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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newbawn, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Newbawn, County Wexford
Archbold Margaret Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Behan Ellen Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Bramly Thomas Raheenarostia Newbawn Wexford Breen John Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Brennan Denis Raheenarostia Newbawn Wexford Brennan James Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Brennan Sylvester Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Butler Thomas Carrigadaggan Newbawn Wexford Byrne James Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Byrne John Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Cahill John Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Cahill John Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Cain Bridget Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Canning Michael Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Canning Michael Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Carroll James Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Carroll Michael Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Carthy John Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Carthy John Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Carthy Michael Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Carthy Michael Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Carthy Michael Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Carty John Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Casey Edward Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Chandler Thomas Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Claney Thomas Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Clayton Richard C. B. Carrigadaggan Newbawn Wexford Clayton Richard C. B. Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Clayton Richard C. B. Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Clayton Richard C. B. Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Clayton Richard C. R. Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Clayton Richard. C. B. Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Cogley Denis Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Colfer Catherine Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Colfer Patrick Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Collins Andrew Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Comerford Laurence Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Connell James Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Connor Laurence Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Connor Patrick Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Cullen James Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Cullen James Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Cullen Michael Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Cullen Thomas Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Cullen William Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Curtis Bartholomew Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Curtis Patrick Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Delany John Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Delany John Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Delany John Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Devereux Patrick Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Dillon Daniel Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Doyle Catherine Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Doyle Catherine Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Doyle Daniel Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Doyle Denis Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Doyle Francis Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Doyle Francis, Jr. Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Doyle Henry Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Doyle James Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Doyle James Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Doyle James Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Doyle James Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Doyle James Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Doyle John Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Doyle Julia Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Doyle Luke Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Doyle Margaret Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Doyle Michael Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Doyle Michael Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Doyle Philip Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Doyle Philip Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Doyle Philip Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Doyle Thomas Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Doyle Willam Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Doyle William Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Doyle William Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Duffen Judith Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Dunne Darby Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Dunne Miley Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Dunphy Thomas Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Dunphy Thomas Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Dwyer Patrick Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Eustace John Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Evoy John Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Evoy John Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Evoy Mary Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Evoy Thomas Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Fardy Thomas Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Fenlon Michael Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Fitzgerald Patrick Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Fitzhenry Lawrence Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Foely Thomas Carrigadaggan Newbawn Wexford Foley Thomas Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Foley Thomas Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Forrestal Patrick Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Furlong Bridget Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Furlong James Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Furlong John Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Furlong Laurence Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Furlong Margaret Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Furlong Michael Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Furlong Rev. Nicholas Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Furlong William Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Furlong William Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Goggin James Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Grannan Michael Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Green Samuel Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Harvey John Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Heffernan Michael, Jr. Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Heffernan Michael, Sr. Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Holmes Michael Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Irwin Denis Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Irwin Lawrence Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Irwin Lawrence Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Jekale William Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Jordan John Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Kane Bryan Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Kane Denis Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Kane Mary Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Kane Michael Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Kavanagh John Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Keating Patrick Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Keating Patrick Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Keeffe Edward Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Keeffe Edward Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Kehoe Luke Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Kehoe Marin Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Kehoe Patrick Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Kelly Catherine Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Kenny David Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Kenny Michael Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Kenny Richard Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Kenny Simon Courthoyle New Newbawn Wexford Keogh James Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Keogh Martin Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Keogh Thomas Carrigadaggan Newbawn Wexford Keogh William Carrigadaggan Newbawn Wexford King James Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Kinsella Mary Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Kinsella William Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Lacy James Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Lawler Catherine Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Lawless Patrick Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Magrath Anastasia Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Magrath Lawrence Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Mc Gee Thomas Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Meskella James Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Meskill Edward Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Moore John Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Moran James Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Moran Margaret Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Morrissey Garrett Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Morrissey Walter Ballynagrallagh Newbawn Wexford Morrissy Willam Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Mullowney Patrick Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Murphy Anne Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Murphy Edard Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Murphy Ellen Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Murphy Hugh Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Murphy James Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Murphy John Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Murphy John Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Murphy John Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Murphy John Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Murphy Matthew Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Murphy Matthew Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Murphy Michael Carrigadaggan Newbawn Wexford Murphy Michael Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Murphy Nicholas Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Murphy Patrick Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Murphy Walter Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Murphy Walter Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Murphy William Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Myler James Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Nugent Patrick Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Nugent Richard Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford O'Farrell Edward R. Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Power Martin Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Quigley Mary Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Ready Andrew Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Redmond Daniel Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Redmond John Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Redmond John Raheenarostia Newbawn Wexford Redmond John Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Redmond Michael Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Redmond Nicholas Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Redmond Peter Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Redmond Philip Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Redmond Thomas Raheenarostia Newbawn Wexford Roche Patrick Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Rochford John Raheenahennedy Newbawn Wexford Rochford Thomas Courthoyle Old Newbawn Wexford Rossiter Tobias P. Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Rossiter Tobias P. Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Rourke Laurence, Jr. Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Rourke Laurence, Sr. Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Rourke Patrick Scullaboge Newbawn Wexford Ryan Peter Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Shannon Thomas Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Sheehan Maurice Raheevarren Newbawn Wexford Sheehan Patrick Ballyshannon Newbawn Wexford Sheenan John Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Stafford Richard Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Sweetman Peter Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Wade Matthew Newbawn Newbawn Wexford Wade Pierce Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Walsh John Brownstown Newbawn Wexford Wickham Eliza Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Wickham John Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Wickham John Raheenarostia Newbawn Wexford Wickham Martin Raheenarostia Newbawn Wexford Wickham Mary Raheenaclonagh Newbawn Wexford Wickham Patrick Raheenarostia Newbawn Wexford