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Allen Thomas Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford Allen William Latimerstown Rathaspick Wexford Allen William Starvehill Rathaspick Wexford Aylward Robert Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Bailey Thomas Whitestown Rathaspick Wexford Boggan John Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Boggan John Mullanour Rathaspick Wexford Boggan Laurence Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Breen Bridget Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Breene Thomas Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Browne James Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Browne James Mullanour Rathaspick Wexford Burrell Robert Hayestown Little Rathaspick Wexford Cahill Mary Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Carty Edmund Mullanour Rathaspick Wexford Carty Edward Scaughmolin Rathaspick Wexford Carty Nicholas Mullanour Rathaspick Wexford Carty Robert Mullanour Rathaspick Wexford Carty Robert Scaughmolin Rathaspick Wexford Clancy James Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Clancy Nicholas Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Clancy Nicholas Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Cleary John Fairfield Rathaspick Wexford Cleary John Kellystown Rathaspick Wexford Cleary John Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Cleary Patrick Whitestown Rathaspick Wexford Cleary Richard Kellystown Rathaspick Wexford Codd Ellen Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford Codd Richard Quanstown Rathaspick Wexford Codd Richard Whitestown Rathaspick Wexford Coleman Richard Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Colleton Martin Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Comerton Mary Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Commons ??? Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Connolly Martin Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Connolly Martin Mullanour Rathaspick Wexford Corish John Hayestown Little Rathaspick Wexford Corish Richard Hayestown Little Rathaspick Wexford Cosgrave Michael Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Crampton Mary Tenchspit Rathaspick Wexford Curran Martin Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Curran Michael Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Dalton Patrick Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford Devereux Bridget Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Doogan Anne Scaughmolin Rathaspick Wexford Doogan Mary Scaughmolin Rathaspick Wexford Doran James Latimerstown Rathaspick Wexford Doran James Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Doyle John Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Doyle Michael Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Doyle Patrick Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Doyle Samuel Mullanour Rathaspick Wexford Doyle Samuel Scaughmolin Rathaspick Wexford Dunne James Scaughmolin Rathaspick Wexford Dunne John Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Dunne John Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Edmonds Richard Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Edmonds Thomas Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Edmonds Thomas Scaughmolin Rathaspick Wexford Edmunds William Cribstown Rathaspick Wexford Ennis Francis Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Ennis Michael Cribstown Rathaspick Wexford Fergus John Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Fergus Thomas Starvehill Rathaspick Wexford Fielding Ellen Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Fitzharris Stephen Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Foley Moses Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Fortune Laurence Brookfield Rathaspick Wexford Fortune Laurence Hayestown Little Rathaspick Wexford Fortune Laurence, Jr. Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Fortune Lawrence Kellystown Rathaspick Wexford Fortune Lawrence Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Fortune Lawrence, Jr. Kellystown Rathaspick Wexford Furlong Andrew Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Furlong James Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Furlong John Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Furlong Matthew Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Furlong Nicholas Kellystown Rathaspick Wexford Furlong Philip Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Furlong William Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford Furlong William Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Hayden James Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Hayes James Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Hayes John Churchtown Rathaspick Wexford Hayes John Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Hogan John Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Hogan Nicholas Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Hogan Nicholas Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Hore Denis Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Hughes Margaret Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Jeffers John Cribstown Rathaspick Wexford Johnson Michael Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Johnston Andrew Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Kearney George Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Keegan William Hayestown Little Rathaspick Wexford Lacy Martin Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Lambert John Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Lewis John Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Madden William Hayestown Little Rathaspick Wexford Mahony Isaac Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Mahony James Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Mahony James Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Mc Bride James Latimerstown Rathaspick Wexford Merryman William Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Monaghan Hugh Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Morgan Hamilton K. G. Churchtown Rathaspick Wexford Morgan Hamilton K. G. Fortyacres Rathaspick Wexford Morgan Hamilton K. G. Johnstown Rathaspick Wexford Morgan Hamilton K. G. Knock Rathaspick Wexford Morgan Hamilton K. G. Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Morgan Hamilton K. G. Tenchspit Rathaspick Wexford Morris Judith Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Morris Mary Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Murphy Hannah Latimerstown Rathaspick Wexford Murphy James Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Murphy John Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford Murphy John Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Murphy John Starvehill Rathaspick Wexford Murphy Michael Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Newport Stephen Cribstown Rathaspick Wexford Nowlan James Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Pender Martin Bachelorshall Rathaspick Wexford Pereival Sarah Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Pierce Catherine Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford Power James Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Power Matthew Starvehill Rathaspick Wexford Quinn Patrick Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Redmond Catherine Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Redmond Francis Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Redmond Nicholas Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Restrick Margaret Hayestown Little Rathaspick Wexford Rice John Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford Richards Thomas Kellystown Rathaspick Wexford Richards Thomas Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Roche John Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Rossiter Anne Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Savage Nicholas Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Sinnott David Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Sinnott Michael Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Sinnott Thomas Redmondstown Rathaspick Wexford Smith Thomas Quanstown Rathaspick Wexford Stafford James Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Stafford John Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Stafford John Hayestown Little Rathaspick Wexford Stafford John Mullanour Rathaspick Wexford Stafford Lawrence Mullanour Rathaspick Wexford Stafford Nicholas Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Stafford Nicholas Mullanour Rathaspick Wexford Stafford Patrick Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Stafford Patrick Hayestown Great Rathaspick Wexford Stafford Patrick Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford Swan Gilbert Fairfield Rathaspick Wexford Swan Gilbert Rathaspick Rathaspick Wexford Walsh John Quanstown Rathaspick Wexford Whitty Anastasia Forth Commons Rathaspick Wexford Whitty Felix Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford Whitty John Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford Whitty Peter Moorfields Rathaspick Wexford