne Ellen Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Byrne James Knocknalour Kilrush Wexford Byrne John Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Byrne Michael Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Byrne Thomas Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Byrne Valentine Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Cahill Mary Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Cahill Terence Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Campbell Mary Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Cannon John Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Carey Anne Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Carroll Bryan Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Carroll George Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Carroll John Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Carroll John Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Carroll Mary Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Carroll Rose Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Carton Lawrence Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Carton Margaret Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Carton Michael Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Carton Patrick Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Carton Thomas Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Cleary Edward Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Cleary John Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Cleary Lawrence Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Cleary Margaret Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Cleary Patrick Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Cleere James Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Cleere Michael Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Clinch Catherine Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Clinch Catherine Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Clinch John Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Clinch Michael Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Codd Abraham Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Coleman Catherine Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Comerford Mary, Jr. Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Connor Anne Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Connor Bartholomew Castlequarter Kilrush Wexford Connor Bartholomew Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Connor Bartholomew Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Connor Bartholomew Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Connor John Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Connor Mary Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Connor Mary Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Connor Michael Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Connor Michael Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Connor Myles Castlequarter Kilrush Wexford Connor Myles Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Connor Patrick Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Connor Richard Curralane Oldtown Kilrush Wexford Connor Thomas Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Conoy Margaret Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Conroy John Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Cooper Thomas Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford Cosgrave Anne Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Cosgrave Mary Graiguemoe Kilrush Wexford Cosgrave Mary Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Cosgrave Michael Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Cosgrave Michael Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Cosgrave Patrick Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Cosgrave Robert Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Crimeen Stephen Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Crimeen Thomas Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Cuffe James Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Cuffe Thomas Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Daly Catherine Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Daly Michael Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Darcy Elizabeth Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Davis James Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Dawson Walter Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Dawson Walter Curralane Kilrush Wexford Deering John Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Denby Robert Raheen Kilrush Wexford Devereux Margaret Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Devereux Rev. Nicholas Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford Dickson James Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Dickson John Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Dixon Michael Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Donnelly William Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Doran Patrick Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Dormer Mary Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Doyle Anne Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Doyle Bartholomew Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Doyle Bryan Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Doyle James Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Doyle John Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Doyle Lawrence Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Doyle Margaret Ballycadden Lower Kilrush Wexford Doyle Margaret Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Doyle Martin Ballycadden Lower Kilrush Wexford Doyle Martin Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Doyle Martin Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Doyle Martin Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Doyle Mary Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford Doyle Matthew Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Doyle Michael Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Doyle Michael Lackendarragh Kilrush Wexford Doyle Myles Boolnadrum Kilrush Wexford Doyle Patrick Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Doyle Patrick Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Doyle Patrick Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Doyle Peter Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Doyle Thomas Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Doyle William Raheen Kilrush Wexford Ellis Catherine Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Farrell Peter Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Ferrar Samuel Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Fitzharris James Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Fitzhrris James, Jr. Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Fitzpatrick Elizabeth Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Fitzpatrick Joseph Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Fitzpatrick Thomas Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Fitzpatrick William Ballyandrew Kilrush Wexford Fitzpatrick William Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford French Rev. James Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford French Rev. James Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Gallahan John Ballycadden Upper Kilrush Wexford Gason Richard Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Giff George Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Greene George Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Greene John Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Greene Richard Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Grennan John Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Griffin John Ballycadden Lower Kilrush Wexford Grithin John Ballycadden Upper Kilrush Wexford Hanlon John Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Hanlon Mark Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Hanlon Peter Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Hanly Francis Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Hanly James Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Hanly Mary Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Hanly Moses Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford Hayes Anne Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Hayes Mary Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Hayes Michael Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Hegarty William Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Hickey Philip Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Hickey Philip, Jr. Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Hogan James Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Hogan John Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford Hughes Margaret Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Humphrey Margaret Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Jackman James Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Jackman Patrick Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Jackman Thomas Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford James Rebecca Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford James Thomas Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Kane Mary Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Kavanagh Charles Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Kearney Thomas Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Kearney William Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Keetle James Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Kehoe Martin Lackendarragh Kilrush Wexford Kehoe Mary Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Kehoe Myles Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Kehoe Patrick Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Kelly Matthew Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Kelly Patrick Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Kelly Thomas Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Kennedy Edward Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Kennedy Edward Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Kenny Bridget Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Kenny Daniel Curralane Kilrush Wexford Kenny Ellen Boolnadrum Kilrush Wexford Kenny Frances Curralane Kilrush Wexford Kenny John Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Kenny Martin Boolnadrum Kilrush Wexford Kenny Michael Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Kenny Michael Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Kenny Moses Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Kenny Patrick Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Kenny Patrick Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Kenny Thomas Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Kenny Thomas, Jr. Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Kenny William Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Kerivan John Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Kerivan Michael Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Kerivan Thomas Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Kidd John Raheen Kilrush Wexford Kinch Isaac Ballycadden Lower Kilrush Wexford Kinch Isaac Ballycadden Upper Kilrush Wexford Kinchela Arthur Raheen Kilrush Wexford Kinchela Margery Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Kinchela Michael Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Kinchela Patrick Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Lancaster Michael Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Lancaster Richard Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Lawler Peter Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Leary Edward Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Leary Michael Borris Kilrush Wexford Leary Patrick Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Leary Patrick Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Leary Sarah Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Leviston Ellen Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Leviston Ellen Borris Kilrush Wexford Leviston William Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Leviston William Borris Kilrush Wexford Leviston William Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Lewis George Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Lewis George Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Lewis John Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Lewis John Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Lewis William Castlequarter Kilrush Wexford Lewis William Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Lewis William Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Mahon Matthew Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Mahon Moses Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Mahon Thomas Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Maxwell Hon. Somt R. Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Mc Crea John Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Mc Crea John Knocknalour Kilrush Wexford Mc Guirk Michael Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Mernagh Lawrence Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Merryman Thomas Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford Meylard John Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Miller James Raheen Kilrush Wexford Minehin William Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Mitchel Catherine Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Mocker Judith Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Morris Mary Lackendarragh Kilrush Wexford Morris Michael Curralane Oldtown Kilrush Wexford Morris Philip Curralane Oldtown Kilrush Wexford Morris Simon Curralane Oldtown Kilrush Wexford Morrissey Joseph Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Muldowney Anne Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Murphy Bryan Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Murphy Catherine Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Murphy Catherine Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Murphy Daniel Craiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Murphy Daniel Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Murphy Edward Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Murphy Elizabeth Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Murphy Gregory Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Murphy James Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Murphy John Borris Kilrush Wexford Murphy John Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Murphy Mary Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Murphy Mary Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Murphy Michael Ballyandrew Kilrush Wexford Murphy Moses Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Murphy Patrick Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Murphy Patrick Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Murphy Robert Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Murphy Robert Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Murphy Robert Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Murphy Stephen Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Murphy Thomas Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Murphy William Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Murray Thomas D. Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Murray William Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Neill Moses Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Neill Myles Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Neill Phelim Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Nicholson Thomas Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Nolan Thaddens Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Anne Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Anne Raheen Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Arthur Castlequarter Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Bridget Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Denis Ballyandrew Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Denis Craiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Denis Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Edward Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Elizabeth Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Nowlan James Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Jeremiah Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Nowlan John Ballyandrew Kilrush Wexford Nowlan John Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Nowlan John Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Margaret Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Margaret Curralane Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Margaret Raheen Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Mary Lackendarragh Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Mary Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Meredith Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Michael Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Michael Ballycadden Upper Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Michael Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Moses Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Moses Knockaree Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Moses Raheen Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Patrick Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Patrick Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Patrick Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Richard Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Nowlan Thomas Raheen Kilrush Wexford O'Connor Owen Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford O'Neill Philip Boolnadrum Kilrush Wexford Page Abraham Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Page Anne Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Patterson Robert Castlequarter Kilrush Wexford Patterson Robert Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Pearse Francis Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Pearse William Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Perrin Stephen Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Plummer William Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford Power Patrick Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Redmond Anne Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Redmond Anne Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Redmond James Castlequarter Kilrush Wexford Redmond James Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Redmond Michael Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Redmond Sarah Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Redmond Thomas Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Reilly John Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Rice Bridget Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Rice Edward Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Rice William Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Rigley Benjamin Ballycadden Upper Kilrush Wexford Robinson Richard Ballyandrew Kilrush Wexford Roche Margaret Village 0f Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Roche Maurice Lackendarragh Kilrush Wexford Roche Michael Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Roche Michael, Jr. Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Roche Michl, Jr. Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Roche Patrick Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Roche Patrick, Jr. Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Roche Philip Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Rochford Michael Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Ronan Matthew Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Ronan Michael Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Ronan Myles Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Ronan Patrick Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Rookey James Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Rothwell John Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Rourke John Ballycadden Lower Kilrush Wexford Rourke John Boolnadrum Kilrush Wexford Rourke John Curralane Kilrush Wexford Rourke Philip Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Rourke Thomas Curralane Kilrush Wexford Ryan Catherine Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Seabrook William Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Shannon John Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Shannon Patrick Curralane Kilrush Wexford Sheddin Joseph Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Sheridan Francis Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Sheridan James Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford Sheridan James Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Sheridan James, Jr. Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Sheridan John Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Sheridan Mary Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Sheridan Michael Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Sheridan Nicholas Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Sheridan Patk Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Sheridan Patrick Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Sherlock James Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Sinnon Bridget Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Sinnott John Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Sinnott Martin Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Sinnott Michael Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Sinnott Michael Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Sinnott Patrick Ballaman Kilrush Wexford Sleddin Joseph Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Smyth Anne Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Somers Amobrose Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Somers William Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Strahan John Moneydurtlow Kilrush Wexford Sullivan James Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Sullivan John Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Sullivan Judith Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Thorpe Michael Knockanure Kilrush Wexford Thumpkin James Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Timmins Bridget Ballynaberny Kilrush Wexford Travers James Ballycadden Upper Kilrush Wexford Traynor Anne Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Traynor Edward Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Tully Bridget Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Tully Edward Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Tully Thomas Graiguebeg Kilrush Wexford Walsh Edward Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Walsh James Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford Walsh John Curraduff Kilrush Wexford Webster Rachel Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Weldon Margaret Gorteen Kilrush Wexford Wheeler George Ballinapark Kilrush Wexford Whelan Andrew Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Whelan Daniel Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Whelan Lawrence Village of Clohamon Kilrush Wexford Whelan Mary Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Whelan Michael Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Whelan Michael Borris Kilrush Wexford Whelan Michael Graiguemore Kilrush Wexford Whelan Patrick Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford Whelan Thomas Bolinahaney Kilrush Wexford Whelan Thomas Knocknalour Kilrush Wexford White Edward Ballyroebuck Kilrush Wexford White Edward Kiltilly Kilrush Wexford White Lawrence F. Ballyranken Kilrush Wexford