Fáilte Romhat
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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Nicholas, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - St. Nicholas, County Wexford
Carberry Bridget Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Cash Thomas Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Connolly James Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Connors Matthew Garryhubbock St. Nicholas Wexford Connors Patrick Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Dempsey Daniel Killelan St. Nicholas Wexford Dempsey Lawrence Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Dempsey Patrick Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Doran Bridget Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Doran John Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Dunne John Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Duran John Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Gray John Turkyle St. Nicholas Wexford Handrick Patrick Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Hatchell John Killelan St. Nicholas Wexford Howlin Thomas Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Keegan William Garryhubbock St. Nicholas Wexford Kehoe Marianne Careylough St. Nicholas Wexford Lacy Owen Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Lacy Thomas Turkyle St. Nicholas Wexford Leary James Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Leary James Turkyle St. Nicholas Wexford Leary Moses Turkyle St. Nicholas Wexford Mande Robert Garryhubbock St. Nicholas Wexford Martin James Garryhubbock St. Nicholas Wexford Mc Cartney Robert Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Mc Hugh James Turkyle St. Nicholas Wexford Mc Keon Nicholas Killelan St. Nicholas Wexford Murphy Moses Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Neville John Bishopland St. Nicholas Wexford Neville John Glebe St. Nicholas Wexford Neville William Killelan St. Nicholas Wexford Parker James Killelan St. Nicholas Wexford Parker Owen Killelan St. Nicholas Wexford Power Michael Turkyle St. Nicholas Wexford Quirk Patrick Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Quirke Thomas Garryhubbock St. Nicholas Wexford Rath James Bishopland St. Nicholas Wexford Redmond Anastasia Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Roche Bridget Killelan St. Nicholas Wexford Roche John Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Roche Patrick Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Ronan John Turkyle St. Nicholas Wexford Rorke Martin Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Sinnott Anne Killelan St. Nicholas Wexford Stafford John Garrylough Upper St. Nicholas Wexford Whelan Patrick Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford Whelan William Garrylough Lower St. Nicholas Wexford