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Armstrong Samuel Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Armstrong Samuel Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Armstrong Samuel Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Ayers David Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bailey Daniel Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Baker William Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Barlow Arthur C. Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Barney Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Barry Thomas Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Beale Anne Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Beale John Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Beale John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bent Anne Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bishop John Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Bobier Joshua Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bobier Saml. Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Bobier Samuel Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Bobier Samuel Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bobier Thomas Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Bobier Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bobier Thos. Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Boggan Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bolger James Ballynabarny Templeshannon Wexford Bolger John Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Bolger Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Boyan Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Boyan Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Boyle Edward Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Breen John Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Breen John Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Breen John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Breen Patrick Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Breen Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Breene James Ballydawmore Templeshannon Wexford Brennan James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Brennan John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Brien John Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Brien John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Brien Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Brien Moses Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Brien Moses Crefoge Templeshannon Wexford Brien Moses Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Brien Richard Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Brien William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Britt Patrick Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Britt Thomas Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Browne Humphrey Crefoge Templeshannon Wexford Browne Mary Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Browne Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Browne Rev. D. Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Browne Rev. Denis Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bryan Catherine Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bryan Denis Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bryan John Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Bryan Murtagh Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bryan Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bryne Myles Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Bulger Thomas Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Bulger Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Byran Eliza Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Edward Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Edward Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Edward Tn. Enniscorthy, The Shann Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Ellen Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Byrne John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Byrne John Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Byrne John Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Byrne John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Mary Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Myles Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Myles Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Patrick Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Timothy Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Byrne Timothy Tn. Enniscorthy, Craheen Rd Templeshannon Wexford Byron Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Canavan John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Carley John Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Carroll James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Carroll John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Carroll Joseph Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Carroll Joseph Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Carroll Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Carroll Sparrow Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Carthy Celia Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Carton Hugh Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cash Andrew Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cleary James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cleary John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cleary Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cleary Rosanna Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Clifford Thomas Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Clooney William Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Codd Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cody James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cody John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cogley Edward Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Cogley Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Collins John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Collins William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Commons Jane Corbally Templeshannon Wexford Connolly Anne Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Connoly Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Connor David Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Connor John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Connor Joseph Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Connor Margaret Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Connor Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Connor Michael Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Connor Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Connors Catherine Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Connors David Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Connors John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Connors Joseph Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Connors Patrick Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Connors Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Conry John Crefoge Templeshannon Wexford Cooke John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Cooney John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Copeland Benjamin Aughnagalley Templeshannon Wexford Copeland Benjamin Crefoge Templeshannon Wexford Copeland Henry Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Copeland Henry Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Copeland James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Copeland John Aughnagalley Templeshannon Wexford Copeland Margaret Aughnagalley Templeshannon Wexford Corrigan Martin Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Corrigan Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cosgrave John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Crampton John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Crampton Samuel Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Cranfield Thomas G. Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Craven Richard Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Cremen Maurice Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Crowley John Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Crozier William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Crumpton John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cullen James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cullen John Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Cullen John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Cullen Luke Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Cullen Mary Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Cullen Matthew Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Cummins Thomas Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Cunningham Justin Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Curran David Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Daly Catherine Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Daly Edward Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Daly George Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Davis Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Death Edward Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Deegan John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Dempsey James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Dempsey Patrick Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Dempsey Thomas Tomnafunshoge Templeshannon Wexford Dempsy Peter Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Devereux James Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Devereux Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Devereux Richard Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Dixon Peter Crefoge Templeshannon Wexford Dolger Daniel Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Donnell Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Donnell William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Donnelly Patrick Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Donnelly William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Donoghoe Catherine Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Donohoe Mary Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Doran James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doran Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Dowd Denis Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Dowd Laurence Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Dowd Lawrence Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Dowd William Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Anthony Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Antony Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Elizabeth Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle James Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Doyle James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle John Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Doyle John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Lawrence Ballynabarny Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Lawrence Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Margaret Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Margaret Tomnafunshoge Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Martin Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Maurice Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Rachel Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Thomas Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Doyle Willam Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Doyle William Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Doyle William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Dunne Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Ennis Gregory Corbally Templeshannon Wexford Farrell Martin Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Farrell William Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Fenlon Alicia Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Ferris Peter Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Fitzhenry Samuel Ballynabarny Templeshannon Wexford Fitzpatrick James Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Fitzpatrick William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Fitzsmmons Meredith Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Flynne Matthew Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Foley Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Fortune William Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Frances Margaret Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Freeman Mary Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Fry John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Furlong John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Furlong Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Gahan Nicholas Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Gahan Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Gallagher John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Godfrey Charles Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Goff Bartholomew Tomnafunshoge Templeshannon Wexford Goff Bartholomew, Jr. Tomnafunshoge Templeshannon Wexford Goff Edward Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Goff Edward Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Goff Edward Tomnafunshoge Templeshannon Wexford Goff Stephen Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Gormon Michael Crefoge Templeshannon Wexford Grannell Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Grannell William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Grant Henry Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Greene Anne Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Greene John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Greene Rev. Walter Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Hanly Elizabeth Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Harpur Michael Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Harris Edward Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Harris Philip Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Hatchell John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Hawkins Catherine Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Hawkins John Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Hawkins John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Hay William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Hayden Lawrence Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Hegarty Hugh Ballynabarny Templeshannon Wexford Hinto John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Hogan John Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Hogan Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Hollingsworth Samuel Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Hudson Richard Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Hyland Denis Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Jackson Anne Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Jordan Daniel Crefoge Templeshannon Wexford Jordan Dorothea Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Jordan Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kavanagh Daniel Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Kavanagh Francis Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Kavanagh John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kavanagh Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kavanagh Sarah Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kavanagh Terence Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kavanagh Thomas Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Keating Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Keefe Daniel Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Keeffe Arthur Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Keenan Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kehoe Martin Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kehoe Myles Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Kelly Denis Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kelly Matthew Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Kelly Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kendrick Catherine Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kenny Catherine Tomnafunshoge Templeshannon Wexford Kenny Lawrence Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Kenny Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kent Edward Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Keogh John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Keogh Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Keogh William Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Kerivan James Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Kinchela John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kinchella John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Kinchella Morgan Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Kirley James Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Lacy Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Laferty Martin Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Laffan Elizabeth Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Laffan James Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Laffan Michael Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Laffan Patrick Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Laffan Pierce Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Lawler John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Leary John Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Leary Joseph Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Leary Mary Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Leary Patrick Corbally Templeshannon Wexford Leary Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Leary Peter Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Lett Edward Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Lett Samuel Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Lett Stephen Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Little James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Love James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Maddock Edward Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Magee Sarah Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Maguire Edward Corbally Templeshannon Wexford Maguire John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Maher John Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Maher John Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Maher William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Mahony Catherine Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Malone Edward Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Malone Francis Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Malone James Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Martin Edward Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Martin James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Martin Thomas Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Martin Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Mc Bride John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Mc Daniel James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Mc Daniel Michael Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Mc Donnell William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Mc Guire James Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Mc Kie Elizabeth Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Mc Mahon Ross Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Mechan John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Mernan Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Middleton James Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Miller James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Moche William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Monaghan Patk. Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Monaghan Patrick Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Moon John Ballynabarny Templeshannon Wexford Mooney John Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Morehouse Elizabeth Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Morrison John Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Morrison John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Mullett Matthew Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Anstasia Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Catherine Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Edward Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Elizabeth Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Murphy James Clolourish Templeshannon Wexford Murphy James Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Murphy John Ballydawmore Templeshannon Wexford Murphy John Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Murphy John Crefoge Templeshannon Wexford Murphy John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Murphy John Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Murphy John Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Murphy John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Joseph Tomnafunshoge Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Lawrence Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Margaret Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Mark Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Martin Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Mary Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Matthew Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Matthew Corbally Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Nicholas Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Nicholas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Patrick Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Peter Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Thomas Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Thomas Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Thomas Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Murphy Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Neill Bryan Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Neill John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Neill Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Neill William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Nelson John Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Nelson John Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Nelson John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Nowlan Daniel Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Nowlan Ellen Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Nowlan Lawrence Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Nuzum George Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Nuzum George Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Nuzum George Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Nuzum George The Shannon,Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford O'Connors Jon Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Odum Michael Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Owens Robert Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Perrin Edward Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Phelan Edward Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Philbin John Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Philips Robert Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Pierce Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Pierce Timothy Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Pope Matthew Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Porter James Aughnagalley Templeshannon Wexford Portsmouth ??? Corbally Templeshannon Wexford Portsmouth ??? Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Pounder George Tomnafunshoge Templeshannon Wexford Pounder William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Power James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Prendergast Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Preston Alexander Salville or Motabeg Templeshannon Wexford Preston Rep. George Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Preston Rev. Plunket Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Proctor Mary Corbally Templeshannon Wexford Quinn Nicholas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Quirk Michael Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Quirke Thomas Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Redmond Anne Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Redmond Bridget Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Redmond Edward Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Redmond James Corbally Templeshannon Wexford Redmond James Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Redmond Patrick Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Redmond Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Redmond Rep. Wm. Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Redmond Thomas Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Redmond William Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Redmond William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Ridley James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Roberts Joshua Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Roche John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Roche Moses Kilpierce Templeshannon Wexford Roche Patrick Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Roche Patrick J. Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Roche Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Roe Michael Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Ronan Margaret Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Rourke Lawrence Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Rowsam John Tomnafunshoge Templeshannon Wexford Rudd Dorothea Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Rudd Richard Ballynabarny Templeshannon Wexford Rudd Susan Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Rudd Thomas Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Ryan Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Rynehart John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Sadlier Thomas Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Scott John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Sheil Catherine Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Sheil James Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Sheil Mary Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Shernethy Henry Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Sinnott Catherine Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Sinnott Michael Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Sinnott Peter Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Sinnott Sarah Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Sly Edward Ballynabarny Templeshannon Wexford Smiith Eliza Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Smith John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Smith Richard Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Somers Anne Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Sparrow George C. Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Sparrow George C. Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Squirrel Anna M. Aughnagalley Templeshannon Wexford Stacey John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Stafford Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Stafford Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Steacy John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Styles John Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Sullivan John Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Templeton Peter Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Thompson Alfred Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Thompson Alfred G. Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Thompson Jane Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Thompson Rep. Thos. Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Tobin Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Toole Denis Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Toole John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Toole Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Toole Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Toole Tobias Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Vardy Anne Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Vardy Mary Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Vardy Richard Brownswood Templeshannon Wexford Wallace William J. Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Walsh John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Walsh Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Walsh Peter Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Walsh Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Ward Edward Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Ward James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Waters Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Watkins Richard Ballynabarny Templeshannon Wexford Watters John Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Watters Thomas Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Weyer John Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Whelan Catherine Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Whelan James Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Whelan Patrick Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford Whelan Patrick Enniscorthy Templeshannon Wexford Whelan Patrick Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Whibby William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford White Margaret Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford White Samuel Clonhasten Templeshannon Wexford Whitty Michael Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Willaims Thomas Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Williams Henry Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Williams Richard Killagoley Templeshannon Wexford Wilson William Templeshannon Templeshannon Wexford Woods James Drumgold Templeshannon Wexford