Fáilte Romhat
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Abraham Myles Coolattin St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Abraham Myles Moyeady St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Archdall Rev. John Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Armstrong Anne Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Armstrong William Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Armstrong William Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Aspen James Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Atkins Frances Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Atkins Pierce Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Aylward Michael Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ball Thomas Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Barry Rev. Richard Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Barry Rev. Richard Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Black James Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Blake Robert Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bolger John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bolger John Moyeady St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bolger Michael Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bond Anthony Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bond Isaac Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bookey William Ellis' Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Boyce Lady Jane Clonyburn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Boyce Richard Dormer's Arch St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Boyce Thomas Boolycreen St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bradley Job Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brady Michael Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Breen Patrick Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Breen Thomas Ellis' Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Breen Thomas Mandorn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brennan Hugh Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brennan John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brennan Mary Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brennan Matthew Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brennan Matthew Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brennan Patrick Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brennan Patrick Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brennan Patrick Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brennan Thomas Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brennan Thomas Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bridges Rev. Henry B. Kilmacdermot St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brien William Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Brophy Edward Cashel St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bryan Anne Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bryan Ellen Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bryan Joseph Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bryan Mary Buffers Alley St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bryan Mary Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bryan Moses Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bryan Terence Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bryan William Camteige St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Bryne Mary Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Buckley William Buffers Alley St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Buckley William Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Charles Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Edward Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Elizabeth Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Joseph Boolynavoughran St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Joseph Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Luke Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Margaret Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Mary Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Patrick Boolynavoughran St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Redmond Coolgarrow St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Richard Irish Street, Enniscorthy St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Byrne Thomas Boolnavoughran St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Caffrey Ellen Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Canavan Martin Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Canning Anastasia Buffers Alley St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Canning Anastasia Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Carew Lord ??? Coolgarrow St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Carroll Martin Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Carty David Kilmacdermot St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Casey Richard Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Chapman Robert Tully's Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Claney Thomas Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cleer Patrick Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cody James Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cody Michael Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Coghlan Mary Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Comerford Mary Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Comerford Mary The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Comerford Patrick Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Comerford Patrick Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Comerford Patrick Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Comerton Robert Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connolly Honoria Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connolly Hugh Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connolly John Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connolly Michael Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor Anne Mandoran St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor Catherine Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor Denis Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor Edward Cashel St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor James Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor John Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor John Mandorn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor Moses Crann St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor Moses Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor Moses Killanure St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor Moses Mandorn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connor Patrick Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connors Denis Tully's Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connors James Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connors Margaret Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connors Margaret Perrin's Arch St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Connors Peter Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cooper James Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Corrigan Thomas Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cowan Teresa Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cowan William Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cowman Andrew Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cowman Michael Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cowman Michael Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cowman William Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Crane Judith Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Creane David Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Creane Patrick Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cregan Thomas Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cregan Thomas Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cuffe James Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cuffe John Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Cuffe Richard Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Curran James Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Curran John Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Curran John Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Curran Michael Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Curran Michael Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Curry James Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Curry James The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Curry Patrick Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dawson Thomas Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Deacon Alicia Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Deacon James Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Deacon Job Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Deacon John Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dempsey Daniel Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dempsey John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dempsey John Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dempsey Sylvester Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Devereux Marcus Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dillon Andrew Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dillon David Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dillon Edward Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dillon James Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dillon Redmond Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doheny Edward Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Donnelly John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Donnelly Thomas Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Donoghoe Mary Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Donohoe Bartholomew Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Donohoe George Cashel St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Donohoe Martin Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Donohoe Michael Moyeady St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Donohoe Patrick Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Donohoe Patrick Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Donohoe Patrick Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dormer Thomas The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dormond Thomas Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Andrew Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Andrew Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Andrew The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Anne Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Anne Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Anne Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Anne The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Arthur Boolnavoughran St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Bridget Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Bridget Killanure St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Catherine Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Catherine Cashel St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Daniel Boolynavoughran St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Eliza Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Elizabeth Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Elizabeth, Jr. Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Ellen Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle James Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle James Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle John Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle John Camteige St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle John Cashel St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle John Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Laurence Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Lawrence Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Marianne Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Martin Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Martin Cashel St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Mary Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Mary Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Michael Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Michael Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Michael Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Michael, Jr. Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Moses Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Moses Boolynavoughran St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Moses Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Moses, Jr. Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Myles Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Patrick Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Patrick Cashel St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Patrick Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Patrick Kennedy's Arch St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Patrick, Jr. Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Peter Boolynavoughran St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Doyle Thomas Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dunne Ellen Ellis' Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dunne John Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dunne Lawrence Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dunne Moses Moyeady St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dunne Patrick Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Durdin John Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Durwan Michael Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dwyer Mary Camteige St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dwyer Patrick Clonyburn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Dwyer Peter Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ellis Henry Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ellis John Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fannin John Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Farrell Hugh Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Farrell James Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Farrell Margaret Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Farrell Peter Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Farrell Richard Mandorn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Farrell Terence Buffers Alley St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Farrell William Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ferns Samuel Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Finn James Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Finn James The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Finn Michael Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Finn Thomas Killanure St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fitzpatrick Andrew Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fitzpatrick Edward Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fitzpatrick John Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fitzpatrick Laurence Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fitzpatrick Michael Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fitzpatrick Thomas The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fleming Edward Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley Charles Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley Elizabeth Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley Ellen Killanure St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley James Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley Laurence Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley Martin Kilmacdermot St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley Michael Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley Patrick Killanure St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley Thomas Killanure St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley Thomas Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Foley Thomas, Jr. Killanure St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fortune Alice Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fortune Garrett Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fortune Moses Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Fortune Thomas Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Furlong Anne Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Furlong Martin Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Furlong Martin Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Furlong Patrick Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Furlong Simon Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Furlong Thomas Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Furlong Thomas Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Furlong Thomas Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Furlong Thomas Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Furnell Samuel Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Geehan Hugh Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Gehan Hugh Buffers Alley St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Gehan Hugh Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Glynn Mary Coolgarrow St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Greene Hester Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Greene John Kennedy's Arch St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Greene John The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Greer Eliza Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Gregan Richard Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Guilbride Fran The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Guilbride Frs Ckurch Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Guilbride Frs Kennedy's Arch St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Guilbride Michl Ckurch Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Guilbride Michl Kennedy's Arch St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Guilbride Nicholas The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Handrick Judith Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hanlon John Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Harris John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Harvey William Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hayden Patrick Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hayes Richard Ellis' Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Healy James Tully's Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Heany William Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hendrick Moses Mandoran St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hendrick Moses Mandorn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hennessy Anastasia Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hickey Phelim Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan Edward The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan Ellen The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan John Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan John Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan John Coolattin St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan John Moyeady St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan John Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan Mary Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan Michael Coolattin St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan Michael Moyeady St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hogan Michael Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Holland Patrick Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hollywood Edward Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hore Charles Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hospital Fever Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Houghney John Kilmacdermot St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hughes Francis Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Humphreys William Camteige St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Hyland James Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Irvine Francis Market Square St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Irwin Frances Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Irwin Frances Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Jacob John Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Jacob Thomas Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Jakes John Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Jones John Market-Square St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Jones William Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Jones William Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Jordan Daniel Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Jordan John Boolynavoughran St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Jordan Michael Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kane Thomas Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh Alicia Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh Daniel Moyeady St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh Eliza Cashel St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh James Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh John Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh John Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh Moses Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh Patrick Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh Stephen Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kavanagh Thomas Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Keane Edward Kennedy's Arch St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Keane John Killanure St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kearns Ellen Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Keeffe John Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kehoe Michael Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kelly Bernard Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kelly James Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kelly James Market-Square St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kelly Murtagh Camteige St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kelly Patrick Coolattin St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kennedy Bridget Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kennedy Daniel Mandorn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kennedy John Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kennedy John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kennedy Patrick Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kenny Daniel Clonyburn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kenny Hugh Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kenny James Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kenny Michael Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Keogh Denis Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Keogh Patrick Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Keogh Patrick Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Keogh Patrick The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Keogh Peter Killanure St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Keogh Peter Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Keogh Peter The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kerrigan Robert Camteige St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kilbride Francis Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kinchin Alexander Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kines James Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kinsella Michael Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kirwan Edward Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Kirwan Patrick Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Lancaster Bridget Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Langford Richard The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Lawler Michael Buffers Alley St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Lawlor Edward Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Lawloy Lawrence Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Lennan Denis Coolattin St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Lennan John Kilmacdermot St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Lennan John Moyeady St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Letoler Mary Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Levingston William Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Long James Coolgarrow St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Long Patrick Coolgarrow St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford M Cutcheon William Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford M Loughlin Robert Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Maher Mary Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mahon Elizabeth Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Maxwell Hon. S. R. Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Maxwell Hon. S. R. Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Maxwell Hon. S. R. Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Maxwell Hon. S. R. The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Maxwell Richard Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mc Crea John Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mc Creagh John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mc Cutchen William Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mc Donnell John Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mc Donnell John The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mc Gray Robert Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mc Gray Robert Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mc Guinness Henry B. Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mc Keon Thomas Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mc Lane Isaac Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mernagh Patrick Camteige St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mernan Michael Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mitchell John Dormer's Arch St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mittins John Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Molloy Daniel Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Molloy Julia Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Moore James Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Moore Sarah The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Moorhead John The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Moran Matthew Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Morrissey David Coolattin St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Morrissey Elizabeth Coolattin St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Morrissey Elizbth, Jr. Coolattin St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Morrissey John Coolattin St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Morrissy James The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mountain James Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mowlan Dermot Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Mullally Mary Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Edward Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Elizabeth Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy John Camteige St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy John Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy John Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy John Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy John Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Laurence Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Mary Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Michael Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Patrick Coolattin St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Patrick Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Patrick Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Peter Clonyburn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Peter Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Peter Kennedy's Arch St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Peter The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Peter, Jr. Clonyburn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Stephen Mandorn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy Thomas Clonyburn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murphy William Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Murray Martin Tully's Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Neill Mary Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Neill Phelim Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Neill Philip Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Anne Tully's Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Edward The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Elizabeth Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan James Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan John Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Mary Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Mary The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Michael Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Moses Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Patrick Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Peter Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Peter Cashel St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Roger Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Nowlan Thomas Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Parslow George Enniscorthy St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Penton Augustus Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Perrin John The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Philips William Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Power Judith Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Power Robert Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Power Timothy Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Prandy Michael Market-Square St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Prandy Michael The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Pyers Barry Market-Square St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Rafter John Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ralph John Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ralph John The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ralph Marcus Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Redmond Anne Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Redmond Dermot Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Redmond James Mullanunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Redmond James Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Redmond Mary Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Redmond Michael Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Redmond Owen Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Redmond Philip Craan St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Redmond Richard Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Regan Bryan Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Regan Lawrence Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Roberts John Boolycreen St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Roberts John Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Roberts John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Roberts William Boolycreen St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Robinson Joseph Clonyburn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Roche Andrew Buffers Alley St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Roche Michael Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Roche William Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ryan Catherine Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ryan Charles The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ryan Margaret Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Ryan Mary Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Scott Thomas Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Shanahan Anne Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Shanahan Eliza Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Sheill Bridget Tully's Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Sherrad Rev. William Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Shore James Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Shore James Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Sing Dorothea Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Sinnott John Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Skelton Henry Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Skelton Michael Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Skelton Walter Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Sleator Mary Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Sledden Joseph Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Smith Mary Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Smith Michael Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Somers James Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Somers Judith Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Somers Mary Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Somers Mary Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Somers Patrick Mullaunnas Mear St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Somers Thomas Cashel St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Somers Thomas Kilmacdermot St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Somers Winifred Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Stanford Jaspar Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Stanford Joseph Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Staunton Jasper Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Stone Benjamin Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Storey Catherine Ballyphilip St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Sullivan Peter Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Sullivan Peter Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Sullivan Philip Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Tenant Thomas Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Tennent Thomas Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Tennent Thomas Ryland Upper St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Thompson John Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Thompson John Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Thornton Rev. Francis Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Thorp Catherine Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Thorpe Catherine Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Thorpe Samuel The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Timmins Michael Clonyburn St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Timmins Michael Glaslacken St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Tobin Margaret Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Tobin Michael Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Tobin Peter Cromoge St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Tully Edward Church Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Tumpin Michael Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Wall Edward Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Wall James Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Wall John Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Wall John Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Wall John Newtownbarry St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Wallace James Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Warren Robert Ryland Lower St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Watters John Ballyprecas St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Wheeler George Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Whelan Garrett Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Whelan John Coorduff St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Whelan Michael Irish Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Whelan Patrick Irish Street, Enniscorthy St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Wilkinson Eliza Chapel Lane St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Wilson James Market-Square St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Wilson James Ryland Street St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Young Mary Coolgarrow St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford Young William The Mall St. Marys Newtownbarry Wexford