Fáilte Romhat
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Barrett Nicholas Ecclestown Tacumshin Wexford Barrington John Ballymacane Tacumshin Wexford Barry John Ballyhiho Tacumshin Wexford Barry John Yoletown Tacumshin Wexford Boggan Thomas Ballytory Upper Tacumshin Wexford Bolger Daniel Rathrolan Tacumshin Wexford Bolger James Furziestown Tacumshin Wexford Bolger Richard Furziestown Tacumshin Wexford Boxwell Francis Millknock Tacumshin Wexford Breen James Heaths Tacumshin Wexford Burke Daniel Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Burville Edward Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Butler Mary Cotts Tacumshin Wexford Campfield Ellen Churchtown Tacumshin Wexford Cardiff Laurence Furziestown Tacumshin Wexford Cardiff Michael Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Cardiff Stephen Tacumshin Tacumshin Wexford Codd Francis Ballytory Lower Tacumshin Wexford Codd Francis Ballytory Upper Tacumshin Wexford Codd James Ballymacane Tacumshin Wexford Codd James Primestown Tacumshin Wexford Codd Nicolas Yoletown Tacumshin Wexford Connor Patrick Faythe Tacumshin Wexford Connor Patrick Furziestown Tacumshin Wexford Corish Francis Churchtown Tacumshin Wexford Corish James Churchtown Tacumshin Wexford Cotton William Hilltown Tacumshin Wexford Cousins Nicholas Heaths Tacumshin Wexford Cousins Patrick Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Cousins Patrick Cumshinstown Tacumshin Wexford Crove Margaret Muckstown Tacumshin Wexford Dempsey Michael Hilltown Tacumshin Wexford Devereux Michael Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Devereux Nicholas Ballytory Upper Tacumshin Wexford Devereux Nicholas Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Devereux Patrick Churchtown Tacumshin Wexford Devereux Thomas Furziestown Tacumshin Wexford Doyle John Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Doyle Sarah Ballyhiho Tacumshin Wexford Doyle Thomas Cotts Tacumshin Wexford Doyle Thomas Rostonstown Tacumshin Wexford Doyle Thomas Rostonstown Burrow Tacumshin Wexford Doyle William Bennettstown Tacumshin Wexford Edmunds John Bennettstown Tacumshin Wexford Fennelly James Hardyglass Tacumshin Wexford Fortune James Bunargate Strand Tacumshin Wexford Fortune James Bunargater Tacumshin Wexford Fortune James Rostonstown Burrow Tacumshin Wexford Furlong James Furziestown Tacumshin Wexford Furlong James Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Furlong Nicholas Ballymacane Tacumshin Wexford Furlong Richard Churchtown Tacumshin Wexford Gaffard Catherine Ballymurry Tacumshin Wexford Gaffard Catherine Grogan Tacumshin Wexford Gaffard Catherine Grogan Burrow Tacumshin Wexford Gaffard Patrick Grogan Tacumshin Wexford Gaffard Patrick Grogan Burrow Tacumshin Wexford Gaffard Peter Ballymurry Tacumshin Wexford Gaffard Peter Hardyglass Tacumshin Wexford Gaffard William Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Greene Matthew Hilltown Tacumshin Wexford Grendon Roger Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Hanton Michael Reedstown Tacumshin Wexford Harrison John Hardyglass Tacumshin Wexford Hayes Mary Tacumshin Tacumshin Wexford Hayes Robert Bennettstown Tacumshin Wexford Hearne Anastasia Ballyhiho Tacumshin Wexford Hearne Anastasia Fence Tacumshin Wexford Hore Nicholas Bennettstown Tacumshin Wexford Howlin James Ballymacane Tacumshin Wexford Jeffares William Furziestown Tacumshin Wexford Jeffares William Heaths Tacumshin Wexford Jeffers Isaac Ballymacane Tacumshin Wexford Jones James Ballymacane Tacumshin Wexford Jones James Bennettstown Tacumshin Wexford Jones James Cumshinstown Tacumshin Wexford Keane Alice Hilltown Tacumshin Wexford Kehoe John Heaths Tacumshin Wexford Kehoe Joseph Rathrolan Tacumshin Wexford Kehoe Joseph Ring Tacumshin Wexford Kehoe Martin Ballymacane Tacumshin Wexford Kehoe Richard Bennettstown Tacumshin Wexford Kehoe Richard Cumshinstown Tacumshin Wexford Kehoe Thomas Cumshinstown Tacumshin Wexford Kellan Arthur Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Kinsella James Rathshillane Tacumshin Wexford Maguire William Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Mahon James Reedstown Tacumshin Wexford Mc Cabe Mary Millknock Tacumshin Wexford Mc Cabe Sarah Fence Tacumshin Wexford Mc Grath Philip Reedstown Tacumshin Wexford Meyler James Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Meyler John Ballytory Upper Tacumshin Wexford Meyler John Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Moore Thomas Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Moran James Fence Tacumshin Wexford Moran Michael Bennettstown Tacumshin Wexford Moran Thomas Fence Tacumshin Wexford Morris Michael Rathshillane Tacumshin Wexford Morris Peter Ballyhiho Tacumshin Wexford Morris William Rathshillane Tacumshin Wexford Murhy William Reedstown Tacumshin Wexford Murphy Ellen Rathshillane Tacumshin Wexford Murphy James Ballytory Upper Tacumshin Wexford Murphy John Muckstown Tacumshin Wexford Murphy John Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Murphy Joseph Cumshinstown Tacumshin Wexford Murphy Nicholas Ballyhiho Tacumshin Wexford Murphy Peter Ballytory Upper Tacumshin Wexford Murphy William Faythe Tacumshin Wexford Murphy William Hilltown Tacumshin Wexford Murphy William Reedstown Tacumshin Wexford Neill James Hilltown Tacumshin Wexford Parle Bridget Ballyhiho Tacumshin Wexford Parle James Hilltown Tacumshin Wexford Parle Stephen Ringknock Tacumshin Wexford Pender Michael Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Pierce Andrew Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Pierce John Churchtown Tacumshin Wexford Pierce Thomas Churchtown Tacumshin Wexford Potts Alice Reedstown Tacumshin Wexford Rackard William Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Rackard William Sigginstown Island Great Tacumshin Wexford Rackard William Sigginstown Islandlittle Tacumshin Wexford Rackard William, Jr. Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Radford James Hardyglass Tacumshin Wexford Radwell Benjamin Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Reville Peter Ballymurry Tacumshin Wexford Reville Peter Ecclestown Tacumshin Wexford Reville Peter Grogan Tacumshin Wexford Reville Peter Grogan Burrow Tacumshin Wexford Rochford John Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Roe James Yoletown Tacumshin Wexford Ronan James Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Ronan Michael Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Rossiter Denis Churchtown Tacumshin Wexford Rossiter James Ballymacane Tacumshin Wexford Rossiter James Ringknock Tacumshin Wexford Rossiter John Ballytory Lower Tacumshin Wexford Rossiter Matthew Ballyhiho Tacumshin Wexford Rossiter Patrick Hilltown Tacumshin Wexford Rossiter Richard Muckstown Tacumshin Wexford Ryan Henry Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Ryan Patrick Hilltown Tacumshin Wexford Sane Patricia Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Scall Thomas Hilltown Tacumshin Wexford Scallan Mary Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Seyton John Churchtown Tacumshin Wexford Seyton John Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Sinnott Margaret Tacumshin Tacumshin Wexford Sinnott Patrick Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Sinnott Patrick, Jr. Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Sinnott William Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Sinnott William Sigginstown Island Great Tacumshin Wexford Stafford James Ballymacane Tacumshin Wexford Stafford James Millknock Tacumshin Wexford Stafford Jasper Ballymacane Tacumshin Wexford Stafford Jasper Grogan Tacumshin Wexford Stafford Jasper Grogan Burrow Tacumshin Wexford Stafford Walter Tacumshin Tacumshin Wexford Stafford William Ballyhiho Tacumshin Wexford Stafford William Fence Tacumshin Wexford Thomas William Coldblow Tacumshin Wexford Thomas William Cumshinstown Tacumshin Wexford Tierney James Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Underwood Benjamin Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Underwood Catherine Ballysampson Tacumshin Wexford Wallace Anthony Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford Walsh Nicholas Bunargate Strand Tacumshin Wexford Walsh Nicholas Rostonstown Tacumshin Wexford Walsh Nicholas Rostonstown Burrow Tacumshin Wexford Whitty Ellen Cotts Tacumshin Wexford Wilson John Sigginstown Tacumshin Wexford