Fáilte Romhat
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Barry John Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Barry Richard Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Beatry David Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Bennett John Big Island St. Margarets Wexford Boggan John Ballare St. Margarets Wexford Boggan Michael Ballare St. Margarets Wexford Boggan Michael Birdstown St. Margarets Wexford Brien Edward Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Brien James Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Brien John Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Brien John Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Brien Mary Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Browne John Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Carberry Bryan Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Carberry Jn Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Carberry John Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Carberry Margery Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Carberry Patrick Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Carty Edward Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Carty James Big Island St. Margarets Wexford Cloke Mary Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Clooney Anastasia Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Clooney Mary Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Clooney Moses Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Clooney William Big Island St. Margarets Wexford Clooney William Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Codd George Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Colleton Michael Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Comons Mary Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Connolly Philip Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Connolly Winifred Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Connor Patrick Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Connor Susan Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Cookman Charles Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Cooney James Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Cooney Michael Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Creane John Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Creane John Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Cullen Catherine Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Cullen Johanna Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Cullen John Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Cullen John Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Cullen John Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Cullen Martin Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Cullen Patrick Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Curran Anne Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Curran George Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Curran John Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Curran John Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Curran Michael Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Dempsey Jeremiah Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Dempsey Peter Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Devereux James Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Devereux Nicholas Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Donohoe John Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Donohoe Michael Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Donohoe Simon Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Doyle Catherine Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Doyle James Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Doyle James Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Doyle John Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Doyle Mary Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Doyle Patrick Big Island St. Margarets Wexford Doyle Thomas Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Ennis John Drinagh St. Margarets Wexford Ennis Patrick Drinagh St. Margarets Wexford Fortune David Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Fortune Richard Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford French Richard Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford French William Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Gallagher Mary Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Golan John Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Golan William Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Golan Winifred Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Grannell John Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Grannell Thomas Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Hanson George Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Hanson William Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Hatchell Michael Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Hatchell William Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Hawkins Anthony Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Hayes George Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Hayes James Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Hayes William Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Hayes William The Raven St. Margarets Wexford Kavanagh Bridget Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Kavanagh Martin Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Keane Michael Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Keating Mary Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Keating Nicholas Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Kehoe Andrew Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Kehoe Eliza Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Kehoe John Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Kehoe Patrick Ballare St. Margarets Wexford Kehoe Patrick Birdstown St. Margarets Wexford Le Hunte George Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Leary Charles Big Island St. Margarets Wexford Leary James Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Leary John Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Leary Moses Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Leary Myles Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Love John Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Mc Keown Robert Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Miller Higgon Henry The Raven St. Margarets Wexford Mithen Michael Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Mithen William Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Morgan Hamilton K. G. Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Morris Jane Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Anthony Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Cecily Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Murphy George The Raven St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Henry Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Murphy James Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Murphy James Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Murphy James The Raven St. Margarets Wexford Murphy John The Raven St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Margaret Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Margaret Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Margaret Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Mary Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Matthew Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Maurice Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Michael Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Michael Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Nicholas Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Richard Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Richard The Raven St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Thomas Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Thomas Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Thomas Birdstown St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Thomas Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Thomas Cousinstown St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Thomas Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Murphy Timothy Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Murphy William Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Murphy William Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Neville Richard Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Neville Thomas Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Nunn Edward W. St. Margarets St. Margarets Wexford Petit William Drinagh St. Margarets Wexford Petit William Summertown St. Margarets Wexford Phillips Bridget Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Pierce Patrick Drinagh St. Margarets Wexford Reade John Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Reade William Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Redmond Garrett Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Redmond James Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Reilly John Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Reilly Mary Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Reynolds John Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Roach Moses Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Roche Walter Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Ryan Bridget Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Ryan Michael Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Ryan Patrick Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Ryan Thomas Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Scallan John Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Scallan Margaret Ballinesker St. Margarets Wexford Scallan Maryanne Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Scallan Maryanne Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Sinnott John Big Island St. Margarets Wexford Sinnott Mary Birdstown St. Margarets Wexford Sinnott Mary Glenbough St. Margarets Wexford Sinnott Matthew Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Sinnott Matthew Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Sinnott Matthew Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Sinnott Nicholas Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Sinnott Nicholas Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Sinnott William Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Stafford William Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Staples Nicholas Ballaghablake St. Margarets Wexford Talbot Edward Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Toole William Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Toole William Coolrainey St. Margarets Wexford Toole William Curracloe St. Margarets Wexford Toole William The Raven St. Margarets Wexford Waddin William Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford Waddy Joseph Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Walsh Nicholas Ballyknockan St. Margarets Wexford Walsh Nicholas Drinagh St. Margarets Wexford Walsh Richard Kilmacoe St. Margarets Wexford Webb Michael Barnahask St. Margarets Wexford White Alice Birdstown St. Margarets Wexford