Fáilte Romhat
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Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tellarought, County Wexford
Griffiths Valuation of Ireland - Tellarought, County Wexford
Archbold John Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Barron Bridget Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Brien Laurence Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Bryan Laurence Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Condon David Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Condon Patrick Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Cooney Patrick Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Finn Wiliam Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Fitzgerald John Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Foley Henry Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Freney James Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Freney James Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Freney John Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Hanlon Michael Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Kavanagh James Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Kavanagh Thomas Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Kavanagh Thomas, Jr. Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Kent John Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Kent Martha Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Kent Martin Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Kent Matthew Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Kent Michael Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Kent Simon Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Lambert Henry Aclamon Tellarought Wexford M Grath Peter Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Maddock Philip Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Meany Martin Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Meany Pierce Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Mernagh Bridget Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Murphy Bridget Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Murphy Jeremiah Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Murphy Jeremiah, Jr. Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Murphy John Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Murphy Mary Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Murphy Michael Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Murphy Patrick Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Murphy Patrick Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Murphy Thomas Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Power Michael Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Power Thomas Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Quinn Moses Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Redmond Daniel Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Reilly James Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Ryan Michael Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Ryan Patrick Aclamon Tellarought Wexford Sinnott Henry Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Stafford John Tellarought Tellarought Wexford Walsh Mogue Aclamon Tellarought Wexford