Fáilte Romhat
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Armstrong Rev. T. B. Glebe Meelnagh Wexford Bailie William Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Bayley Thomas Moneyboe Meelnagh Wexford Berry Anne Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Berry George Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Boardman Charles Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Bolton William Ballyduff Meelnagh Wexford Bolton William Ballyhigh Meelnagh Wexford Bolton William Ballyscough Meelnagh Wexford Bolton William Creemore Meelnagh Wexford Bolton William Island Meelnagh Wexford Breen Denis Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Breen Edward Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Breen Mary Bolaboyleg Meelnagh Wexford Breen Michael Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Brennan Elizabeth Bolaboyleg Meelnagh Wexford Brien Mary Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Brien Michael Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Brien Patrick Killagowan Meelnagh Wexford Bruen Frances Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Bruen Francis Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Bryan John Killagowan Meelnagh Wexford Bryan Patrick Ballingowan Meelnagh Wexford Bryan Patrick Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Bryan Peter Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Burke William Garra Meelnagh Wexford Burke William Kyle Little Meelnagh Wexford Burke William Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Byrne Patrick Killagowan Meelnagh Wexford Canavan Matthew Kilnew Meelnagh Wexford Carty Denis Ballynahask Meelnagh Wexford Cleary Andrew Ballingowan Meelnagh Wexford Cleary Thomas Ballingowan Meelnagh Wexford Coady Catherine Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Codd Nicholas Garrybran Meelnagh Wexford Colleton William Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Connolly Edward Ballytrasna Meelnagh Wexford Connolly Patrick Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Connor Martin Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Cooney Margaret Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Cooney Peter Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Cullen Edward Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Cullen Edward Ballytarsna Little Meelnagh Wexford Cullen Edward Glebe Meelnagh Wexford Cullen James Creemore Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey James Ballynahask Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey John Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey John Garrybran Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey John Kilnew Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey John Kyle Little Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey John Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey Michael Bolaboyleg Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey Myles Garra Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey Myles Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey Patrick Ballingowan Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey Patrick Killagowan Meelnagh Wexford Dempsey Thomas Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Dooley James Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Dooley Judith Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Dooley Mary Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Dooley Patrick Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Dooley Patrick Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Dooly Martin Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Dooly Martin Kyle Little Meelnagh Wexford Dooly Patrick Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Doran Andrew Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Dorsly James Kilnew Meelnagh Wexford Doyle Bridget Ballingowan Meelnagh Wexford Doyne Robert S. Moneyboe Meelnagh Wexford Duffy Margery Kilnew Meelnagh Wexford Edwards Edward Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Edwards Edward Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Fitzsimons Thomas Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Franklin Moses Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Freeman Joseph Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Frendergast Peter Glebe Meelnagh Wexford Goss John Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Goss John Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Guilfoyle John Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Hickey James Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Hickey Margaret Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Hunt John Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Kavanagh Michael Bolaboybeg Meelnagh Wexford Keegan Michael Killagowan Meelnagh Wexford Kehoe Myles Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Kehoe Thomas Ballynahask Meelnagh Wexford Kelly John Glebe Meelnagh Wexford Kelly Michael Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Kelly Patrick Bolaboyleg Meelnagh Wexford Kenny Bridget Meelnagh Meelnagh Wexford Kenny Michael Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Kergan Laurence Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Kerivan John Lowlough Meelnagh Wexford Kerivan Thomas Ballyhubbock Meelnagh Wexford Kirivan Garrett Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Lacy Laurence Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Lacy Lawrence Ballytarsna Little Meelnagh Wexford Lacy Lawrence Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Lateden William Glebe Meelnagh Wexford Leary Anne Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Leary Daniel Ballyscough Meelnagh Wexford Leary Lawrence Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Leary Mary Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Leary Myles Kilnew Meelnagh Wexford Leary Patrick Ballynahask Meelnagh Wexford Leary Patrick Kilnew Meelnagh Wexford Lee Oriell Kyle Little Meelnagh Wexford Lee Orlagh Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Lee Philip Garra Meelnagh Wexford Lee Philip Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Lieu Philip Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Lindon William Killagowan Meelnagh Wexford Magill Patrick Ballyhubbock Meelnagh Wexford Mitten John Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Morgan Mary Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Murphy Anne Garrybran Meelnagh Wexford Murphy Bartholomew Ballyduff Meelnagh Wexford Murphy James Kyle Little Meelnagh Wexford Murphy John Ballyduff Meelnagh Wexford Murphy John Kilnew Meelnagh Wexford Murphy John Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Murphy Martin Ballyduff Meelnagh Wexford Murphy Mary Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Murphy Matthew Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Murphy Matthew Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Murphy Michael Kyle Little Meelnagh Wexford Murphy Thomas Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Murphy William Ballyduff Meelnagh Wexford Murray Oliver Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Myden Luke Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Mydon James Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Mydon James Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Mydon Luke Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Newland Mary Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Nolan James Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Nowlan Luke Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Nowlan Michael Bolaboyleg Meelnagh Wexford Nowlan Nicholas Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Nowlan Timothy Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford O'Farrell Rev. Timothy Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Parle John Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford Parle Thomas Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Pender John Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Pender Mary Ballytrasna Little Meelnagh Wexford Phillips Bryan Ballyduff Meelnagh Wexford Phillips Bryan Garrybran Meelnagh Wexford Power James Kilnew Meelnagh Wexford Purcell James Moneyboe Meelnagh Wexford Rath John Killagowan Meelnagh Wexford Reade Thomas Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Redmond Johanna Kyle Little Meelnagh Wexford Reilly Michael Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Reilly Patrick Ballyscough Meelnagh Wexford Rice George Ballytarsna Little Meelnagh Wexford Rigley William Kilnew Meelnagh Wexford Rossiter Michael Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott David Ballytrasna Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Edward Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Ellen Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Garrett Ballytrasna Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott James Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Martin Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Myles Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Nicholas Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Nicholas Meelnagh Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Patrick Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Patrick Lowlough Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Peter Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Sinnott Robert Kyle Meelnagh Wexford Stephens Edward Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Stethem John Meelnagh Meelnagh Wexford Stethens John Glebe Meelnagh Wexford Stewart Richard Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Sutton John Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Sutton Patrick Ballytarsna Meelnagh Wexford Toole Patrick Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Wade Samuel Oulart Meelnagh Wexford Walker Moses Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Walsh Anne Bolaboymore Meelnagh Wexford Walsh Edward Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Walsh James Killagowan Meelnagh Wexford Walsh James Lowlough Meelnagh Wexford Ward Michael Toberlomina Meelnagh Wexford White Michael Garraun Meelnagh Wexford Wickham Elizabeth Garraun Meelnagh Wexford